
    Take photos of livestock like a pro with Ian Turner, Superior Selections

    en-auJune 15, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The power of a standout livestock photoEffective livestock marketing relies on high-quality photos that grab attention and positively represent the product or business. Proper lighting plays a crucial role in achieving this.

      The importance of high-quality photography in livestock marketing. According to Ian from Superior Selections, a standout photo should grab your attention and portray the product or business in a positive light. The use of appropriate lighting is crucial in achieving this. While some photographers strive for perfection and spend hours setting up for the perfect shot, others may prioritize capturing a unique perspective or memory. Regardless, the right lighting can significantly enhance the impact of a photograph and help differentiate your marketing efforts.

    • Capturing the Perfect Livestock ImageConsider ideal lighting, take photos at mid-rib level, avoid shadows, enhance with post-editing, maintain natural appearance, and trust the photographer.

      In livestock photography, the goal is to capture the best possible image of the animal to make it stand out. This involves considering factors such as lighting, angle, and perspective to showcase the animal's features accurately. Max Stevens, a renowned livestock photographer, emphasized the importance of taking photos during ideal lighting conditions and avoiding shadows. He also recommended taking photos at mid-rib level for a balanced image. Post-editing can be used to enhance the photo, but it's crucial to maintain the animal's natural appearance. Different perspectives and trends exist in different countries, but the mid-rib level is generally considered the best perspective. It's essential to trust the photographer to capture the animal as it is, without falsifying its image. Additionally, remembering the significance of Max Stevens' influence on livestock photography and his teachings on balanced animals and ideal photo-taking conditions is crucial.

    • Understanding Animal Balance for Effective Livestock PhotographyFocus on animal balance for engaging and effective livestock images. Expert guidance ensures optimal presentation.

      Capturing a balanced and well-presented image of livestock is crucial for effective photography. The speaker, who has extensive experience in the field, emphasizes the importance of understanding what a balanced animal looks like and ensuring that photographers focus on this aspect. He criticizes the common practice among journalists to prioritize people and neglect the animal's presentation, often resulting in suboptimal images. The speaker advocates for a more balanced approach, where both the animal and the people are given due consideration. He also highlights the significance of having someone with expertise in animal balance to guide photographers and ensure that the animals are presented in their best possible light. Ultimately, the key is to understand that a well-presented, balanced animal is essential to creating an engaging and effective image for editorial or other purposes.

    • Understanding animal behavior for perfect livestock shotsPatience, empathy, and expertise in animal behavior help photographers capture stunning and unique livestock images, adapting to each animal's temperament and reactions.

      Understanding animal behavior is crucial for photographers to capture the perfect shot of livestock. A well-balanced and well-lit image is essential, but it's equally important to be aware of the animal's temperament and behavior. Some animals can be nervous or difficult to handle, and this can impact the final product's quality and consumer preference. It's important for photographers to have patience and empathy when working with these animals, and to build a rapport with them to get the best possible shot. Animal behavior expertise is not limited to "animal whisperers" or "dog whisperers," but a skill that anyone can develop through experience and understanding. It's essential to remember that every animal is different and can react differently to various situations and people. By being aware of these factors and adapting to the animal's behavior, photographers can capture stunning and unique images that showcase the livestock's true character.

    • Patience and calm demeanor essential for animal handlingTrust handler, communicate effectively, and allow animal to relax for successful outcome in animal handling

      Patience and a calm demeanor are essential when handling animals for photography or artificial insemination. The speaker shared an experience of taking a photo of a ram for semen promotion, where he learned the importance of being patient and not hindering the situation with edginess. Max, the handler, understood the importance of building a bond with the animal and maintaining control, even when the speaker was getting frustrated. The speaker also learned that interfering with the animal, such as pushing toes, can make the situation worse. And in the end, the photographer was even painted out of the photo to avoid disturbing the animal. So, it's crucial to trust the handler, communicate effectively, and allow the animal to relax for a successful outcome.

    • Observing animal's natural gait for effective managementUnderstanding an animal's natural leg movement order and building trust through gentle communication enhances effective and humane management.

      Understanding an animal's natural balance and movement patterns is crucial for effectively and humanely managing them. Animals, whether they are cattle or sheep, have a specific order in which they move their legs, and attempting to move them out of order can result in instability and resistance. By observing an animal's natural gait or even slowing down footage, one can learn the correct order and approach moving them accordingly. Additionally, building a bond and establishing trust with the animal through gentle and calm communication can make the process easier and more efficient. Whether it's a cow or a sheep, the key is to approach them with patience, understanding, and respect for their natural tendencies.

    • Positioning and Angle for Livestock PhotographyProperly positioning and angeling livestock during photography or filming is crucial for showcasing their best features. Ensure animals are calm and natural to accurately represent them.

      When photographing or filming livestock, positioning and angle are crucial to showcasing the animal's best features. Pulling an animal's head in the wrong direction can result in an undesirable appearance. Instead, standing at the front and turning the head the other way while gently pushing the brisket is recommended. Balance and weight are essential elements to consider as well. In the era of COVID and travel restrictions, online selling platforms have become increasingly popular. Transparency is vital when selling livestock online, and providing high-quality photos and videos is essential to attract potential buyers. The evolution of online selling has made it a more effective way of showcasing livestock, but it's important to ensure the animal is presented in the best possible light, whether through photos or videos. A stirred-up or agitated animal makes it difficult to assess its features, so it's important to capture calm and natural movements. Ultimately, taking the time to get the best possible shot or video is worth the effort to accurately represent the livestock.

    • Building a connection with animals for better resultsApproach animals slowly, spend time with them, be patient, observe their comfort level, and use objects to gain their attention for successful image or video capture

      Building a connection with animals before trying to capture their image or video can lead to better results. The speaker shared an experience with Sams, a breed of sheep, who were initially fearful and bolted away when he tried to take their photo. However, by approaching them slowly and spending time with them, he was able to gain their trust and eventually take successful photos. This approach not only resulted in better images but also allowed him to observe the animals in their natural behavior. The speaker emphasized the importance of being patient and observant, as well as being aware of the animal's comfort level. Waiting too long for the "perfect shot" can result in missed opportunities, as animals can become agitated and uncooperative. Additionally, using objects like a cap to gain their attention can be an effective method to capture their image or video. Overall, the key takeaway is to build a connection with animals before trying to capture their image or video, be patient, and be observant of their comfort level to ensure successful results.

    • Providing depth and context in reportingDepth and context are essential for effective reporting, attracting and retaining audiences. Successful sale reports require more than just listing facts, answering why items sold and overall success reasons. Journalistic integrity and depth are crucial, despite social media's five-second attention span.

      Providing depth and context in reporting is essential to engage and inform audiences. Ian, in our discussion, emphasized the importance of capturing readers' attention without spooking them, and providing a quality depth of story that goes beyond just the facts. He shared his experience in the livestock industry, where a successful sale report requires more than just listing the top price. Instead, it should answer why that item sold for that price and why the sale was a success overall. Ian also highlighted the importance of journalistic integrity and depth in reporting, which has been replaced in many cases by manipulation, exaggeration, and sensationalism to cater to the five-second attention span of social media. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the acceptance of sale by description, providing an opportunity for quality research journalism to shine. In summary, depth and context are crucial elements of effective reporting that can help attract and retain audiences.

    • Digital transformation in livestock salesThe digital transformation of livestock sales allows sellers to reach a wider audience and grow their client base, with online sales attracting hundreds or even thousands of bidders. Focus on excellent customer service and strong client relationships to thrive in the larger market.

      The agricultural industry has undergone a significant transformation due to the adoption of digital technologies, particularly in the sale of livestock. In the past, sales were limited to local areas, but now, with the use of independent structural assessments, performance data, good photography, and videos, buyers can confidently purchase animals from anywhere in the country. This has opened up a much larger market for sellers, allowing them to reach a wider audience and grow their client base. For instance, sales that used to attract 30 people in person now have hundreds or even thousands of online bidders. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend, with many sales moving entirely online out of necessity. While there are challenges to growing in a larger market, such as increased competition, those who focus on providing excellent customer service and building strong relationships with clients will continue to thrive. The future of livestock sales is digital, and those who embrace this trend will be well-positioned for success.

    • Online auctions: new level of confidence and cautionOnline auctions require more commitment and caution from buyers due to accessibility and efficiency. Traditional methods still valuable. Embrace principles like action, excellence, and respect for others.

      The evolution of online auctions has made the bidding process more accessible and efficient, but it also requires a new level of confidence and caution from buyers. Whereas in the past, people might have bid out of curiosity, now they are more likely to become active buyers and commit to higher prices. This shift is due to advancements in technology and the industry as a whole. It's important to note that traditional methods of selling, such as catalogs and in-person interactions, still have value and should not be neglected. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of principles like "You can't do business sitting on your ass," "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well," and "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you," which can be applied to both business and life. These principles encourage action, excellence, and respect for others, and can help build long-term relationships with clients.

    • Building Strong Relationships: Honesty, Integrity, and AuthenticityHonesty, integrity, and authenticity are crucial for building trust and strong relationships. Don't ask others to do something you wouldn't do yourself, admit mistakes, and strive for authenticity in your interactions.

      Building and maintaining strong relationships, whether in business or personal life, requires treating others with respect, honesty, and integrity. Don't ask others to do something you wouldn't do yourself, and be willing to admit and rectify mistakes. A great example of this is the Ukrainian president staying with his people during the crisis, earning their trust and loyalty. Values of honesty and integrity are essential for building trust, and the ability to apologize and make things right is crucial when mistakes are made. Life is too short to be serious all the time, so remember to live, laugh, and love. As a mentor and respected figure in the industry, it's essential to share knowledge and experiences to help others. So, work with people, not against them, and always strive for authenticity and trust.

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    Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
    1. "Google My Business"
    2. "Go Daddy"

    Welcome to the "Ag Marketing Podcast" 

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    Whether you're a seasoned ag professional, a rural business owner seeking fresh insights, or an aspiring agri-marketer eager to soak up knowledge, this podcast is for you. I'll be sharing practical tips to help you thrive in the ever-evolving world of Ag marketing. Thanks for tuning in.

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    Resources mentioned:

    Welcome to the "Ag Marketing Podcast" 

    Hi, I'm your host, Tegan Buckley, and I'm thrilled to dive into the dynamic world of digital marketing in the rural-agri sector.

    Here on this podcast, we'll explore the unique challenges and opportunities of promoting agricultural products and services in rural areas. 

    Whether you're a seasoned ag professional, a rural business owner seeking fresh insights, or an aspiring agri-marketer eager to soak up knowledge, this podcast is for you. I'll be sharing practical tips to help you thrive in the ever-evolving world of Ag marketing. Thanks for tuning in.

    Take photos of livestock like a pro with Ian Turner, Superior Selections

    Take photos of livestock like a pro with Ian Turner, Superior Selections

    I am incredibly proud to present a three-part interview series with the one and only Ian Turner from Superior Selections!

    Ian chats with me on the Ag Marketing Podcast about his incredible 50+ year career in Rural Media, Photography & Marketing.

    From humble beginnings to impactful advertising, Ian Turner went from working on his family farm on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, through to creating a long and successful career in journalism and advertising while also starting his own stud stock marketing business, Superior Selections. 

    Part 1: Listen to Ian's inspiring story and words of wisdom in life, business and advertising on the Ag Marketing Podcast. 
    Part 2: Episode two is focused strongly on livestock marketing tips and tactics.
    Part 3: Episode three will cover media and photography

    This 3 part podcast episode series is proudly brought to you by Mallee Marketing and Superior Selections. 

    The Ag Marketing Podcast by Mallee Marketing is dedicated to making marketing, communications and online business tips available for rural and agri people wherever you are in Australia. Hosted by Tegan Buckley, Mallee Marketing.

    Livestock Marketing with Ian Turner

    Livestock Marketing with Ian Turner

    I am incredibly proud to present a three-part interview series with the one and only Ian Turner from Superior Selections!

    Ian chats with me on the Ag Marketing Podcast about his incredible 50+ year career in Rural Media, Photography & Marketing.

    From humble beginnings to impactful advertising, Ian Turner went from working on his family farm on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, through to creating a long and successful career in journalism and advertising while also starting his own stud stock marketing business, Superior Selections. 

    Part 1: Listen to Ian's inspiring story and words of wisdom in life, business and advertising on the Ag Marketing Podcast. 
    Part 2: Episode two is focused strongly on livestock marketing tips and tactics.
    Part 3: Episode three will cover media and photography

    This 3 part podcast episode series is proudly brought to you by Mallee Marketing and Superior Selections. 

    The Ag Marketing Podcast by Mallee Marketing is dedicated to making marketing, communications and online business tips available for rural and agri people wherever you are in Australia. Hosted by Tegan Buckley, Mallee Marketing.

    From humble beginnings to impactful advertising. Guest: Ian Turner.

    From humble beginnings to impactful advertising. Guest: Ian Turner.

    An interview with Ian Turner (part 1).
    Ian Turner, Superior Selections, chats with Ag Marketing Podcast host, Tegan Buckley, Mallee Marketing, in this episode featuring his incredible 50+ year career in Rural Media, Photography & Marketing.
    From humble beginnings to impactful advertising, Ian Turner went from working on his family farm on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, through to creating a long and successful career in journalism and advertising while also starting his own stud stock marketing business, Superior Selections. 

    Listen to Ian's inspiring story and words of wisdom in life, business and advertising  on the Ag Marketing Podcast. This is part 1 of 3 episodes.

    This episode is proudly brought to you by Mallee Marketing and Superior Selections.

    This podcast is dedicated to making marketing, communications and online business tips available for rural and agri people wherever you are in Australia. Hosted by Tegan Buckley, Mallee Marketing.

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    In this episode I run through three things to check up on to help your clients do business with you.

    RESOURCES mentioned in this episode:
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/marketingforag
    Free Template Guide: https://www.malleemarketing.com.au/template

    This podcast is hosted by Tegan Buckley, Mallee Marketing Pty Ltd.

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    September 14-19: Black Mammalogists Week: https://blackmammalogists.com/

    September 20: Free Atlatl Making Workshop by Angelo Robledo: 9/20, 10am-1pm Pacific Time: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdqLMRT1PPLslrJyG5srbokkWrof3XFujIDEC2RzzrRaQ4LJA/viewform

    A donation went to: The American Society of Mammalogists -- Sponsored Membership Fund: https://asm.wildapricot.org/Donate

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