
    Tantra - Easy to Understand Audio - Tantra Basics

    en-usSeptember 02, 2012

    About this Episode

    Recent Episodes from Soul Therapist

    2012, Changing Relationships and Tantra

    2012, Changing Relationships and Tantra
    Episode 1 discusses how the Mayan prophecies and 2012 can explain the historical conflicts between men and women.  The good news is that it is changing as the 8th wave shift begins the shift to oneness.  The next shift occurs on 11-11-11.  Topics covered include 2012, relationships, divorce and tantra.  Meditation can help you heal from past emotional pain.  Release your past and create your future. 

    About Release Method Guided Meditations

    About Release Method Guided Meditations
    Specialized meditation therapies to help you cope with whatever stress is going on in your life. Relationship stress, career changes, insomnia, divorce, family problems, spiritual exploration, sexuality, etc. Find clarity. Become your own emotional warrior and take control. Facing and conquering is the path of liberation...not denying or ignoring your feelings.

    Mayan language pronunciations

    Mayan language pronunciations
    Mayan Pronunciations
    A...AH...as in CALM
    E... EH...as in EFFORT 
    I...EE...as in KEEN 
    O...OH...as in OPEN 
    OO...OOH...hold “O” longer 
    U...OO...as in MOON
    X...SH...as in BUSH 
    ‘...make a sudden stop between sounds 
    Thank you = DIOS BOTIC = dee-os-bow-teek 
    Nothing = MIX’BAH = meesh-bah 
    What is your name? = BIXA’KA’BAH = beesh-ah-kah-bah 
    My name is = IN KA’BAH = een-kah-bah 
    How are you? = BIX ABEL = beesh-ah-bell 
    Fine or Good = MA’LO = mah-lo 
    How much? = BAH UX = bah-oosh 
    You are my friend = IN LAK ECH = ing-lek-ehtch 
    What do you say? = BAX KA'WALIK = bahsh-kah-wah-leek 
    Nothing = MIX’BAH = meesh-bah 
    Kristine with one of the authenticated 13 Crystal Skulls.
    Soul Therapist
    en-usJanuary 02, 2011

    Insomnia and Depression

    Insomnia and Depression
    Depression is commonly linked to inadequate levels of serotonin, however it is also caused by high stress levels (high cortisol) or insomnia.  Alpha - theta neurotherapy has been shown to be very effective in regulating both these levels.

    Soul Therapist
    en-usJanuary 02, 2011