
    The Adam Schiff Hoax Completely Collapses (Ep 1082)

    enOctober 07, 2019

    Podcast Summary

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      Consumers have the power to choose which companies align with their values. In 2016, certain cell phone providers donated substantial funds to political campaigns, potentially coming from customers' pockets. Patriot Mobile, on the other hand, is a cell phone service provider that supports causes like the NRA, pro-life groups, and American freedoms. With reliable nationwide service, various plans, and the ability to keep your number and bring your own phone, consider making the switch to a company that aligns with your values. Additionally, Dan Bongino shared his pride in his son's recent graduation from Marine boot camp. The show was brought to you by Teeter, the best inversion table on the market for relieving pressure on joints and improving overall wellness.

    • Joe Rogan's Recommendation for a Healthy SpineTry the new 2019 Teeter inversion table for a rejuvenated spine and active lifestyle, with a 60-day money-back guarantee and free shipping for returns.

      Joe Rogan strongly recommends using an inversion table, specifically the new 2019 Teeter model, for maintaining a healthy spine and active lifestyle. He shares his personal experience of feeling rejuvenated after using it regularly. The Teeter inversion table comes with bonus accessories and a free inversion program app with 24 illustrated stretches and exercises. With a 60-day money-back guarantee and free shipping for returns, there's no risk to try it out. Regarding the political news, Joe clarified that there's already a transcript of the call between President Trump and the Ukrainian president, and the second whistleblower's first-hand information doesn't change the fact that the transcript has been publicly available. He also criticized the media for focusing on whistleblowers and ignoring the real issues, such as Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump and foreign intelligence passing information on Trump to the Obama administration.

    • Impeachment proceedings used as a distraction from real issuesThe ongoing impeachment proceedings are being used to divert attention from the Obama administration and other Democrats' wrongdoings, with whistleblowers emerging as deep state operatives trying to take down Trump. The Ukrainian issue is a hoax, and there's no valid whistleblower complaint.

      The ongoing impeachment proceedings against President Trump are being used as a distraction from the real issues, which involve the Obama administration and other Democrats hiding their own wrongdoings. The whistleblowers emerging are not genuine whistleblowers but deep state operatives trying to take down Trump. The Ukrainian issue is a hoax, and there is no valid whistleblower complaint. The media, including Fox News, have different roles, and Griff, a news guy, is not expected to agree or disagree with opinions but ask probing questions. The frustration between hosts like Cernovich and Griff is a normal part of media dynamics, and there is no hidden agenda or backstage manipulation. The impeachment process is based on a lie, and there is no evidence to support the allegations against Trump.

    • Volker's Testimony Contradicts Democrats' NarrativeVolker testified that military aid was not linked to Biden info and he didn't discuss Biden with Ukrainians until late August, debunking quid pro quo claim.

      Kurt Volker's testimony directly contradicts the Democrats' narrative about a quid pro quo involving military aid and information on Biden. Volker testified that he never mentioned the delay in military aid to Ukrainian officials until late August, after news reports indicated that the funding had been put on hold. Furthermore, Biden was never a topic of conversation during Volker's real-time dialogue with several different actors. These facts undercut the claim that the funding was part of a quid pro quo meant to force the Ukrainians to take certain actions in order for the military aid to be released. In summary, the Democrats' impeachment inquiry relies on a flawed narrative that has been dismantled by Volker's testimony.

    • Impeachment allegations questionedNew evidence challenges claims of a quid pro quo between Trump and Ukraine, raising doubts about the impeachment process and emphasizing the need for truthfulness in political discussions.

      The allegations of a quid pro quo between President Trump and Ukraine, as presented by Democrats and some media outlets, have been called into question. Key witnesses, such as Gordon Sondland, have testified that there was no deal for military aid in exchange for information on political opponents. Furthermore, Adam Schiff, a leading figure in the impeachment inquiry, has been accused of lying about his interactions with the original whistleblower and about the existence of the complaint before it was made public. The transcript of the phone call at the center of the controversy does not support the allegations of a quid pro quo. These revelations have raised doubts about the validity of the impeachment process and have highlighted the importance of accuracy and transparency in political discourse.

    • Exposed false allegations against President TrumpThe release of Trump's call transcript debunked whistleblower's claims and journalist Chuck Todd's reporting, highlighting the need for transparency and the dangers of spreading misinformation

      The release of the transcript of President Trump's call with the Ukrainian president has exposed false allegations made by a whistleblower and a journalist, Chuck Todd. The whistleblower, who had been working with Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff, was caught lying about the content of the call. Schiff had previously denied any knowledge of the whistleblower's allegations. The release of the transcript has also revealed that allegations of wrongdoing made against Trump regarding a phone call with a foreign leader were fabricated. The incident highlights the importance of transparency and the potential for false accusations to be spread through the media. The incident also underscores the growing polarization in American politics, with some journalists and politicians using their platforms to spread misinformation and further their political agendas.

    • Newly released audio evidence suggests collusion between Democrats and UkraineAudio recordings of Ukrainian officials discussing efforts to aid Democrats and harm Trump could add weight to allegations of campaign coordination and potential ethical concerns

      There have been allegations of collusion between the Democratic Party and Ukraine to influence the 2016 US election against Donald Trump. These allegations were downplayed as conspiracy theories by some in the media, including Chuck Todd. However, recently released audio evidence suggests that there may be substance to these claims. The audio evidence involves Ukrainian officials discussing their efforts to help the Democratic Party and harm Trump. The significance of this is that it could potentially feed into a narrative of Trump's campaign coordinating with foreigners, which could be seen as a breach of campaign finance laws or other ethical concerns. This is not a new allegation, but the newly released audio evidence adds weight to the claims. It's important to note that the authenticity and full context of the audio have not been independently verified, but it is worth investigating further. The media's dismissal of these allegations as conspiracy theories underscores the need for a healthy skepticism and fact-checking in journalism.

    • Ukrainian involvement in 2016 election: The authenticity of the black ledger is questionedSome media outlets and liberal activists spread false narratives about Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 election, despite lack of solid evidence.

      The black ledger, which is a key piece of evidence in the investigation into Paul Manafort's alleged illegal activities, might be a hoax. Former Ukrainian prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, claimed in an interview that the Americans had obtained recordings of conversations involving Artem Sitnik, who ran the anti-corruption bureau, discussing their plans to help Hillary Clinton and damage Donald Trump. If these recordings are authentic, they would provide significant evidence of Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 election. However, some media outlets, such as Politico, have reported on this issue before, and it's not a new revelation. The real significance of this story might be that it exposes the extent to which some media outlets and liberal activists are willing to spread false narratives, such as the collusion between Trump and the Ukrainians, to promote their political agendas.

    • International fallout from 2016 US electionThe 2016 US election involved foreign interference beyond just Russia, leading to complex international political consequences and a potential cold political war

      The ongoing impeachment proceedings against President Trump are not the only instance of foreign interference in elections. According to a Wall Street Journal article, politicians in Australia, Italy, and the UK have faced backlash due to their past involvement in the 2016 US election. The Democrats' actions, involving the Obama administration, the Biden's, and the Clinton machine, have led to a complex web of international political consequences. The ramifications of these events are getting increasingly serious, potentially leading to a cold political war. The Attorney General Barr is trying to untangle this intricate web of global spying scandal, but the confusion and defensiveness from politicians on both sides make the process challenging. In simpler terms, the Democrats' actions in 2016 have created a messy situation that is not only affecting US politics but also international relations.

    • International Tension Over Russia Probe OriginsSenator Mark Warner expresses concern over damage to US-Five Eyes relationships due to Russia probe investigation. Warner's own communication with Russian lawyer and Christopher Steele raises credibility questions. Controversy over use of FBI agents, known as legats, and Attorney General William Barr's decision to bypass them also causes tension.

      The ongoing investigation into the origins of the Russia probe is causing international tension, particularly between the U.S. and its Five Eyes partners. Mark Warner, a Democratic Senator involved in the investigation, is expressing concern over potential damage to these relationships. However, Warner's own role in the matter, including his communication with a Russian lawyer and Christopher Steele, the producer of the fake dossier, raises questions about his credibility. Another point of contention is the use of FBI agents, known as legats, based overseas to assist in investigations. Critics argue that Attorney General William Barr's decision to bypass these agents and seek assistance directly could undermine the chain of command and potentially reveal sensitive information. The accuracy of reporting on these matters has also been called into question, with some sources missing key facts or presenting information in a misleading way.

    • Mischaracterized Information in Impeachment InquiryDespite some mislabeling certain facts as theories, documented evidence exists of Ukrainian sabotage, foreign intel sharing, and debunked quid pro quo claims in the impeachment inquiry, while Pelosi refuses to hold a House vote on the trial.

      The ongoing review led by Mr. Bar is examining allegations of potential intelligence involvement in preventing Trump's election. However, some of the information being discussed is being mischaracterized as "theories" when it is in fact documented evidence. For instance, there have been reports of Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump, Australian and British intelligence sharing information with US counterparts regarding Trump associates and Russians, and unsubstantiated claims of a theory that three plus three equals six. These are not theories but documented facts. Furthermore, the Democrats' impeachment charge of quid pro quo has been debunked, and there is no precedent for an impeachment trial without a formal vote in the House. House Speaker Pelosi is refusing to hold such a vote, and there is no requirement under the constitution or house rules for one.

    • Precedent for Full House Vote on ImpeachmentDespite some misinformation, there is historical precedent for the full House of Representatives to vote on impeachment charges against a president.

      There is a clear precedent in the U.S. Congress for the full House of Representatives to vote on impeachment charges against a president, as seen in the cases of Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon. Val Demings, a Congresswoman from Florida, incorrectly stated that there is no precedent for such a vote. Additionally, there has been a recent shift in strategy among some Democratic leaders, with the issuance of subpoenas and a decision to litigate certain aspects of the impeachment process. This change in approach may be due to pressure from within the party to slow down the impeachment process. Overall, it's important for political figures to accurately understand and communicate the facts surrounding important issues like impeachment.

    • Understanding the Russia Hoax and Impeachment ProcessThe Russia Hoax book by Greg Jarrett provides a comprehensive analysis of the biggest political scandal in American history, debunking the impeachment process and emphasizing the importance of staying informed.

      The show discussed the book "The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump" by Greg Jarrett, which is described as a comprehensive analysis of the biggest political scandal in American history. The speaker highly recommends the book and emphasizes its importance in understanding the impeachment process and debunking the Russia hoax. The speaker encourages listeners to share the information with their friends and to subscribe to the Dan Bongino show for more political insights. The show covered various topics and debunked the impeachment process, emphasizing the importance of being informed as political tensions continue to rise. The Dan Bongino show is available on various platforms including YouTube, podcasts on iTunes, SoundCloud, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, and iHeart. Follow Dan Bongino on Twitter @DBongino.

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