
    TANA IS BEEFING WITH JOJO SIWA… with Trisha Paytas - Ep. 79

    enApril 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • A candid conversation about daily life and unusual experiencesThe hosts discussed their cleanliness habits, bathroom preferences, and unusual fan encounters, showcasing their unique chemistry and ability to find humor in everyday situations, while acknowledging the challenges of maintaining a public persona

      The discussion between the hosts revolved around their daily lives, cleanliness habits, and unusual experiences. They shared stories about their preferences for bathroom essentials, such as toilet paper versus bidets, and their encounters with fans in unexpected places. The conversation also touched upon their dating lives and the pressures they face as influencers. The hosts' banter showcased their unique chemistry and their ability to find humor in everyday situations. Despite the lighthearted tone, they also acknowledged the challenges that come with their public personas, such as the loss of privacy and the pressure to maintain a certain image. Overall, the conversation provided a glimpse into the lives of two content creators, offering a mix of relatability and entertainment.

    • Unexpected connections through social mediaSocial media can lead to surprising interactions with famous people, but be mindful of your actions and the potential consequences.

      Social media can lead to unexpected connections and experiences, even with famous individuals. The speaker in this conversation shared a story about how she managed to get in touch with Pete Davidson through direct messages, leading to a series of text conversations and even a meeting. However, their communication ended when she sent him a message while under the influence of mushrooms, which he did not respond to. The conversation also touched upon the topic of flying privately and the fear of potential accidents associated with it. Ultimately, the speaker reflected on the unpredictability of social media and the opportunities it can bring, despite the potential risks and challenges.

    • Appreciating Equality and AuthenticityThe speakers value authenticity and appreciate being seen as equals in the podcasting world, sharing a love for high-quality items and nice clothes, and discussing their experiences with body image and size inclusivity.

      The speaker admires Brooke's cult following and appreciates being seen as an equal in the podcasting world. She values authenticity and prefers real, high-quality items over cheaper alternatives, even if they're indistinguishable. The speaker also shares Brooke's love for nice clothes and discusses their shared experiences with size inclusivity and body image issues. Despite her past controversy, the speaker defends Brandy Melville and appreciates their affordable prices. Overall, the conversation highlights the speakers' shared values and experiences.

    • Misunderstood Intentions and ControversyPeople's motivations and actions can be misinterpreted, leading to controversy. It's crucial to consider the full context before passing judgment.

      People's actions and motivations, especially in the public eye, are not always as they seem. The discussion revolves around two instances where individuals' intentions were misunderstood or misrepresented, leading to controversy. The first instance involved a celebrity named Emrata, who posed in old jeans to show her weight loss, but the attempt backfired and was perceived as distasteful by some. The second instance involved a podcast host, Nick Vile, who shifted his podcast's focus to more serious topics, leading some to view him differently. The conversations also touched on themes of self-image, protection of loved ones, and the power of social media to shape perception. Ultimately, the discussions serve as reminders that intentions are not always clear, and it's essential to consider the full context before passing judgment.

    • Jojo Siwa's Confusing Behavior and Potential TrollingThe speaker questions Jojo Siwa's genuine intentions behind her recent behavior and perceived persona, with potential elements of trolling involved. They also discuss the concept of a 'bangers era' in music and share their thoughts on delusions of grandeur and narcissism.

      The speaker expresses confusion over Jojo Siwa's recent behavior and perceived persona, with elements of potential trolling involved. They also share their thoughts on delusions of grandeur and narcissism, and discuss the concept of a "bangers era" in music. The speaker questions whether Jojo is genuinely embracing this persona or if it's a deliberate act, and shares their belief that her party attendance by James Charles and Colleen Ballinger doesn't align with the image she's projecting. The conversation also touches on the speaker's own curiosity about Jojo's use of Percocet and their support for her creative endeavors. Ultimately, the speaker remains unsure of Jojo's intentions but continues to enjoy the spectacle and finds her actions clickable for viral engagement.

    • A casual activity with a stranger and a friend's relationshipThe speaker reflects on an unsuccessful attempt to connect with a stranger and shares concerns about a friend's relationship, but ultimately remains neutral and expresses a desire for TV stardom and love for Broadway shows.

      The speaker had an encounter with someone they didn't know well and tried to engage in a casual activity with them, but nothing came of it. They then discussed the topic of a friend's relationship with a much younger partner, expressing some unease but ultimately not taking a definitive stance. The conversation also touched on the speaker's tendency to get defensive when someone else criticizes their friends, and their desire to appear on the TV show "Dancing with the Stars." The speaker also mentioned their past experiences with substance use and their love for Broadway shows. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, but no clear consensus or resolution was reached on any of them.

    • Discovering shared interests through mediaThrough conversations about movies, TV shows, and their characters, individuals can find common ground and develop deeper connections.

      The speaker expresses a desire for an extravagant living experience, inspired by movies like "Eloise" and "Home Alone 2." They also discovered a shared interest in the TV show "Sex and the City," with the speaker expressing admiration for the character Samantha and identifying with her boldness. The conversation also touched on the speaker's recent enjoyment of the show "The Idol" and their shared fascination with its LA setting and relatable themes. Additionally, the speaker expressed a sense of connection with the speaker based on their shared interests and their ability to influence each other's opinions on various forms of media.

    • Speaker's disingenuous Fortnite promotion and personal experiencesSpeaker shares her extravagant attempts to impress and past dating struggles, while also discussing the challenges of social media collaborations and fan interactions.

      Despite attempting to promote Fortnite through a social media collaboration, the speaker didn't feel connected to the experience and only did it to fit in. She shared her extravagant efforts to impress someone, even if it meant painting a Fortnite cooler in college. The speaker also discussed her current dating life, revealing her past experience with a guy who wasn't over his ex and her own struggles with finding new relationships. The conversation touched on meeting people through apps and in person during tours, with a brief mention of an incident involving a suspicious fan at a show. The speakers also shared their plans for future tours. Overall, the conversation showcased the speakers' experiences with social media, dating, and fan interactions.

    • Trisha Paytas' fans and their intense loyaltyTrisha's fans show strong support through cheers, boos, and social media. Trisha values their presence and feels a deep connection to them. Her home reflects their loyalty and fans are drawn to her warmth and generosity.

      Trisha Paytas' fans are incredibly loyal and passionate. They show their support through loud cheers and boos during her performances, and even online through social media. Trisha feels a strong connection to her fans and values their presence in her life. Her home, which is a hub for her podcast and other creative projects, is a reflection of this intense fan loyalty. Fans are drawn to Trisha's warmth and generosity, and even request to visit her house or meet her pets. Trisha's fans create a unique energy around her, making her feel relevant and appreciated. The experience of being a part of Trisha's world is something she wishes everyone could have. Overall, Trisha's relationship with her fans is a testament to the power of authentic connection and the impact it can have on both the artist and their audience.

    • The speaker's love for simple foods and concerns about healthier optionsThe speaker shares her affection for uncomplicated meals like pasta and chicken fingers, but worries others might find them dull. She discusses her personal journey towards healthier eating, starting with less-than-ideal choices and gradually improving.

      The speaker expresses a deep love for simple, childlike foods, particularly pasta and chicken fingers, but is unsure if others would enjoy it due to its plainness. She also shares her personal journey of transitioning to healthier food options, starting with unhealthy alternatives and gradually eliminating them. The speaker criticizes Erewhon for its high prices and lack of seasoning, and shares her concern about certain ingredients in their smoothies being harmful for pregnant women. She also expresses amusement and disbelief over certain food products, such as colostrum-infused smoothies and cowboy vanilla colostrum. The speaker concludes by promoting Adam and Eve, a company that offers a wide selection of sex toys for both men and women, with discreet shipping and current promotions offering 50% off and free shipping.

    • Exclusive Adam and Eve Offer for Podcast ListenersListeners of the canceled podcast can enjoy a 50% discount, free shipping, and rush processing on one item at Adam and Eve with the code Tana.

      The Adam and Eve website is offering a 50% discount on one item, free shipping, and rush processing with the code Tana. This exclusive offer is for listeners of the canceled podcast. Additionally, there's been a discussion about Kratom, a legal substance that's been found in energy drinks and sold on platforms like TikTok. Some people consider it a gateway to addiction and have even reported serious health consequences. Despite the warnings, some individuals continue to buy and consume it. The speakers in the podcast have expressed their personal opinions on the matter, sharing their experiences and concerns. It's important to note that everyone's tolerance and reaction to substances can vary greatly, and it's crucial to be informed and make responsible choices.

    • Speakers discuss food, beauty, and fitness preferencesThey shared their dislikes and likes for food, beauty products, and fitness trends, with a common theme of trying new things and expressing individuality.

      The conversation between the speakers touched on various topics including food preferences, beauty products, and fitness trends. One speaker expressed a dislike for the texture of a food called "cream of wheat," while another spoke about her fondness for glitter lip glosses and a desire to try a stair stepper workout machine. They also discussed their experiences with makeup, self-tanning, and eyelashes. The speakers also mentioned their hesitation towards certain beauty treatments like LASIK due to personal fears. Despite their differences, they shared a common interest in trying new things and expressing their unique styles.

    • Fears and Fraternities: Personal Concerns and Family TraditionsPeople may fear revealing personal secrets or behaving embarrassingly under anesthesia, but the effects of anesthesia may make such incidents forgettable.

      The fear of revealing personal secrets or behaving in embarrassing ways under the influence of anesthesia is a common concern for some people. The speaker shares her apprehension about potential indiscretions, even joking about making passes at dentists during surgery. However, she also acknowledges that people may not remember such incidents due to the effects of anesthesia. The conversation then shifts to the Greek alphabet, which the speaker learned as a sobriety test in her family's fraternity and sorority. Despite expressing a desire to learn new things, the speaker also expresses frustration with the complexity of the Greek alphabet and the limitations of her knowledge. The conversation ends with a discussion about conjoined twins and the unique challenges they face in life. Overall, the conversation touches on themes of fear, embarrassment, family traditions, and the human experience.

    • Old house turned rehab center stirs up complex emotionsReturning to a former home, now a rehab center, brings up shock, disturbing memories, and relief when undesirable tenants are removed, but can leave lasting trauma.

      The speaker's old house, now a rehab center, holds a complex history and brings up mixed emotions for her. She was shocked to find out that her old room was being rented out and showcased on TikTok, with the rehab center boasting about its amenities. The speaker shared dreams of still living there and was disturbed to learn about the dark past of the house, filled with drug use and negative energy. Despite the high rent, she was relieved when her former videographer and editor, who had lived with her and not paid rent, was exiled from the house due to poor hygiene. The speaker was traumatized when she returned home to find maggots in her kitchen, which had been caused by a can of cat food left behind. She was grateful for a friend's help in cleaning up the mess, but the experience left her feeling uneasy about the energy of the house and the memories it held.

    • Exploring Personal DifferencesRespect and appreciate the unique preferences, experiences, and beliefs of others while traveling and socializing.

      People have unique preferences and experiences when it comes to travel, socializing, and personal beliefs. During a conversation, the speakers discussed their varying tolerances for partying, their thoughts on reincarnation, and their individual travel styles. Some enjoy staying up late and being social, while others prefer privacy and an early bedtime. Some find humor in seemingly random connections, while others remain skeptical. Ultimately, it's important to respect and appreciate the differences that make each person unique. The speakers' discussion also showcased the human tendency to find meaning and connections in seemingly unrelated things, whether it be the timing of births or the accents of young children.

    • Unexpected fame leaves a lasting impactGoing viral can bring excitement and anxiety, and experiences, whether good or bad, leave a lasting impression

      Going viral unexpectedly, whether it brings excitement or anxiety, leaves a lasting impact that can't be easily forgotten. The speaker shares her experiences of sudden fame and the mixed feelings that come with it. She talks about the excitement of unexpected attention but also the anxiety of not being able to control the narrative or escape the past. The speaker also expresses her desire for a better hospital experience during her pregnancy, complete with bougie food and a sushi boat. These experiences, whether good or bad, leave a lasting impression that people will remember and bring up long after the moment has passed.

    • The Complexities and Uncertainties of PregnancyUnderstand that pregnancy is complex and unpredictable, educate yourself on potential risks and benefits, and approach each experience with knowledge, support, and an open mind.

      Pregnancy is a complex and unpredictable experience, filled with various unknowns and potential risks. From ectopic pregnancies to undetected pregnancies, the human body can surprise us in many ways. Some people may experience no symptoms at all, while others may face complications. The fear of the unknown can be overwhelming, leading some to worry about conditions like fetal alcohol syndrome or even past experiences like their parents' smoking habits. It's essential to educate ourselves on the potential risks and benefits of various habits during pregnancy, such as caffeine consumption or medication use. Ultimately, every pregnancy is unique, and it's essential to approach each experience with knowledge, support, and an open mind.

    • Doctor Drew's Love-Hate Relationship with ZofranDoctor Drew shares her appreciation for Zofran's ability to alleviate nausea, but experiences constipation as a side effect. They discuss fans' extreme behaviors and their trusting nature, as well as the humor found in potentially dangerous situations. Surprisingly, some fans have gifted them items with hidden tracking devices.

      The speaker, Doctor Drew, shares her strong affinity for the medication Zofran, which helps alleviate nausea by affecting the brain rather than the stomach. However, she experiences constipation as a side effect. The conversation then shifts to their experiences with touring and encounters with fans, some of whom have gone to extreme lengths to get close to them. The speaker expresses her trusting nature and her surprise at the fans' actions. Despite the unexpected situations, they continue with their shows and find humor in their different reactions to potentially dangerous situations. The conversation also touches on their experiences with fans gifting them items, some of which have hidden tracking devices. The speaker shares her skepticism and admiration for the fans' creativity. Overall, the conversation highlights the unique experiences of being a public figure and the unexpected encounters that come with it.

    • Experiences with Location Sharing: Connection and RisksLocation sharing technology can enhance connection but also raise privacy and safety concerns. Be aware of potential risks and benefits, and maintain clear communication.

      Technology, such as location sharing, can bring people closer while also raising concerns about privacy and safety. The speaker shares her experience of using location sharing with her friend Mark and the unexpected situations that arose. While she enjoys the sense of connection and being able to keep track of her friend's whereabouts, she also acknowledges the potential downsides, such as unwanted intrusions and the fear of being in dangerous situations. The speaker also shares an experience of feeling uneasy about an Uber driver's political views. These experiences highlight the importance of being aware of the potential risks and benefits of using technology to share personal information. Additionally, the speaker's perspective on these situations may not always align with reality, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and understanding in any situation.

    • Unexpected encounters with Uber drivers and personal fearsPeople and experiences can surprise us, sometimes in unsettling ways, but it's important not to let fear prevent us from making meaningful connections.

      People can surprise us in both good and bad ways. The speaker shares stories of unexpected connections with Uber drivers and her own paranoia, which leads her to believe that she's encountered more bad people than good. However, she also acknowledges that she may be missing out on positive experiences due to her fear. The discussion then shifts to famous cases of infamous individuals, and the speaker expresses her fascination with their stories, even if they are disturbing. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complexities and unpredictability of human interactions.

    • Navigating the unpredictable entertainment industryPersistence and adaptability are crucial in the entertainment industry as opportunities can be limited and unpredictable.

      The entertainment industry can be unpredictable and competitive, even for those with long-standing connections. The speaker shared her experience of wanting a role in a movie she had known the writers of for years, only to find out that she wasn't cast due to hiring restrictions. She also discussed her own experiences with acting, including the challenges of auditioning through central casting and the long hours spent waiting for potential opportunities. Despite the difficulties, the speaker expressed her continued interest in acting and found humor in the situation now looking back. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of persistence and adaptability in pursuing creative goals in the entertainment industry.

    • The complexities of memory and forgettingTraumatic experiences are often vividly remembered, but memories can also be influenced by later experiences and interpretations. Personal experiences, like befriending influential figures, can have lasting impacts.

      Memory and forgetting are complex phenomena. While some experiences are vividly remembered, others are forgotten or distorted. Traumatic experiences, for instance, can be remembered in detail, despite the general forgetfulness. Memories can also be influenced by later experiences and interpretations. The speaker shares an example of discovering explicit content on a teacher's phone during childhood, which they still remember vividly. They also discuss the importance of acting, which they believe is a challenging and underappreciated profession. The speaker's interest in acting led them to befriend filmmakers Quentin Tarantino and Eli Roth at a young age. Overall, the conversation highlights the intricacies of memory and the significance of personal experiences.

    • The power of following dreams and staying optimisticStaying optimistic and pursuing passions can lead to unexpected opportunities and connections, even if they seem out of reach initially.

      The power of manifestation and following one's dreams was a recurring theme in this conversation. The speaker shared how she had always been close to a friend who ended up in Hollywood, and although she missed opportunities to be a part of his projects, she remained optimistic and continued to pursue her passions. She also spoke about her long-standing obsession with Quentin Tarantino and how it led her to connect with Eli Russell Linas, who had discovered her YouTube channel dedicated to the director. The conversation then shifted to the speaker's acting aspirations, and although she expressed doubts about her abilities, her friend encouraged her to pursue acting opportunities. The conversation also touched on the unexpected nature of life and the serendipitous connections that can arise from following one's passions.

    • Finding Charm in the Unexpected: A Look into the Speaker's Unconventional Love LifeThe speaker values her relationships with past partners and finds charm in their quirks, believing that nurturing friendships with exes can be rewarding.

      The speaker finds inspiration from Kathy Griffin's book about Hollywood encounters and considers writing her own, focusing on the unique people she's dated. She acknowledges that these individuals may not be conventionally attractive but finds them interesting and sometimes even romanticizes their quirks. The speaker also mentions her experiences with online communities, specifically Reddit, and shares that she stays friends with most of her exes. Despite the challenges, she values these relationships and believes that nurturing friendships with past partners can be rewarding. The conversation also touches on the speaker's appreciation for body modifications and alternative styles. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's unique perspective on relationships and her ability to find charm in the unexpected.

    • Manipulation and the aftermathManipulation can cause emotional harm and guilt, even when the manipulator's lies are later revealed. The speaker's resilience shines through as she looks forward to starting a new podcast.

      The speaker shares a past relationship with a man who manipulated her emotions by lying about the death of his mother. This manipulation continued for months, causing the speaker to feel guilty and insensitive. The speaker also mentions that she was later shocked to find out that his mother was still alive. The conversation also touches on the speaker's past experiences with podcasting and her feelings about being excluded from certain circles. Despite these challenges, the speaker expresses a desire to start a new podcast with her friends. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's past experiences with manipulation and her resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Managing a podcast involves numerous tasks and challengesDespite challenges, producing engaging podcast content is rewarding and opens up opportunities for growth and collaboration within the podcasting community

      Creating and managing a podcast involves numerous tasks, including booking guests, coordinating schedules, and handling edits, which can be challenging and time-consuming. Many podcasters handle these tasks themselves, but wish they had more help. Some guests request that certain content be cut, which can be disappointing, especially when the content exposes interesting stories or controversial topics. Despite these challenges, the rewards of producing engaging and entertaining content make it all worthwhile. The podcasting community is full of passionate individuals who are always looking for new guests and collaborations, and the potential for discovery and growth is immense. Whether it's through solo episodes or guest appearances, the podcasting experience is a unique and rewarding one.

    • Fear of fan backlash in influencer collaborationsInfluencers may decline collaborations due to fear of fan backlash, impacting potential benefits and relationships.

      The fear of backlash from fans can be a significant barrier to collaboration between influencers, even if they have a good relationship and enjoy each other's company. This fear can be fueled by the influencer's perception of their fan base and the potential consequences of being associated with someone who has been "canceled." This dynamic can be particularly challenging for influencers who have a reputation for offensive or problematic content themselves. Despite the potential benefits of collaborations, the fear of fan backlash can lead some influencers to decline opportunities, leaving others feeling rejected or disappointed. Ultimately, the fear of fan backlash highlights the complex and often fraught nature of influencer relationships and the power dynamics at play in the influencer world.

    • Admiration and Challenges of Navigating the Influencer SpaceDespite the challenges of dealing with criticism and losing potential guests, the speakers remain committed to their podcast and appreciate their dedicated fanbase.

      The speakers express their admiration for Britney Spears' success and humor, but also acknowledge the challenges of navigating the influencer space and dealing with harsh criticism. They lament the loss of potential guests, including Britney, but remain committed to their podcast and the dedicated fanbase it has attracted. The speakers also share their personal experiences with Theo Von and express their admiration for his work, despite feeling like they are background characters in their interactions with him. They appreciate their listeners and the growing success of their podcast, which feels casual but has impressive downloads and views. The speakers also discuss their enjoyment of going against the grain and loving things that are not popular.

    • Fascination with Popular Figures and Unexpected EncountersThe speaker finds joy in impersonating and meeting popular figures, appreciates the authenticity of their encounters, and values the connections made through her podcast.

      The speaker is deeply fascinated by popular figures, even if she doesn't know much about them. She finds enjoyment in impersonating them and meeting them in person, despite the potential for offensive behavior. The speaker also appreciates the surprise of discovering that these figures are as they seem in real life, rather than the character she has created in her mind. Additionally, the speaker values the connections she makes through her podcast and the shared enthusiasm for these figures. The length of their podcast sessions has increased due to their engaging conversations and the addition of a new editor who can handle longer recordings. The speaker expresses a desire to attend one of their live shows and surprise a beloved figure, creating a memorable experience for both parties.

    • A Week of Surprises for TrishaFriends support each other through unexpected events and personal choices, creating a strong bond.

      Trisha has had a dramatic week filled with unexpected events, including getting a nose job, getting back together with her ex, and getting a matching tattoo with him. She's also been under pressure to try new things like whippets, but has chosen to abstain. The group discussed their shared experiences and looked forward to future adventures, including attending Coachella together. They also expressed their admiration for Trisha's ability to handle tough situations with humor and grace. The conversation also touched on the topic of plastic surgery and substance use, with the group expressing varying opinions on the matter. Overall, the conversation showcased the strong bond between the friends and their ability to support each other through ups and downs.

    • The Power of Connection and Communication in Maintaining RelationshipsEven when circumstances prevent us from being physically present, the power of connection and communication can help maintain relationships and make a meaningful difference in someone's life.

      Even though we may not be able to physically be present for important moments in the lives of those we care about, the desire to be there and share in their experiences is a powerful emotion. This was exemplified in the conversation between Tana and the speaker, as they discussed their feelings about missing Trisha's childbirth. The speaker expressed her FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and her longing to be there to support Trisha during this significant moment. Despite not being able to be present in person, the speaker made an effort to be there in spirit, offering words of encouragement and love over the phone. This conversation highlights the importance of connection and communication in maintaining relationships, even when circumstances prevent us from being physically present. It also underscores the idea that being there for someone, whether in person or in spirit, can make a meaningful difference in their lives.

    Recent Episodes from Cancelled with Tana Mongeau


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    This episode of the Cancelled podcast we recap the tour and appreciate each other’s friendship. Tana reflects on her sobriety and we find out why she’s beefing with Will Smith and Wiz Khalifa! https://Adamandeve.com Offer is 50% off almost any item + FREE SHIPPING + RUSH PROCESSING Code is TANA Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    This episode of the Cancelled podcast we are joined by Paige again! We talk about influencer culture and AI relationships. Billy Eilish and Taylor Swift battle it out. Then We are joined by Trevi and reminisce on some stories of the past! Lume: Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code CANCELLED at https://LumeDeodorant.com! #lumepod Curology: Visit https://CUROLOGY.com/CANCELLED for a special offer. Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    This episode of the Cancelled podcast comes from the beautiful island of Maui. And are joined by Makoa Ho the Prince of Hawaii and share the lore on how he and Tana became friends. Mood: Add more relaxation to your summer plans with MOOD! For a limited time only, get 20% off your first order and a FREE THCa pre-roll. Just go to https://hellomood.com and use promo code CANCELLED. Lemme Say This: Follow Lemme Say This on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch [new] episodes on YouTube or listen to Lemme Say This ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts. Liquid Death: You can get free shipping of Liquid Death’s Mountain Water, Flavored Sparkling, and Iced Tea 8-packs with Amazon Prime or grab a can or a case at your local 7-Eleven, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods or on Instacart. Go to liquiddeath.com/CANCELLED to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.  Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    On this episode of the Cancelled podcast Tana tells us how she had a horrible experience at LAX. Brooke discusses future plastic surgery she has planned and more! Curology: Visit https://CUROLOGY.com/CANCELLED for a special offer.  Draft Kings: New players, start by playing just $5 to get $50 in Casino Credits in your pocket INSTANTLY! All you gotta do is download the DraftKings Casino app and sign up with code CANCELLED. You’ll be soaking up the fun in no time! The Crown is Yours. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER, or In West Virginia visit WWW.1800gambler.net. In Connecticut, help is available for problem gambling, call 888-789-7777 or visit CCPG.org. Please play responsibly. 21+. Physically present in Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia only. Void in Ontario. One per opted-in new customer. $5 in wagers required. Max. $50 in non-withdrawable Casino Credits that expire in 168 hours. See casino.draftkings.com/get50 for eligibility, terms, and responsible gaming resources. Adam and Eve: https://Adamandeve.com Offer is 50% off almost any item + FREE SHIPPING + RUSH PROCESSING Code is TANA  Lume: Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code CANCELLED at https://LumeDeodorant.com! #lumepod Liquid Death: You can get free shipping of Liquid Death’s Mountain Water, Flavored Sparkling, and Iced Tea 8-packs with Amazon Prime or grab a can or a case at your local 7-Eleven, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods or on Instacart. Go to liquiddeath.com/CANCELLED to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.  DONATE WITH US Operation Olive Branch Aid For Palestinian Families  https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch Save the Children https://support.savethechildren.org/site/Donation2?df_id=5850&5850.donation=form1&cid=Paid_Search:Google_Paid:Emer_Middle_East:Nonbrand:121223&s_kwcid=AL!9048!3!692198497108!e!!g!!palestine%20charity&gad_source=1&gclsrc=aw.ds Palestine Children’s Relief Fund https://pcrf1.app.neoncrm.com/forms/general MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinians) https://www.map.org.uk/?form=FUNFXHDCJPK British Red Cross https://www.redcross.org.uk/stories/disasters-and-emergencies/world/whats-happening-in-gaza-humanitarian-crisis-grows BBC History of the Israel Gaza Conflict https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-44124396 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    On this episode of the Cancelled podcast Tana and Brooke give us the lore on meeting Ms. Gypsy Rose Blanchard Curology: Visit https://CUROLOGY.com/CANCELLED for a special offer.  Draft Kings: New players, start playing with just $5 and get $100 BACK INSTANTLY in Casino Credits. Download the app and use code CANCELLED to book your one-way ticket to fun with DraftKings Casino! The crown is yours. Gambling problem? Call one eight hundred GAMBLER or visit www.1800gambler.netIn Connecticut, help is available for problem gambling, call 888-789-7777 or visit CCPG.org. Please play responsibly. 21+. Physically present in Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia only. Void in Ontario. Eligibility and other restrictions apply. One per opted-in new customer. $5 wager required. Max $100 in casino credits awarded, which require one time play-thru within 168 hours. See terms at casino.draftkings.com/promos. Restrictions apply. Adam and Eve: https://Adamandeve.com Offer is 50% off almost any item + FREE SHIPPING + RUSH PROCESSING Code is TANA  Lume: Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code CANCELLED at https://LumeDeodorant.com! #lumepod The Freeze Pipe:  Visit https://TheFreezePipe.com and use code TANA for 10% off your entire order. Order today to get free shipping and say goodbye to harsh smoke forever. Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Tana and Brooke Unpack Their Childhood Trauma Together... - Ep. 82

    Tana and Brooke Unpack Their Childhood Trauma Together...  - Ep. 82
    On this episode of the Cancelled podcast, Tana and Brooke breakdown their childhood traumas after Tana’s mom makes a surprise visit while she’s at her poker tournament. Make sure to check out our Sponsors! Lume: Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code CANCELLED at https://LumeDeodorant.com Again, that's code CANCELLED for 15% off! #lumepod Draft Kings: New players, start playing with just $5 and get $100 BACK INSTANTLY in Casino Credits. Download the app and use code CANCELLED to book your one-way ticket to fun with DraftKings Casino! The crown is yours. Gambling problem? Call one eight hundred GAMBLER or visit www.1800gambler.net In Connecticut, help is available for problem gambling, call 888-789-7777 or visit CCPG.org. Please play responsibly. 21+. Physically present in Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia only. Void in Ontario. Eligibility and other restrictions apply. One per opted-in new customer. $5 wager required. Max $100 in casino credits awarded, which require one time play-thru within 168 hours. See terms at casino.draftkings.com/promos. Restrictions apply. Adam and Eve: Go to https://Adamandeve.com and use code TANA to get 50% off almost any item + FREE SHIPPING + RUSH PROCESSING! Again, that's Code TANA Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    On this week’s episode of the Cancelled podcast are joined by Paige! We dive into rumors, tattoos, Charlie and Dixie D’Amelio, the love for lore and we rate Coachella Outfits! Make sure to check out our Sponsors! CUROLOGY: Visit https://CUROLOGY.com/CANCELLED for a special offer from Curology! Offer applies only to your first box. Subject to consultation. New subscribers only. MOOD: Celebrate 4/20 exactly how you want to with MOOD. Get 20% off your first order plus a free THCa pre-roll at https://hellomood.com with promo code CANCELLED. Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    On this week’s episode of the Cancelled podcast we recap Brooke losing her man at Coachella. We are also joined by Mike Majlak and Jeff Wittek. Draft Kings: New players, start playing with just $5 and get $100 BACK INSTANTLY in Casino Credits. Download the app and use code CANCELLED to book your one-way ticket to fun with DraftKings Casino! The crown is yours. Gambling problem? Call one eight hundred GAMBLER or visit www.1800gambler.net In Connecticut, help is available for problem gambling, call 888-789-7777 or visit CCPG.org. Please play responsibly. 21+. Physically present in Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia only. Void in Ontario. Eligibility and other restrictions apply. One per opted-in new customer. $5 wager required. Max $100 in casino credits awarded, which require one time play-thru within 168 hours. See terms at casino dot draftkings.com/promos. Restrictions apply. Liquid Death: You can get free shipping of Liquid Death’s Mountain Water, Flavored Sparkling, and Iced Tea 8-packs with Amazon Prime or grab a can or a case at your local 7-Eleven, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods or on Instacart. Go to https://liquiddeath.com/CANCELLED to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.  Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    TANA IS BEEFING WITH JOJO SIWA… with Trisha Paytas - Ep. 79

    TANA IS BEEFING WITH JOJO SIWA… with Trisha Paytas - Ep. 79
    On this week’s episode of the Cancelled podcast we are joined by the lovely Trisha Paytas. We talk about Tana and Jojo Siwa beefing, Brooke’s almost encounter with Pete Davidson, and Malibu being the reincarnation of the late Queen Elizabeth. Don’t wait! Better sex is just a click away! Go to https://adamandeve.com and use code TANA to get 50% off almost any item + Free Shipping! Plus, you get it fast with Rush Processing! Again, that's code TANA! Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    As children, our sense of worthiness hinges on the approval, attention, validation, and protection of others. When we do not receive the consistent, maternal warmth every child needs to develop the psychological sense that we are enough, we matter, and that we are good, and acceptable even when we make a mistake or do not always behave as our parents prefer, this mystical connection to the self is fractured. 

    In this space, our survival brain and even the root chakra, operate from a place of survival. Rather than live from our hearts, embracing ourselves as works in progress, without self loathing and internal self-abuse, we develop hypervigilance codependency traits and are soaked in insecure attachment issues. All these effects are normal, considering being raised to feel alone, invisible, abandoned, and detached from the authentic self. 

    On the road to personal development, spiritual healing, and living an authentic life, all serious truth seekers find themselves questioning the thoughts, emotions, patterns, and behaviors that inhibit their spiritual growth. If you are here, and you are learning to become more objective about how you show up in the world, that's incredible. It may also be painful. However, to grow we must all confront what we feel, why we feel what we feel, and how the past organically recreates itself in our future, all outside conscious awareness. In this episode, Lisa A. Romano will help you explore how you show up in the world and reveal signs that indicate you might be stuck, living out unhealed childhood patterns by seeking approval and attention outside of yourself. Awareness is necessary for spiritual healing, personal growth, and living a conscious, authentic life, so buckle in Dear Ones. 

    Lisa has created a private Membership for those who are ready to ascend the patterns of the past and who understand that real healing can only happen at the subconscious level. Join Lisa and her healing private community here.



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    Official Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeBQ...

    For sponsorships or business inquiries reach out to: Graham@Night.co


    MY NEW COFFEE IS NOW FOR SALE: http://www.bankrollcoffee.com/

    The Equipment used: https://tinyurl.com/y78py5g2

    Audio Equipment Used In Podcast:

    Shure SM7B mics, cloud lifters, rodecaster pro audio interface

    Thank you Arjun Krishna and ChatGPT for the timestamps:

    (00:00) - Intro: Introducing Trevor Wallace, a Comedian and YouTuber

    (00:04:55) - Trevor's Early Days in Stand-Up Comedy and the Impact of Vine

    (00:08:28) - The Challenges of Making a Living as a Stand-Up Comedian

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    (00:25:01) - The Importance of Building a Catalog of Work

    (00:30:34) - Trevor's Approach to Social Media and Personal Branding

    (00:34:42) - Trevor's Experience with Demonetization and Dealing with Negative Comments

    (00:38:56) - The Role of Authenticity in Comedy and Personal Branding

    (00:47:20) - Advice for Aspiring Comedians and Creators

    The YouTube Creator Academy:  

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    *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    Ep.245: Kirsty Maynor - Life Changes That Really Works

    Ep.245: Kirsty Maynor - Life Changes That Really Works

    “Start with the steps you don't want to take. -David White”

    “People often get caught up in jumping to something without really knowing why it matters to them or what's important to them.”

    Kirsty Maynor is a change expert and the author of the recently released book, "Untangled: A Practical and Inspirational Guide to Change You Choose and Change You Don't". She’s an expert in helping individuals navigate and master both chosen and thrust-upon changes in life. Despite working in change management for 25 years, Kirsty faced a challenge in 2008 when she unexpectedly lost her job. This experience led her to reassess her approach to change and discover the true essence of making lasting life changes.

    Kirsty’s message is about reflecting on her own missteps and facing the reality of her situation, she advises the importance of adapting to life changes without being overly prescriptive. It’s also important to have the need for intention, courage, and continuous steps forward, regardless of the prescribed sequence.

    Experimenting and adapting an entrepreneurial mindset when navigating change means you’re trying different approaches, learning from failures, and being adaptable. Drawing parallels between personal change and entrepreneurial endeavors. Untangling the inherent messiness of life involves recognizing and embracing imperfections. The goal is not to achieve perfect order but to pull threads apart, allowing you to weave your chosen aspects into a meaningful future.

    It’s significant to have clarity in navigating change, stating that, having a clear understanding of your core values and intentions is crucial. You have to recognize the messiness, experiment, and fail fast to be resilient and adaptable.

    Check out Kirsty’s book Untangled. You can find at untangledbook.com or on Amazon.

    To get tips, tools, resources and a bit of flavor of the change with Kirsty Maynor, visit her website: KirstyMaynor.com.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.



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    The sermon was delivered on Sunday, March 22, 2015, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister. SERMON DESCRIPTION We call it, “the break of dawn” or “the break of a new day “ There is an interesting connection between breaking and newness. We cut the ribbon to dedicate a new building. We smash champagne over the bow of a new boat. Jews break a glass during the wedding ceremony and it is a tradition in the US to cut a cake as part of a marriage celebration. What is the point of this universal connection between breaking and new life? SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: VIEW ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO WATCH OTHER VIDEOS: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Twitter: All Souls Church Website: