
    The AI ‘Race’: China vs. the US with Jeffrey Ding and Karen Hao

    enAugust 31, 2023
    What drives the US-China competition in AI?
    How does China aim to surpass the US in AI?
    Why is measuring technological lead misleading?
    What challenges does China face in advanced technology areas?
    How can the US and China coordinate on AI development?

    Podcast Summary

    • US-China AI Competition: Economic Growth and Geopolitical InfluenceThe US and China are competing in AI for economic growth and productivity, with China focusing on areas like computer vision due to government investment and surveillance. The US is currently ahead in AI development, but the stakes are high for both countries, potentially impacting military and geopolitical influence.

      The US-China competition in AI is driven by economic growth and productivity, with China aiming to catch up and potentially surpass the US in certain areas like computer vision due to government investment and emphasis on surveillance. However, the overall assessment is that the US is currently ahead in AI development, and the stakes are high for both countries, with potential implications for military and geopolitical influence. Experts Jeff Ding and Karen Hao provide insights into China's progress in AI, highlighting areas where China may be ahead or behind, and discussing the significance of AI in the US-China competition. The conversation challenges the notion that China is an inflated threat and sheds light on the complexities of comparing the capabilities of the two countries in this field.

    • China's Challenges in Large Language ModelsDespite progress, China faces hurdles in large language models due to data and resource limitations, while US holds an edge. Relationships between Chinese companies and govt add complexity.

      While China is making strides in AI research, it faces significant challenges in the field of large language models due to a lack of high-quality data and computing resources. The US, with its abundance of English language data and advanced computing hardware, holds an advantage in this area. Chinese researchers are playing catch-up and are still not able to match the performance of US models. Furthermore, the relationship between Chinese companies and the government is complex, with some companies enjoying close ties and others facing scrutiny. These factors, among others, complicate the notion that China is simply racing ahead in AI development, challenging the assumption that the US need not regulate its own AI sector.

    • Chinese tech companies navigate complex relationship with governmentChinese tech firms resist data handover, align with govt during crises, face strict info control regs, but may struggle to keep up with US in large language models advancements

      Chinese tech companies engage in a complex relationship with their government, often pushing back against requests for data and information while also complying with regulations that prioritize information control. An example of this dynamic was seen when a company refused to hand over data to local authorities, instead delivering it on physical paper. However, there are also instances of alignment between companies and the government, particularly during times of economic crisis. The Chinese Communist Party's control over information is a major concern, leading to stringent regulations on technology platforms and foundation models. These regulations aim to ensure that these technologies are implemented in a way that aligns with the party's interests and censorship goals. The Chinese government's reaction to new technologies that could shift the information ecosystem is often swift and fearful, as seen in the current compliance checks being conducted on foundation models. Despite these regulations, some argue that China may not be able to keep up with the rapid advancements in large language models, leaving the US with an opportunity to maintain its technological edge.

    • China's AI progress vs US edgeThe US maintains an edge in AI due to resources and talent, but China's progress could accelerate due to US deployment. Regulations in both countries could ensure safe and trustworthy AI adoption.

      The balance between stability concerns and the drive for competitiveness, economic growth, and military might in China's pursuit of AI technology is complex. Despite data, talent, and resource limitations, China's economic slowdown, and government reservations about the potential societal instability brought by advanced AI models, the US still maintains an edge due to its greater resources and talent concentration. Regulation in the US could actually lead to more sustainable development of AI over time, while also potentially slowing China's progress in the short term. Contrary to popular belief, the US's faster deployment of AI technology may actually accelerate China's progress rather than hinder it. However, there are valid concerns that China's rapid advancement in AI should alarm the US, as evidenced by the increasing number of papers being published in China in this field. Smart, prudent regulations in both countries could ensure the safe and trustworthy adoption of AI, ultimately leading to a more sustainable and beneficial impact on society.

    • Chinese researchers driven by societal improvement, not just competitionDespite lagging in AI research output and graduates, China's focus on societal improvement drives its researchers, but retaining talent remains a challenge.

      While China currently lags behind the US in terms of the number of papers published and the number of engineers and researchers graduating in the field of AI, it is important to remember that the motivation and focus of Chinese researchers are not solely driven by geopolitical competition or nationalism. Instead, they are driven by a desire to improve various aspects of society, such as education and healthcare. However, China's ability to tap into and retain this talent is a challenge they are facing. Additionally, it's crucial to consider multiple perspectives and sources when evaluating China's progress in AI. The more one engages with people on the ground and reads Chinese language reports, the less likely one is to view China as on the verge of surpassing the US as an AI superpower. Ultimately, the competition between the US and China in AI is complex, and it's essential to avoid oversimplifying the situation based on incentives or biases.

    • Measuring a country's tech lead by scientific papers alone is misleadingHistorically, countries with leading innovations struggled to spread them throughout their economies, while China, a middling power, excels in diffusion, making it a formidable competitor. Be wary of perceived tech gaps.

      Measuring a country's technological lead solely based on the number of scientific papers they produce may be misleading. Instead, it's essential to consider their capacity to diffuse technology throughout their economy, as highlighted in Jeff's seminal paper. The historical examples given, such as the US during the early 20th century and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, illustrate that while these countries produced leading-edge innovations, they struggled to spread these innovations effectively throughout their economies. Conversely, China, despite ranking as a middling scientific and technological power, excels in the diffusion process, making it a formidable competitor. The speaker also emphasized that the belief in the illusory technological gaps, as seen in past cases like the missile gap, should be approached with skepticism.

    • US's open ecosystem fuels tech advancementsThe US's open ecosystem and experimental environment enable advanced tech implementation, but significant investment in large language models and chip access are challenges.

      The US's ability to diffuse and implement advanced technologies, such as AI, is a key factor in its success. This is due to the strong open source ecosystem and the environment that allows companies to experiment without excessive government intervention. However, a potential bottleneck is the significant investment required to develop large language models. The lack of access to chips is currently a greater concern for investors than censorship or regulatory issues. China, which is currently behind in chip production, may struggle to compete without finding a way to overcome these challenges. The effectiveness of export controls on chips is also questionable, as some Chinese labs have reportedly found ways to access high-end chips through rentals and cloud computing.

    • Race for dominance in semiconductor industryBoth US and China recognize importance of semiconductor industry for future tech advancements, but globalization and IP theft pose challenges for China, while US faces similar constraints.

      Both the US and China recognize the importance of dominating the semiconductor industry for future technological advancements, but the complexity and globalization of the industry make it challenging for either country to go it alone. China has invested heavily in its semiconductor industry, but reliance on foreign components and the risk of intellectual property theft pose significant challenges. The US, too, is investing heavily to reshore chip manufacturing. However, the industry's globalization and the potential for intellectual property theft create a significant constraint, especially for China. The US military's integration of new technologies is a methodical process, and there may not be a significant incentive for China to steal AI technology when much of it is open source. The frontier AI developments, however, may be more challenging to steal as they involve tacit knowledge and experience. Ultimately, the race for dominance in the semiconductor industry is a complex and ongoing battle, with both the US and China facing significant challenges.

    • China's challenges in advanced tech despite alleged blueprint theftDespite stealing blueprints, China faces challenges in effectively utilizing advanced tech like stealth fighters and AI due to the lack of tacit and managerial knowledge. International coordination is crucial to ensure safe and beneficial AI development, with the US and China leading the way.

      Despite China's efforts to catch up in advanced technology areas like stealth fighter development and AI, there are significant challenges due to the lack of tacit and managerial knowledge. This was discussed in an article about China's inability to build effective stealth fighters despite alleged blueprint theft. As AI technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, there's a need for international coordination to ensure its safe and beneficial use. The US and China, the world's leading powers in AI development, could set aside differences and find ways to coordinate. There are already some efforts towards this, such as international dialogue forums and technical committees focusing on AI controllability. Historical precedents, like the cooperation between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War on nuclear safety technology, could serve as guiding points. The stakes are high, and the potential risks associated with AI development necessitate a collective, coordinated approach.

    • Collaboration between US and China on AI could be more effective at the track 2 levelDespite political tensions, cooperation between US and Chinese engineers, researchers, and CEOs on AI development could lead to a safer and more humane technology in the long run.

      While high-level cooperation between the US and China on AI regulation and climate commitments may be challenging due to low trust and political baggage, coordination at the track 2 level between engineers, researchers, and CEOs could be more effective and productive. China is seen as a fast second mover in AI development, and the US going slower could potentially slow down China's progress as well. The nuanced understanding of the problem is that there are different types of AI and each country has unique strengths and challenges. The US may have an edge in language models, while China leads in computer vision. Ultimately, the optimism stems from the potential for coordination among the technology builders, which could lead to a humane and safe development of AI in the long run.

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    CORRECTION: Esther refers to the 2007 film Lars and the Real Doll. The title of the film is Lars and the Real Girl.

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    CORRECTION: Brody Mullins refers to AT&T as having a “hundred million dollar” lobbying budget in 2006 and 2007. While we couldn’t verify the size of their budget for lobbying, their actual lobbying spend was much less than this: $27.4m in 2006 and $16.5m in 2007, according to OpenSecrets.


    The views expressed by guests appearing on Center for Humane Technology’s podcast, Your Undivided Attention, are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of CHT. CHT does not support or oppose any candidate or party for election to public office


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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_



    The AI Dilemma: Tristan and Aza’s talk on the catastrophic risks posed by AI.

    Info Sheet on KOSPA: More information on KOSPA from FairPlay.

    Situational Awareness by Leopold Aschenbrenner: A widely cited blog from a former OpenAI employee, predicting the rapid arrival of AGI.

    AI for Good: More information on the AI for Good summit that was held earlier this year in Geneva. 

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    Clarification: Swiss diplomat Nina Frey’s full name is Katharina Frey.



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    Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology. Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_

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    Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Paul’s book on the future of AI in war, which came out in 2023.

    Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War: Paul’s 2018 book documenting and predicting the rise of autonomous and semi-autonomous weapons as part of modern warfare.

    The Perilous Coming Age of AI Warfare: How to Limit the Threat of Autonomous Warfare: Paul’s article in Foreign Affairs based on his recent trip to the battlefield in Ukraine.

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