
    Swimming Lessons(The Story Of Jonah)No.3- Grace Is For Pagans

    enJune 20, 2021
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    About this Episode

    In week three of our series on Jonah, we study the contrasting reactions to Gods presence between the pagan sailors and the prophet Jonah. Why were the pagan sailors more excited about grace than the prophet?

    Recent Episodes from GraceLife Sarasota

    Test Your Faith (James) No.13- What Wisdom Looks Like

    Test Your Faith (James) No.13- What Wisdom Looks Like
    Wisdom is the guiding force, directing our decisions. The kind of wisdom we embrace determines the choices we make. In its simplest form, there are only 2 kinds of wisdom. There’s earthly wisdom and there’s Heavenly wisdom. Earthly wisdom starts off ok. It's alluring, promising, satisfying. Even people in churches are drawn to earthly wisdom. But earthly wisdom’s cunning is inspired by our own selfish, sinful lusts that draw us away from following Jesus. The consequences of earthly wisdom vary from small stupid choices, all the way to destructive, vile, evil. Heavenly wisdom is the opposite. It’s inspired by a desire for humility, peace, mercy, & a harvest of righteousness. It seems like it should be easy to tell the two apart. But most people can’t tell the difference until it’s too late. What makes it difficult is earthly wisdom doesn’t start out looking demonic, if that were true it would be easy to spot. But that’s where it ends up if you can’t spot earthly wisdom soon enough & know how to deal with it. These two kinds of wisdom couldn’t be more different & being able to tell them apart is an important test of our faith. (JAMES 3:13–18) WHO IS WISE AND UNDERSTANDING AMONG YOU? BY HIS GOOD CONDUCT LET HIM SHOW HIS WORKS IN THE MEEKNESS OF WISDOM. [14] BUT IF YOU HAVE BITTER JEALOUSY AND SELFISH AMBITION IN YOUR HEARTS, DO NOT BOAST AND BE FALSE TO THE TRUTH. [15] THIS IS NOT THE WISDOM THAT COMES DOWN FROM ABOVE, BUT IS EARTHLY, UNSPIRITUAL, DEMONIC. [16] FOR WHERE JEALOUSY AND SELFISH AMBITION EXIST, THERE WILL BE DISORDER AND EVERY VILE PRACTICE. [17] BUT THE WISDOM FROM ABOVE IS FIRST PURE, THEN PEACEABLE, GENTLE, OPEN TO REASON, FULL OF MERCY AND GOOD FRUITS, IMPARTIAL AND SINCERE. [18] AND A HARVEST OF RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SOWN IN PEACE BY THOSE WHO MAKE PEACE.

    Test Your Faith (James) No.12- Watch Your Mouth

    Test Your Faith (James) No.12- Watch Your Mouth
    Can you remember the most hurtful things people have ever said to you? I can quote them perfectly. I remember many, where I was, who said it, their exact words, and how I felt, decades later I can remember every detail. Some of these things were 20, 30, 40 years ago. Isn’t it amazing how easily we can remember these things? I am 56 years old, and some of these moments still run around like ghosts of discouragement in my head. What about the opposite? Can you remember what quite literally is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? What is it about words? Why do they have such a massive impact on us? Have you ever hurt someone with your words? Has your tongue ever exposed you as a hypocrite? Have your words cut someone like a knife in the past. In that moment, when you knew your words caused the pain you wanted them to cause… did you enjoy it? And long after we forget what we said, our words linger, and our victim remembers them each time reopening that wound. Have you said really nice things to those in your church family & with the same mouth said hurtful things? All of us have used our tongue this way, as both a blessing and a curse. Isn’t that messed up? It’s so hypocritical! Even when we say something nice, is it nice? Or are we deceiving & manipulating others to get what we want? Do you trust your mouth? Do you even know how many times its caused damage? Every mouth is a problem right?

    Test Your Faith (James) No.11- Is Your Faith Useless?

    Test Your Faith (James) No.11- Is Your Faith Useless?
    A few weeks ago, I highlighted some popular spiritual phrases that are cheap, pointless, and powerless. Phrases like “follow your heart”, find inner peace, sending positive vibes, adjust your okra… I mean Chakra, etc. These are non-biblical phrases spoken by those who think they’re spiritual but are powerless & useless. But Christians also have phrases that are useless when there’s no action behind them , especially on social media. We use them when we feel like we must at least say something or to soothe our conscience, but we do nothing. "I’ll pray for you” offering to pray for people in crisis without any commitment to help when you know you could. Often, we don’t even really pray! This lack of action makes what could be a good thing worthless. “Its all in God’s hands” saying this to someone in crisis, and then leaving them to suffer alone is cold hearted. Especially if God has put you in a place to be His hands, but we don’t even care enough to even lift a finger. “The Lord works in mysterious ways" 1st , how do you know the hardship they’re suffering is the Lord’s work? Couldn’t it be because of evil in this world? 2nd , what if you’re supposed to be part of the Lord’s mysterious work, the part that provides relief in their suffering, but you don’t want to be bothered. What good are those words to anyone? "God will make a way!" Now you can say this one with passion! It's super religious! But saying it with no intention of trying to be part of the “way’ God might be making, well that’s just nice sounding, useless, cheap talk. God won’t ever give you more than you can’t handle.” For personal reasons this is the worst one. I won’t go into it. If we just speak religious phrases to fellow brothers & sisters, especially those in our church family, but aren’t willing to help in earthly, tangible ways, James says this is an important warning sign about our ropes of faith.

    Test Your Faith (James) No.10- Hypocritical Judges

    Test Your Faith (James) No.10- Hypocritical Judges
    I find it painful and embarrassing when my own hypocrisy is exposed. Yet, there's a part of me that takes a peculiar satisfaction in identifying hypocrisy in others. Especially the hypocrisy of those who have accused me of hypocrisy. I am very good at spotting your hypocrisy. In fact, as a good pastor should... I keep a spreadsheet. Now of course you might ask, where does Pastor Joe end up on this list… well, I’m not on the list. Keeping track of everyone else’s hypocrisy is a big job, I just don’t have time to track mine. Hypocrisy is a problem, a constant struggle for all of us, correct? So, we need to know how to deal with it. We think of hypocrisy as accusing someone of something we are guilty of as well. But it goes much deeper than that. Our hypocrisy can manifest itself in many different, overt, and subtle ways. Today we are talking about a specific kind of hypocrisy that James says is an important test of our faith. It’s the hypocrisy of discrimination, specifically within the church, showing favor to those who seem more desirable.

    GraceLife Baptism Sunday

    GraceLife Baptism Sunday
    "Crispus, the synagogue leader, and his entire household believed in the Lord; and many of the Corinthians who heard Paul believed and were baptized. One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.” So Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half, teaching them the word of God." Acts 18:8-11

    Test Your Faith (James) No.9- Fake Spirituality

    Test Your Faith (James) No.9- Fake Spirituality
    Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m not religious, but I am very spiritual”? What does being spiritual even mean? And what makes them spiritual? I guess it’s because they say they are. That’s really all you need to do to be spiritual. For many, that’s the extent of religion or spirituality, Its what we say. I came up with a list of modern spiritual phrases people use, and provide what they really mean… Follow your heart. I don't want the responsibility of giving you any type of real advice. Do what you think is best. Find your inner peace. You need to calm down…. You’re being too loud. (notice my very hip Taylor Swift reference) Prayers. As a substitute for actually, physically coming along side, I will pretend like I am praying for you. Everything happens for a reason. Man, that really stinks what happened, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Good luck! Sending positive vibes. This one is more complex. Man, I really hope it all works out, but I’m keeping my distance. I’m super busy with my own life anyway. Besides, I don’t really have any answers or solutions for the problems you face. These popular spiritual phrases are nice enough, but they are powerless to change or transform lives. I see these as worthless, throwaway lines, that are actually kind of selfish. They don’t require any real spiritual action. You can say stuff like this to people without doing anything to help them. They aren’t spiritual, they just sound spiritual. They provide false hope to the hearer. The one saying them can feel better about their actual spiritual condition. They don’t provide lasting transformation, they don’t change sinful hearts, & they certainly can’t provide eternal life. They are just a way for people to say they spiritual like things, just not the kind of spirituality Jesus teaches. How can we know if we are truly spiritual? How can we make sure we aren’t victims of fake spirituality or religion? (James 1:26-27) "If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows while they are suffering in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

    Test Your Faith (James) No.8- More Than Hearers

    Test Your Faith (James) No.8- More Than Hearers
    How do you think the American church is doing with providing opportunities for people to hear the Gospel? Can you think of any other time in church history with more creative, engaging, resources of biblical content. We have thousands of conferences & seminars offering fresh perspectives on how to connect with God on a deeper level. We have seminaries online & in person. Amazon carries books on every topic, subject, or book in scripture. Over the last few decades, we’ve platformed world-class speakers in ways that have made them ubiquitous. We have YouTube, podcasts, and bible apps, we gather, download, press play, & hear the Gospel multiple times a day. And what about our worship experience in the American church compared to any other time in church history? At any time, you can press play on highly skilled, highly produced incredible songwriters who make great music. We’ve mastered ways to provide engaging, comfortable, convenient opportunities for people to hear. Yet the vast majority of those who hear what we produce come, enjoy, feel great, but leave unchanged, w/out doing. Is that the church’s fault? Is it the hearer’s fault? "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For in anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing from the world." (James 1:22-25)

    Test Your Faith (James) No.7- Human Anger

    Test Your Faith (James) No.7- Human Anger
    Have you ever heard someone claim their anger is “righteous”? I’ve got an example of my righteous anger this week. Last Wednesday, driving to church down Tuttle, I came to the best-designed intersection in human history. You know the one where there’s a red light for Ringling, then 26 inches further is a red light for Fruitville Road? A beloved fellow motorist cut me off at Ringling, He made it through the light, forcing me to wait on red. I prayed, “Heavenly Father, don’t let Fruitville turn green before, so I may pull up beside to instruct in righteousness.” God answered my prayers. I pulled up, directing the driver to roll down his window so I could declare my truth. With GraceLife hat in full view, he complied. For the full 90-second light cycle I preached truth, and demanded repentance! After revealing the severity of his moral failure. He apologized and was grateful for my anger. He repented right there. But I felt the need for one more memorable object lesson, On green, I sped in front & cut him off before the next light. In my rear view, I saw him give me one of these & mouth “Thank you for making me a better, righteous person”. None of that happened, except for being cut off at Ringling. The rest is how it played out in my heart & mind. I can’t ever remember my road rage making people better drivers. Can you? That’s the problem with human anger. James 1:19-21 "Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not accomplish the righteousness of God. Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted Word, which is able to save your souls."

    Test Your Faith (James) No.6- Perfect Gifts

    Test Your Faith (James) No.6- Perfect Gifts
    "You therefore must be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48) This verse from the Sermon on the Mount seems so out of place w/everything Jesus said about grace, mercy, & forgiveness, doesn’t it? Is this verse one of those verses you piously acknowledge, but secretly think… “ok I hope it means something else?” People make nice memes of Phil 4:13, John 3:16 & other verses on social media all the time, but not this one! You won’t see football players put this reference under their eyes. You won't see people say “This is my favorite verse!” There was a time when this verse was very troubling for me. How can I be perfect? I am everything but perfect! It seems completely contradictory to what Paul says about our human righteousness being like disgusting rags right? We know none of us have a chance of being perfect right? We can’t even believe perfectly. We all struggle. Can we all just admit, at one time or another, this verse is at the very least puzzling; at worst, frightening? Standing by itself, it is a troubling verse. Even though people do this all the time, that’s not how you read the Bible. I hope to show you how this verse can become quite comforting as we test our faith in this study of James. "Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Of His own will He brought us forth by the Word of Truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures." (James 1:16-18)

    Salt & Light by Guest Speaker Phil Alba

    Salt & Light by Guest Speaker Phil Alba
    “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."