
    Talking to Animals with A.I. ethicist Aza Raskin

    enNovember 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Depths of Animal Communication and Human InnovationFrom decoding animal language to co-owning luxury vacation homes, innovation and collaboration are transforming our understanding of the natural world and creating new opportunities for growth and learning.

      Innovation and technology are opening up new possibilities for understanding the natural world, as demonstrated by the work of Aza Raskin and the Earth Species Project. This project, which involves decoding animal language, highlights the vast knowledge and complexity of animal communication that has existed for millions of years. As humans, we have much to learn from these ancient cultures and the deep truths they encode. Additionally, companies like Picasso are using technology to make owning a luxury vacation home more accessible and hassle-free. Meanwhile, the 2024 Black Effect Podcast Festival, with partners like Nissan, offers opportunities for aspiring podcasters to bring their ideas to life. These examples showcase the power of innovation and collaboration to create meaningful experiences and advancements. Remember, every day is an opportunity to learn, grow, and make a difference, whether it's through understanding the natural world, creating engaging content, or co-owning a luxury vacation home.

    • Dolphins Demonstrate Complex Learning and CommunicationDolphins have shown remarkable abilities to learn new gestures and communicate with each other, but understanding their language is a significant challenge for researchers. With advanced AI technology, organizations like EarthSpecies are making progress in deciphering animal communication by separating and analyzing multiple voices.

      Animals, particularly dolphins, have shown remarkable abilities to learn complex concepts and communicate with each other. For instance, in a 1994 unpublished study from the University of Hawaii, dolphins were taught to perform new gestures, like "do something you've never done before," which required them to innovate and remember past experiences. They even learned to do something new together, demonstrating a level of communication and coordination. However, understanding animal communication is a significant challenge for researchers due to the vast amounts of data and the difficulty of separating individual voices or calls. With the advent of advanced AI technology, organizations like EarthSpecies were founded in 2017 to tackle these challenges and make progress in deciphering animal languages. For example, their initial research focused on developing models to separate and analyze multiple animal voices, paving the way for further advancements in understanding animal communication.

    • Understanding Animal CommunicationResearchers are using technology and observing patterns to decipher animal languages, from crows' vocalizations to zebra finches' communication with humans, ultimately aiming for a two-way conversation.

      Animals, such as crows and zebra finches, exhibit complex behaviors and communication systems that can be studied and understood to a certain extent. Researchers are making progress in deciphering animal languages, using technology like audio language models and observing patterns in animal behavior. For instance, crows have unique vocalizations and communal child-rearing practices, while zebra finches learn their vocalizations and can communicate with humans using audio language models before fully understanding the meaning of the words. Dolphins and other animals, like chimps and elephants, have shown self-awareness through tests like the mirror test. The ultimate goal is to establish a two-way conversation with animals, allowing us to better understand their communication and potentially establish meaningful relationships with them. The stories of animals helping humans, such as dolphins saving shipwrecked people, may involve some level of animal communication and awareness of human presence.

    • Understanding our interconnectedness with the worldReconnecting with ourselves, others, and nature is essential for personal and societal growth.

      Our disconnection from ourselves, each other, and the natural world is at the root of many of humanity's biggest problems. This disconnection can manifest in various ways, such as the loss of ability to communicate with animals or the dehumanization of other human beings. By making the value and interconnectedness of all things more comprehensible, we can begin to reconnect and prevent harm. This theme is reflected in stories throughout history, from myths about humans communicating with animals to modern-day innovations that bring people closer together. Whether it's through business, technology, or personal relationships, reestablishing our connection to the world around us is essential for growth and understanding.

    • The impact of our perception of nature and its inhabitants on the environment and global issuesOur actions, whether intended to help or hinder, can have unintended consequences on a global scale. It's crucial to consider long-term consequences and act ethically to protect the environment and promote human well-being.

      Our perception of nature and its inhabitants, including plants and animals, plays a significant role in how we treat the environment and address global issues like climate change. The discovery of humpback whale songs and their emotional impact on people led to policy changes and the preservation of humpback whales. However, our actions, even those intended to improve local experiences, can have unintended consequences on a global scale. Infinite scroll, for example, was designed to keep users engaged, but its adoption by technology companies in the attention economy led to negative impacts on human attention and well-being. As we continue to invent and innovate, it's essential to consider the potential long-term consequences and strive to act ethically on both a local and global scale. This includes defining and implementing a code of ethics for technology and AI.

    • The Global Impact of Local Actions in the Tech SphereAs technology advances, individual actions can have catastrophic global consequences, requiring democratic solutions that promote ethical use and consideration of global impact.

      As technology advances, the potential for individual actions to cause harm on a global scale increases exponentially. However, the incentives in our society encourage us to focus on solving local problems without considering the global repercussions. The consequences of these mistakes can be catastrophic, and current democratic solutions may not be sufficient to address this issue. The Chinese model of more authoritarian control over technology may seem extreme, but it could potentially limit the damage caused by individuals' mistakes. However, this approach raises concerns about propaganda and loss of individual freedom. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize the challenges posed by technology and work towards democratic solutions that encourage ethical use and consideration of the global impact of local actions.

    • Exploring alternative ways of doing representative democracyThrough advanced democracy sessions and effective listening, we can foster genuine dialogue, bridge political divides, and create solutions that benefit everyone.

      Instead of focusing on a false dichotomy between representative democracy and authoritarianism, we should explore alternative ways of doing representative democracy that foster genuine dialogue and understanding among diverse groups of people. These methods, such as advanced democracy sessions, can lead to solutions that have high consensus and can bridge political divides. Listening is key to these processes, as it allows us to learn from each other and lessen our egos. The world is organized around talking, but we need more listening. By putting the microphone in the water and truly understanding what others are saying, we can find common ground and create solutions that benefit everyone. Therapy, like BetterHelp, can help us develop the self-awareness and skills we need to listen effectively and build a social life that recharges us rather than draining our batteries.

    • New technologies bring new responsibilitiesWhen inventing a new technology, uncover new responsibilities; if it confers power, expect a race for it; if not coordinated, tragedy often ensues.

      Technology, especially social media, comes with new responsibilities that aren't always clear at the outset. These technologies can confer power and ignite a race for that power or advantage, often leading to negative consequences if not coordinated. Tristan Harris, co-founder of the Center for Humane Technology, shares this realization after the 2016 election, which made him question the impact of the technologies he's worked on. He identified three laws of technology: when you invent a new technology, you uncover a new species of responsibility; if that technology confers power, it will start a race for that power or advantage; and if you do not coordinate, that race will often end in tragedy. Social media's business model, which is to get human engagement, leads to a race to the bottom of the brain stem, resulting in polarization, mental health crises, and even backsliding of democracy. It's crucial to understand these incentives and the potential outcomes they can create.

    • The Threat of Technology to Our CommonsTechnology's rapid advancement, driven by market dominance and growth, can deplete shared resources like mental health, attention, and the environment. Care, from individual well-being to societal systems, is crucial to mitigate these harms.

      The rapid advancement of technology, specifically AI, poses a threat to our shared resources or "commons" such as mental health, attention, and the environment. This race for market dominance and growth can lead to harm and depletion of these resources, much like how the industrial revolution and the use of oil impacted physical labor. The speakers, who have backgrounds in ergonomics and palliative care, emphasize the importance of care and its application at various levels, from individual well-being to societal systems. A specific childhood memory of the speaker's father teaching her about infinities illustrates the curiosity and nurturing of intellectual growth that can inspire a commitment to understanding and caring for the world around us.

    • Our new 'Macintosh project': making complex systems understandable and accessibleEmbrace complex systems like math, physics, AI, and dark matter for the greater good, starting at home, to make a difference and protect ourselves from potential harm.

      Just as Hori's discovery of the inextricable truth about infinity felt like a hidden magic of the world, our collective work today is to make complex systems like math, physics, AI, and dark matter understandable and accessible to all. This is our new "Macintosh project," as Simon Sinek puts it, where we fit these complex systems into our minds to make a difference. We don't need to be mathematicians or physicists to understand and use these concepts, but rather, we can all embrace them for the greater good and protect ourselves from potential harm. This change starts at home, and it takes all of us to get involved. As Simon said, "Our job as communicators is to make these complex systems fit into our minds so that we can do something about it." So let's join this new Macintosh project and make a difference together.

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    Companies Mentioned:


    Shout Outs:


    Key Insights From This Episode: 


    • We invest in companies where we think that we can be a customer or we can be a channel to our clients, and sell their products through that channel. - Raj

    • Technology was definitely impacting and influencing, from a disruptive or an enabling perspective. - Raj

    • But at the same time the challenges around, climate tech specifically around decarbonizing the built world was also proven to be extremely challenging as well. The muscle groups that these corporates need in order to engage technology, and decarbonization, require different approach. - Brad



    • And I think what makes this sort of green wave a lot different than the ones we've seen in the past is that in addition to sort of this government mandated demand, there is a real impetus and a real interest from corporates to be a part of the solution. - Brad

    • I think the two things that stuck out for me firstly, was the number of attendees from the regular real estate world, as opposed to the technology PropTech world. So, there were a huge number of people there who were genuinely curious to understand how technology could have an impact on their business. - Raj

    • I think change is driven by people, The whole world is waking up, why we need to be more carbon neutral, how we need to sort of control increase in temperature. What can we do as individuals to make the world a better place. And I think that's driving the investors, the occupiers to make different decisions. - Sharad

    • I think buildings are will become computers eventually, and computers need an operating system. - Sharad

    • I think for a lot of corporates who expecting the world to just go back to normal, post pandemic, it's just not going to happen. And having a very comprehensive digital strategy is likely going to be your best way to navigate the path forward. - Brad

    funding, innovation, sustainability, collaboration, acquisition, smart buildings, COP26

    About Our Guests:

    Brad Greiwe, Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Fifth Wall


    Brad Greiwe is a co-founder and Managing Partner at Fifth Wall, where he guides the firm’s strategic vision.

    Prior to starting Fifth Wall, Brad co-founded Invitation Homes (NYSE: INVH), a multi-billion dollar owner and operator of single-family rental properties originally backed by The Blackstone Group. As CTO, he positioned Invitation Homes as the dominant technology-forward brand in the single-family rental category, developing a proprietary technology stack to support the valuation, acquisition, rehabilitation, leasing, and professional management of over 80,000 homes in 17 major markets, serving 120,000 residents across the U.S.

    Brad started his career in investment banking at UBS in the real estate, lodging, and leisure group, where he tallied over $33 billion of M&A advisory work and $1 billion of debt and equity financing, including the sale of Hilton Hotels to The Blackstone Group for $26 billion—the largest hotel privatization in history. He then worked in real estate private equity at Tishman Speyer and Starwood Capital, where he executed over $30 billion of acquisitions, debt financing, and development projects.

    Brad is originally from Cincinnati, lives in San Francisco, and graduated from Harvard University, where he received his BA in economics.

    Raj Singh, Managing Partner, JLL Spark 


    In his role as JLL Spark managing partner, Raj guides strategic investments to continue growing JLL Spark’s portfolio, further accelerating innovation and adoption of PropTech in commercial real estate. Raj is a venture capitalist, strategist and adviser in the innovation and information technology sectors. He most recently served five years as head of investments and then as interim co-head at JetBlue Technology Ventures—the corporate VC arm of JetBlue Airways.

    JLL Spark - Company Summary

    JLL Spark is a global venture fund, founded in 2017, investing in early to mid-stage property technology startups. JLL Spark’s team and venture capital fund have invested tens of millions of dollars in more than 30 early-stage proptech startups—from IoT sensors to investment platforms and more.

    Sharad Rastogi, President of Revenue at JLL Technologies 


    Sharad Rastogi is president of the revenue division at JLL Technologies (JLLT), a business division of JLL dedicated to commercial real estate (CRE) technology.  Sharad leads product strategy and engineering execution of JLLT’s revenue-generating technology offerings, helping to unlock data-driven insights and experiences, while improving the efficiency and ROI of clients’ real estate portfolios.

    JLLT - Company Summary

    JLL Technologies (JLLT), a business division of JLL, was established in 2019 to build and expand the company’s portfolio of technology products and services to shape the future of commercial real estate. JLLT is a first-of-its-kind team that combines commercial real estate experts with world-class technologists to deliver solutions that transform the way organizations acquire, manage, operate and experience space.

    About Our Host

    Louisa Dickins


    Louisa started her career in property working at a well-known estate agency in London. Realising her people skills, she moved over to Lloyd May to pursue a career in recruitment. She now is a Director at LMRE, who are a specialist recruitment firm driven by PropTech and recruitment professionals, and Louisa oversees their 5 core areas. Louisa co-founded LMRE and provides a constructive recruitment platform to the new disruptors in real estate. Louisa is also on the board of Directors at UK PropTech Association (UKPA).

    About LMRE


    LMRE believe there is a better way to recruit. LMRE focus on a more comprehensive, client led focus delivering exceptional talent to the place at the time. They are passionate about the industry and passionate about people's careers. LMRE spend time with each client to become and an extension of the business, and their transparency and core values help them grow with the sector. LMRE simplify recruitment and innovate with our clients and evolve the people driven, PropTech community.

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