
    Tackling Your City's Biggest Problems w/ Chuck Mingo and Robbie Reider of Crossroads Church

    enSeptember 19, 2019

    About this Episode

    “An orphan doesn’t just feel like an orphan at 10 o’clock on Sunday.” Robbie Reider

    With around 20 congregations throughout Ohio and Kentucky, Crossroads Church is a Jesus-following, people-loving, and city-changing machine. In this episode, hear Chuck Mingo and Robbie Reider share unbelievable moments of racial reconciliation and community transformation, as well as vulnerable stories of challenges they face every day.

    Hear Chuck and Robbie discuss the following:

    • Local vs. centralized aspects of multisite ministry
    • What their church has learned from Corporate America
    • How their "Undivided" racial reconciliation curriculum and "City Link Center" are impacting the city of Cincinnati

    Learn more about Crossroads Church at the following links: 

    ABOUT PRAISE HANDS PODCAST // Each week on the Praise Hands Podcast, join Robby Valderrama and learn from creative, cross-cultural solutionists who are shaping the future of church, race, music, economics, and technology. Learn more at http://praisehands.com.

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS // Special thanks to this episode’s sponsor The Church Ahead: offering resources and advice for forward-thinking Christian leaders, including City Impact Coaching. Learn more at http://thechurchahead.org.


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    Each episode on the Praise Hands Podcast, join Robby Valderrama and learn from creative, cross-cultural solutionists at the American intersection of church, race, music, and economics. Support the show at http://praisehands.com/donate.

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    Each week on the Praise Hands Podcast, join Robby Valderrama and learn from creative, cross-cultural solutionists at the American intersection of church, race, music, and economics. Support the show at http://praisehands.com/donate.

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    Each week on the Praise Hands Podcast, join Robby Valderrama and learn from creative, cross-cultural solutionists at the American intersection of church, race, music, and economics. Support the show at http://praisehands.com/donate.

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    Each week on the Praise Hands Podcast, join Robby Valderrama and learn from creative, cross-cultural solutionists at the American intersection of church, race, music, and economics. Support the show at http://praisehands.com/donate.

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    Each week on the Praise Hands Podcast, join Robby Valderrama and learn from creative, cross-cultural solutionists at the American intersection of church, race, music, and economics. Support the show at http://praisehands.com/donate.

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    Each episode on the Praise Hands Podcast, join Robby Valderrama and learn from creative, cross-cultural solutionists at the American intersection of church, race, music, and economics. Support the show at http://praisehands.com/donate.

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    0:00:33 Patrick Chappell
    0:30:30 Lex The Advocate
    0:52:00 Barna Group’s Brooke Hempell
    0:57:50 DJ Chuang
    1:17:08 Thank You’s and Fake Ending
    1:19:53 Jackie The Educator
    1:25:57 Ricky Ortiz

    Listen around the hour-mark for details on how to enter to win, as well for an exciting announcement from Robby on a living legend who he’ll be interviewing shortly for a new episode.


    Time Codes (along with guest’s original episode title):


    0:00:33 Patrick Chappell (EP28 “The Myth Of "Organic" Diversity”)

    Hear Patrick share about his new role as a campus pastor, and about the ways his church is looking to move past traditional models to reach and empower their neighbors. Also, hear about his unfiltered, unashamed obsession with the rock band Weezer.


    0:30:30 Lex The Advocate (EP5 “Sex Trafficking: A Survivor's Story”)

    Hear Lex share about her new role with Exodus Cry fighting sex trafficking through films, public policy, survivor care, and directly confronting pornographic channels.


    0:52:00 Barna Group’s Brooke Hempell (EP26 “Data And Diversity: A Call To Dig Deeper”)

    0:57:50 DJ Chuang (EP22 “Cultural Competency, Shame, And Generosity”)

    Hear Brooke share about her new podcast “Race And Redemption”, and hear both Brooke and DJ share about their experience and data findings surrounding the church’s status through the global health crisis. Learn about DJ’s new podcast and other issues (such as generosity and church health during 2020) from an Asian American Christian leader’s perspective.


    1:17:08 Thank You’s and Fake Ending

    1:19:53 Jackie The Educator (EP8 “Hurt, Hustle, and Healing in Black America”)

    Hear about the mind-blowing growth of Jackie’s Black Christian Influencers, along with the story of how Robby and Jackie’s connection led to their friendship and Kingdom collaboration.


    1:25:57 Ricky Ortiz (EP27 “Rethinking Urban Church Planting”)

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    About Praise Hands Podcast

    Each week on the Praise Hands Podcast, join Robby Valderrama and learn from creative, cross-cultural solutionists at the American intersection of church, race, music, and economics. Support the show at http://praisehands.com/donate.

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    Each week on the Praise Hands Podcast, join Robby Valderrama and learn from creative, cross-cultural solutionists at the American intersection of church, race, music, and economics. Support the show at http://praisehands.com/donate.

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    Each week on the Praise Hands Podcast, join Robby Valderrama and learn from creative, cross-cultural solutionists at the American intersection of church, race, music, and economics. Support the show at http://praisehands.com/donate.

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    • How her relationship with Jesus shapes her social justice work


    Each week on the Praise Hands Podcast, join Robby Valderrama and learn from creative, cross-cultural solutionists at the American intersection of church, race, music, and economics. Support the show at http://praisehands.com/donate.