
    "Steve Martin & Martin Short"

    enMay 06, 2024
    What was the theme of the podcast discussion?
    How long has the podcast been producing episodes?
    What challenges do comedians face on talk shows?
    How did Marty Short and Steve Martin develop their friendship?
    What clothing brand did listeners get a discount for?

    Podcast Summary

    • Perseverance and the Human ExperienceDespite challenges, remember it's possible to have a great finish. Clear communication and patience are important. The human brain continues to function even in death, and we all have relatable frustrations. Celebrate milestones and find humor in the journey.

      Despite having rough starts or challenging situations, it's important to remember that one can still have a great finish. This was a recurring theme during the podcast discussion. Additionally, the human brain is a complex organ that continues to function even in the face of death, as evidenced by the dilation of pupils. The group also shared relatable frustrations about having too much work and the feeling of being misunderstood. They acknowledged the importance of clear communication and patience in such situations. The podcast marked their 200th episode, which equates to approximately 4 years of production, a significant milestone for the team. Despite some math errors during the discussion, they acknowledged their progress and looked forward to continuing their work. The group also poked fun at each other, with jokes about bumper stickers, being from different places, and accumulating crusty socks while being away from home. Overall, the conversation touched on the themes of perseverance, communication, and the complexities of the human experience.

    • A Sock as a Surprising SolutionLate in life, the speaker found a novel way to address a personal issue using a sock, expressing regret for not knowing sooner. The conversation also touched on the importance of being open to unconventional solutions and the potential for humor in everyday experiences.

      The speaker discovered a new method for dealing with a personal issue using an unconventional item - a sock. This revelation came late in life, and the speaker expressed regret about not knowing about it earlier. The method involves using a sock instead of tissues or other items for certain purposes. The speaker also shared an anecdote about a college student whose room was filled with tissues, leading to speculation about the student's health and habits. The conversation then shifted to other topics, including dental appointments and orthodontic treatments. Overall, the conversation showcases the speakers' ability to find humor and curiosity in everyday experiences.

    • Discussing the significance of having two legendary guests for a milestone episodeSteve Martin and Martin Short shared their experiences and humor, reflecting on the power of duos and their numerous accolades, leading to a simple and fitting title for the milestone episode: 'Steve Martin and Martin Short'.

      During the 200th episode of their podcast, the hosts were joined by the legendary duo Steve Martin and Martin Short. They joked about the significance of having two guests for the milestone episode, comparing it to the power of a duo and the accomplishments of their guests. Martin and Short are known for their many awards and accolades, leading to a lengthy introduction that the hosts decided to forgo due to its extensiveness. The conversation then turned to the hosts' past titles for their show, with Steve Martin Short being suggested multiple times. The hosts reflected on their various titles and the expectations they face from their audience, with Martin admitting that he has heard the suggestion many times before. Despite the numerous titles, the hosts agreed that the simplicity of "Steve Martin and Martin Short" would be fitting for the episode. The conversation ended with the hosts expressing their admiration for the duo and their talents.

    • The meeting of comedy greats on 'The 3 Amigos' setSteve Martin and Martin Short's contrasting comedic styles led to a unique and successful partnership on 'The 3 Amigos', starting with Steve's SNL prime time special in 1984.

      The dynamic duo of Steve Martin and Martin Short's successful partnership began on the set of "The 3 Amigos," a project that started with Steve hosting SNL's prime time spin-off in 1984. Steve was already a major star, while Martin was still in high school. They first met when Martin came over to Steve's house to get a copy of the script. Martin was impressed by Steve's work and was excited to join the project. Initially, Chevy Chase was considered for one of the roles, but he was unavailable, leading to Martin Short's casting instead. Their contrasting comedic styles created a unique red, blue, and green dynamic. Martin's bizarre characters, which seemed to have nothing to do with human behavior, complemented Steve and Chevy's performances. The trio's chemistry resulted in a successful film and the beginning of a long-lasting friendship and collaboration.

    • Martin Short's Entertaining Stories and Product EndorsementsMartin Short shared amusing anecdotes from his career and endorsed various brands like Delta Airlines, Macy's, and Vuori, emphasizing their premium experiences and sustainable options.

      Martin Short shared stories about his experiences in the entertainment industry, including creating a backstory for a character on SCTV called Jackie Rogers junior, who was killed by a cougar on a TV special. He also mentioned a book title "I, Actor" that he wished he had thought of. The conversation also touched upon shopping for Mother's Day gifts with Macy's gift finder and Delta Airlines aiming to make travelers feel at home with their premium in-flight experiences and sustainable options. Additionally, Martin expressed his fondness for Vuori's versatile workout gear. Overall, the episode showcased Martin's humor and storytelling abilities while highlighting various brands and products.

    • The Natural Evolution of Marty Short and Steve Martin's Friendship and CollaborationMarty Short and Steve Martin's friendship and successful work collaboration evolved naturally over time, strengthened by shared experiences and mutual respect, culminating in their live show in 2011.

      The long-lasting friendship and successful work collaboration between Marty Short and Steve Martin evolved naturally over time, through coincidental projects and mutual respect. Their shared style and social circle strengthened their bond, and while they could have pursued their own projects together, it wasn't until 2011 that they began their live show, which became a successful venture. The success of their earlier projects, like "3 Amigos," may not have been immediately apparent but accrued value over the years. Their friendship and work relationship serve as an example of how meaningful connections can develop through shared experiences and mutual respect. Listeners can enjoy the versatility of Vuori clothing, an investment in their happiness, with a 20% discount at vuori.com/smartless.

    • Chevy and Martin's live shows: A close-knit community and gradual updatesChevy Chase and Martin Short's live shows are a product of their enjoyment of working together and the close-knit community they've built. They update their material gradually rather than starting from scratch, and their process involves informal discussions after each performance.

      Chevy Chase and Martin Short's live shows are a result of their enjoyment of working together and the close-knit community they've built. Despite the success and momentum, they don't find it tiresome, and their process involves gradually updating their material rather than starting from scratch. Ten years ago, Chevy was surprised to learn that people still cared about their work, as evidenced by magazine covers commemorating the anniversaries of "3 Amigos" and "Ishtar." While some might find constant touring exhausting, Chevy and Martin find it enjoyable, and they only perform a few shows a month. After each performance, they discuss the show with Steve and the team, and everyone remains close. Chevy used to hand out cards to fans asking for autographs, with the cards certifying that they had met him and found him warm, charming, intelligent, and funny. Their live shows have evolved gradually, with occasional new ideas added in, rather than requiring a complete overhaul of material. They don't have a formal writing process, and they don't write via Zoom. Instead, they update their material one line at a time.

    • From singer and actor to comedy starMarty Short's comedy career took off after joining Second City in Toronto, but he initially saw himself as a singer and actor. He has won numerous Grammys for both stand-up comedy and banjo playing, and continues to perform in a successful live show with Steve Martin.

      Marty Short's career in comedy evolved naturally from his upbringing in a funny family, but he initially saw himself as a singer and actor. He didn't fully embrace comedy until joining Second City in Toronto. Marty and Steve Martin have a successful live show where they each have stand-up segments, but they don't perform music together on stage. Marty has won numerous Grammys for both his banjo playing and stand-up comedy, and he continues to enjoy doing stand-up in their show. Despite his busy schedule, Marty has never seen Steve's banjo performances or the live show in its entirety. The oldest joke in Marty's stand-up set isn't mentioned in the conversation.

    • Preparing for talk shows: A necessity for some, a chore for othersBoth deeply preparing and taking a relaxed approach have their merits when it comes to talk show appearances. Preparation increases chances of success and handles unexpected situations, while a relaxed attitude can lead to unexpected surprises.

      Preparing for talk show appearances is an essential part of the process for some comedians, while others take a more relaxed approach. Marty finds joy in deeply preparing for talk shows, feeling that it increases his chances of success and allows him to handle any unexpected situations. James, on the other hand, sees it as work and feels the need to prepare extensively to avoid failure. They also discussed the idea that talk show appearances are performances, and the importance of delivering a good one. Marty shared his experience of realizing this during his performance on Letterman in 1982. They also touched on the contrast between comedians and dramatic actors on talk shows, with comedians sometimes falling short in delivering funny content and dramatic actors surprising audiences with their humor. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of preparation and the unique challenges and expectations of performing on talk shows.

    • Preparation and unexpected questions in talk showsSuccess in talk shows depends on the host's style and preparation. Creators of 'Only Murders in the Building' stayed true to their vision despite initial uncertainty, and high-quality ingredients contribute to a productive day.

      The success of a talk show appearance depends on the host's style and the level of preparation required. While some hosts like David Letterman may surprise guests with unexpected questions, others like Jimmy Kimmel allow for more spontaneous conversations. When developing a project like "Only Murders in the Building," the creators focused on the writing and were unsure of its success until positive feedback started coming in. Ultimately, they remained true to their vision and didn't let external validation change their approach. Additionally, the importance of high-quality ingredients, such as Happy Egg's farm-fresh eggs, was emphasized for starting the day off right.

    • Audible Offerings and Current PromotionsAudible members can choose one book per month, enjoy narrated formats, and take advantage of Rakuten's free trial and cashback deals, while the show's hosts prefer shooting in New York for its unique feel.

      Audible offers its members the opportunity to keep one title per month from their extensive catalog, including new releases and bestsellers. The listener in this discussion is currently enjoying "The Anxious Generation" by Jonathan Haidt, which is narrated by the author and Sean Pratt. The topic of the book resonates with the listener, particularly as a parent, and the narrated format enhances the listening experience. Additionally, Rakuten is currently offering a 30-day free trial for new members, providing an opportunity to try Audible and save money through their cashback program. During Rakuten's Big Give Week, members can earn even bigger cashback rates on various stores. Finally, the podcast's hosts are currently shooting episodes in New York, but there are rumors of potential location shoots in Los Angeles. The hosts prefer the show to be shot in New York, as it adds to the New York feel of the show, and they have had great experiences working with the cast, including Matthew Broderick.

    • Unexpected choices can lead to great outcomesDeviating from initial plans can sometimes lead to exciting and fruitful results in creative projects

      Unexpected choices can lead to great outcomes in creative projects. For instance, casting Selena Gomez for a film that was initially pitched with older characters proved to be a brilliant decision. The idea came about after the studio suggested it, and the team was pleasantly surprised by her fit. Similarly, Steve, known for his private life, agreed to participate in a documentary despite initially being hesitant. The director's impressive credentials and the discovery of previously unknown archives were compelling reasons to join the project. These instances illustrate how deviating from initial plans can sometimes lead to exciting and fruitful results.

    • Maintaining a positive work environmentCreating a 'no pricks allowed' policy fosters a family-like atmosphere, contributing to enjoyable and productive long shoots.

      Creating a positive and enjoyable work environment is crucial for a successful production. The cast and crew of the show discussed their experiences working together, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a "no pricks allowed" policy, which contributes to a family-like atmosphere on set. This approach, shared by Steve, Marty, and Selena, has been instrumental in making their long shoots enjoyable and productive. Reflecting on their careers, they shared memorable experiences and the impact these collaborations have had on their lives and inspirations. These moments of connection and shared creativity are cherished, as not every project offers such opportunities.

    • Appreciating Heroes and LegendsRecognize and appreciate special moments with heroes and legends in life, as they can be easily taken for granted.

      During a special podcast episode, the speaker expressed deep appreciation for the two guests, considering them heroes and comedic legends whose work he has admired for years. He felt fortunate to be in their presence and in a conversation with them. The speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing and appreciating such moments in life, as they can be easily taken for granted. He shared a personal story about seizing the moment to express his feelings to people who mean a lot to him. The two guests were important figures in the speaker's life as comedic actors and gold standards of humor. The speaker valued their presence on the podcast as a novelty and a reminder of his good fortune in the entertainment industry.

    • Sharing experiences with renowned figures and cherishing friendshipsThe hosts cherish their friendships with renowned figures and feel fortunate to share their experiences with their audience, acknowledging the importance of their listeners in their lives.

      The hosts of this podcast feel incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to interview renowned figures in their industry and share their experiences with their audience. They are grateful for their friendship and the ability to do this together. The podcast has exposed them in ways they didn't anticipate, but they feel safe and lucky to have their listeners as a part of their lives, sharing 35% of their friendship with them. They acknowledge that their relationships extend beyond the podcast and value the time they spend together both on and off the air. The hosts express their admiration and love for each other and their audience, and they are grateful for the 200 episodes they have produced so far.

    • Josh Brolin's Journey in Hollywood and FatherhoodVersatile actor Josh Brolin discussed using phony credits, fatherhood challenges, sobriety, and preparing for new characters on the Smartless podcast

      Life is unpredictable and every day can bring different experiences. Josh Brolin, a versatile Hollywood actor, shared his journey in the entertainment industry and personal life on the Smartless podcast. He discussed how he used phony credits to get an agent and the challenges of fatherhood. Brolin also opened up about his sobriety and the near-loss of his role in "No Country for Old Men" due to a motorcycle accident. Despite the ups and downs, Brolin's approach to preparing for new characters and anecdotes from films like "Jonah Hex" provided a blockbuster episode filled with heart and laughs. Listeners can join Wondery Plus or use Amazon Music to enjoy ad-free listening.

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