
    Taking a Break from Saving the World with Stephen Legault

    enMay 07, 2020

    About this Episode

    What a strange world we are living in! We hope you are all taking care of yourselves. It feels especially important right now with health care workers, grocery stores and others working around the clock to help keep our world running and keep us safe during a global pandemic.

    Stephen Legault knows burnout. He’s lived it in his work in conservation activism – and now he’s written a book about it! Taking a Break from Saving the World: A Conservation Activist’s Journey from Burnout to Balance takes a look at the culture of self-sacrifice that permeates the work done by volunteers and paid staff in the environmental conservation movement and beyond.

    We spoke with Stephen about his new book, his own experience with burnout, and some tips on how we can take care of ourselves and each other when we’re all running on fumes.

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