
    Stay Strong: an introduction to HeadRightOut, Zoe's fears, her plans and the backstory... 001: Solopisode

    enSeptember 17, 2021

    About this Episode


    Zoe Langley-Wathen -
    host of the HeadRightOut Podcast

    Zoe Langley-Wathen introduces her aims for HeadRightOut, and the fears she regularly faces. As an experienced solo long-distance walker, she wasn't always the brave soul people seem to think she is. Her mission is to encourage more midlife women to head out of their comfort zone, within the outdoors. It's hoped that Zoe's honest approach and storytelling style will encourage you to take more Outdoor Medicine as you listen and look forward to her conversations with many resilient women.


    Hello, and welcome to the HeadRightOut podcast. My name is Zoe Langley-Wathen. And I am so, so flippin delighted to be here with you for my very first episode, I can't begin to tell you what this is feeling like for me now I'm wrapped up with nerves. I'm wrapped up with excitement. And I am just absolutely, just chomping at the bit to spill the beans and let you know who we are going to be interviewing and what's going to be happening over the course of the next few episodes. So first off, I'm going to start with a request. And that's to ask you this. If, by the end of the show, you are even remotely interested in what I've shared with you today, please, please would you be kind enough to hit the Follow button in your podcast app? It would be great for me to know that I've got a group of people other than my family and friends, of course, who wants to share this excitement with me, this excitement of heading right out of my comfort zone on this podcast journey. I you know, I've spent the last 10 years doing things where I'm heading right out. But this is a biggie for me. So please hit the Follow button button in your podcast app. Okay, so it's the 24th of August 2021, as I record this, and as I launch this, we're just clambering out of the summer, and into that beautiful season of harvest, and the autumn. Oh my gosh, I love the autumn. Autumn for me is a season that's just ripe for potential new adventures. You know, the weather's cooler, the outdoor space isn't so full with holiday makers, the children are back at school, and the spider's webs, they are just decorated with heavy droplets, hopefully not frost at this stage. And the rich colors of the fall, have begun to paint the tops of the trees... and I just find it's one of my favourite times of the year.


    The 29th of August is the second anniversary of me launching the HeadRightOut website. Now that was a blog space and place a guest to share my challenges and adventures. I never dreamt that I'd be sat here two years on muddling my way through an audio swamp. That's all I can call it. I might still be learning how all of this tech stuff works. But you know, that's fine. It's just like playing a complex game of cards, I'll just simply learn the rules as I go.


    Now what did you think of the theme music? I hope you liked it. It was one of the first pieces that I stumbled across almost a year ago now, when I was looking for potential clips to use for the pod. Now I saved this one knowing it only is EA29 something or other, I forget what the code was now. And it took me ages to re-find it a few weeks back. I went through trying to find it because I wanted to be sure that I could legally use it, and imagine my total astonishment when I discovered I'd chosen a piece of music by Caffeine Creek Band, (thank you Caffeine Creek Band), called... you'll never going to believe this... 'Stay Strong'. Yep! 'Stay Strong' for a podcast that centres around resilience, what a coincidence. I just love synchronicity like that. Seriously. It's a true story. So our theme tune is Stay Strong by Caffeine Creek Band.


    Okay, so in today's show, here's the plan. I'm going to give you more of my story and my aims for the podcast. And I guess perhaps I might even let on a few of my fears with you, as this is what it's all about. I'll also happily share why I felt moved to set up HeadRightOut. I'm going to be revealing how I see the podcast being delivered to you. Though I realise this will no doubt be a moveable feast as feedback and reviews are left, and as I develop and discover new opportunities for the show. You know, it's got to grow and flow. Oh, that rhymes! For the benefit of the listeners who've never heard of little ol' me, I'm going to be giving you some of my personal background too. And particularly in my own history of heading out of my comfort zone. And believe me, I'm not the brave soul that many people seem to think I am. One of my biggest issues to hold me back is imposter syndrome. And I'm sure that topic is going to come back time and time and time again. It's going to pop up, not just with me, but with some of the guests that I'll be interviewing as well, I'm sure of it.


    So HeadRightOut, what is it? What do I aim to achieve? How often is it going to happen, when, what format? Right HeadRightOut was born in 2019, when I took the leap of faith out of my permanent contract teaching role, though, I had nothing to go to, signing up as a supply teacher did at least give me some hope of financial backup. Deep down, I knew there was something more out there for me, something that would allow me to use my teaching skills without the pressure of planning, preparation, marking and exam analysis within that school environment. And now I find the calling to develop my creative and adventurous path to inspire other women to HeadRightOut and do something that scares them, is stronger than ever. And I talk to as many people as I can, you know, when I'm out and about I meet people, when I'm shopping at home, I live on a public footpath, on a towpath, and you know, I meet people all the time, and I just want to share this message. Now, as I mentioned earlier, HeadRightOut started life as a blog along with the usual Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts, and I'd set it up with a view to inspiring others, to challenge themselves to head off on an adventure or to step out of their comfort zone. And I'm so enthusiastic about this, that I've got plans to publish various books on my personal experiences of adventure and well being, in addition to growing the podcast, and I hope that we're going to have some really interesting and fascinating women that are really going to inspire you, as time goes on. I've already got a list of women that I want to interview. And I've also got a lovely group of people that I've already interviewed. So yes, it's very, very exciting about doing this.


    Now the calling to develop my creative and adventurous path to inspire other women to HeadRightOut and do something that scares them is stronger than ever. As mentioned earlier, HeadRightOut started life as a blog, along with the usual Facebook, Insta, and Twitter accounts. And I'd set it up with a view to inspiring others to challenge themselves to head off on an adventure, or step out of their comfort zone, do something different. And I'm so enthusiastic about this that I've got plans to publish various books on my own personal experiences of adventure and well being in addition to growing the podcast, I hope you're going to stick around and dip in and into those as well and hopefully get something positive back.


    Now my first foray into writing for publication was during 2020 when I wrote a chapter for the Biggest Book of Yes, my story captured the tale of my first solo long-distance adventure along the 630 miles of the South West Coast Path... that's always a tongue twister! The book was sold to raise funds for the charity Teddington trust, supporting those that have a rare and life... not life-limiting sorry, a rare and limiting skin condition of exoderma pigmentosum, or XP, as it's more commonly known. It was such a good experience for me. And while I've always loved to write, it gave me the push I needed to aim for the big one. My own book. So I've got Dave Cornthwaite of the Yes Tribe, and John Doolan, and all the rest of the team around the Biggest Book of Yes, to thank for that. So there's Esther and Claire, and what an amazing team, it was putting together that book.


    November is the month of NaNoWriMo. And so over November, January and February of 2021. I did it I penned over 88,000 words of my first draft. I've never written that amount of words in my life. It's currently resting, but I can't wait to get back to it and actually start editing. Just you know, to go back and do it some justice, get it out there, proper job. The book is an adventure memoir, and it shares an honest account of my fears, feelings, achievements, and all those wonderful people that I met along the route of the South West Coast Path, many of whom were influential in my darkest and my bravest moments. Meeting people and being inspired by their stories, learning from them their expertise and from their mistakes, as well as, gosh, many many of my own hiccups. I guess I realised that this isn't something to be kept private any more, and so many other women need to hear how capable they really are. You need to hear how capable YOU really are, of doing something big, something seemingly impossible. You might have thought you could never possibly manage a long-distance walk, something that took you off for six or eight weeks. But it's just putting one foot in front of the other. And if you're anything like me, you will you know, over-analyse it, overthink it and just find yourself coming up with all sorts of obstacles and problems and reasons why you can't do it. But you ARE capable of doing something like this. Midlife women need to see and hear others like them, telling stories of doing amazing things. Sowing that seed that perhaps they too, you, too, could try something similar.


    Now as it stands, I see the HeadRightOut podcast being delivered as a series, in which to share conversations with resilient women. New episodes will be out every Wednesday at 6am. UK time. And the focus will be mainly with women in their mid-life and upwards doing brave stuff in the outdoors and how they believe it's benefited their resilience, their well being, how it's impacted, on their life going forward. And I also have planned to have one solo episode, so-lep, sorry. I also plan to have one solep. Doh. I also plan to have one solo episode, approximately every four to six weeks to update listeners of where I am in my own journey. Hmmm. I probably should be editing this out the solo, solopes, solopisode. Maybe I should just call it 'Solopisode'. I like that. Well, I'm always making up new words, but I quite like it. So perhaps we'll keep that word in. So we'll just nickname it the 'solopisode'.


    Now, every so often, I'm going to be getting out and about and trying new activities, things that previously I might have felt fearful of having a go at. And in these cases, I'm going to be sharing all my vulnerabilities, my anxieties and my achievements, recording where possible in different environments in the moment. Although sometimes, it might be that I have to do the activity and record directly after, just before, middle or after - I don't know. Well, we'll just go with the flow, see how it goes and just take each activity as it comes. Now, I hope you'll understand that these episodes won't have the same sound quality as you would expect from an indoor recording. But it should prove to have a great in the moment quality to them instead. I'm already incredibly nervous about doing these. But in a type two kind of way. I'm also massively looking forward to them. And here's the thing though, I'm still working on a catchy name to give these episodes, these activity episodes, these outdoor recordings. So if you can think of anything I could call them I would love to hear from you. I don't know about you, but I get quite excited by a clever play on words. Perhaps not solopisode, but anyway, if you could think of something you can tweet me at HeadRightOut, private message me on any of the socials - I'm @HeadRightOut there too. Or just email me zoe@headrightout.com.


    And because the HeadRightOut podcast is all about sharing those stories of achieving something brave and way beyond your comfort zone limits, I thought it would be a great idea for listeners to send in their own HeadRightOut moments. Now I'm going to pick at least one each week to read out so you could get a mention on the show. And as before, if you've got something you want to share with us, you can private message me on any of those socials or email me on zoe@headrightout.com


    So who am I? What do I know - what on earth do I know about resilience and comfort zones? Although I've been a secondary school teacher since 2005, I've been adventuring long-distance paths, in addition to that since 2011. And I found I was discovering the life changing benefits of pushing my own comfort zone boundaries and facing my fears. When I set off on the South West Coast Path at the age of forty, ready to walk this 630-mile national trail solo, I don't mind admitting that I was... I was terrified. There's no other word for it. I was absolutely, completely blank with fear, and 'what the heck am I doing' type of feelings. But determined to accomplish this footpath, I still felt doubtful of my ability to achieve a successful outcome. And it was that fear that had put me off trying the path for a full fifteen years before that. I'd waited fifteen years to go ahead and walk this path, because I didn't think I had the ability to do it. I doubted my physical ability, and I'd also doubted my mental resilience, or maybe I just didn't think I, I had mental resilience, or maybe I didn't understand what it was, I don't know. But I just didn't think I could face those aspects of the walk that scared me the most.


    Walking solo, wild camping solo, making river crossings, you know, the sort where you're wading across. These were all the things that that I feared. By announcing it to the school that I worked in, and then publishing my intentions on my very basic level of social media that I had at that time. (I think I actually only used Facebook and Twitter at this point). But I made it a thing. And by making it a thing, it was no longer a dream that was just out of reach. It was something I had to work towards and I had to complete, no matter how much it scared me or how hard I was going to find it. By hook or by crook I was going to do this thing. You have to make it a thing. The challenge was supposed to be a one off challenge to mark my 40th birthday and then I'd just go back to my normal routine and tuck the adventure into my imaginary Journal of Achievements. How wrong I was to think that's what would happen. Little did I know that I would come home a different Zoe. A different Zoe to the Zoe who left seven weeks earlier. I was different physically, mentally, and emotionally. I was fitter. I was smaller. And yes, I actually dropped two dress sizes. And I now carried a mental toughness that I'd never known before. I missed the path. I hankered after the simplicity of the day-to-day survival and after a new adventure, especially as people began to ask me what's next? What's your next challenge going to be Zo? I was definitely after a new adventure. I definitely needed something else to be working towards. I'd proved to myself that I could walk on my own and feel confident. So I kind of tucked that one away. That was good. I had proved myself, eventually, that I could wild camp solo. And I proved to myself that I could wade across a river, and I was still here to tell the tale. No catastrophic disasters had occurred. I hadn't been washed out to sea, which is what I thought was going to happen. It was a massive, massive lesson for my brain. And my resilience strengthened tenfold that year.


    The following year, I found myself walking the Wales Coast Path with two friends I'd met on the South West Coast Path. We headed up to Cardiff Bay on May the 5th - that was the day of the official Wales Coast Path opening, and we ran the last mile with Arry Cane, (she was then Arry Beresford-Webb), as she arrived, having spent the last forty days running the full perimeter of the country. And she handed the baton on to Dave Quarrell, who continued on to walk around the country. Two months later, I set off with my friends from Chepstow, and on completion of walking the Wales Coast Path, I realised I'd just become the first woman to walk it. And it felt like such an honour. It felt like an honour to be able to run that last mile with Arry and see her coming in having become the first woman to run around Wales. Probably the first woman to run around the country. I don't know. But it was an honour to know that I had this little tag that said I was the first woman to walk it. And it gave me more confidence, it spurred me on to do more.


    Year on year, more challenges were being tucked into my logbook and I was determined that I should keep that independence of walking solo alive, because it's very easy to become dependent on having a companion, having somebody to reassure you with questions that you might need to find solutions to, or directions that you might need to find, just decisions you need to make. So with that in mind, wanting to keep that independence, I set off to walk the Offa's Dyke national trail on my own over the summer of 2013 and then that completed my own perimeter of Wales.


    In 2014, I was planning to do a perimeter of my then home county, Dorset. I had a huge knock to my confidence however, when my long-term relationship ended abruptly at Christmas 2013. And with much to sort out over the coming months, I was unable to undertake this challenge, but instead managed a few days of solo backpacking along the East Mendip Way. And I'm so pleased I did that. Because it just felt like it was the medicine I needed. It kept my feet wanting to walk solo. And don't get me wrong, I still love walking with other people as well, but I just think keeping that independence is important. It was a positive step towards maintaining my confidence, despite those personal difficulties I've been experiencing. Although during that first walk along the South West Coast Path, I had already discovered the power of being on my own out in nature. I know, I absolutely know that I truly felt the impact of outdoor medicine over those few days and I can't recommend it enough. You know, if you're going through any issues, any problems, any things that you need to solve being outside, I'm not saying for days and days on end, necessarily. But just being outside is such a tonic, such a medicine. You'll hear me going on about outdoor medicine or outside medicine such a lot. So yes, we will come back to that. Not necessarily in this episode, but later on.


    So I was no longer somebody who simply loved a challenge or wanted to see if I could do a long walk every year. I was now someone for whom adventure had become wholly entrenched in my life. And I longed for the next walk, and the next big adventure to come round. Because it was a part of my life. And as bizarre as it might seem to you, it's actually become a necessary part of my identity. Other people expected it of me - not that I do things because other people expect them. But as much as I needed it, I wanted to do it. But other people also were asking, "what's next?"


    So two other little known facts about me, (one of them I've shared earlier), is that I suffer endless bouts of imposter syndrome. Thankfully, I realised I'm not alone with this and I'm working really hard to get on top of it. It involves a lot of self-talk, believe me and self-coaching, and it's often reared it's ugly head over my shoulder with that voice of doubt, whispering incessantly into my ear telling me I'm not good enough, and that there are others, you know, who are going to be far more qualified than me. Who the hell do I think I am? Why would I think I could possibly make X,Y,Z work? It is a constant battle. I'm sure you can imagine how much I fought with myself over launching this podcast even.


    It's been around four years, I reckon since the first seed was planted by Sarah Williams of the amazing Tough Girl Podcast. If you haven't been to listen to that, make sure you do. It was her podcast, in fact, that set me on the road to devouring the spoken word through the medium of podcasts. I remember her telling me personally and her listeners, that I'm a wonderful storyteller, and my heart lit up as I knew how much I love to share stories. I pride myself usually in being able to deliver them well, especially the stories I'm well-practiced at. But that mean little voice gradually crept back over my shoulder and into my ear, borrowing deeper and deeper into my psyche. "She doesn't mean you tell great stories. That's just another way of telling you that you talk too much. You have too much to say Wath, get over yourself. Learn to say less." Imposter syndrome once again, all my insecurities came flooding back in an instant. And I found myself burying the idea. Until I heard Sarah mentioned me again a couple of years later, and then at a face to face gathering, she reiterated how much she believed in me to be able to share stories that would empower other women. I'm actually feeling quite emotional talking about this. Because I can feel this ball of emotion and power and need to share these stories just starting to burn in my chest and in my belly.


    Opening myself up like this and letting you know my vulnerabilities is a scary thing. But also putting myself out there as an expert on this subject, I guess, is also a scary thing. I'm not an expert. I'm just somebody who has experienced a lot of fear-facing and a lot, I mean a huge amount of positive impact and positive response to stepping out of my comfort zone. I knew I could do it. I just had to fight my demons and be brave enough to contact some amazing women who've done much bigger and better things than I've ever dreamt about, let alone had go at. Little me who gets scared at trying so many things in case I look stupid, why would they want to talk to me? And there once again, my downward spiral returned, it was like a spring, going down one day bouncing up again, another down, up, down up. There's never usually any signs of depression that cloud me with these limiting beliefs. It is purely the message that I give myself, or perhaps that others have given me in the past that I've listened to for too long and not learnt to work around. I've just found myself unable to shake them off.


    In addition, I've recently discovered, contrary to my family and friends' beliefs about me and even my own beliefs about me, that I am in fact, an introvert. Now don't get me wrong, I love people. I love speaking, and I love some social situations as well. It doesn't necessarily mean that I'm shy either. Although sometimes I can be, especially when that imposter syndrome is in full swing. It's more about how I draw my energy. For some people, they feel recharged and are buzzing from the contact with a group of people. But for me, on the other hand, I've realised how drained I feel when I'm around people, particularly now I'm a supply teacher, and regularly visiting schools with so many different students and staff. I don't see it as a negative by any means. It's just an observation about me that I've finally begun to understand and manage. To ensure I can socialise, but still giving myself the time I need to revitalise my brain and mental capacity. And that's really where the Outdoor Medicine comes in too - knowing that giving myself an hour outdoors after I've had some bigger social interactions with people, where I'm feeling drained, being outdoors for an hour to go for a walk can absolutely be just what the doctor ordered. I wonder how many of you actually deal with these two traits, imposter syndrome and being an introvert?


    HeadRightOut. Why am I so passionate about setting up this podcast? Well, there's some things I discovered about me after these years of walking long distances, and that I want midlife women to know that they ARE capable, and it's never too late to have a go. And I say midlife women loosely because midlife women to me is forty to forty-five plus and that's all the way up to eighties or nineties. I'm not cancelling out anybody there. However, I was really interested to talk to a friend of mine yesterday, who is a veteran hammer thrower, a Masters champion hammer thrower. She won two golds yesterday, up in Derby and now she is seventy-four. I asked her what the age range of people that were at this competition was and she said the eldest was ninety-seven, and the youngest was in their thirties. I'm thinking how can somebody in their thirties be classed as a Masters? So yeah, I don't quite understand that. I don't get it. But anyway, midlife is a very cloudy, foggy area. So please don't think I'm cancelling out anybody because, you know, if you're in your twenties, my daughter, my stepdaughter, they're in their twenties. Actually, they need to know too, what you've got ahead of you what things you have to look forward to not something where you reach a certain age and your life just gets cut short because you know, you're too old to try anything. It's never too late to have a go. You ARE capable.


    So it's wanting the midlife women of the future. My daughter, my granddaughter, my niece yours. I want you to know that there are no limits set by age or gender for that matter. I want you to be inspired by the older women of your present. The older women of your past, so that you can transition into midlife. Not with the resentment of reaching a milestone age but with excitement about reaching the next chapter, and all the opportunities that that brings.


    This has all come from stuff in my past. So following many long journeys weekly back and forth to support my elderly parents, in 2017, I finally discovered the power of podcasts. No longer able to head off for weeks or months at a time, due to my care commitments, I appreciated that distraction of listening to other women's personal stories, living their adventures vicariously through my in-car speakers. This was a definite lift to my mental health. Instead of driving home in tears and despair, as I watched my parents struggle with their failing health, I found myself looking forward to the two and a quarter hours of driving each way, keen to hear about a range of experiences and conversations. And since then, I've become an avid consumer of podcasts, and have been delighted to be interviewed myself for numerous shows.


    Unable to head off on my usual long distance trails anymore, I was craving a new adventure. My head needed it as much as my body needed the physical movement. It was during this time that the penny dropped about why I was missing my long-distance walks. Although I love walking and the meditation that naturally breathes its way into my day, I realised I was missing the challenge aspect too. When I'm facing a new challenge, I'm planning, I'm preparing, I'm wholly focused on an end goal, and that target keeps my mind and drive to achieve the goal, super-sharp.


    Without the focus of a challenge, I was floating and beginning to feel myself sinking in my mood. I knew I needed to act. So rather than unhelpfully trawling the national trails or long-distance walkers handbook for walks that I knew I could no longer commit the time to do, I built my own challenge. It was called 100 Mappy Days, I decided I'd walk one hundred different walks, all using a map or map app. They could be anything over a mile long, and I'd aim to walk all one  hundred in the space of a year, equivalent to approximately two walks per week.


    Well, all the best plans... my Dad had a fall in the April and went into hospital. In the meantime, Mum had three weeks restpite in a residential care home while the family tried to clear some of the house in readiness for both Mum and Dad to return with some more specialised care for Dad. Mum was having her little holiday eleven miles east of her village. Dad was in hospital eleven miles west of the village. It was a really difficult time. Even more so when we needed to collect Mum to visit Dad in between locating and filling a storage container with years of hoarding. I was exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally.


    All I can say is thank goodness for 100 Mappy Days. Without that to give me a little nudge towards continuing the challenge, I'd have probably lost the plot. Making time for a minimum of forty minutes walking around the village, down through the fields along the old Cheddar Valley railway line and down to the River Yeo gave me the outdoor medicine I needed, to keep my mental health afloat. There we go. I did say I was probably going to mention outdoor medicine again. I just didn't think it was going to be quite so soon. But I'd come to accept now that I wasn't going to manage to complete the challenge within the year timeframe, I'd given myself for 100 Mappy Days. And that was okay. I was making up the rules. So actually, it didn't matter. I didn't need to beat myself up about it.


    As it was I walked the fiftieth Mappy Day on New Year's Eve of 2018, which we dedicated to our lovely dad, who passed away just three weeks before that.  2019 was then about achieving the next fifty Mappy Days, and it became such a great habit. Even my husband, Mike, would ask if we were going to be walking a Mappy Day today. And "where was our next Mappy Day going to take us?"


    After Dad died, my subconscious brain started to niggle at me with messages that there was more for me out there, and that the teaching role I was in, more than just the hours of planning and preparation marking analysis, there was something more that I could offer. And I was sure that I could use my skills that I developed over the years of teaching to benefit women. I knew I wanted to write and spea. I started speaking in assemblies at school and really felt a buzz from doing that, and I was always given good feedback from it. But how could I make this happen? How could I leave a secure job with nothing to go to and a mortgage to pay? Well, the pull became so strong that by February of 2019, I handed in my notice, with my last working day being in July of the same year. I'd worked in the same school for 13 years and I remember shedding a few tears as I handed my letter of resignation to the head teacher. I felt such an oaf, honestly. But he understood.


    Once I'd done that the relief was immense. I knew that whatever happened now, I would just make it work - I had to. I had a plan... sort of. I'd leave school set up a new website and blog, write the first book of many that I've got tucked into this brain of mine, and work part-time as a supply teacher down in Dorset. Mike and I also decided that on the day I should have returned to school that we'd head off on a hike of the Wainwright's route of the northern Coast to Coast, from Whitehaven to Robin Hood's Bay. At only 192 miles it was doable in a two week window, which was all I could really spare, before needing to be back to support mum for her weekly care day.


    How could I have known that by April, I'd be on crutches, having had a little accident, on the ski slope accompanying a school trip to the French Alps. That was a HeadRightOut Moment as well, because I've never been skiing. It was all completely new and I was on day four of ski school. It was a weird time. But the first half of my very last term in the school was spent at home, resting a torn ACL, MCL and a partially dislocated kneecap.


    Instead, I focused on sorting all that stuff I'd collected over the years. And planning. I was doing lots of planning in my head. Mike would bring me down a box from the attic and I'd sort it and I got rid of masses of clothes and I had the biggest spring clean I'd ever embarked upon. And I think I started listening or watching Marie Kondo as well and sorting out my drawers, making them look tidy. It was really cathartic, hugely cathartic. And I also use the headspace to consider where to take my life once leaving my teaching post.


    This is actually where the full shape of HeadRightOut began to develop, if I'm honest. I now had a focus again too, despite still being on crutches. I was determined to still be able to walk Wainwright's Coast to Coast. Once I'd had the all clear from the hospital to start physiotherapy, I exercised my knee to ensure it was strong enough to get up into those Lakeland mountains and do some much needed long-distance walking again. Did I make it? Yes, I did! It felt pretty good. Actually, most of the way I only had one or two little twinges. But I was so proud. I won't say I wasn't fearful of injuring it again, because I was and I was careful. I did everything the physio told me, and I worked so hard on those regular exercises to regain the strength and movement I needed. It was four and a half months from injury to leaving for the walk, and I did it. So I hope this gives you some hope if you've been injured, and working through a recovery program... and I should add, I was 48 years old when this all happened. So once again, it's never too late.


    Back to that plan, then of part time working, websiting, writing, and walking. In addition to this, Mike and I made the decision to move up to South Wales to live on a narrowboat. She's a forty-foot stern cruiser called Alys, who had been with Mike for around twelve years. It was a good plan and an exciting plan. A bit scary but exciting. I needed to register with the teaching agency in South Wales, and I'd only be an hour's drive away now from Mum, instead of the two and a quarter hours drive that it had been from Dorset. That was only one way - two and a quarter hours. It all made perfect sense.


    The house in Dorset could be rented out and we'd finally need to sort through our accumulation of stuff and let some of it go. Well, let let most of it go. We were moving from a three-bed house with a garage, to a six-feet ten wide by forty-feet long, narrowboat. Well, after multiple changes to our dates, our final plan was to move to Alys on the 28th of March 2020... we all know what happened in the UK on the 23rd of March!


    Mike and I had spent a few weeks emptying our house in readiness for our move on the 28th. We had no fridge-freezer, no washing machine, no bed, no telly (not that we watch TV anyway). We had a few basic things. My yoga mat, an inflatable mattress, a fold up table, two chairs. We did have a sofa that was being given away on the day before leaving, but we couldn't move. So essentially, we found ourselves glamping in a near empty house for four months. It was a strange experience to begin with. It could have sent either one of us over the edge, I guess. However, we just treated it like another adventure.


    Mike cracked on with working on all those little jobs around the house that needed to be done. I'd been due to set off on a walk along the Southern Upland Way in Scotland. This couldn't happen either. So instead I pulled together a small band of Instagram and Facebook walkers and runners, to climb the equivalent ascent of the trail in their back gardens. We completed it over a period of two weeks walking or running the final day in fancy dress. It felt like a really positive way to begin the lockdown instead of struggling with the emptiness of the house. I mean, it could have been such a different experience. But I think sometimes it's just the way you frame it, the way you want to look at it.


    By June, I'd set up a new Facebook group, the HeadRightOut Hub, a group for women who need a safe space to talk about testing their resilience. Come mid-July, we were finally ready to move up to the boat. And it all felt right. It felt exciting. Although it was emotional to leave my house of twelve years, I was happy in my new surroundings on the towpath.


    Trees, water, hills, mountains, exceptionally yummy greenery and scenery - there's another rhyme! It served me well throughout more lockdowns and it continues to fill my soul, thirteen months on. And, you know, the more I was interviewed for other podcasts about my experiences during this time, the more I knew in my heart that I needed to begin this podcasting journey for myself. It still scared me. And I could easily have delayed further but the time had come, the time had come and I knew I had no more excuses I could make, I had to get this show on the road, as they say, or on the canal.


    Anyway, over the years, so many past students have got in touch with me to thank me for inspiring them. Receiving feedback like this is such a joy. It's such a simple thank you, such a simple message of gratitude. To know that I've lifted a student to a point where I've been able to facilitate or inspire them to take a new direction or believe in themselves is profound for me. Sometimes the message from them hasn't been about the teaching. There have been numerous occasions where the ex-student said they were inspired by one of my assemblies about facing fears or my courage to go off and walk a coast path on my own. So much that they took off and did it themselves! Each time I hear this, it reminds me that one small message can make a huge impact for another human being for their lifelong wellbeing.


    Women, empowering other women is a thing. It happens. I know this firsthand because I've felt it. Listening to and watching women adventuring, being brave. Watching them trying new things or hearing about how they've pushed their bodies. It's like a subliminal message that's being delivered to us over and over until finally, we realise. We understand. We believe that we too can take that chance. We can have a go. We can experience the life-changing benefits of adventure. Gosh, this feels like it's really come from inside me here. I mean, I've written a few notes to share with you and I just felt like that flowed in a way that I can't explain, because I feel so passionate about this right here, as a fifty-year old female.


    Yes, I did turn fifty in May. I know that I am in the perimenopause phase in my life. Changes even if unwanted are happening to my body that I can't stop. I've got to accept that. What I do not have to accept however, are the chemical changes in my body that control my hormone levels and what it does to my brain. I cannot accept that my way of thinking is going to change because my hormone levels are changing. I understand that my estrogen levels may lower and cortisol levels are likely to drop, causing me to lose confidence. I'm not an expert at this and I haven't read as much or researched as much as perhaps I could, or should have done yet, but you know that's going to happen. But I do understand that at this time of my life, I need to make a concerted effort to stay strong, fit and healthy to protect my bones.


    I'm determined to maintain my confidence by exploring the many outdoor and fitness opportunities that there are there for me, by preparing myself with knowledge and the support of those around me if needed. I hope that I'm going to be able to harness a healthy, calm transition through the menopause. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blinkered to what many people go through, and I do acknowledge that it can be a traumatic ride for some people. But I hope my experience, whatever comes my way is going to be manageable with the physical and emotional tools that I have on board. And as I said, I am going to spend some more time reading around this topic and I'll come back to you in a later episode perhaps, with any nuggets, any pearls of wisdom that I've found. We might even be able to bring an expert onto the podcast to join me in an enriching conversation about female wellbeing, physical activity and health regarding the menopause, that would be a good one.


    So this is a good place to call it a day for this first, what did I call it 'Solopisode'. Thank you for listening in today. I hope you'll be hitting that 'follow' button so you don't miss any future episodes. I'll be back with the next episode, where we'll be talking to Julia Goodfellow-Smith.


    She is a walker, and adventurer and speaker and we've got some amazing nuggets from Julia. I do like those little nuggets of wisdom that are passed on from woman to woman. Don't forget too, that if you think of a catchy name to give to my outdoor episodes, I'd love to hear from you. I'm also looking for some HeadRightOut Moments to read out. So for either of those, private message me on any of the socials FB: @headrightout, TW: @headrightout, IG: @headrightout or you can email me on zoe@headrightout.com.


    Come and join us for the next chat in the second episode. I do hope you can join us. And if you head over to my website, there's also a freebie booklet that I put together called packing for a multi-day hike. So if any of you are planning an adventure across a few days or weeks, then this might be of use to you. There's a sample kit list at the end, so you can see everything that I generally carry with me. That's at headrightout.com.


    Okey doke. That's it for now. Start thinking about how you can HeadRightOut of your comfort zone. I'm Zoe Langley-Wathen. Thanks for joining me today. HeadRightOut Hugs to you all and I'll see you all next time.

    Recent Episodes from HeadRightOut

    Trailblazing the Wales Coast Path in 2012 & other adventures - 020: Arry Cain

    Trailblazing the Wales Coast Path in 2012 & other adventures - 020: Arry Cain

    Arry Cain set off in March 2012 to run the equivalent of 40 marathons in 40 days along a brand new trail, the Wales Coast Path. She would become the first person to run around the perimeter of Wales, including the Wales Coast Path. and officially launched the opening of the Path in Cardiff Bay, as she ran her last mile of a gruelling 1027 miles on 5th May. Ten years on, Arry shares her determination, her difficulties and more about the doubters that she could even achieve such an immense challenge. The impact of some of those messages left a deep scar that was hard to heal, but here she talks to Zoe about how she feels ready to reconnect with her running mojo. Arry also retells with enthusiasm and an element of terror, some of the experiences of her other adventures, particularly cycling. Arry really knows the meaning of what it is to HeadRightOut.



    Arry Cain -

    Website: Website: https://dragonrun1027.wordpress.com/ (This is currently being updated to reflect on the run, upcoming adventures and everything in between!)

    Instagram: @arrycain

    Twitter:  @arrycain

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dragonrun1027



    Illustration -

    Website: www.arrycainillustration.com




    Where to find HeadRightOut and Zoe on social media:






    Music used in this episode:

    Intro, outro and transitions - ‘Stay Strong’ by Caffeine Creek Band


    To follow


    To follow

    The stretch that should be known as 'Arry's Cliff', Llantwit Major (taken in March 2012).

    A Donkey, Children & Slow Ways; inspiring human-powered home travel: Hannah Engelkamp - 019

    A Donkey, Children & Slow Ways; inspiring human-powered home travel: Hannah Engelkamp - 019

    Hannah Engelkamp talks about walking Wales with a spirited donkey, children, adventures and the pandemic. Her current passion is inspiring others to walk Slow Ways routes, a new network of direct paths, from settlement to settlement, across Great Britain.


    Hannah is a writer and editor with a background in adventure magazines and websites. In 2013 she travelled waywardly around the circumference of Wales, 1000 miles, with a characterful donkey called Chico as her companion. In 2015 she published ‘Seaside Donkey’, a book and a feature-length film of the same, detailing her unusual adventure.


    In this episode, Zoe talks with Hannah about her adventures with her young children, taking on the position of wardens on Bardsey Island for six months with her partner, and her experience of the pandemic, with no garden and two children to occupy. There are surprising similarities between donkey and toddler, Hannah reveals.


    More recently, Hannah was appointed as the Culture, Imagination and Story Lead for Slow Ways, a project working towards creating a trusted network of walking routes that connect settlements and encourage people to walk and engage with the land for their everyday routines in addition to leisure walking. There will be a later episode of HeadRightOut in which full attention is given to Seaside Donkey, as Chico would naturally expect...



    Hannah Engelkamp -

    Website: www.seasidedonkey.co.uk (http://seasidedonkey.co.uk/shop-2/ for the book and film) 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seasidedonkey/

    Twitter:  https://twitter.com/hannahengelkamp

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeasideDonkey


    Slow Ways -

    Website: www.slowways.org

    Swarm including the link to the Google doc for submitting film clips from your walk.



    Map to use for searching for routes needing verification or choosing new walks to pioneer: https://slowways.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/interactivelegend/index.html?appid=7a48a682d41d450b99772f2e25d15d29


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/slowwaysuk/

    Twitter:  https://twitter.com/SlowWaysUK

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SlowWaysUK



    Where to find HeadRightOut and Zoe on social media:







    Music used in this episode:

    Intro, outro and transitions - ‘Stay Strong’ by Caffeine Creek Band



    To follow



    To follow

    Fell Running, Marathons & Mountain Biking; Founder of Element for Active Women - 018: Ruth Pickvance

    Fell Running, Marathons & Mountain Biking; Founder of Element for Active Women - 018: Ruth Pickvance

    Ruth shares her passion for the mountains, becoming an international fell running champion, fast marathons and how mountain bike orienteering has captured her interest aged 60. She is the founder of Element, offering active courses for women in Wales.

    In 2012, Ruth Pickvance, an adventurous, retired international fell running champion and super-fast marathon runner, left her well-paid head of faculty role at a Sixth Form College, to set up Element. The business offers women the opportunity to find confidence in outdoor pursuits such as Yoga for Runners, Beginning Fell Running and Mountain Biking for Beginners. At sixty years old, Ruth herself has discovered that she enjoys mountain bike orienteering, which marries her love of the outdoors with the joy of moving her body with less impact on her joints than perhaps those marathons of her forties had created.

    Living in the beautiful Brecon Beacons, Ruth shares more about her involvement in local environmental projects and conservation, as well as offering some first-hand wisdom regarding facing our fears and stretching those comfort zones.



    Website: https://element-active.co.uk/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elementactive/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RuthPickvance  

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elementactiveuk



    In the Best Urban and Adventure Category



    Where to find HeadRightOut and Zoe on social media:







    Music used in this episode:

    This Minimal Technology by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Morning Garden - Acoustic Chill by Olexy from Pixabay

    The Cradle of Your Soul by lemonmusicstudio from Pixabay -

    Simple Piano Melody by ZakharValaha from Pixabay

    Intro, outro and transitions - ‘Stay Strong’ by Caffeine Creek Band


    • Welcome to the episode 00:51
    • Request for votes in the Sports Podcast Awards - Best Urban and Adventure Category - currently ranked in third place - this is likely to change 01:17
    • Different format for episode due to mic problems when recording. Please let me know if you like the format or preferred HeadRightOut’s original style 02:27
    • What to expect in our conversation. 03:23
    • Where Zoe and Ruth first met and Ruth’s bio: International Mountain Runner, Former British Fell Champion, fast marathon runner, exploring nature and founder of Element 04:06
    • How Ruth came into racing, visiting the Lake District one Christmas around 1985 and making a spontaneous decision 06:20
    • How quickly Ruth became good at the sport and why it touched a chord with her 08:42
    • How old Ruth was when she started racing and where her deep-rooted love of the mountains stemmed from 09:33
    • Zoe talks about the Gold Hill 10 race in Shaftesbury, Dorset - the strength needed running uphill vs the fear of running downhill 10:41
    • Where the fear comes from and how it affects us when running downhill 11:42
    • How to let go and deal with the fear head on 13:10
    • Understanding resilience both personally for Ruth and in general 15:13
    • What is fear, to Ruth? Recognising negative cycles and what we need 18:36
    • About perimenopause symptoms for Zoe 21:19
    • When menopause kicked in for Ruth and how she handled it 22:44
    • Ruth’s love for swimming and other activities - cycling, running, strength work, land management, walking 24:35
    • Zoe hearing about positive impact of exercise from other women in perimenopause including Jo Moseley 26:05
    • Ruth’s recommendations to see a GP or specialist doctor in menopause and HRT if symptoms are debilitating 26:42
    • Zoe’s experience with some of the perimenopause symptoms 27:27
    • Ruth talks about bringing curiosity to fear in order to see fear differently 29:09
    • Digging deep when the doubts and thoughts of being hopeless creep in 31:32
    • Mountain biking for beginners with Element - Ruth shares what some of the participants have said about the two-day course 35:28
    • What Element offers to women coming on the workshops and courses 38:14
    • Ruth’s volunteer work with Stump Up for Trees, planting a million trees 42:50
    • Guardian articles and reviews, Antonia Bolingbroke-Kent and Kate Rawles 44:42
    • Talking about Ruth’s days racing and fell running in the UK and Europe 46:08
    • Types of sponsorship available and the preference to not be fully professional as an athlete 48:32
    • Ruth’s HeadRightOut Moment 50:40
    • Running marathons and choosing fell running over the Olympics 51:57
    • Where to find Ruth on her website and on social media 53:50
    • Laughing about talking for fifty minutes. Thanks from Zoe to Ruth 54:40
    • Zoe shares Ruth’s PB for her fast marathon. Subscribe to Ruth’s newsletter for Element 55:08
    • Lou Lloyd’s HeadRightOut Moment - wild camping solo in the Brecon Beacons and WWOOFING on a smallholding 57:00
    • Zoe taking a short break to deal with family things 59:44
    • Please let Zoe know what you thought of the episode format 1:00:10
    • Please vote for HeadRightOut in the Sports Podcast Awards 1:00:43
    • Thanks to the listeners, thanks to the guests and an invitation to plan and then step out of your comfort zone 1:00:55
    • HeadRightOut Hugs to all 1:01:39


    Truffles, Tribes & Tragedy; Healing Through World Foods & Adventures - 017: Sue Plastow

    Truffles, Tribes & Tragedy; Healing Through World Foods & Adventures  - 017: Sue Plastow

    After the sudden death of her husband, Sue Plastow and her family left their Italian truffle orchard to return to the UK. Less than 12 months later, she is finding her feet again with exciting plans ahead that involves outdoor adventures, good food and a space for women to walk and talk. Her children experienced a wonderfully feral upbringing of travel and freedom. Now it’s Sue’s turn to find adventures to honour her late husband’s memory. Her positivity and zest for life is infectious. While she is aware that she is still grieving, Sue knows that the only way forward is to reach back to old skills, reach out for support, and reach up towards the future.










    In the Best Urban and Adventure Category







    You can email Zoe: zoe@headrightout.com


    • An audio clip from Sue’s conversation [00:00]
    • Zoe’s introduction to the guest [00:45]
    • Thank you for voting and news about HeadRightOut being a finalist in the Podcasting for Business Awards in the Best Health & Wellbeing category. Request to vote in the Sports Podcast Awards [02:33]
    • Sue Plastow’s bio across thirty years of family travelling and living abroad [03:58]
    • Sue’s fears and reservations about adventuring with a young family of four children under the age of five [07:37]
    • How Sue’s children, now young adults, have benefitted from a childhood of freedom and away from the conventional education system [08:52]
    • Children barefoot and feral, roaming anywhere; living in the mountains, and near the Med, snowboarding, skiing and sailing [09:52]
    • What her children are doing now and about their healthy emotional wellbeing [11:12]
    • Why Sue thinks she’s always been resilient [12:24]
    • Sue’s study/travel timeline, into a relationship, marriage and children, normal life attempt and then campervan adventures with the family in Canada [13:09]
    • What you learn to live without - living simply on the road [14:36]
    • Getting cold in Canada so moving to Dubai, doing desert drumming and sandboarding [15:27]
    • Talking through the personal circumstances that’s brought Sue and family back to UK [17:23]
    • Global Financial Crisis (GFC), Australia, Malaysia, South of France, Switzerland, Italy and Sue’s husband’s death [17:41]
    • Quick thinking prior to travel corridors closing due to the pandemic - rapid move back to UK and how everyone is coping [18:32]
    • Not wanting others to think they have to just crack on because Sue did [19:45]
    • How Sue and the family have found the things they need to survive and move on; honouring her husband’s life [20:32]
    • Sue looking back through her arsenal for skills to draw upon - what could she do? Cookery, social/communication, teaching English, gaining TEFL qualification [21:56]
    • The importance of connection with other midlife women [23:57]
    • Zoe’s similar experience of grief/loss [24:36]
    • A lurching horror vs a transformation - not wanting to be prescriptive about grief [26:44]
    • Message to all: You’re not alone and there are glimmers of hope [28:27]
    • Zoe’s old saying from someone years ago ‘Out of every adversity…’ [28:42]
    • The importance of food and travelling, cookery classes and a bridge between cultures [29:50]
    • Travel adventures with food, outside and a podcast about it [30:36]
    • New events kitchen - called Naked Tartufi [31:35]
    • New concept of outdoor adventure, food and walking along the South West Coast Path - a Moveable Feast [32:23]
    • A therapy, communication, tribe, group of women coming full circle from the bonding experiences of bringing up the family tribe [34:38]
    • The magic of walking and talking [35:24]
    • The impact of travelling so much on Sue and her children. Seeing a million ways to live a life [37:10]
    • Sue’s HeadRightOut Moment facing her fears and driving her children in the snowy, icy mountains to their activities [38:02]
    • Sue’s message that anyone can do it - if she can, they can [39:59]
    • Discussing Sue’s presence on social media - Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, including both the Naked Tartufi account and English Language Cookery School and her podcast, Eat Yourself Alive [40:23]
    • Zoe’s reflection on the episode [42:09]
    • Zoe’s own HeadRightOut Moment from exactly two years ago - Mount Tremper, upstate New York, 100ScaryDays [43:26]
    • Invitation to listen in next week - Ruth Pickvance next week’s guest - international champion fell runner, now running Element Active business - women in the outdoors [47:01]
    • Grateful reminder for listeners to vote for HeadRightOut on Sports Podcast Awards in the Best Urban and Adventure category [47:42]
    • HeadRightOut Hugs [47:56]

    A Do or Die Decision on Weight Loss; Discovering a New Life Outdoors - 016: Maria Roberts

    A Do or Die Decision on Weight Loss; Discovering a New Life Outdoors - 016: Maria Roberts

    This is a compelling conversation between Zoe and Maria Roberts about transitioning from size 26 to size 10. Self-loathing and lacking in confidence, her family needed her. She knew that she would have to make changes. She had to start moving her body and change her lifestyle, despite attempting many unsuccessful diets from the age of ten. After her amazing 8 stone weight loss in her late forties, Maria has now discovered a new-found love for staying fit, being in the outdoors, cycling, canoeing and particularly going on mountain walks and challenges. Her most recent challenge, Ten-y-Fan was gruelling and took every ounce of determination, as she aimed for ten ascents of the highest peak in the Brecon Beacons, Pen-y-Fan. Maria continues to push her comfort zone limits to keep her fit and healthy, both physically, mentally and emotionally and feels she has finally gained her life, and her family back. SHOW LINKS:

    Maria's Instagram

    Maria's Twitter


    In the Best Urban and Adventure Category


    Connect with Zoe:

    HeadRightOut on Facebook

    HeadRightOut on Instagram

    HeadRightOut on Twitter

    Zoe Langley-Wathen on LinkedIn

    Email Zoe directly

    HeadRightOut website


    Miles, Mountains & Menopause: Getting My Life Back - 015: Jo Bradshaw

    Miles, Mountains & Menopause: Getting My Life Back - 015: Jo Bradshaw

    As a business advisor who feared heights, Jo Bradshaw never would have dreamed that just a few years later she would summit Mount Everest and lead expeditions across the world. Having now reached six out of the seven highest peak summits, on each of the seven continents, Jo shares how her biggest challenge found her learning to manage the blended symptoms of grief, menopause and lockdown, and how new adventures have since been born. In her conversation with Zoe, she is so incredibly honest about how severely her perimenopause symptoms affected her and how HRT has been a total gamechanger, giving back her life. While her last mountain is still on hold, Jo talks about her return to physical training: from the endurance walking and cycling events she designed last year, to the miles she needs to cover in her newest challenge, coming up in March 2022; a race in Lapland.


    Jo’s website - www.jobradshaw.co.uk

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/_jobradshaw/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jobradshawadventurer

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jo-bradshaw-keynotespeaker/


    In the Best Urban and Adventure Category









    Van Life, Challenging Ageist Attitudes & Pro-ageing; Retire Adventurously & Positively - 014: Siobhan Daniels

    Van Life, Challenging Ageist Attitudes & Pro-ageing; Retire Adventurously & Positively - 014: Siobhan Daniels

    The words HeadRightOut Podcast flank the left-hand side of an Instamatic style frame. A woman, Siobhan, in her early sixties, faces the camera with a broad smile, dark hair swept up from her face but draped over her shoulders. She is wearing a pale pink and navy blue chequered shirt.

    Siobhan Daniels inspires young and old alike. As a woman who has endured a variety of pains life had to throw at her, she is now not only living her best life into retirement, she's on a mission to encourage others to do that too, and to promote the enjoyment of growing older. Siobhan retired from the BBC, two years ago, after a thirty-year career working as a reporter, presenter, and producer in local news. Her life's rollercoaster involved being a single mum, taking a gap year from work to backpack solo around the world, suffering burn-out, ageism, and workplace bullying, all whilst dealing with grief, and multiple symptoms associated with peri-menopause. Knowing how much she had learned and grown from her back-packing adventure at forty-nine, after years of planning, Siobhan retired to travel the UK in her motorhome, championing and campaigning for companies, products and the public to see the good in ageing. In her words, ‘you are never too old for an adventure’.


    Siobhan Daniels' website and blog:


    Rachel Peru's podcast:


    HeadRightOut Moment from Charlotte Boenigk

    Personal training links:




    Free Your Instinct:





    Charlotte facing the camera, standing in the outside wearing a blue waterproof coat.

    A picture of a coffee cup in the foreground with a bouldering wall in the background


    In the Best Urban and Adventure Category)


    Sports Podcast Awards screenshot

    Sports Podcast Awards Screenshot



    Oceans Seven & 1111km Extreme Ultra-Triathlon; Strength, Meditation and Mindful Music - 013: Abhejali Bernardová

    Oceans Seven & 1111km Extreme Ultra-Triathlon; Strength, Meditation and Mindful Music - 013: Abhejali Bernardová

    Only the 10th person in history (the 4th woman and first swimmer from the Czech Republic), Abhejali Bernardová has completed the coveted ‘Oceans Seven’ - a physically gruelling and mentally demanding open-water swim across seven channels around the world. Zoe talks with Abhejali about her more recent challenge; an Extreme Ultra-Triathlon, crossing 1111kms from Dover to Prague.

    This conversation is definitely not just about swimming, running and cycling, however, as the deep and powerful methods of self-talk and managing the mind during endurance challenges are shared. With such a positive, thought-provoking and calm approach to this episode, it is an ideal opportunity to consider the condition of your own headspace prior to event preparation.





    https://abhejali.cz/ (Czech website - English site being built)



    *Please note error in the introduction - the date of editing the show is 2nd January 2022, not 2021 as stated.

    • Zoe's introduction to the guest - Abhejali Bernardová [01:39]
    • Abhejali's bio: from Czech Republic, 44yrs old, runner, open-water swimmer, extreme ultra-triathlete, member of Sri Chinmoy marathon team. She is the 10th person in history, 4th woman and first swimmer from Czech Republic to complete Oceans Seven. She has completed a 6-day run and is a multiple national champion at 100kms and 24 hours. She was nominated for both 2018 and 2019 world Open Water Swimming Woman of the Year. [02:15]
    • Why 1111kms? [04:33]
    • What is the Oceans Seven? [05:55]
    • Self-transcendence and meditation to assist the mental side of physical challenges. [08.31]
    • A choice of choosing challenge in order to learn more about self. [11:05]
    • Meditation techniques used. [12:17]
    • Dealing with the difficult mind stuff with meditation, mantras and music. [14:20]
    • The Oceans Seven criteria. [17:56]
    • The support crew on boat and land. [19:14]
    • Characterising an ocean - describing its personality. [21:41]
    • Witnessing the bioluminescence. [24:42]
    • About the training and commitment. [25:48]
    • Logistics of organising the Extreme Ultra-Triathlon. [30:17]
    • Funding challenges. [32:10]
    • What's next? [33:03]
    • Abhejali's HeadRightOut Moment. [35:08]
    • How Abhejali's life has been changed. [38:17]
    • Wrapping up the conversation and her book (to come). [40:41]
    • Zoe's reflection on her conversation with Abhejali. [43:56]
    • A HeadRightOut Moment from Iain. [45:12]
    • Gained weight - up to 16st. Lost weight through walking, running and then cycling- specifically, time-trialling.
    • In two years, gained a certificate in the Best British All-Rounder Competition in cycling for averaging 23mph.
    • How this moment has changed Iain's life.
    • Brief introduction to next week's guest - Siobhan Daniels. Motorhome living, retired, positive and pro-aging campaigner.
    • Request for listeners to follow, rate and review HeadRightOut. Ratings can also be left on Spotify now.
    • Thanks, good wishes for 2022 and HeadRightOut Hugs.


    Abhejali in 2018

    Abhejali in 2014

    Abhejali in 2015

    Abhejali in 2013 (Peace Run)


    Iain before his fitness regime

    Iain, two years later, 'time-trialling' on his bike

    Iain's Best British All-Rounder certificate

    Explore, Challenge and Observe: The Three Pillars of HeadRightOut - Solopisode - 012: Zoe Langley-Wathen

    Explore, Challenge and Observe: The Three Pillars of HeadRightOut - Solopisode - 012: Zoe Langley-Wathen


    In this Solopisode, Zoe shares in more detail about the three pillars of HeadRightOut, EXPLORE, CHALLENGE, and OBSERVE. She talks about what they mean for her, for the podcast, and HeadRightOut as a business, and ultimately, what they mean for YOU. They have, after all been written with you in mind. Zoe knows she’s not alone in the way her brain operates and that there are billions of people, women in particular, who share the same fears, and the same pain points as her. Zoe believes these pillars will speak to you, as they have spoken to her, and she’s so excited to share them with you.


    Why not take some time to EXPLORE what opportunities are open to you in your life? How you can make the CHALLENGES work for you with a little planning and belief in yourself. And with a daily or weekly journal, you could OBSERVE the impact it has on your routine, and open up further doors for you to adapt and grow. E.C.O. = EXPLORE, CHALLENGE and OBSERVE.

    Enjoy making magical inroads into your best life, making time and space to feel uncomfortable. Take risks and challenge yourself to HeadRightOut using Zoe’s EXPLORE, CHALLENGE and OBSERVE method. Make it part of your own ECO-system, and before you know it, it'll become habit.







    Belinda Kirk - Episode 11 on HeadRightOut talking about the benefit of adventure on wellbeing.

    Nahla Summers - Episode 9 and Stephie Boon - Episode 7 on HeadRightOut talking about how they avoid planning, preferring to fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants. Nahla talks also about having 'blind optimism'.

    Julia Goodfellow-Smith - Episode 2 talking about planning for a bucket list and how to go about achieving these goals in her book, 'Live Your Bucket List'.

    Joanna Penn - Author and Creative Entrepreneur :

    Joanna Penn can be found on her website The Creative Penn

    Joanna also hosts both The Creative Penn Podcast and the Books and Travel Podcast.


    • Zoe introduces the outline and intention of this episode with the main focus being the three pillars of HeadRightOut. [00.23]
    • Starting with request to hit 'follow' in your podcast app. Rate, review and share with a friend. Show them how to listen to a podcast if they've never done it before. [02:51]
    • Monetisation - considerations for the future of sustaining the show. Feedback received along with unprompted requests to financially support the show and thanks. [03.50]
    • Fresh new year approaching. Changes Zoe has made to her routine, including rising super-early and use of Google Calendar. [05:59]
    • Potential for more Solopisodes than originally intended, if the listeners want them? Please let Zoe know - message on socials or zoe@headrightout.com. Can be on a variety of topics including perimenopause, caring for elderly parents, planning or packing for an adventure. [09:01]
    • The Three Pillars of HeadRightOut - main focus of today's episode. General introduction to them. [10:40]
    • About the first pillar - EXPLORE. The idea stage. Something has to change. You may not know where to start. It's a fallow time, like the autumn/winter time of preparing the land (for you - paving the way). [13.23]
    • About the second pillar - CHALLENGE. The hardest stage and often the stage at which many cannot move past. The organisation of the adventure happens in this stage. Trust and self-belief feature heavily in this stage. [20:31]
    • About the third and final pillar - OBSERVE. The best bit means experiencing and debriefing yourself. The importance of keeping a journal and/or a video/audio diary. Figuring out what has worked well and where you could improve for next time. Learning to accept that not everything goes to plan. Ask yourself a variety of questions during and after the challenge. You may have experienced Type Two Fun... [30:08]
    • Zoe's reflection and summing-up of The Three Pillars of HeadRightOut. EXPLORE, CHALLENGE and OBSERVE. [36:45]

    The world needs an Adventure Revolution: and midlife women to organise it! - 011: Belinda Kirk

    The world needs an Adventure Revolution: and midlife women to organise it! - 011: Belinda Kirk

    Zoe chats with Belinda Kirk, who has over 26 years of experience in leading expeditions. She has witnessed the positive impact of undertaking outdoor challenges on mental health and wellbeing and believes that now, more than ever, adventure should be the go-to for ALL age-groups. She shares the foundations of her ground-breaking book, Adventure Revolution and the importance of having a mindset that includes comfort zone stretching in order to grow in confidence, developing long-lasting self-efficacy, self-esteem and resilience.

    • Welcome back to Season Two
    • Thank you for returning if you have listened before. About Zoe and about HeadRightOut. [00:37]
    • Belinda Kirk introduction. [02:04]
    • What is the difference between being outside and 'adventure'? 'Nature Effect' vs 'Adventure Effect'. [04:09]
    • Choosing not just challenge, but uncertainty and adversity. Choosing to be uncomfortable and the benefits. Finding out what we're capable of and building resilience. [06:14]
    • Belinda's personal take on the research around the impact of adventure on women in particular. [08:17]
    • The importance of taking adventures at key turning points in our lives - not just as a teenager. [10:54]
    • The 'invisibility' of midlife women and how they are the backbone of Britain. [14:06]
    • Adventure Revolution - the book. Praise from Zoe and where it started. [15:50]
    • How adventure is powerful for well-being and positive psychology. [16:47]
    • Writing the book during lockdown. [19:25]
    • How the book has been received. Feedback at Kendal Mountain Festival. [20:51]
    • Does the Adventure Effect need maintaining? How? [22:14]
    • What Zoe calls 'Microbravery'. [23:53]
    • What's in Belinda's resilience toolkit? [26:26]
    • Using the word 'failure' - a correction to reframe the definition and use it more positively. [29:03]
    • If adversity and risk is good for us, how do we effect change? [31:47]
    • Belinda's HeadRightOut Moment [37:01]
    • About the Adventure Mind Conference. [38:55]
    • Where to find Belinda. [40:41]
    • Zoe's reflection on her conversation with Belinda. [42:01]
    • Karen Wood's HeadRightOut Moment. [44:23]
    • Next episodes coming up. Solopisode, Abhejali Bernardova, Siobhan Daniels and Jo Bradshaw. [50:38]
    • Update on the Out-Out episodes. [52:16]
    • Request to follow, rate and review the podcast. Request for listener's HeadRightOut Moments. [53:29]

    Belinda's Links:





    Click to book for the Adventure Mind Conference and find out more information (26th - 27th March 2022).

    To read my write-up of the 2020 Adventure Mind event, click here.


    Karen Wood - a 'Cold Water Bobbing' HeadRightOut Moment in the sea at Sidmouth.

    Follow Karen on Instagram here.