
    The 1,000-day strike

    enAugust 23, 2024
    How can loss of IT staff affect progress?
    Who were Snikalasako and Bata Lameo Van Zeti?
    What did Emma Goldman say about martyrs?
    Who were notable figures mentioned alongside Galileo?
    What is the focus of the Labor Radio Podcast?

    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of martyrs on progressThe loss of essential staff during critical periods can hinder progress, but the impact of martyrs for a cause can leave a lasting legacy and inspire change.

      During critical periods, the loss of essential IT and library staff can significantly hinder progress, as discussed on the Stick Together podcast. This issue was compounded by the historical execution of Italian immigrants Snikalasako and Bata Lameo Van Zeti, who became martyrs for their cause and ultimately triumphed in the face of adversity. As Emma Goldman once said, it is often the martyrs of progress who leave the greatest impact, and their spirits continue to inspire change. Meanwhile, it is important to remember the names of those who have made a difference, such as the judges who condemned Galileo Galilei or John Brown. Despite their past executions, their legacies live on. The Labor Radio Podcast daily, supported by Union Plus, continues to shed light on labor history and the importance of standing up for workers' rights.

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    Labor Radio-Podcast Daily
    enSeptember 05, 2024