
    About this Episode

    Welcome back!

    It's another school year in Eaton Springs, Colorado.  

    And another trip with a marching band.

    It's not every day you get to hang around a parking lot in Colorado and experience the simulatanous warm ups of half a dozen marching bands. 

    Recent Episodes from Bad Bus Driver



    There are always a few mandatory assignments we have to complete, 

    Before we go back to school.

    Driving distractions include;  

    Wondering, like some of us might do at the beginning of a school year, why you are still a bus driver, bored kids, aimless wanderings in a school bus, the working people, Malcom Gladwell, The Moth, and finding your voice. 


    E4. PINK

    E4. PINK

    This summer is going to be different.  I have plans.

    At least, that's what I thought a few months ago...

    But it wasn't.

    Any different, I mean. 

     And that's okay.


    Driving distractions include;

    The weird things that happen when you wear pink, the things you never get done...

    And one particular bougainvillea. 


    S3. E3. DREAMS (of the stress kind).

    S3. E3. DREAMS (of the stress kind).

    There are nights of dreams in the early days of a new job--and maybe a few years longer. 

    Until there aren't anymore. 

    Driving distractions include; remembering those dreams and growing up close enough to Disney World that we knew it well.  That means Walts World comes up often in a Peter Pan sort of job. 


    I forgot to mention;

    MUSIC included in this episode:



    S3. E2. Back to School (in Eaton River County Junction).

    S3. E2. Back to School (in Eaton River County Junction).

    Greetings from Eaton River County Junction, Colorado!
    Hope you all stay with us until June comes around again!

    --Alexandra, Andrew and anyone else brave enough to talk into a mic. (and maybe drive a school bus)

    Driving distractions include...

    Whatever music we're listening to. (No truer words). 

    S3. E1. Bad Bus Driver

    S3. E1. Bad Bus Driver

     It’s another school year in Eaton River County Junction.  We hope you all stay with us—Alexandra, Andrew, Louis and  and anyone else who is willing to to talk into a mic—until June comes around again.


     Driving distractions include—some encouraging words for new drivers.  (At least, we hope they are).