
    Podcast Summary

    • Consistency and dedication lead to podcast successDespite obstacles, delivering quality content consistently and staying dedicated pays off in podcasting.

      Despite technical difficulties and busy schedules, consistency and dedication pay off, as demonstrated by the 100th episode of a podcast and the hosts' one-year anniversary. The use of clips and intros can enhance the listening experience, but it's essential to find a balance that resonates with the audience. Negative elements, such as COVID-19 information or depressing intros, can be offset with positive ones, like fan appreciation and upbeat music. Overall, the podcast's success comes from the hosts' commitment to delivering quality content, even when faced with challenges.

    • Discussing podcasts, ex-rugby players, and rehearsalsThey praised Gary Kemp's podcast for its brilliance and shared feelings about rehearsals, mentioning a possible connection to ex-rugby players and confusion with Julio Iglesias' name.

      The conversation revolved around various topics including a potential connection to ex-rugby players, listening to podcasts, and rehearsals for a studio sitcom. The speakers mentioned Gary Kemp from Spandau Ballet and his podcast, "Roconteuse," which was praised for its brilliance. There was also a mix-up with the name Julio Iglesias, and the speakers discussed their feelings about rehearsals and confidence in their performances. The conversation showed a casual, conversational tone and touched on topics of entertainment and personal experiences.

    • Creating a Successful Sitcom: Structure, Execution, and ExperienceA successful sitcom requires a well-structured script, practical filming considerations, and valuable experience to execute effectively.

      The creation of a successful sitcom involves a deep understanding of its structure and execution. The speakers in this conversation express their admiration for a particular sitcom and discuss their own attempts to write one. They touch upon the importance of having a well-structured script with setups and payoffs, as well as the value of experience and rewriting. They also mention the practical considerations of filming in a studio with a limited number of sets. Despite some challenges, they remain confident in their abilities and plan to continue refining their craft. The conversation highlights the importance of knowledge, experience, and a solid script in creating a successful sitcom.

    • Bringing a successful sitcom to lifeCreating a successful sitcom involves writing, revising, and delivering punch-up lines, requiring dedication and attention to detail for constant improvements to keep audience engaged.

      Creating a successful studio sitcom involves a tremendous amount of work and dedication. From writing the scripts and getting them punch-up ready, to making the setup lines funny and delivering a great performance on set, every aspect requires careful attention and effort. The process is not only challenging but also repetitive, with constant revisions and improvements needed to keep the audience engaged. Despite the hard work, the rewards can be significant, as evidenced by the success of popular sitcoms. So, if you're up for the challenge, be prepared for a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs in the world of sitcom production.

    • Behind-the-scenes chaos in TV pilot filmingTV pilot filming can be disorganized and time-consuming, sometimes lasting over four hours, contrasting the smooth process of established shows.

      The filming process of TV shows, especially during pilot episodes, can be lengthy and unpredictable. During a discussion with Hugh, it was revealed that he had once experienced a pilot episode lasting over four hours. The large audience was initially prevented from leaving, but eventually, they were allowed to exit. This experience highlights the difference between established shows, where filming runs smoothly due to experience, and pilot episodes, where filming can be disorganized and time-consuming. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the unique atmosphere in a TV studio, where the audience is expected to follow strict rules and stay until the end. Overall, this anecdote sheds light on the behind-the-scenes chaos that can occur during the filming of TV pilots.

    • The technical aspects can make or break a show's successProper execution of games and effective camera angles are crucial, but staying adaptable and open to new experiences is also essential for a successful production.

      Even with entertaining content and a successful show, the success can hinge on the technical aspects, such as the proper execution of a game or the use of effective camera angles. The speaker shared an anecdote about a comedy show where, despite having a talented lineup, the show failed due to a malfunctioning game. The audience thinned out, and the speaker was left wondering why the show didn't resonate with the audience. The experience served as a reminder that the technical aspects of a production can make or break its success. The speaker also touched upon the importance of staying adaptable and being open to new experiences, as evidenced by their interaction with a taxi driver who recognized them but assumed they were someone else. Overall, the conversation highlighted the interplay between content and technical execution in creating a successful and engaging experience.

    • Navigating unexpected challenges in content creationDespite adversity, it's important to continue creating content and acknowledge the emotional connection between creators and their audience.

      Creating content, even something as seemingly trivial as a podcast, can bring unexpected challenges and emotions. During the recording of their 100th episode, the team encountered a particularly distressing moment when one of them mentioned having cancer. The mention of this sensitive topic caused a collective reaction of shock and discomfort among the team. Despite the initial shock, they decided to keep recording, acknowledging that they would all face difficult times in their lives. The experience served as a reminder of the importance of resilience and the need to continue creating content, even in the face of adversity. It also highlighted the emotional connection that can be formed between content creators and their audience, as the team acknowledged that they might have to address this issue with their listeners at some point. Overall, the episode served as a reminder of the human element behind content creation and the unexpected twists and turns that come with it.

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    12:00:  The Bibby’s, history at Silver Star, mogul program, the people that come out of Vernon

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    Glade Optics:  Get 10% off with the code TPM10

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    22:00   RESQWATER and Sierra At Tahoe   

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    If you are interested in getting on our show, email us at team@growyourshow.com.

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    We also have free courses for you on everything you need to know about starting a great podcast! Check out our first 6 episodes through the links below!

    If you want to make money from your podcasts, check out this FREE resource we made. Our clients use a sponsor sheet, and now they are making between $2,000 to $5,000 from sponsorship! 

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