
    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the Latest Developments in CSSGoogle Chrome engineer Bramus Van Damme shares insights on the CSS Working Group's role in creating new CSS features and keeping up with the latest trends.

      The world of CSS development is constantly evolving, with new features and announcements coming at a rapid pace. Bramus Van Damme, a Chrome developer relations engineer at Google and member of the CSS Working Group, joined the Syntax Supper Club podcast to discuss the latest developments in CSS. Bramus highlighted the excitement and challenge of keeping up with the latest trends, as well as his role in dev rel work for the CSS team. The CSS Working Group, which includes members from browser vendors and interested companies, is responsible for writing CSS specifications. Recent innovations like Flexbox and Grid have emerged from the group's efforts to address the need for better layout engines in the browser. Bramus also shared that Google IO brought a wave of new announcements, making it an exciting time for CSS developers to learn and adapt.

    • The CSS Working Group invites solutions for CSS problems from allThe CSS Working Group, through collaboration and testing, ensures standardization of CSS solutions for consistent implementation across browsers.

      The CSS Working Group, which works in the open on GitHub, invites anyone to propose solutions for CSS problems. This includes browser vendors, group members, and the wider web community. The group's goal is to standardize these solutions, ensuring they can be implemented across all browsers. The group identifies problem areas through conferences, one-on-one conversations, and an annual CSS survey. For instance, CSS Nesting, a long-desired feature, was implemented in Chrome and Safari after being requested by users for several years. However, implementing complex features like Subgrid requires careful consideration and coordination among browsers to ensure interoperability. The group uses the Web Platform Tests (WPT) to check for consistency across browsers and resolve any discrepancies. This collaborative process ultimately leads to the advancement of the web as a whole.

    • The importance of testing and blogging in web developmentTesting helps understand new features and ensure reliability, while blogging allows sharing insights and improving communication skills.

      Testing plays a crucial role in understanding and implementing new features in web development. The tests provide valuable insights into how a feature should behave, especially when the text specifications may not be clear. These tests can include checking computed styles, comparison tests, and even digging into expected files for references. Writing tests also helps developers anticipate and address edge cases, which can be complex and varied. Brahma, a well-known technical blogger, shared his experience of starting his blogging journey as a kid and discovering the power of ViewSource. He then evolved his blog into a technical one as he studied ICT and worked at a web agency. Teaching students also helped him improve his communication skills, which is essential for blogging. Brahma's blog eventually led him to a job at Google, demonstrating the impact of sharing knowledge and expertise. Testing and blogging are essential practices in web development, helping developers understand new features, learn from each other, and improve their skills. While testing can be complex and time-consuming, it is an essential step in ensuring the reliability and functionality of web applications. Similarly, blogging allows developers to share their insights and experiences, contributing to the larger web development community.

    • Link animations to scroll position instead of document timelineScroll-driven animations in CSS enable dynamic and interactive animations linked to scroll position, improving performance by running off the main thread when possible.

      Scroll-driven animations offer a new way to animate elements by linking them to the scroll position instead of using a document timeline. This allows for more dynamic and interactive animations that can track the progress of a scroller or an element within it, all without the need for JavaScript. Everything can be done in CSS, and these animations run off the main thread when possible, ensuring smooth performance even with heavy JavaScript usage. To implement scroll-driven animations, you give an existing CSS animation a scroll or view timeline property instead of setting an animation duration. The animation engine will automatically determine which scrolling element to track based on the ancestor tree or a specified keyword. This feature offers a powerful and efficient way to create dynamic and interactive scroll-driven animations.

    • CSS Scroll Timeline: Animate elements based on scrollingCreate dynamic and interactive web experiences with CSS Scroll Timeline, a new feature that allows animating elements based on scrolling, improving performance and responsiveness.

      With the new CSS Scroll Timeline feature, you can now track and animate elements based on scrolling, not just ancestor elements. This opens up a world of possibilities for creating dynamic and interactive web experiences without the need for JavaScript libraries or main thread blocking. For instance, you could create a reading progress indicator, a step indicator for a horizontal carousel, or even a contact list with animating entries. The feature is currently available in Chrome Canary and is expected to be shipped in Chrome 115 or 116. One of the advantages of using CSS for scroll-driven animations is that they are rendered off the main thread when possible, making the animations smoother and more responsive. Additionally, the CSS Scroll Timeline feature allows you to track one element on the page and animate another one, even if they are located far apart in the DOM tree. The demos available on the website showcase the power and versatility of this new feature. From simple reading progress indicators to complex animations like stacking cards and cover flows, the possibilities are endless. The CSS Scroll Timeline feature is a game-changer for web design and development, and it's an exciting addition to the world of CSS animations.

    • Exploring the Latest CSS Features: Flexbox, Scroll Events, and HoudiniLearn Flexbox, Scroll Events, and Houdini for modern web development, boost your skills, and stay competitive in the tech industry. New features like scroll-driven animations and custom property types enhance CSS capabilities.

      For those new to web development, now is an excellent time to learn and focus on the latest CSS features. These skills are in high demand, especially at tech companies like Google. One such essential skill is Flexbox, which has become a foundation for CSS. Additionally, scroll events can be used in both CSS and JavaScript for creating dynamic animations. Although implementing these new features can take time, the end result will be a more powerful CSS that rivals graphics editing software. Houdini, a feature that allows for the creation of custom CSS properties and APIs, is still in development, but progress is being made. The scroll-driven animations and the values API are now available in both Chrome and WebKit, and Firefox is expected to follow suit by the end of the year. Setting custom property types in CSS can help ensure consistency and compatibility across different implementations. The development process for these new features is a collaborative effort, with developers writing tests to make the implementation process smoother for everyone. Overall, the future of CSS is exciting, with continuous advancements that make web development more dynamic and powerful.

    • Provide type hinting for CSS custom propertiesType hinting CSS custom properties ensures smooth transitions and correct computations. Without it, the rendering engine may not know how to handle the property, leading to potential issues.

      When working with CSS custom properties, it's essential to provide type hinting to ensure smooth transitions and correct computations. Without type hinting, the rendering engine may not know how to handle the property, leading to potential issues during transitions or invalid computed values. For instance, if you set a CSS variable to a color without specifying its type, the engine won't know how to interpolate between colors during transitions. Similarly, if you set a CSS variable to a number without a unit, then trying to use it as a background color will result in a invalid computed value. To debug and manage CSS variables effectively, dev tools can help you navigate to their definitions and make changes. As for scope styling, it's a solution to prevent styles from conflicting in a component-based world, where multiple components may have the same class. With scope styling, you can limit the scope of styles to specific components by using a parent-child relationship, ensuring that styles only apply to the intended component. And, the dev tools are continuously improving to support new CSS features, including debugging tools for CSS variables and other features.

    • Scoped Styling in CSS: Limiting Styles to Specific ElementsScoped styling is a new feature in CSS that sets boundaries for selectors, preventing styles from affecting elements outside of defined bounds, improving component isolation and simplifying selector usage.

      Scoped styling in CSS is a new feature that allows developers to set both an upper and lower boundary for selectors, ensuring that styles only apply to elements within those bounds. This is particularly useful when working with nested components, as it prevents changes to the parent from affecting the child. Scoped styling is an additional step in the cascade, coming after specificity but before order of appearance. It's an evolution of the CSS language, and to learn more, check out the CSS Cascade 6 spec authored by Miriam Suzanne. This feature is a game-changer for maintaining simple selectors and avoiding the need for complex symbol usage. Additionally, scoped styling can be used as a progressive enhancement, enhancing the user experience without essential functionality being impacted when not supported by certain browsers.

    • Smooth animations and transitions for webpages with Vue transition APIVue transition API enables seamless user experience on webpages with smooth animations and transitions between views or states, currently available for single page applications and soon for multi-page applications.

      The Vue transition API is a new web technology that allows for smooth animations and transitions between different views or states on a webpage. It's currently implemented in Chrome and is expected to be adopted by other browsers as well. This API allows developers to target individual parts of the DOM and define animations in CSS, making it a more native and progressive enhancement approach compared to traditional JavaScript animations. The inspiration behind this technology is to provide a more seamless user experience on the web, as it catches up to the capabilities of native apps. Currently, it is only available for single page applications, but work on multi-page application support has recently begun. This means that soon, users will be able to transition between different HTML files with animated effects, making the web an even more powerful platform for building rich and interactive experiences.

    • CSS Discussion: Nesting and Strict ModeCSS nesting is a new feature for more efficient coding in Chrome Stable and Safari Technology Preview, while a 'strict mode' in CSS is a proposed concept to prevent potential issues but may cause breakages for current sites.

      The web development landscape has evolved significantly over the years, with terms and technologies constantly changing. For instance, the term "MPA" (multi-page application) is a more modern term for what used to be called a "website," and "SPA" (single-page application) is another type of application. During a recent discussion, the topic of desired features and improvements in CSS came up. One feature that was mentioned was CSS nesting, which is now available in Chrome Stable and Safari Technology Preview. This feature allows for more efficient coding and reduces the need for CSS preprocessors. However, there are still challenges to full implementation, such as ensuring compatibility across all browsers. Another idea discussed was the concept of a "strict mode" in CSS, which could potentially change default styles and help prevent potential issues. While there have been discussions about this within the CSS working group, there are concerns about potential breakages for sites that currently rely on the current defaults. Overall, the conversation highlighted the ongoing evolution of web development technologies and the importance of balancing new features with backward compatibility.

    • Staying Updated in Web DevelopmentTo stay informed in web development, use resources like RSS feeds, attend industry events, engage in online communities, and utilize efficient tools like Apple Magic Mouse, Magic Keyboard, macOS terminal, and ZSH with plugins. Consistent naming conventions and coding practices are also essential.

      The web development industry moves rapidly, and staying updated with the latest technologies and trends is crucial for professionals. During the development process, making decisions early and considering the long-term implications can save time and resources. However, even with the best intentions, misnamed features or outdated technologies can still be implemented and become standardized. To stay informed, developers can use various resources such as RSS feeds, attending industry events, and engaging in online communities. The use of default tools like Apple Magic Mouse, Magic Keyboard, macOS terminal, and ZSH with plugins can make the development process more efficient. Additionally, the importance of naming conventions and consistency in coding was emphasized to avoid confusion and make the codebase more accessible to future developers.

    • Stay informed with reliable sources, RSS readers, and foundational skillsKeep up-to-date with web development news through reliable sources, use an RSS reader, and master foundational skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for long-term success.

      Staying updated in the web development community involves a combination of following reliable sources, using an RSS reader, and learning foundational skills. Rachel Andrew's blog on web.dev is a valuable resource for gathering information about platform updates across various browsers. An RSS reader like Feedly can help manage and keep track of multiple blogs and publications. However, there seems to be a need for a revival of personal blogging and RSS in the future. Foundation skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which have remained relevant for decades, are essential for long-term success in web development. While learning new frameworks may help secure a job, understanding the foundational concepts will ensure longevity in the field. Additionally, attending meetups is a great way to meet like-minded individuals and build lasting friendships within the web development community.

    • Connect, Learn, and Speak at MeetupsMeetups offer a supportive environment to connect with like-minded individuals, learn new skills, and start your public speaking journey

      Meetups are an excellent platform for connecting with like-minded individuals, learning new things, and even starting your public speaking journey. The speaker shared how they began their public speaking career at a meetup and had only positive experiences since. Meetups offer a supportive environment where the audience wants you to succeed, making it an ideal place for those nervous about speaking in public. The speaker also recommended scroll-driven-animations.com as a valuable resource for learning about scroll-driven animations, offering various demos and explanations for different approaches to creating these animations. Overall, meetups are a great way to expand your network, learn new skills, and even start your public speaking journey in a supportive and encouraging environment.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    A191 - What are lead generation techniques to get me out of the feast and famine revenue cycle?

    A191 - What are lead generation techniques to get me out of the feast and famine revenue cycle?

    In the last 5 episodes I shared with you a course called Stop the Cycle where Curtis McHale and myself to be delivered to you on November 30th at 3:30 PM EST.

    A few people who have registered, jumped in and shared some feedback they had, well because we asked them what is it that they hope to get out of the course. What sparked you in deciding to join us. We want to make sure whoever joins us, gets the most value from it.

    This came by way of some feedback from one of those people.

    So with anything in business, it comes down to who you are, who you work with, and most importantly what’s working right now.

    The great thing about the Stop the Cycle course is that you will get 2 people’s point of view on running a business that is quite similar.

    What’s worked for me hasn’t for Curtis and vice versa.

    We are going to give you our best strategies and techniques that has landed us great work over the past decade, and still does to this very day.

    What I want you to do right now is to think about what’s working for you today.

    Also I want you to think about what is it about that lead generation strategy that you want to get away from? And why?


    See for me, podcasting has been a great lead generation strategy for me. Ever since I started my business I found podcasting to be beneficial to me in a variety of different ways including widening my network and positioning myself in the market.


    Curtis is a writer of several books and does a ton of writing very well. He gets paid to write for other companies and it also brings in clients to him as well. He does a lot of content marketing, writing specifically, well to be honest, hasn’t worked as well for me.

    Seeking out specific conversations

    Another tactic that I will dive deep on is jumping into highly specific conversations on Twitter and Facebook. By targeting certain keywords, I built a system to look for those keywords and then ping me in Slack when a tweet contained that keyword.

    This way it allowed me to be mindful of my time so that I can not be distracted for 20, 30, or 60 minutes down the social media rabbit hole.

    If my sales bot pings me in Slack, I can look at it in realtime or later even, and if it’s relevant, jump into that conversation and then get back to work.

    Time Management

    Curtis will dive into the time management since he’s much better at this than I. He has literally written the book on Analog Productivity. Curtis has built his business to work around his schedule and he’ll show you how to do this so that you actually have the time to market yourself.

    If you are wondering what else you are going to get out of this course is that you’ll get lead generation strategies. A huge benefit of this course is that you will get both of us and hear our takes on various strategies, how we approached them, and hear how different things worked for us.

    We both have families that we enjoy spending time with, businesses that are stable that support our families and afford us to enjoy the kind of lives we want.

    Stop the Cycle is the foundation of our businesses.

    👉 For full show notes to this episode & more resources for you.

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