
    Successful People Know How To Commit, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO67

    enMay 24, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Personal growth through commitmentCommitting to a goal and putting oneself out there can lead to personal growth and inspiration for others.

      Personal growth and commitment go hand in hand. Andy, the CEO and host of the MFCO Project, shares his journey of taking responsibility for his own life and getting back in shape after letting himself go. He emphasizes that anyone can listen and learn from the podcast, regardless of their professional title. During this episode of Tuesday Thunder, Andy focuses on the topic of commitment. He shares his experience of joining a company contest to lose weight and get back in shape, having weighed 326 and a half pounds at one point. By committing to this goal and putting himself out there, he aims to lead by example and inspire others to do the same. This episode serves as a reminder that making a commitment and sticking to it can lead to significant personal growth.

    • Embrace discomfort for true commitmentTo achieve goals, fully commit despite initial discomfort, rework habits, and push through challenges for eventual progress

      Real commitment to achieving goals requires discomfort and consistent effort. Many people dabble in new pursuits but are unwilling to fully commit due to the initial discomfort. However, anything worthwhile will be uncomfortable at first, and true change requires reworking habits and pushing through challenges. Don't be afraid to take the plunge and fully commit to your goals, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. Remember, the results you desire won't come easily, but with consistent effort and commitment, you'll eventually see progress.

    • Consistent action is key to reaching goalsTo achieve goals, focus on taking small, consistent steps daily instead of relying on thinking or planning alone.

      Committing to a goal requires consistent action, not just thinking or planning. Comparing a goal to a daunting mountain, the speaker emphasizes that you'll never reach the top unless you start taking small steps forward every day. Thinking about the goal or looking for an easier way out will only hinder progress. This mindset is common among those who struggle with weight loss, business success, or personal growth. To achieve anything worthwhile, one must embrace the hard work and put in the effort day after day. As results-oriented individuals, we must remember that there's no shortcut to success. Instead, focus on taking small, consistent steps towards your goals, and don't let doubt or the fear of hard work hold you back.

    • Embrace commitment for progressSuccess requires commitment and consistent effort, not just talk. Decide to take action towards your goals and face challenges head-on.

      Commitment is about taking action and not just talking about it. It requires a level of dedication and perseverance, no matter the obstacles or challenges faced. Successful people embrace this mindset and take decisive action towards their goals, while those who are uncommitted may continue to talk about their intentions without taking any meaningful steps. Commitment is not a vague notion of "someday" or "one day," but a present-day decision to put in the necessary effort and face any hardships that come your way. As the speaker emphasized, "you either commit or don't do it." So, reflect on your own actions and determine whether you are truly committed to making progress towards your goals or if you are just talking about it. Remember, success is an equation of math, and it requires consistent effort and dedication to achieve the desired results.

    • Commitment is the key to achieving goalsCommitment, hard work, dedication, and perseverance are essential for achieving goals. There are no shortcuts, only putting in the effort and staying committed.

      Commitment is the key to achieving goals. Excuses like luck, magic, or magic pixie dust are justifications for not putting in the necessary effort. The difference between those who accomplish great things and those who only talk about it is their level of commitment. They are willing to face challenges and obstacles head-on, no matter how difficult they may be. Success requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It's essential to understand that there are no shortcuts, and the only way to reach your goals is by putting in the effort and staying committed. So, if you're serious about achieving something, be prepared to put in the work and face any challenges that come your way.

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    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

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    Mentioned in this episode:
    Rumble & Rise Arena


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    00:11:02 Overcoming challenges through determination.

    00:16:12 Knowledge is power. 

    00:24:33 Find and prioritize your values. 

    00:31:15 Pursue challenges that inspire you. 

    00:40:55 Awareness is key to fulfillment. 

    00:48:42 Shine and be extraordinary.