
    Temu and Shein tax changes tested – revealing strange results

    enJuly 24, 2024
    What prompted SARS to tax imported clothing parcels in July 2023?
    How has the de minimis rule affected local retailers?
    What complications arose from the new tax implementation?
    Why do importers in Japan prefer optional flat duties?
    How do tax practices differ between Temu and Xian?

    Podcast Summary

    • Eliminating unfair advantageSARS' taxing of imported clothing parcels in South Africa starting July 2023 is not solely due to the de minimis rule, but to eliminate an unfair advantage held by local retailers and clothing manufacturers through concessions.

      The recent taxing of imported clothing parcels by SARS in South Africa, starting July 2023, is not solely due to the de minimis rule as commonly believed. Instead, it's about eliminating an unfair advantage held by local retailers and clothing manufacturers through a set of concessions called the de minimis rule, which allowed importers to pay a flat 20% tax rate on high value, low volume consolidated shipments at Tambo Airport since 2007. This complex issue was discussed on the Power 98.7 Podcast with Elita Alta and Jan, who provided insights on the background and implications of this tax change.

    • Tax loophole in imported clothes in JapanImporters in Japan can choose between a 20% flat duty and 45% standard duty on imported clothes, along with a 15% consumption tax or an optional 5% consumption tax. The inconsistent application of taxes by sellers can lead to confusion for buyers and questions about the transparency and fairness of the tax system.

      Importers in Japan have been taking advantage of a loophole in the tax system by using optional 20% flat duties instead of the standard 45% duty and 15% consumption tax on imported clothes. This choice is understandable given the significant difference in taxes. In June 2022, before the implementation of new taxes, a test was conducted by purchasing identical items from Temu and Xian before and after the 1st of July. The findings were intriguing, as the price of the items remained relatively the same, but the taxes were applied differently. At Xian, the tax was included in the item price, while at Temu, it was charged separately. Despite slight changes in the actual item prices, the total amounts paid were roughly equal. This situation raises questions about the transparency and consistency of the tax system and the communication between sellers and buyers regarding taxes.

    • Import tax implementation complicationsDespite initial communication suggesting significant import tax increases, a flat fee is being added to each order, causing complications and lack of transparency

      The implementation of new import taxes in July 2023 may not be as straightforward as initially anticipated. Based on our analysis of import orders and duties charged, it appears that a flat fee of approximately 30 Chinese yuan is being added to each order, in addition to the expected VAT and duty. This contradicts the initial communication suggesting a significant increase in import taxes, which was expected to support local industry growth. The lack of transparency from the authorities and the companies involved makes it unclear what exactly is happening. It would be beneficial to seek clarification from SARS regarding the implementation of the new regulations and any potential complications or changes to the initial plan. The initial expectations of a major impact on consumer behavior may not materialize if the actual implementation does not align with the initial communication.

    • Shein's physical store expansion in AfricaShein's expansion into physical stores in Africa raises questions about equity and affordability, with potential benefits of prestige and attracting more customers, but high taxes impacting affordability for some consumers.

      The expansion of Shein's business into physical stores in Africa, specifically South Africa, raises questions about equity and leveling the playing field. While there are already small shops in South Africa selling Shein clothes, having a brick-and-mortar store in a prestigious location could add to the prestige of the brand and potentially attract more customers. However, this expansion comes with high taxes, which could impact affordability for some consumers. The investigation also highlights the complexity of the situation, as there are various reasons for why Shein's business model has continued to thrive in South Africa despite criticisms. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the need to consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of Shein's physical store expansion in the African market.

    • Tax fairness and equalityMaintaining fairness and equality in taxation and fees is crucial for industry balance and contentment. Disparities can lead to dissatisfaction and a sense of unfairness. It's recommended to revisit the issue in a few months to evaluate the effectiveness of promised changes.

      Fairness and equality in taxation and fees are essential for maintaining a balanced and content industry. The speaker emphasized that it's not feasible to have different sectors paying varying rates and fees. Such disparities can lead to dissatisfaction and a sense of unfairness among industry players. The speaker also suggested that it might be too early to evaluate the current situation, as the system has only been in effect for a short period. They recommended revisiting the issue in a few months to see if the promised changes have been implemented effectively.

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