
    About this Episode

    In the 1980s, a young woman would go missing after going out for a bike ride. When she failed to turn up for lunch with her boyfriend and then failed to go home later that evening, a search would be launched to discover her. As more and more information came to light through the years it would become apparent that potentially a sherrifs son, may have been involved. But whats the story behind this? Lets discuss that in todays episode. Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy The ALLEGED COVER-UP Of The Tara Calico Case Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com

    Recent Episodes from Real Horror With Roanoke Tales

    Alleged Military Operations AGAINST GIANTS in Afghanistan

    Alleged Military Operations AGAINST GIANTS in Afghanistan

    A while back, a patrol would be sent out to an area in order to track down insurgents in the nearby hillsides. When they never returned it was feared they were overwhelmed or maybe some sort of ambush was laid for them. Fearing the worst, another team was sent out in order to attempt to find them. What they would find were expended casings and evidence of a battle, but no soldiers. That is until something emerged from one the caves. Said to be over 12 feet tall by some accounts, they unloaded on the thing but it kept coming. lets talk about what that looked like in todays episode over the Afghanistan Giants. Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I Hope you enjoy Alleged Military Operations AGAINST GIANTS in Afghanistan Art thumbnail by @Anthroponeural Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com

    What actually Is The CICADA 3301 MYSTERY?

    What actually Is The CICADA 3301 MYSTERY?

    Over a decade ago, actually we are a little past the 12 year anniversary of when it came onto the scene, a simple request would be made of anyone who could solve it. Essentially, utilize an image and back track it through 4chan boards to discover a location with the promise to those who solved the puzzle, something would be offered. As some succeeded but many failed, other iterations of the puzzle would crop up until the third one would go on to stump everyone. A hint was promised in 2024 which we are all currently waiting on but what exactly is this puzzle? Lets discuss that in todays episode! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I Hope you enjoy What actually Is The CICADA 3301 MYSTERY? Art thumbnail by  @Anthroponeural  Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com

    This Creature Waits Atop Mountains to EAT HUMANS | The Slide Rock Bolter

    This Creature Waits Atop Mountains to EAT HUMANS | The Slide Rock Bolter

    Rock slides, are an inevitable part of living in the mountains. Those caught in the path of this destructive force will very likely, lose property and their life. But its important to know the difference between a landslide and a monster waiting to consume you. Today, we discuss the Slide Rock Bolter. Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy This Creature Waits Atop Mountains to EAT HUMANS | The Slide Rock Bolter Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com

    The ALLEGED COVER-UP Of The Tara Calico Case

    The ALLEGED COVER-UP Of The Tara Calico Case

    In the 1980s, a young woman would go missing after going out for a bike ride. When she failed to turn up for lunch with her boyfriend and then failed to go home later that evening, a search would be launched to discover her. As more and more information came to light through the years it would become apparent that potentially a sherrifs son, may have been involved. But whats the story behind this? Lets discuss that in todays episode. Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy The ALLEGED COVER-UP Of The Tara Calico Case Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com

    How Wolves Pulled off A SIEGE OF PARIS

    How Wolves Pulled off A SIEGE OF PARIS

    Humans and Wolves have ironically been long time enemies despite the fact that Dogs are man's best friend. A while back, during the horrific era known as the medieval period, the walls of Paris were built to keep people and animals out. However, once some wolves found a way in, allegedly the wolves would commit attacks inside the city walls. But what was the ultimate outcome of this? Lets discuss that in todays episode! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy How Wolves Pulled of A SIEGE OF PARIS Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com

    The Unknown GREEN SKINNED YOUNGLINGS That Spoke of Perpetual Twilight

    The Unknown GREEN SKINNED YOUNGLINGS That Spoke of Perpetual Twilight

    In the 1100s, two pre adults would arrive to a town. Being pre adults they would be taken in where they couldnt speak the language and they only ate beans. Over time they were able to learn english where they spoke of their town. It was always twilight and never day. They entered the town through a cave system which continues to make this whole thing bizarre. So whats the story? Lets discuss! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy The Unknown GREEN SKINNED Duo That Spoke of Perpetual Twilight Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon Merch: Roanokemerch.com

    Three Skeletons, A Missing Family and No Means To Do It By

    Three Skeletons, A Missing Family and No Means To Do It By

    Not too long ago, a family would purchase a home not only to escape their supposed haunted circumstances but also to start fresh. As they went to look at the land, their truck and dog would be left behind the small family would completely disappear from the face of the Earth. Despite extensive searches, they would not be found for years. After some time passed, eventually some skeletons would be found that would only raise more questions as to what happened to them. So what happened? Lets discuss that in todays episode! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy The Jamison Family Disappearance Into The Forest Explored Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon

    The Body That DEFIED Natural Decomposition

    The Body That DEFIED Natural Decomposition

    A while back, a person would be discovered that had surgical cuts made, innards taken away, missing an ear and tongue and seemingly, was not going through the natural processes that render a body returned to the Earth. On the heels of strange lights being seen in the sky and jets being scrambled, some seem to think that this was the work of Aliens, but was it? Lets talk about that in todays episode! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy The Disemboweled Grey Body Of the Brazilian Reservoir Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon

    Are The Altamaha River Monster Sightings Actually Real?

    Are The Altamaha River Monster Sightings Actually Real?

    In the great state of Georgia, exists a river down to the south east known as the Altamaha River. Here, a serpent of some sort has been said to inhabit the area and has been spotted by several captains, and some of them weren't even drunk. But what sort of proof is there that this creature exists? Lets discuss in todays episode! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy Are The Altamaha River Monster Sightings Actually Real? Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon

    Unsolved Case Of Three Men VANISHING From The Flannan Isles Lighthouse

    Unsolved Case Of Three Men VANISHING From The Flannan Isles Lighthouse

    In the 1900's, just prior to Christmas, three lighthouse workers would all but evaporate from their post at the lighthouse on the Flannan Isles. Upon this happening, groups of sailors would be sent in to discover what happened to them, but nothing was every truly found. Only context clues and strange left behind clothing. But what are some of the theories surrounding this disappearance? Lets discuss that in today episode! Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy Unsolved Case Of Three Men VANISHING From The Flannan Isles Lighthouse Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RoanokeTalesPatreon