
    Stanford Professor Teaches You The SCIENCE OF DECISION MAKING & How to Make HARD CHOICES Easier | Susan Liautaud

    enJuly 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Considering Ethical Decisions with the OK FrameworkThe OK Framework helps us make informed decisions by considering our principles, gathering information, evaluating outcomes, and maintaining ethical character.

      Making ethical decisions goes beyond having a belief system and requires a deliberate framework. Susan Liautaud introduced the OK Framework, which includes four words: principles, information, outcomes, and character. Principles refer to our personal values or beliefs, while information involves understanding the facts before making a decision. Outcomes are the consequences of our actions, and character is our ethical disposition. By considering these elements, we can make informed decisions that align with our ethical principles and desired outcomes. Additionally, using tools like Lumen for personal health and Shopify for business growth can help us make better decisions and reach our goals. Remember, ethics is not about judgment or blame, but about living life well and making good decisions.

    • Considering Information, Stakeholders, and Consequences in Decision MakingWhen making decisions, ensure you have all necessary information, consider the impact on stakeholders, and weigh the short-term and long-term consequences.

      When making decisions, it's crucial to consider the principles of information, stakeholders, and consequences. Information refers to having all the necessary details to make an informed decision, and being aware of any gaps that need to be filled. Stakeholders are anyone or anything affected by the decision, and in today's interconnected world, the impact can be far-reaching. Consequences should be thought of in multiple time frames, considering both short-term and long-term effects. It's essential to weigh the importance and irreparability of each consequence when making decisions. By keeping these principles in mind, we can navigate complex decisions with clarity and confidence.

    • Understanding principles, considering consequences, and recognizing complexity in ethical decision-makingEffective ethical decision-making requires living by principles, identifying a clear North Star, and navigating the complexities of edge cases.

      Navigating ethical decision-making involves understanding principles, considering consequences, and recognizing the complexity of edge cases. While having principles is essential, it's not enough to simply claim them; living by them is crucial. Companies, like Boeing and Uber, serve as examples of this concept, as Boeing had excellent principles but failed to uphold them, while Uber's principles were vague. To make effective decisions, it's essential to identify a clear North Star, a guiding principle that shapes our actions. My North Star is reducing human suffering and promoting fulfillment, while yours is ethical decision-making tethering us to our humanity. The most challenging ethical question I've encountered was determining the moral implications of using AI to create deepfakes, manipulating people's emotions and potentially causing harm. This issue highlights the need for clear guidelines and a strong ethical compass in the rapidly evolving technological landscape.

    • Navigating the complex issue of free speech vs. reducing human sufferingDefine goals, be humble, stay paranoid about being right, and focus on practicing difficult problem-solving to minimize human suffering and promote individual fulfillment.

      Navigating the complex issue of free speech versus reducing human suffering requires humility and careful consideration. While there are certain instances where binary thinking is necessary to address harmful speech and actions, such as racism and inciting violence, the issue of free speech vs. treating each other with respect is a difficult problem that affects us all on a global scale. To approach this issue effectively, it's important to define our goals, be humble in our thinking, and be paranoid about whether we are right. By keeping our North Star in mind, staying humble, and being aware of potential biases, we can work together to find solutions that minimize human suffering and promote individual fulfillment. It's important to remember that this is a complex issue, and no one has all the answers. Instead, we should focus on practicing how to think through difficult problems and being open to new perspectives.

    • Understanding complex issues like free speech with humility and the Overton windowApproach complex issues with humility, learn from mistakes, and use the Overton window to clarify boundaries in a nuanced way, while being mindful of the challenges posed by social media's instant mob mentality.

      When tackling complex issues like free speech, it's crucial to approach them with humility and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Additionally, understanding the concept of the Overton window – the acceptable range of discourse in a given society – can help clarify where to draw lines and find areas of agreement. However, the instant mob mentality fueled by social media can make it challenging to deal with these issues effectively, as statements can quickly escalate into widespread reactions, making it difficult to determine what is beyond the pale and what is a clear and present danger. The Supreme Court is still grappling with these complexities, highlighting the need for ongoing dialogue and a nuanced understanding of the implications of free speech in the digital age.

    • Defining and enforcing free speech boundaries in the digital ageThe Overton window, which represents acceptable ideas, is complex to define and enforce. Inciting violence vs free speech is blurred. Corporations influence speech distribution, and technology spreads ideas contagiously. Deciding where to draw lines on acceptable speech is contentious, with disagreement on what constitutes harm or illness.

      The boundaries of free speech are becoming increasingly complex in the age of social media and corporate influence. The Overton window, which represents the range of ideas that are socially and politically acceptable, is difficult to define and enforce. The lines are blurred when it comes to inciting violence versus exercising free speech. Additionally, corporations have an outsized influence on speech distribution, and technology makes ideas spread virulently and contagiously. Deciding where to draw the lines on acceptable speech is a contentious issue, with many arguing that individuals do not have the right to expose others to harm or illness. However, this is a nuanced issue, as what constitutes harm or illness is not always agreed upon. These complexities make the problem of defining and enforcing free speech boundaries intractable.

    • The Emotional Toll of COVID-19 Vaccine Allergies and Changing Definitions of Serious IllnessesThe COVID-19 pandemic has brought up complex issues around vaccines, illness definitions, and free speech. Emotional tolls from vaccine allergies and shifting illness perceptions can lead to isolation and disagreements. Navigate these issues with empathy, understanding, and a commitment to facts and democratic ideals.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has led to complex and nuanced issues surrounding vaccinations, definitions of serious illnesses, and free speech. One individual discussed the emotional toll of being unable to get vaccinated due to high allergies, leading to a two-and-a-half year isolation. The definition of serious illnesses and the perceived seriousness of COVID-19 have shifted, leading to disagreements and different risk reward calculations. Free speech is another complicated issue, with the importance of acknowledging scientific facts and allowing diverse viewpoints, while also addressing the rise of authoritarianism and abhorrent speech. The individual also touched on cancel culture, which started in a positive place but has led to a divide between compassion and personal responsibility. From an evolutionary perspective, these differences can be seen as necessary for the survival and strength of a tribe or society. It's crucial to navigate these issues with empathy, understanding, and a commitment to scientific facts and democratic ideals.

    • Maintaining balance and healthy frictionFocus on addressing harmful actions, not individuals, to foster ethical resilience and recovery.

      Balance and healthy friction between contrasting perspectives are essential for growth and progress, whether in personal relationships or larger societal contexts. However, when one side becomes overly dominant or intolerant, it can lead to harmful consequences, such as cancel culture. Instead, we should focus on addressing and canceling harmful language and actions, rather than individuals, to encourage ethical resilience and recovery. The speaker, an ethics optimist, advocates for maintaining a positive perspective and focusing on solutions to create a better world.

    • Increased chances of civil war in the USExpert Ray Dalio raises concern over US civil war, emphasizing human behavior and applying 'physics of progress' for potential solutions, while highlighting societal division and the need for genuine listening and valuing humanity.

      According to Ray Dalio, the largest hedge fund manager in the world, the chances of a civil war in the US have increased from 30% to 40%. This is a concerning sign as Dalio's analysis carries significant weight due to his expertise and resources. The entrepreneur interviewed in the discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding human behavior and the need to unwind the increasing division in society. He suggests applying the "physics of progress" to identify potential solutions, which involves testing hypotheses, looking at data, refining hypotheses, and trying again. The interviewee expresses concern over the current state of affairs, including cultural trends that increase division, and the lack of a clear path towards reconciliation. He advocates for genuine listening and valuing the humanity of those with differing viewpoints as potential steps towards healing the divide. The interviewee also mentions specific issues in the US, such as mass shootings and divisive laws, which further contribute to the sense of societal unrest. Overall, the discussion underscores the urgency of addressing the increasing division in society and the need for collective action towards finding solutions.

    • Understanding perspectives through active listening and empathyAcknowledge unconscious biases, value diverse voices and perspectives, and build stronger connections by being aware of differences

      Effective communication requires active listening and empathy. This means understanding the root causes of people's perspectives, considering the potential consequences of our actions, and recognizing our own biases. In the context of racial issues, it's important to acknowledge the existence of unconscious biases and strive for unity by valuing diverse voices and perspectives. We all bring unique frames of reference shaped by our experiences and backgrounds, and being aware of these differences can help us build stronger connections and solve complex problems together.

    • Promoting diversity of thought reduces human suffering and increases fulfillmentDiversity of thought leads to better decision-making and understanding of different viewpoints, but acknowledging unconscious biases is crucial. Engage in open dialogue to reduce suffering and increase fulfillment for individuals and society.

      Promoting diversity of thought is crucial for reducing human suffering and increasing fulfillment. This goes beyond just visual diversity and includes diverse perspectives based on gender, ethnicity, age, and other factors. Diversity of thought leads to better decision-making and understanding of different viewpoints. However, it's important to acknowledge that unconscious biases exist and we all benefit from diverse views. The absence of diversity of thought can lead to polarization and the denial of facts, making it essential to engage with those who hold different opinions. It's not about being friends with people who hold abhorrent views, but rather recognizing the importance of truth and open dialogue. The challenge lies in navigating the spread of misinformation and recognizing when someone is intentionally denying facts or when they are genuinely misinterpreting information based on their beliefs. Overall, fostering diversity of thought and engaging in open dialogue are key to reducing suffering and increasing fulfillment for individuals and society as a whole.

    • The danger of believing we can program the worldBelieving the world can be shaped to fit our desires can lead to stress and mental health issues, and it's important to recognize the difference between objective truth and personal beliefs.

      The spread of misinformation, even unintentionally, can mislead well-meaning people. The volume and normalization of misstatements can create a dangerous environment where people believe they can program the world to fit their desires, leading to human suffering when reality doesn't align. Sir Salman Rushdie, an award-winning author, once noted that the world doesn't need people to believe it's round for it to be round. However, the younger generation, who have grown up with easy access to information, often believe they can make the world conform to their desires. This illusion can lead to stress and mental health issues. It's crucial to understand that emotions can create cognitive illusions, and recognizing the difference between objective truth and personal beliefs can help us navigate the world more effectively.

    • The Consequences of Perfectionism and Fear of FailurePerfectionism and fear of failure can lead to ethical dilemmas and mental health issues. Consider long-term effects, potential consequences, and alternative solutions before making decisions. Examine how actions impact others and ask 'would I still do it if it were me?'

      Perfectionism and the belief in failure being a permanent label are dead ends that can lead to ethical dilemmas and mental health issues. These beliefs, whether it's striving for impossible goals or trying to manipulate reality, can result in harmful consequences. Instead, it's crucial to consider the long-term effects of our actions and whether they are truly irreparable before making decisions. It's essential to ask ourselves, "Imagine the person most adversely affected, would I still do it if it were me?" Additionally, examining the potential consequences and considering alternative solutions can help navigate complex situations. However, there isn't a one-size-fits-all rulebook, and ethical dilemmas often involve conflicting principles. Therefore, it's essential to approach these situations thoughtfully and considerately, rather than relying on rigid rules.

    • Considering the impact on those most adversely affected in ethical dilemmasUnderstanding that making difficult decisions involves consequences and prioritizing the greater good while mitigating negative outcomes.

      In situations where individual freedoms clash with ethical dilemmas, it's crucial to consider the impact on those most adversely affected. This is particularly relevant when it comes to matters of life and death, such as the vaccine rollout and children. While there may not be a definitive answer, being thoughtful and considering alternative perspectives can help us navigate these complex issues. For instance, the question of whether one would make an unethical decision to save their own child's life is a deeply emotional one, and while it's impossible to predict how we might act in such a situation, the importance of human life, especially that of children, cannot be overstated. As Thomas Sowell once said, "there's no utopia, only trade-offs." Therefore, it's essential to understand that making difficult decisions involves consequences, and we must strive to mitigate any negative outcomes while prioritizing the greater good.

    • The importance of self-doubt and emotional resilienceRecognizing self-doubt and emotional resilience can lead to better decision-making and understanding of trade-offs. Being open to different perspectives and emotionally resilient to criticism can help mitigate blind spots and biases.

      Recognizing the importance of self-doubt and emotional resilience can lead to better decision-making and understanding of trade-offs. The Gulag system serves as a reminder of the harsh realities of striving for a utopian society without acknowledging the existence of trade-offs. Being open to different perspectives through a "team of rivals" can help mitigate blind spots and biases. However, it's essential to be emotionally resilient to handle the criticism and feedback that comes with it. Additionally, being aware of the impact of emotions on our perception of truth is crucial for making informed decisions. The conversation between the speaker and the interviewee highlights the importance of these concepts and how they can be applied in everyday life.

    • Impact of Expectations and Frames of ReferenceEmpathy, truth, and being open-minded are crucial in understanding and managing human suffering. Sometimes, compassionate lies may be more beneficial than telling the truth.

      Our expectations and preconceived notions can significantly impact how we perceive and understand reality. This was highlighted in a conversation about the importance of active listening and considering individual frames of reference, particularly in medical situations. The discussion also touched upon the complexity of dealing with dementia and the question of whether to always tell the truth or prioritize compassion and human connection. The importance of empathy, truth, and being open-minded were recurring themes. In the context of managing human suffering, it was suggested that sometimes, telling the truth may not be the most helpful or compassionate approach, and alternative ways of providing love and companionship may be more beneficial.

    • Exploring Ethical Dilemmas: From Reading a Child's Journal to AI DecisionsThe pursuit of ethical decision-making involves considering complex situations and their potential consequences, and having a clear ethical framework to guide decisions.

      The pursuit of ethical decision-making is a complex process that requires thoughtfulness and consideration, even in seemingly trivial situations. The speaker in the discussion shares his experience of students in a class focusing on a question about reading their child's journal, which resonated with many of them due to its potential for insight and human curiosity. However, the speaker also acknowledges that these questions are not always simple and can have significant consequences. He shares his hypothesis that the desire for information, combined with its potential usefulness, drives people's interest in these questions. The speaker also touches on the topic of AI making decisions and the importance of transparency and accountability in programming such technology. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of having a clear ethical framework, such as reducing suffering and respecting individual autonomy, to guide decision-making in various situations. The speaker's goal with the book is to encourage connection and thoughtful conversation around ethical questions, both big and small.

    • Considering the impact of new technologies on people, especially the vulnerableTechnology's ethical considerations are complex, especially for autonomous systems. Human oversight can help mitigate potential harm.

      As we innovate and develop new technologies, particularly those involving autonomous systems like driverless cars and AI, we must consider the potential impact on people, especially those in need or in situations where current infrastructure and resources are lacking. The ethical considerations of these technologies are complex, and the absence of a human element can make the consequences of errors or malfunctions more distressing. The presence of a human checkpoint or oversight can provide comfort and help mitigate potential harm. As we continue to advance in technology, it's essential to keep the needs and perspectives of all individuals in mind.

    • AI surpasses human capabilities in data analysisMachines are enhancing human decision-making in healthcare through accurate data analysis, while ethical considerations remain crucial.

      Artificial intelligence and machines are becoming increasingly advanced in their ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data, often surpassing human capabilities. This is particularly evident in the field of diagnostics, where machines can now detect conditions such as skin cancer more accurately than human doctors. However, it's important to note that machines are not replacing human doctors entirely. Instead, they are providing valuable tools and insights that can help inform human decision-making. The accessibility and affordability of these technologies also make them a promising solution for individuals who may not have access to human therapists or doctors. Overall, the integration of AI and machines into healthcare and other industries holds great potential for improving outcomes and advancing our understanding of complex issues. To learn more about the ethical considerations surrounding these developments, follow Dr. Zoe Barth's work on her ethics incubator site, Twitter, or LinkedIn. As she emphasizes, it's crucial to approach these advances with a thoughtful and curious mindset.

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    The Unspoken Truths About Masculinity And Leadership! | Konstantin Kisin PT 2
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    The Unspoken Truths About Masculinity And Leadership! | Konstantin Kisin PT 1

    The Unspoken Truths About Masculinity And Leadership! | Konstantin Kisin PT 1
    In this powerful episode of **Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu**, Tom engages in a deep, thought-provoking conversation with the insightful Konstantin Kisin. They traverse a vast landscape of topics, from the intricate dynamics of identity and the hierarchy in sports teams to the profound implications of free speech and the cyclical nature of human history. The duo ventures into the psychological profiles of influential figures, the impact of race divisiveness, and the complexities of AI technology, providing a compelling discourse on how constraints fuel creativity. Konstantin shares his concerns on geopolitical matters, the influence of major players like China, and the recurring economic cycles that shape our world. As they delve into the ethical dimensions of modern societal issues, touching on topics like gender dysphoria, integrity, and the evolving dynamics of intimate relationships, Tom and Konstantin offer compelling insights and personal experiences, including Konstantin's experiences from the Soviet Union and his thoughts on the moral obligations of leadership. With a focus on resilience, the importance of diverse values, and the necessity of free speech, Tom and Konstantin challenge listeners to consider the deeper implications of their beliefs and the foundational principles that guide their actions. Don't miss this enriching episode, filled with actionable takeaways and invaluable lessons on navigating the complexities of modern life. SHOW NOTES 00:00 Protecting alpha and diverse leadership in society. 29:12 America as rightful heir of revolutionary ideas. 33:55 Cultural ideas, US collapse - inevitable but slow. 57:43 Challenges of implementing communism and socialism explained. 01:07:26 Manipulate, rise to power, moral compass conflict. 01:27:26 Embrace imperfect knowledge, intoxicate team with certainty. 01:37:10 Managing company people and culture is challenging. 01:49:45 Aggressive approach to change lives in 60 minutes. SPONSORS: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://www.Land RoverUSA.com.” Start your free online visit today at https://Hims.com/ IMPACT  Go to https://shopify.com/impact right now to grow your business no matter what stage you're in. Go to https:// AmericanFinancing.net/Impact to regain control of your finances Go to https://hellofresh.com/impactapps and you will get FREE appetizers for life! Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ORDER YOUR COPY OF LISA'S BOOK "RADICAL CONFIDENCE"  (NOW IN PAPERBACK & WITH A NEW CHAPTER!) & GET YOUR FREE BADASS BONUSES: https://bit.ly/radcon ***CALLING ALL BADASSES!*** If you really want to level up your confidence game, check out the WOMEN OF IMPACT SUBSCRIPTION, specially designed to turn you into the badass you were born to be!  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Women of Impact episodes, and so much more!* Don't settle for mediocrity when you can be extraordinary! *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/457ebrP***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Middle-Class Is Wiped Out - RFK Jr. on Trump, Biden, Putin vs Ukraine, WW3 & Migrant Crisis | Robert Kennedy Jr PT 2
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    Middle-Class Is Wiped Out - RFK Jr. on Trump, Biden, Putin vs Ukraine, WW3 & Migrant Crisis | Robert Kennedy Jr PT 1

    Middle-Class Is Wiped Out - RFK Jr. on Trump, Biden, Putin vs Ukraine, WW3 & Migrant Crisis | Robert Kennedy Jr PT 1
    Welcome to another episode of Impact Theory, I’m Tom Bilyeu!  In today’s episode, I’m thrilled to be joined by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as we tackle a wide range of critical issues facing America today. RFK is a politician from the Kennedy Family, he is a son of U.S. attorney general and senator Robert F. Kennedy, and nephew of U.S. president John F. Kennedy and senator Ted Kennedy. He is also an advocate for public health, border security, and political reform, and an independent candidate in the 2024 presidential election.  From the harrowing realities at the U.S. border, RFK underscores the urgent need for strong border security and a compassionate, streamlined immigration process. He also shares his bold ideas for cutting the military budget, focusing on economic power rather than military might, and advocating for sound fiscal policies to address national debt and inflation. We also discuss:  - Issues of chronic disease, addiction, and economic challenges - Printing money, inflation, and national debt as economic threats - Embracing blockchain & cryptocurrency to counter inflation - Integrating bitcoin to save the dollar & create wealth - Decline in American values & constitutional adherence - Compromised press & spread of government propaganda - Social media algorithms amplifying societal polarization This is just Part 1 of our conversation, so make sure you don’t miss Part 2 of this convo for even more with RFK. Follow Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Website: https://www.kennedy24.com/ Twitter: https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robertfkennedyjr/ Follow Me, Tom Bilyeu:  Website: https://impacttheoryuniversity.com/  X: https://twitter.com/TomBilyeu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ If you want to dive deeper into my content, search through every episode, find specific topics I've covered, and ask me questions. Go to my Dexa page: https://dexa.ai/tombilyeu Themes: Mindset, Finance, World Affairs, Health & Productivity, Future & Tech, Simulation Theory & Physics, Dating & Relationships SPONSORS: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://www.Land RoverUSA.com.” Start your free online visit today at https://Hims.com/ IMPACT  Go to https://shopify.com/impact right now to grow your business no matter what stage you're in. Go to https:// AmericanFinancing.net/Impact to regain control of your finances Go to https://hellofresh.com/impactapps and you will get FREE appetizers for life! Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The 3 Steps to Financial Freedom! (Escape the Rat Race Now) | Wallstreet Trapper (Replay)

    The 3 Steps to Financial Freedom! (Escape the Rat Race Now) | Wallstreet Trapper (Replay)
    If you don’t understand how to manage your money then your chance of achieving financial success and freedom goes to zero. When you don’t know the rules to the game of money it's almost impossible to win. Wallstreet Trapper built the skills he needed to become a fundamental investor, a speaker, a stock market education, and an entrepreneur after doing over 8 years in prison, selling drugs and not having any advantages in life. One of the best things you can consider doing to improve your finances is to get into stocks, learn how to leverage real estate and build a business that generates value. Something you’ll want to consider from this episode: Have you learned the money game Are you prepared to exit the money matrix How can you become an investor What is keeping 99% of people broke [Original air date: 3-30-23]. QUOTES: “Wealthy people do three things. They stop trading time for money, they make their money work for them and they give as much value to people as they can.” “Just coming up in the streets you only see the game from the lowest level, and you look at everybody else in part admiration and part jealousy.” “Being at the bottom teaches you to envy people at the top.” “Once I broke the game down to a way I could understand it, it wasn’t about me being brilliant , it was like how do I make the game winnable for me” “Everybody won’t be able to build a million dollar business, but everybody can invest in one.” “If you’re bold enough to bet on the future and be patient enough to let it take place you will win and you will win big.” “A dollar that’s not moving is a dollar that’s losing.” Follow Wallstreet Trapper: Website: https://www.wallstreettrapper.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Wallstreet504 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6hXiWOlFWc46qMFMClKHA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wall_street_trapper/ SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The 5 Good Intentions That Lead to Failure (And How to Turn Them Around) | Jonathan Heidt (Replay)

    The 5 Good Intentions That Lead to Failure (And How to Turn Them Around) | Jonathan Heidt (Replay)
    Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt researches moral psychology to help us understand ourselves and our world better. He is an expert on how we create webs of meaning that allow us to speak a common language, build institutions, and create functioning societies. And right now we may need his voice more than ever, as our webs of meaning seem to be in conflict with each other or slowly disintegrating. On this episode of Conversations with Tom Bilyeu, Jonathan Haidt explains why we need to lead with empathy, how to persuade people who have staked out very different positions from yours, and how to invite disconfirming evidence into your life. [Original air date: 8-20-20]. SHOW NOTES: Why are we 90% chimps and 10% bees? [2:01] Jonathan suggests a definition of morality [4:14] Jonathan and Tom discuss religion and spiritual, mind-opening experiences [5:53] Jonathan explains the “hive switch”, the group experience of religion and morality [11:27] Jonathan and Tom discuss the power of connection and group interaction [16:34] Jonathan talks about the problems with social media and how they developed [20:18] What makes some webs of meaning so powerful that they spread so fast? [27:57] Jonathan and Tom ask to what extent political affiliation is genetic [33:29] Jonathan discusses the disturbing trend towards conformity in political thought [37:18] Jonathan and Tom discuss changing American attitudes towards race [ Jonathan talks about how hard it is to lead with empathy [46:52] Jonathan advocates trying many approaches to dealing with problems like racism [50:30] How do we constructively discuss difficult topics? [54:51] Why we have to get people to focus on similarities [59:02] Jonathan discusses his experience with psychedelics [1:03:52] How to invite disconfirming evidence into your life--How do you know you’re right? [1:10:44] We need to find a way to speak a common language in our post-Babel Age [1:16:27] FOLLOW JONATHAN: WEBSITE: jonathanhaidt.com/ FACEBOOK: facebook.com/jonathanhaidt/ TWITTER: twitter.com/JonHaidt SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 2

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 2
    Welcome back to part two. Today, we are diving deep into a transformative discussion with the one and only Peter Diamandis—a pioneer in space exploration, innovation, and disruptive thinking. In this episode, Peter and Tom explore the groundbreaking policies and cultural shifts that have revolutionized companies like Amazon and Microsoft, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly changing world. We'll examine the immediate impacts of COVID on business models, the revolutionary advances of OpenAI, and the stunning prospects of AI in healthcare and longevity. From predicting AI reaching human-level intelligence by 2029 to the ethical dilemmas and societal shifts AI will bring, Peter and Tom leave no stone unturned. Have you ever wondered about living forever or what nanotechnology could mean for manufacturing and societal values? Or perhaps you’re curious about how AI could redefine personal and professional relationships, even to the point of creating deeply empathetic and tailored companions? We’ll cover that and more in today’s episode. Listen in as we discuss the future of education, entrepreneurship, and the potential for a post-capitalist society driven by abundant resources. From contemplating living in a simulation to the next big health revolution, Peter Diamandis reveals insights that challenge our current perceptions and inspire groundbreaking innovation. 02:04:29 Shift from random drug discovery to design. 02:09:04 Optimistic vision for personalized medicine and technology. 02:24:17 Ego impedes progress; focus on right answers. 02:40:38 Questioning reality, considering life as simulation. 02:54:31 AI and longevity key in global markets. 03:09:56 $101 million X Prize for FSHD research. 03:27:17 DMT journey: dissolution of ego, universe connection. 03:50:05 Proper OKRs expose talent, allow autonomy, unify. SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 1

    7 Key Moves to Build Wealth While Others Struggle in the Next 5 Years! | Peter Diamandis PT 1
    Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Impact Theory with your host Tom Bilyeu. Today, we are diving deep into a transformative discussion with the one and only Peter Diamandis—a pioneer in space exploration, innovation, and disruptive thinking. In this episode, Peter and Tom explore the groundbreaking policies and cultural shifts that have revolutionized companies like Amazon and Microsoft, ensuring they stay ahead in a rapidly changing world. We'll examine the immediate impacts of COVID on business models, the revolutionary advances of OpenAI, and the stunning prospects of AI in healthcare and longevity. From predicting AI reaching human-level intelligence by 2029 to the ethical dilemmas and societal shifts AI will bring, Peter and Tom leave no stone unturned. Have you ever wondered about living forever or what nanotechnology could mean for manufacturing and societal values? Or perhaps you’re curious about how AI could redefine personal and professional relationships, even to the point of creating deeply empathetic and tailored companions? We’ll cover that and more in today’s episode. Get ready to rethink what’s possible and glimpse into a future shaped by technology, science, and an unwavering commitment to human progress. Join us on Impact Theory for a journey into the extraordinary possibilities of tomorrow with Peter Diamandis. 00:00 Quantum computer, fusion energy, manifesting dreams. Future filmmaking. 29:36 AI's intimate knowledge will build extraordinary relationship. 46:18 Cells evolved into meta intelligence through technology. 58:06 Desire to freeze climate and evolution, merge with technology. 01:13:20 Future world: AI, sensors, data, fashion trends. 01:24:54 Life's growth, abundance leads to self-expression. 01:44:14 AI learning DNA language, predicting outcomes, epigenome importance. 02:04:29 Shift from random drug discovery to design. 02:09:04 Optimistic vision for personalized medicine and technology. 02:24:17 Ego impedes progress; focus on right answers. 02:40:38 Questioning reality, considering life as simulation. 02:54:31 AI and longevity key in global markets. 03:09:56 $101 million X Prize for FSHD research. 03:27:17 DMT journey: dissolution of ego, universe connection. 03:50:05 Proper OKRs expose talent, allow autonomy, unify. SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Warning For America: Corrupt Government, Rich, Poor, Trump Verdict & 2024 Election | Michael Malice PT 2

    Warning For America: Corrupt Government, Rich, Poor, Trump Verdict & 2024 Election | Michael Malice PT 2
    Welcome back to part 2 of this episode of Impact Theory with author, podcaster & anarchist Michael Malice!  We dive deeper into the power of thinking from first principles, the resistance to questioning societal norms, and the crucial role of inflicting personal cost for political change.  If you're passionate about challenging the status quo and understanding the deeper layers of human behavior and society, you won't want to miss the conclusion of this episode with Michael Malice.  And if you're loving the Impact Theory Podcast, please take a moment to leave us a review or rate the show. Your feedback is incredibly valuable! Follow Michael Malice: Website: https://malice.locals.com/ X: https://x.com/michaelmalice YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelMaliceofficial   Follow Me, Tom Bilyeu:  Website: https://impacttheoryuniversity.com/  X: https://twitter.com/TomBilyeu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ If you want to dive deeper into my content, search through every episode, find specific topics I've covered, and ask me questions. Go to my Dexa page: https://dexa.ai/tombilyeu Themes: Mindset, Finance, World Affairs, Health & Productivity, Future & Tech, Simulation Theory & Physics, Dating & Relationships SPONSORS: Head to https://netsuite.com/THEORY for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks!  For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit https://yahoofinance.com Visit https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory to get 10% off your first month  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Website: http://bbbinvestorscast.com 

    Host LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dieunor-michel-cfa-4b093b100/ 

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