
    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected setbacks and disappointmentsStay adaptable and resilient when faced with unexpected challenges and setbacks. Set realistic expectations and don't rely too heavily on external validation for self-worth.

      Even with experience and expertise, there can be unexpected setbacks and disappointments. John and Alex shared their experience of facing a hurricane while on their way to a wedding, which caused delays and inconvenience. Despite John's excitement about a unique shot he had taken, the groom didn't like it, leaving John feeling discouraged. These incidents serve as reminders that things don't always go as planned, and it's essential to stay adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges. Additionally, the couple emphasized the importance of setting realistic expectations and not relying too heavily on external validation for self-worth.

    • Sharing Personal Low and Highs: Finding Joy in the Simple ThingsSelf-awareness and adaptability are crucial in navigating personal insecurities and finding joy in simple pleasures.

      Everyone has their unique experiences and insecurities, no matter how insignificant they may seem to others. In the given conversation, the speakers discussed their personal lows and highs, ranging from allergies to excitement over the weather. The first speaker shared her discomfort around dogs and the embarrassment of being overlooked during a meeting with a bride. The second speaker talked about his allergies and feeling overshadowed by his own popularity. Both speakers found humor in their situations but acknowledged the importance of self-awareness and adaptability. The highs they shared were simple pleasures, like enjoying the fall weather and seasonal beers. These moments brought them joy and reminded them to embrace the simple things in life. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of self-acceptance and finding happiness in the little things.

    • Comparing Ourselves to Others: A Hinderance to Joy and GrowthFocus on your journey and progress, not others' achievements. Everyone's worth and value is unique and not determined by external factors.

      Comparison can rob us of our joy and contentment in life. Constantly comparing ourselves to others, whether it's in our personal or professional lives, can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction. It's essential to remember that everyone is on a unique journey, and focusing too much on others' achievements can hinder our own growth and happiness. During a conversation, the speaker shared an experience of ordering black coffee with creamer added without her knowledge. This situation reminded her of the challenges of running a business and the importance of staying focused on their unique path. They also discussed the topic of comparisons and how it can negatively impact our mindset. Comparing ourselves to others, especially on social media, can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. However, it's crucial to remember that everyone's journey is different, and we should focus on our progress rather than comparing ourselves to others. The speaker also highlighted that comparison can happen in all aspects of life and that it's essential to recognize that someone will always be better than us in some way. In conclusion, the takeaway is to focus on our own journey and progress, rather than constantly comparing ourselves to others. It's essential to remember that everyone is unique, and our worth and value should not be determined by external factors.

    • Comparing oneself to others and rigid definitions of success can lead to unhappinessSuccess is subjective, everyone is on a different timeline, focus on your own journey, and find fulfillment from within.

      Comparing yourself to others and having a rigid definition of success can lead to feelings of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. It's essential to understand that everyone is on a different timeline and that success can come at any age. Confidence in oneself and one's abilities are crucial, as is recognizing that what we see on social media may not be the full story. Success is subjective, and it's important to be flexible with our goals and timelines as we grow older. The speaker encourages us to focus on our own journey and not get caught up in the panic of keeping up with others. Ultimately, finding fulfillment and happiness comes from within and having a clear understanding of what success means to us personally.

    • Personal growth requires flexibility and adaptabilityFlexibility and adaptability are essential for personal growth. Everyone's path to success is unique and may require stepping out of comfort zones. Growth takes hard work and consistency, but setbacks and obstacles are natural and can be overcome with persistence.

      Setting goals and expectations for personal growth is important, but being flexible and adaptable to life's unexpected challenges is crucial. The speaker shares how their financial and career goals have shifted throughout their life, and how they've had to step out of their comfort zone to pursue new opportunities. They emphasize that growth often requires hard work and consistency, but also acknowledges that everyone's path to success is unique. It's important to remember that setbacks and obstacles are a natural part of the journey, and that focusing on personal growth and staying persistent can lead to great rewards in the long run.

    • Comparing Yourself to Others: A Source of UnhappinessFocus on progress and celebrate achievements to reduce negative impact of comparisons, eliminate triggers and set healthy boundaries.

      Comparing yourself to others can lead to unnecessary stress and unhappiness. This can happen in various aspects of life, including work and relationships. To combat this, it's essential to identify the triggers of comparisons and eliminate them from your life. This could mean unfollowing certain people on social media or setting boundaries in conversations that make you feel uncomfortable. Another way to cope is to focus on your own progress and celebrate your achievements. Remember that everyone is on their unique journey, and it's essential to appreciate how far you've come instead of constantly comparing yourself to others. By recognizing your accomplishments and setting healthy boundaries, you can reduce the negative impact of comparisons and enjoy the journey of life.

    • Appreciate your unique journeyFocus on personal growth and value your experiences, whether in jail or a coma, instead of comparing yourself to others.

      It's essential to appreciate yourself and focus on your unique journey instead of comparing yourself to others. Regarding a hypothetical situation presented in a listener's "would you rather" question, the discussion revolved around the preference between serving five years in jail or being in a coma for a decade. While some argued that jail might lead to personal growth, others believed that a coma would be less detrimental due to the potential to miss less time and avoid the negative consequences of incarceration. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of self-reflection and valuing one's experiences.

    • Reflecting on the Past: Best Days and RegretsRegrets can lead to valuable lessons, but some experiences are worth reliving. Family and close friends bring unique strengths and value to our lives.

      Everyone's experiences shape us, and even our regrets and mistakes can lead to valuable lessons and connections. In the conversation, the speaker expresses a desire to relive the best days of their life, acknowledging that changing anything could alter the course of events and potentially prevent them from meeting important people or having meaningful experiences. However, they also acknowledge that there are some experiences they would change, like an injury that led to a tattoo. The speaker then shares a story about feeling hurt when they weren't chosen as their sister's maid of honor, despite growing up with the expectation that they would have the role. The speaker reflects that perhaps a tag-team approach, involving both a sibling and a best friend, might have been the best solution. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of both family and close friends in our lives and the value of different strengths and experiences.

    • Addressing Relationship Issues: The Power of Communication and HonestyAddress relationship issues directly and early on, communicate openly about feelings, and work together to find solutions to keep the relationship strong.

      Communication and honesty are key in addressing relationship issues. In the first part of the discussion, the speaker shared her experience of feeling hurt when her sister chose two friends instead of her as a maid of honor. The advice given was to address the issue directly and early on, rather than letting it fester. In the second part, the speakers addressed a couple who have been together for nine months and are looking to revitalize their relationship. They were encouraged to communicate openly about their feelings and work together to find solutions, rather than letting external factors such as work become an excuse. Overall, the importance of open and honest communication was emphasized as a way to navigate both personal and romantic relationships.

    • Revive Your Relationship: Effort and Intentionality MatterInvest time and energy to address stressors, prioritize communication, date nights, and sex life, seek advice or support, and try new things to keep the relationship interesting.

      Maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship requires effort and intentionality. If you feel like your relationship is lacking, it might be time to assess the issues and work on bringing back the spark. Identify the stressors and find ways to address them, whether it's through better communication, date nights, or focusing on your sex life. Remember, even if things feel routine or mundane, investing time and energy into your relationship can help keep the flame alive. Don't hesitate to reach out for advice or support, and don't be afraid to try new things to keep things interesting. Ultimately, the key is to prioritize your relationship and make it a priority, even amidst the busyness of life.

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    “Most people are better off for taking risks.” 

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    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Join us for our new LIVE show on Thursdays at 9PM ET/6PM PT on Amp, available in the Apple app store. Android User? Listen here: https://www.onamp.com/

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    How to Buy VeeCon 2023 Tickets: www.garyvee.com/VeeConTickets2023

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