
    Podcast Summary

    • Expanding our focus beyond ourselvesGenerosity changes who we are, builds strong relationships, and is essential for prospering in today's economy. Small acts of generosity can inspire and make a big impact.

      Generosity is a key component of wealth and happiness. According to Ramsey Solutions, following the process of taking care of the present before the future, and then expanding our focus to family, community, and the world, allows our vision for our money to grow. Being generous not only changes who we are as people, but also makes it more difficult to be depressed or get divorced. In today's economy, generosity is essential for prospering and building strong relationships. A simple act of generosity, like paying a server's credit card bill, can make a significant impact on someone's life and inspire them to work towards financial freedom.

    • A couple's unexpected act of generosity after buying concert ticketsBuying concert tickets led to a generous act, inspiring financial responsibility and spreading kindness. Embrace generosity for a life of abundance.

      A seemingly insignificant purchase like concert tickets led a couple to an extraordinary act of generosity and ultimately helped them dig out of debt. The experience reminded them of the joy and importance of giving, inspiring them to live generously and spread kindness. The conversation also highlighted the impact of small acts of generosity and the ripple effect it can have on others. Additionally, the discussion emphasized the importance of being financially responsible and being prepared for self-defense. Overall, the message encourages listeners to embrace generosity and live a life of abundance.

    • The Power of Community and Support During Challenging TimesReceiving support from loved ones and community during tough times can lead to unexpected financial benefits and emotional healing.

      The power of community and support can make a significant difference during challenging times. Melissa shared her personal story of being diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer and the incredible support she received from her team at work, family, and friends. Despite the diagnosis, she was encouraged by their unwavering prayers, texts, calls, and even gifts. When she returned to work after a year and a half of treatment, she was met with a full salary and a surprise raise. Moreover, her medical bills were miraculously paid for. Melissa emphasized the importance of reaching out to those in need, no matter how awkward it may feel, as she herself had been on the receiving end of such kindness. Through her experience, she learned that even in the darkest moments, the love and support of others can bring light and hope.

    • Overcoming cancer transforms heart and perspectiveReceiving love and support during illness heals physically and spiritually. Be open to receiving help and encourage generosity towards others. Importance of term life insurance.

      Going through challenging experiences, like a cancer diagnosis, can transform a person's heart and perspective on giving and receiving help. Melissa shared how receiving love and support from her community during her illness not only helped her physically but also spiritually. She is now back to work full-time and feels healed, even if the medical community may not yet use that term. The experience has made her more grateful and motivated to help others, and she encourages everyone to be open to receiving generosity when they need it. Additionally, the importance of having term life insurance was emphasized, as unexpected events can happen and leave families in financial need.

    • Unexpected generosity leads to blessingsGenerosity and kindness can lead to unexpected blessings. A pizza delivery driver received a large tip by mistake and chose to give it away, while a mother found hidden money in a book and used it to pay off debt. Both stories illustrate the importance of being generous, kind, and financially responsible.

      The spirit of generosity and kindness can lead to unexpected blessings. In the conversation, a pizza delivery driver named Melina received an unexpected tip of $102,000 from a customer, which was actually a mistake. Instead of keeping the money, Melina chose to give it away to the people in the lobby and even paid for their pizzas. In another story, a mother bought a used copy of Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover book and found a hidden $1,300 inside. Both stories illustrate how unexpected generosity can lead to positive outcomes for everyone involved. The conversation also highlights the importance of financial education and budgeting, as Melina is going back to school for medical coding and planning to use the money to pay off bills and debt. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of being generous, kind, and mindful of financial responsibilities.

    • The power of knowledge and a used bookA small investment in knowledge can lead to significant financial gains. Reading and understanding financial concepts can change one's financial trajectory.

      A small investment in knowledge can lead to significant financial gains. A young man received a used copy of a personal finance book from his mother, which ultimately changed his financial trajectory. Despite someone else's mistake of selling an unwanted book, the brother was able to learn valuable lessons and apply them to his life. He went from skipping jobs and accumulating debt to being on track to complete his financial education and achieve wealth. The story highlights the importance of reading and understanding financial concepts, and how it can lead to a better financial future. It's a reminder that small actions, like buying a $5 book, can have a big impact on one's life.

    • Spreading Outrageous Generosity at Waffle HouseDuring the holiday season, Dave Ramsey's team brought joy and surprise to Waffle House staff and customers by covering their tabs and giving extra money, emphasizing the importance of giving back and spreading kindness.

      Dave Ramsey and his team went to Antioch, Tennessee, to spread outrageous generosity by covering everyone's tabs and giving extra money to the staff at Waffle House. This act of kindness brought joy and surprise to the people there, especially during the holiday season. The Waffle House index was used as a measure of the community's resilience, and the team wanted to bless those who were working hard to serve others despite the challenges. The team's generosity not only brought happiness to the recipients but also highlighted the importance of giving back and spreading kindness in everyday life.

    • Surprising a deserving woman with $5,000The spirit of giving was on display during a Ramsey Show episode as they surprised a woman with financial help and inspired listeners to share their own stories of kindness and generosity.

      The spirit of giving was on full display during a special episode of the Ramsey Show. The team surprised a deserving woman named Shatika with $5,000 to cover her bills and buy Christmas gifts for her children. The moment was filled with emotion and was met with surprise and gratitude from those involved. The team had selected Shatika based on her difficult circumstances, which included being shot by her baby's father in the past year. The episode inspired listeners to consider the importance of generosity and giving back, especially during the holiday season. The team also encouraged listeners to share their own giving or receiving stories by calling a designated phone number. The episode was a reminder that small acts of kindness and generosity can make a big difference in people's lives. The Ramsey Show aims to help people build wealth, find fulfilling work, and create meaningful relationships, and this episode was a perfect example of those values in action.

    • Faith and perseverance lead to unexpected blessingsThrough faith and perseverance, unexpected blessings can come in the form of financial assistance or the ability to bring a child into the world, inspiring us to live generously ourselves.

      No matter the challenges, having faith and trust in God's plan can lead to unexpected blessings. This woman and her husband went through years of infertility treatments and financial struggles, but with the help of their generous friends, they were able to bring a child into the world while staying debt-free. Their story is a reminder that life is full of ups and downs, but with faith and perseverance, God's timing and blessings can surpass our wildest expectations. Additionally, the experience of receiving such a significant gift has inspired the couple to pay it forward and live generously themselves.

    • The Joy of Giving and Growing OlderGiving brings joy and happiness, especially when it comes to money. Therapy can help us deal with personal challenges and make time for happiness.

      Generosity brings joy and happiness. The speaker shares his experience of enjoying watching children grow older and become responsible, and the joy of giving, especially when it comes to money. He emphasizes that giving is more enjoyable than keeping the money for oneself. The speaker also highlights the importance of therapy in dealing with personal challenges and making time for happiness. During this episode of the Ramsey Show, they gave away groceries to unsuspecting shoppers, bringing smiles to their faces and demonstrating the fun of giving. The episode is sponsored by BetterHelp, an online therapy platform that offers flexibility and convenience to fit one's schedule. The speaker encourages listeners to try therapy as a means of improving their lives and finding happiness.

    • A stranger's act of kindness leaves a lasting impactA stranger's generous gesture filled a woman's grocery cart and left her feeling joyful and grateful, inspiring the importance of giving and the ripple effect it can have on people's lives.

      The power of generosity and kindness can create an unforgettable experience for both the giver and the receiver. In this conversation, a woman named Amy was surprised and delighted when a stranger, Tamina, filled her grocery cart with food and paid for it as a Christmas gift. Tamina, inspired by the teachings of financial expert Dave Ramsey, wanted to spread joy and generosity. The encounter left a lasting impact on both Amy and Tamina, demonstrating the importance of giving and the ripple effect it can have on people's lives. Additionally, the conversation highlights the importance of community and connection, as Tamina's actions brought people together in a meaningful way. Overall, the conversation serves as a reminder that small acts of kindness and generosity can make a big difference in the world.

    • Acts of generosity bring joy and positivitySharing small acts of kindness can bring happiness to both giver and receiver, and create a ripple effect of positivity. Personal stories of generosity can inspire and lift each other up, especially during challenging times.

      Acts of generosity, no matter how small, have the power to bring joy and positivity to both the giver and the receiver. The speaker shared a personal experience of surprising hospital workers with free gas during the pandemic, which brought relief and happiness to those on the front lines. The experience also had a ripple effect, with the older gentleman in line getting his groceries paid for as well. The speaker encourages listeners to share their own generosity stories and emphasizes the importance of lifting each other up. The Ramsey Show annually dedicates an episode to highlighting such stories. The speaker also mentions the popularity of the Ramsey Show's YouTube channel, with over 1055 subscribers out of 147 million channels. A new team member, Lilly, also shared her personal story of receiving support from her parents during her parents' divorce, emphasizing the importance of generosity and resilience, especially during challenging times.

    • Creating Memories in the Face of TragedyDespite hardships, cherishing moments with loved ones and the kindness of others can turn a sad situation into a precious memory.

      Even in the face of tragedy and loss, the power of community, generosity, and creating memories can help transform a sad situation into a precious one. When the speaker's father was diagnosed with a deadly brain cancer, she wanted to create a special moment for both of them, knowing that he might not be able to attend her wedding in the future. With the help of friends and a wedding venue owner, they were able to film a father-daughter video and hold the event at the venue, all as gifts. Five years later, on her wedding day, the speaker and her husband watched the video together, making it a bittersweet but memorable experience. The story highlights the importance of cherishing moments with loved ones and the kindness and generosity of others during difficult times.

    • Stories of generosity making a differenceGenerosity comes in many forms, including time, skills, and attention, and can significantly impact people's lives. Everyone has something to give, and small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

      Generosity comes in various forms and can make a significant impact on people's lives. A couple received a generous gift of wedding videography services, and another family received financial assistance during a difficult time. Generosity is not limited to monetary gifts; time, skills, and attention are equally valuable. The story emphasizes that everyone has something to give, regardless of their financial situation. The speakers encourage listeners to remember that generosity is a character quality, and small acts of kindness can make a big difference. The annual giving show on The Ramsay Show emphasizes the importance of living generously, whether it's through time, talent, or treasure.

    • The Power of Personal Experience and Emotional Connection in Charitable GivingPersonal experiences and emotional connections can inspire generosity. Be intentional and diligent with charitable giving, as it has a transformative impact and is impossible to outgive God. Pay it forward when able.

      Experiencing hardships firsthand can inspire generosity and a deep desire to help others going through similar situations. The Ramsey Family Foundation emphasizes giving to causes that resonate with them on an emotional level, and it's essential to be intentional and diligent with charitable giving. The power of generosity is significant, and it's impossible to outgive God. Lauren's story illustrates the transformative impact of receiving help during difficult times and the importance of paying it forward when able. The Ramsey Show encourages listeners to be both randomly and intentionally generous, making a difference in the world.

    • Power of giving and inspiring stories of charitable legaciesGiving can inspire and bring people together, leaving a charitable legacy of $361 million through wills since 2019, honoring heroes and making a positive impact on individuals and communities.

      Generosity and giving have a ripple effect that can inspire and bring people together. During the annual giving show on the Ramsey Show, inspiring stories of giving were shared, highlighting the impact of leaving a charitable legacy. Mama Bear Legal Forms shared that Ramsey fans have left $361 million in charitable bequests through their wills since 2019. A listener named Shane shared his story of honoring his friend's memory by providing Christmas for his family after his friend was killed in the line of duty. Shane emphasized the importance of recognizing and appreciating the heroes in our lives, especially those in law enforcement and emergency services, who put their lives on the line to protect us. The stories shared during the show demonstrate the power of giving and the positive impact it can have on individuals and communities.

    • Police officer's selfless act inspires community to giveActions speak louder than words; a cop's gift to a grieving family inspired others to give meaningfully

      Actions speak louder than words when it comes to acts of generosity. A police officer named Chris in Colorado Springs, Colorado, demonstrated this by not only offering thoughts and prayers to a grieving family but also taking action by providing them with meaningful gifts and even a car. This selfless act inspired others to do the same and emphasized the importance of following through on good intentions. The Ramsey Show emphasizes the significance of creating a budget to manage money wisely, allowing individuals to help themselves and others in their community. The giving club in Louisville, Kentucky, serves as an example of how collective giving can lead to significant positive impacts over time. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of taking action and making a difference in the lives of others.

    • Acts of generosity benefit the giver and the receiverGenerosity inspires and reshapes individuals, creating a positive ripple effect on those around them.

      Acts of generosity not only benefit the recipient but also have a ripple effect on those around us. A group of decorative concrete contractors in Oklahoma City came together to help the widow of a fellow contractor who passed away during a project. The project involved finishing the epoxy floor and presenting the remaining balance to the widow and her family. The experience inspired the crew members and even those who witnessed it, demonstrating the powerful impact of generosity on individuals and communities. As Thomas, one of the contractors, shared, "Generosity shakes and reshapes people's brains, and they can never return to the same shape once they've witnessed it or been part of it." By giving back, we not only make a difference in someone's life but also become better versions of ourselves.

    • The power of in-person connectionsPersonal experiences, especially in-person interactions, can create deeper, more meaningful impacts than online transactions. Engaging our senses and emotions makes the difference more lasting and memorable.

      Making a difference and showing compassion can have a profound impact when done in person. Witnessing an event firsthand and connecting with the person involved creates a deeper, more meaningful experience than just making a transaction online. This was emphasized through the story of a man giving away his old car to an expectant father in need, and the ripple effect it had on his family. The author also highlighted the importance of personal experiences in making decisions, such as buying a product or giving a donation. These experiences engage our senses and emotions, making the impact more lasting and memorable. So, when considering how to make a difference, whether it's through giving or leading a Financial Peace University class, look for opportunities to do it in person and make it a personal experience for both parties involved.

    • Stories of financial security leading to generosityFinancial education and discipline enable individuals to give generously, bringing joy to givers and significant impact to recipients.

      Financial security and generosity go hand in hand. The stories shared illustrate how, through financial education and discipline, individuals have been able to break free from paycheck to paycheck living and give abundantly to others in need. These acts of kindness not only bring joy to the givers but also make a significant impact on the recipients. For instance, a listener in Ohio anonymously sent gift cards to a family with a sick child, bringing them comfort and support during a difficult time. Another listener, Rich from Albany, New York, used his extra funds to tip a waitress generously, creating a memorable experience for both parties. These acts of giving, no matter the scale, are powerful reminders of the importance of financial responsibility and the joy it brings to both the giver and receiver.

    • The power of generosity and connectionGenerosity inspires generosity and creates a ripple effect of kindness and support. Proverbs 11:25 reminds us that a generous person will prosper.

      The power of generosity and connection can have a profound impact on people's lives. The story of Rich and his son, and the waitress from Tennessee, illustrates this beautifully. Rich's act of kindness towards the waitress, who turned out to be from Tennessee like him, inspired his son to be generous as well. This ripple effect continued when Sarah from Nashville called in to share her own story of receiving help during a difficult time. Her connection to the donor, who had also heard Rich's story, created a full circle moment of generosity and support. The Bible verse, Proverbs 11:25, "A generous person will prosper. Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed," encapsulates the essence of these stories. The giving season is a reminder to be generous and open to receiving help, as it can lead to unexpected blessings for ourselves and others.

    • The Power of GenerosityEvery act of generosity, no matter the size, can change someone's life and strengthens the giver's character. Look for opportunities to give and make it a priority.

      Generosity comes in various forms and sizes, and it has the power to make a significant impact on people's lives. Whether it's through organ donations or simple acts of kindness, every act of generosity, no matter how small, can change someone's life. The stories shared on the show highlight the importance of giving and the ripple effect it can have. It's not about competition but about making a difference in someone's life. The act of giving also strengthens the giver's character and builds a stronger community. The speakers on the show inspire us to look for opportunities to give and to make it a priority in our lives, no matter our circumstances. It's a reminder that every dollar, every act of kindness, and every moment of our time can make a difference.

    • The importance of giving during the holiday seasonGiving is the top priority in the budget according to Dave Ramsey, a reminder of God's ultimate generosity towards us through His gift of Jesus Christ.

      The holiday season, and specifically the act of giving, serves as a reminder of God's ultimate generosity towards us. Dave Ramsey emphasized that the giving portion of their teachings is the number one priority in the budget, and it's a reminder that God is the ultimate giver, as shown through His gift of His only son, Jesus Christ, to ensure our everlasting life. Despite any past quirks or imperfections, the importance of giving and walking daily with Christ for financial peace remains unchanged. To access more content on life, relationships, money, and career, download the Ramsey Network app and listen to shows like the Ramsey Show, Smart Money Happy Hour, and the Dr. John Deloney Show.

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    How to make generosity contagious (w/ Chris Anderson)

    If you’ve ever opened up social media in the hopes that it would cheer you up only for it to leave you upset, angry, or tired, you are not alone. So what if we could turn that special power the internet has to change our emotions – and use it for good? The head of TED, Chris Anderson, joins Chris Duffy to talk about why he believes in what he calls infectious generosity. Join the two Chrises as they discuss how we can turn outrage back into optimism by tapping into one of the most fundamental human virtues. Chris Anderson’s book, Infectious Generosity, is out now. For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts

    GJR056: The Cloud & the Fire

    GJR056: The Cloud & the Fire

    As the Israelites had traveled from the land to their new home, God sent a cloud by day and a fire by night.

    Both of these were very real symbols to the nation that God was leading them, and they represented three beautiful things for the Israelites.

    First, the cloud and the fire were God’s provision. The cloud gave shade to the tiny nation traveling through the harsh climate.

    When God does a new thing in our lives, it can be scary.

    While the Israelites were certainly thankful to be free, the idea of journeying to a new place had to be overwhelming at times.

    Let God be your cloud by day and your fire by night and rest in His love.

    Together, Giving Jesus,


    'A CHRISTMAS STORY' - A message by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar (Contemporary Service)

    'A CHRISTMAS STORY' - A message by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar (Contemporary Service)
    The message was delivered on Sunday, December 23, 2018, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister. DESCRIPTION A Christmas Story and reflection. SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS MESSAGE ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text LOVEBB to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Twitter: All Souls Church Website: