
    Supper Club × Authoring Browser Extensions with Tim Leland

    enJune 24, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • A Decade-Long Journey of Building Side Project Browser ExtensionsA software developer shares how creating a simple weather app sparked a decade-long journey of building and updating free browser extensions for convenience and innovation.

      Tim Leland, a software developer with a decade of experience, shares his journey of building browser extensions as side projects while working full-time. The catalyst for his extension development was creating a simple weather app for quick access. Tim enjoys the freedom and creativity that comes with side projects, which led him to build and update extensions like Weather Extension for over seven years. These extensions provide convenience for users by saving time and offering features not typically found in traditional weather apps. Tim's extensions are free, and he continues to innovate and improve them. This conversation took place on the Syntax Supper Club podcast, sponsored by ZenLayer and the Postlight podcast.

    • Offering a free and paid version of a product or serviceProviding a free version can attract a large user base, but adding a paid version covers costs and offers additional features.

      Providing a free version of a product or service can attract a large user base, but adding a paid version can help cover costs and provide additional features. This was discussed in relation to a weather extension with over 211,000 users, which uses a paid API and offers a paid version for additional features like weather alerts and more frequent updates. The creator mentioned that while the extension had reached over a million people, it also had its challenges, such as easy installation and uninstallation, and occasional attempts to hack or buy the extension. Marketing efforts, including reaching out to websites and having the extension shared on popular sites, also played a role in its growth.

    • Understanding the unique environments of Chrome extension developmentChrome extensions require separate rules and adaptations, including using fetch for network requests, web workers for background tasks, and avoiding server-side components without review.

      Developing a Chrome extension involves working in various environments, each with its unique characteristics. A Chrome extension functions as its own entity, separate from the browser, with its own set of rules. Previously, background tasks were handled through HTML pages, but with the new manifest v3, background tasks are now handled as web workers. This change requires developers to adapt by using fetch for network requests and removing references to window or document. Additionally, hosting server-side components within the extension is discouraged due to security concerns, and instead, developers must go through the review process to ensure the safety and functionality of their extensions. Overall, understanding the distinct environments and requirements of Chrome extensions is crucial for successful development.

    • Importance of ethical practices and securing a fitting domain nameBe aware of underhanded practices in the world of extensions and online tools, and secure a fitting domain name to contribute to your service's success and branding.

      The world of extensions and online tools can sometimes have shady practices, with companies making money through underhanded methods such as swapping out affiliate links or using your computer's resources for crypto mining. However, there are also opportunities for innovation and growth, as demonstrated by the creation of a URL shortener service from an existing extension. The importance of securing a fitting domain name for a business was also emphasized, as it can contribute to the success and branding of the service. The speaker shared his experience of acquiring the domain name tdot.ly for his URL shortener service, which proved to be a perfect fit and helped differentiate it from competitors. The cost of the domain name was not disclosed, but it was acknowledged that such a short and memorable domain comes at a premium. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of being aware of potential risks in the digital world, while also recognizing opportunities for innovation and growth.

    • Exploring Bitly's Paid FeaturesBitly's paid plans offer custom domains, URL expiration, analytics, and OneLink for advanced link management. Businesses can evaluate these features to make back their investment.

      Bitly's paid plans offer additional features such as custom domains, URLs that expire after a certain number of clicks, and analytics, which can help businesses make back their investment. The speaker shared his experience of evaluating these features before deciding to purchase a paid plan. He also mentioned "OneLink," an add-on feature that allows users to list multiple links under one link, which he was considering building out. The speaker also touched upon the ease of setting up SSL domains with a custom domain name using Caddy, although he noted that there were additional checks to ensure security. Overall, the discussion highlighted how Bitly's paid plans can offer valuable features for businesses looking to optimize their link management.

    • Dealing with malicious content in URL shortener servicesMaintaining a URL shortener service involves constant vigilance against malicious content to ensure a safe and reliable experience for users. Automated systems and manual checks are necessary to detect and remove such content.

      Building and maintaining a URL shortener service involves dealing with malicious content. The speaker shared his personal experience of having his servers shut down due to malicious URLs being flagged and shared on the Internet. He emphasized the importance of having a robust system to automatically detect and remove such content. The speaker also mentioned that even big companies like Discord can have their URLs flagged for malicious content. He uses a combination of automated systems and manual checks to ensure the safety of the URLs on his platform. Additionally, he mentioned a tool he built called "Link and Shorten" which expands short links and checks their safety before expanding them. Overall, the process of building and maintaining a URL shortener requires constant vigilance against malicious content to ensure a safe and reliable service for users.

    • Innovating to combat digital threatsIndividuals and companies continue to adapt and innovate to keep up with digital threats, sharing personal experiences and creating projects to address challenges, with interoperability of browser extensions enabling easy transfer between major browsers, except for Safari.

      While there is no AI involvement in the specific discussion about detecting and removing malicious content from platforms, individuals and companies continue to innovate and adapt to keep up with the ever-evolving digital threats. The speaker shares personal experiences with detecting suspicious content on social media and the challenges in keeping up with the creators of such content. He also discusses his inspiration for creating various projects, ranging from personal frustrations to professional needs. Furthermore, the speaker touches upon the interoperability of browser extensions, allowing for the easy transfer of extensions between different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Edge. However, Safari remains an exception due to its unique review process. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying vigilant and adaptive in the digital world and the potential for innovation to address various challenges.

    • Creating and sharing content can lead to significant traffic and revenueConsistently creating and sharing content increases chances of discovery and potential revenue through unconventional methods like affiliate marketing and ads.

      Creating and sharing content, whether it's through a blog, YouTube channel, or browser extensions, can lead to significant traffic and potential revenue. The speaker shared his personal experience of making $500 from affiliate links on a popular blog post and how getting picked up and shared by larger platforms led to a surge in new subscribers and opportunities. He also emphasized the importance of consistently creating and sharing content, as it increases the chances of getting discovered and shared. The speaker also mentioned that while conventional methods like charging a subscription fee for extra features are common, there are unconventional ways to make money from content, such as affiliate marketing and ads. He encouraged the value of blogging, even in today's digital landscape, as a way to help people and potentially earn revenue.

    • Blogging and Email Marketing with SendlayerEffective communication and productivity remain constant, regardless of blogging trends or technology tools. Use Sendlayer for email marketing to ensure delivery and connect with your audience.

      Despite the debates about the relevance of blogging in today's digital landscape, it remains a viable platform for individuals to express their ideas and even make a living. The speaker shared his personal experience of writing when motivated and using tools like Sendlayer to manage his email marketing. During the discussion, they also talked about Sendlayer, an email delivery service that helps businesses ensure their transactional emails reach their customers' inboxes. The conversation then shifted to the hosts' preferences for computers, keyboards, and phones, with the speaker expressing his fondness for the Apple MacBook Pro M1 and the Microsoft Sculpt ergonomic keyboard. The takeaway is that while technology tools and trends may change, the importance of effective communication and productivity remains constant.

    • Continuous learning is key in codingEmphasize foundational language, stay updated, make the most of free time, and adapt to new technologies and trends.

      Regardless of the specific tools or languages used, the most important aspect of coding is continuous learning. The interviewee shared his personal experiences with various programming languages and tools, but emphasized the importance of starting with a foundational language like JavaScript and then expanding to other languages as needed. He also highlighted the importance of staying updated through resources like podcasts, YouTube videos, and blogs. If given a chance to go back in time, he would encourage those in college to make the most of their free time and start coding projects or businesses. While a Computer Science degree can be valuable, it's also possible to learn through self-paced online courses and real-world experience. Ultimately, the key to success in coding is a willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies and trends.

    • Exploring Different Coffee Preparation Methods with TimTim shares his passion for coffee and discusses using a Chibo coffee maker for convenience and cold brew for maximum caffeine infusion. He encourages listeners to check out his blog and Twitter for more information.

      Key takeaway from this conversation with Tim is his passion for coffee and the different methods he uses to prepare it. He shared his experience with a Chibo coffee maker, which grinds fresh beans on the spot and is more convenient than traditional espresso machines. He also mentioned his preference for cold brew and the process of making it at home with a long steep time for maximum caffeine infusion. Tim encouraged listeners to check out his blog and Twitter for more information, and mentioned t.ly as a URL shortener service. Overall, the conversation highlighted Tim's enthusiasm for coffee and his willingness to share his knowledge and experiences.

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