
    Podcast Summary

    • Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2023: A Scientific and Emotional ExperienceThe Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2023, was a unique scientific opportunity for researchers and an emotional experience for millions, inspiring awe and connection.

      The total solar eclipse of April 8, 2023, was a significant event that drew the attention of millions, both through NASA's live broadcast and in-person experiences. NASA's Curious Universe team covered the event extensively, reporting from various locations along the path of totality. Christian Elliott, a producer for the show, shared his personal experience of traveling to Kerrville, Texas, to capture the lead-up to the eclipse. He met festival-goers and scientists, some of whom had planned for years to witness the event. For scientists like Ben Beau, a solar physicist, the eclipse was a rare opportunity to study the sun's atmosphere and corona. The event underscored the awe and excitement that a total solar eclipse can bring to people, inspiring both scientific exploration and emotional connection.

    • Mitigating weather risks for solar observationsTeams plan backup locations, use kite missions, and chase eclipses to ensure clear skies for solar observations, maximizing scientific discovery and awe.

      During a solar observation event, having clear skies is crucial for obtaining accurate data, but unpredictable weather can pose a significant challenge. Ben's team, set up in Texas, was hoping for clear skies to study the sun's corona, but faced the possibility of clouds. To mitigate this risk, they had backup plans, including having teams in Mexico and Arkansas and a kite mission flying high above the clouds with instruments. The kite mission, modeled after Benjamin Franklin's experiment, aimed to capture data from over a mile up, with NASA's research planes flying even higher. With only one opportunity every 18 months or so to observe solar phenomena, the team leaves nothing to chance and chases eclipses for both scientific discovery and personal awe.

    • The emotional impact of scientific eventsScientific events can evoke strong emotions and leave a lasting impact on those involved, inspiring curiosity, determination, and a sense of awe.

      The experience of witnessing a scientific event, such as an eclipse or discovering a comet, can be deeply emotional and transformative. For those involved, it moves beyond being just an abstract concept taught in a classroom. It becomes a powerful, personal moment that can leave a lasting impact. As shared in the conversation, the anticipation and nerves leading up to the eclipse were palpable for some team members. The importance of the moment was not lost on them, and the potential outcome kept them focused and determined. Similarly, Alan Hale's discovery of Comet Hale-Bopp was a pivotal moment in his life. The unpredictability of comets made his discovery even more remarkable, and the subsequent attention and recognition he received launched his career. The emotional connection to these scientific events serves as a reminder of the human side of science. It highlights the excitement, curiosity, and passion that drives individuals to explore the world around them and make new discoveries. Ultimately, these moments can change lives and leave a lasting impact on those who witness them.

    • Solar Eclipse of 2022: A Time for Scientific DiscoveryDedicated scientists and comet hunters made the most of the 2022 solar eclipse to observe sungrazing comets from the ground, while teams used the opportunity to calibrate space observations.

      While the solar eclipse of 2022 captured the attention of millions, it was also a significant time for scientific discovery. Alan, a dedicated comet hunter, made a last-ditch effort to spot a sungrazing comet from the ground during the eclipse. This was a challenging task as sungrazers are bright and close to the sun only during totality, and they disintegrate shortly after. Alan, who had been trying since the 70s, saw this as his last best chance due to his advancing age and the long wait for the next eclipse in the US. Meanwhile, scientists like Carl Badhams and their teams were using the eclipse as an opportunity to make ground observations of sungrazers to calibrate SOHO's detections from space. With the help of orbital experts, they were trying to spot these elusive comets from the ground. On the day of the eclipse, unexpected weather conditions forced Christian to make a last-minute change in plans, joining the NASA broadcast team in Dallas instead of his original location in Kerrville. Hundreds of scientists and communications staff were spread across the country, contributing to the collective effort to study the eclipse from various sunspots. These stories illustrate the dedication and excitement of individuals and teams in the scientific community who continue to explore and learn from natural phenomena like solar eclipses.

    • Communities across the country come together for the solar eclipseThe 2017 solar eclipse brought people together, creating a festive atmosphere with food, music, and educational presentations from NASA and NOAA.

      The total solar eclipse of 2017 brought people together in various communities across the path of totality, creating a festive and exciting atmosphere. From Paris, Arkansas to Carbondale, Illinois, and even the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, people traveled great distances to witness this natural phenomenon. The events were filled with food, music, and educational presentations from NASA and NOAA. The spirit of the eclipse was contagious, with towns and cities commemorating the event with flags and decorations. The enthusiasm and anticipation were palpable as the day drew closer to totality, making it a memorable experience for all involved.

    • Community comes together for solar eclipseThe solar eclipse brought people together, inspiring excitement and curiosity, despite uncertainty of weather, with noticeable temperature changes and animal behavior effects reported.

      The solar eclipse brought people from various backgrounds and ages together, sharing their excitement and anticipation for this natural phenomenon. Many had prepared for months or even years, knowing the changes it would bring, such as temperature drops and animal behavior. Children, especially, were eager to learn and experience the eclipse, some even dressing up as astronauts. Despite the uncertainty of the weather, the sense of community and shared curiosity remained strong. NASA reported that the eclipse would cause noticeable temperature changes and affect animal behavior, adding to the excitement and intrigue. Overall, the solar eclipse served as a reminder of the awe-inspiring power of nature and the unique connections it can create among people.

    • A stunning display of darkness and colorful skies during the 2017 total solar eclipseMillions witnessed the eclipse's noticeable changes: clear skies, temperature drop, blue sky, red-orange horizon, and active animals.

      The total solar eclipse of 2017 was a breathtaking and awe-inspiring experience for millions of people across the world. Despite initial concerns about cloud cover, the skies cleared just in time for totality, revealing a stunning display of darkness, cooler temperatures, and colorful skies. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation, as people gathered together to witness this natural phenomenon. The temperature drop, the steely blue sky, and the red-orange horizon were just a few of the noticeable changes during the eclipse. Animals also seemed to be affected, with some species becoming more active before the event. The moment of totality, when the moon fully eclipsed the sun, was described as surreal and incredible by those who witnessed it. Overall, the total solar eclipse of 2017 was a reminder of the beauty and power of nature and the importance of taking the time to appreciate it.

    • Experience the awe-inspiring sight of a total solar eclipseWitnessing a solar eclipse leaves a lasting impression and provides valuable scientific data

      Experiencing a solar eclipse in person is a truly awe-inspiring and spiritual event that leaves a lasting impression. The corona, the outer layer of the sun that is usually not visible, becomes visible during a total solar eclipse, transforming the day into night. Witnessing this phenomenon firsthand was described as an almost otherworldly experience by those who were fortunate enough to see it. The excitement and energy surrounding the event were palpable, with many expressing their joy and amazement at the sight. Despite the event only lasting for a short period of time, it left a profound impact on those who witnessed it. The disappointment was shared by those who were unable to see the eclipse due to cloud cover, highlighting the importance of good weather conditions for this natural wonder. The data collected during the eclipse by scientists and citizen scientists will provide valuable insights into the sun, and the anticipation for the next solar eclipse is already building.

    • Solar Eclipse Brings People Together Through Data Collection and CollaborationDuring the solar eclipse, various projects collected an enormous amount of data from citizens, fostering a sense of camaraderie and showcasing the power of collaboration in exploring the universe.

      During the recent solar eclipse, various projects collected an unprecedented amount of data from citizens around the country. The SunSketcher project gathered 32,000 cell phone photos of Bailey's beads to help scientists calculate the sun's size and shape more accurately. Additionally, the Eclipse Soundscapes team received over 700 audio recordings from citizen scientists using moth devices and received 7,000 observations. This unified experience brought millions of people together, looking up at the sky during this cosmic event. The sense of camaraderie was palpable, even among strangers. NASA's Curious Universe team expressed their joy of witnessing the eclipse and producing the sun series, emphasizing that the sun isn't going anywhere, and neither are we. The team is grateful for listeners' support and promises to continue sharing stories from NASA and the universe. Overall, the solar eclipse brought people together in a unique way, showcasing the power of collaboration and the awe-inspiring beauty of our universe.

    Recent Episodes from NASA's Curious Universe

    Sun Series: Bonus: Dispatches from the Path of Totality

    Sun Series: Bonus: Dispatches from the Path of Totality
    On April 8, 2024, North America experienced its last total solar eclipse until the 2040s. As the Moon’s shadow fell across the U.S., NASA sent Curious Universe producers out into the field across the path of totality to talk to space nerds and eclipse scientists. In this special bonus episode of our Sun Series, we’ll relive the special day together.

    Sun Series: Soaring Toward the Sun

    Sun Series: Soaring Toward the Sun
    For the first time, a NASA spacecraft is flying through the Sun's atmosphere. Nour Raouafi, project scientist for Parker Solar Probe, explains why the Sun's corona is the source of one of the biggest mysteries in all of space science. So, what does it take to build a probe that can touch the Sun—including surviving temperatures of 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit and barreling through sudden eruptions of solar plasma—and live to tell the tale? We'll also go inside the fleet of NASA spacecraft studying the Sun from many angles, including the rescue mission to save a wildly spinning observatory before it became lost in space forever.

    Sun Series: What is Space Weather?

    Sun Series: What is Space Weather?
    From Earth, the Sun can seem steady and predictable. But when you look at our star close up, there’s a lot going on. Go behind the scenes with NASA’s Moon to Mars Space Weather Analysis Office, a team monitoring space weather—eruptions of radiation and plasma from the Sun that can wreak havoc on spacecraft and pose dangers to astronauts. We’ll also revisit the most powerful geomagnetic storm on record, an 1859 event that produced northern lights visible in the tropics and made electrical systems go haywire. This is episode fiof the Sun and Eclipse series from NASA’s Curious Universe, an official NASA podcast.

    Sun Series: Minisode! Countdown to Total Solar Eclipse 2024

    Sun Series: Minisode! Countdown to Total Solar Eclipse 2024
    It’s time. On April 8, 2024, millions of people across North America will see a total solar eclipse. Get the most out of totality with this special bonus episode. Listen up for safety tips, learn how to make your own pinhole projector to safely view the eclipse and learn how anyone—including you!—can contribute to NASA research through citizen science. And if you’re not in the path of totality, watch NASA’s live broadcast starting at 1 p.m. EDT. NASA’s Curious Universe is an official NASA podcast. See when the eclipse starts where you are with NASA’s Eclipse Explorer: go.nasa.gov/EclipseExplorer

    Sun Series: You (Yes, You!) Can Help NASA Study the Sun

    Sun Series: You (Yes, You!) Can Help NASA Study the Sun
    How often do you think about your nearest star? Though it may not seem like it from here on Earth, our trusty Sun is a place of mystery. Take a good look at its influence on our planet – through the otherworldly experience of eclipse, maybe, or the aurora – and you might get "sucked" in... to a citizen science project, that is. Join NASA Sun scientists like Liz Macdonald and volunteers like Hanjie Tan to listen to crickets fooled by the false night of an eclipse, discover new colors in the aurora, and hunt for comets hiding in the plasma of our Sun’s atmosphere. And learn how you can get involved in NASA science while experiencing our nearest star firsthand. This is episode three of the Sun and Eclipse series from NASA’s Curious Universe, an official NASA podcast.

    Sun Series: How to Experience a Total Solar Eclipse

    Sun Series: How to Experience a Total Solar Eclipse
    On April 8, 2024, the Moon will pass in front of the Sun, casting a shadow across Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Total solar eclipses have fascinated human beings for thousands of years. Watching the Moon eclipse the Sun is a surreal, multi-sensory experience that you’re not likely to forget. But Eclipses also offer unique opportunities for NASA to study the relationship between our star and home planet. Join current and former NASA sun scientists Kelly Korreck, Fred “Mr. Eclipse” Espenak and Cherilynn Morrow on a journey through time and space to solve eclipse mysteries.

    Sun Series: The Sun, Our Star

    Sun Series: The Sun, Our Star
    The Sun is our closest star. Billions of years ago, it shaped the formation of our home planet and the beginning of life on Earth. Today, it provides the heat and energy that powers our civilization, but it can also disrupt our technology and spacecraft through explosive outbursts of radiation. Join NASA Sun scientist Joe Westlake on a journey from the surface of Earth to the Sun’s core to learn how intricately we’re connected to our star and the progress we’ve made unraveling its mysteries. This is episode one of the Sun and Eclipse series from NASA's Curious Universe, an official NASA podcast.

    Here Comes the Sun Series

    Here Comes the Sun Series
    Meet the Sun. Even if you think you know our star, our new mini series from NASA’s Curious Universe will show you why Sun science is heating up in 2024—and why NASA experts have so much more to discover. Get ready for the hair-raising experience of a total solar eclipse, and learn how anyone can pitch in through citizen science. See the vibrant and sometimes chaotic close-up details of the Sun, and hear how NASA keeps astronauts and spacecraft safe from solar outbursts. And go inside a pioneering mission to touch the Sun’s atmosphere and investigate some of its biggest unanswered questions. NASA’s Curious Universe is an official NASA podcast. Discover more adventures with NASA experts at nasa.gov/curiousuniverse

    Planet Hunting with Host Padi Boyd

    Planet Hunting with Host Padi Boyd
    In this special episode, we turn the tables and put host Padi Boyd in the interview seat. Padi shares stories from her time with NASA’s groundbreaking Kepler mission, which showed us many more exoplanets—planets orbiting other stars—than we had previously discovered. She also tells us about her dream astronomical dinner companion and her go-to karaoke song. Plus, we'll wrap up another season of wild and wonderful adventures by answering questions from listeners like you and sharing behind-the-scenes tidbits from Season 6 episodes. For the first time, this episode of Curious Universe is also available as a video podcast. Check it out at nasa.gov/curiousuniverse and NASA’s YouTube channel: youtu.be/h0wLZJeYGxw

    A Year in Mars Dune Alpha

    A Year in Mars Dune Alpha
    To prepare for the day when humans travel to Mars, NASA is conducting a one-year experiment in a Mars simulation environment. So what’s it like to spend a year in CHAPEA, the Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog? In this season finale episode, travel through the airlock with voice recordings made by the four-person crew, including what it feels like—and smells like—inside their realistic 3-D printed habitat and how virtual reality gives them the sensation of walking on the Red Planet. NASA's Curious Universe is an official NASA podcast. Discover more adventures with NASA astronauts, engineers, scientists, and other experts at nasa.gov/curiousuniverse

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