
    About this Episode

    In our captivating introductory episode, join us as we embark on a thrilling adventure into the world of CulturWe. Discover the story behind our podcast and how three friends came together with a shared passion for exploring culture, unravelling social issues, and sparking meaningful conversations.

    Get ready to dive into an engaging and thought-provoking discussion that sets the stage for the exciting episodes to come.

    Join us as we delve deep into the heart of CulturWe and ignite your curiosity for the rich tapestry of our diverse world.

    Recent Episodes from CulturWe

    Reddit Reactions: Cultural Differences and Relationships

    Reddit Reactions: Cultural Differences and Relationships
    Buckle up for an emotional rollercoaster as we dive into these Reddit stories that'll have you laughing one minute and fuming the next!

    This episode is about cultural identity, differences, and the wild ride of intercultural relationships. From funny to "are you kidding me?" rage-inducing stories, we're diving deep into the Reddit chaos — real people, real rollercoaster experiences.

    So, grab your headphones, prepare for a wild emotional ride, and join us for a chat about the crazy dance of cultures. It's a Reddit roundup that'll tickle your funny bone and light a fire under you, all while giving you a fresh take on the wild world of our global mishmash!

    Renaming of Mount Evans to Mount Blue Sky

    Renaming of Mount Evans to Mount Blue Sky
    In this riveting episode, we delve into the renaming of the iconic 14,265-foot mountain previously known as Mount Evans to Mount Blue Sky, a decision that has captured the attention of Metro Denver residents and beyond.

    But we don't stop there. To provide a global perspective on name changes, we draw parallels from countries like South Korea and Sweden, where similar revisions have taken place, showcasing how place names can evolve to reflect a more inclusive and diverse world.

    Join us as we uncover the stories behind these name changes, highlighting the cultural, historical, and societal contexts that shape our landscapes and maps. It's a captivating exploration of how names connect us to our surroundings and the ever-evolving nature of our geographic identity.

    Chuseok: Traditions, Foods, and Games

    Chuseok: Traditions, Foods, and Games
    In this episode, embark on a captivating journey into the heart of Chuseok, the beloved Korean holiday. We'll explore the timeless traditions that make Chuseok special, savour the rich flavours of Chuseok cuisine, and rediscover the joy of classic Chuseok games.

    Dive into the world of Chuseok as we unravel the intricacies of Charye, a solemn ancestral ritual. Then, discover the delightful rice cakes known as songpyeon, which hold cultural significance and are sure to leave you eager to indulge. But our adventure doesn't end there. We'll also immerse ourselves in the world of Chuseok games, with a special focus on the beloved yutnori.

    If you're curious to learn more about Chuseok, our episode is your gateway to understanding its rich tapestry of traditions, mouthwatering foods, and unforgettable games. Tune in and celebrate with us as we embrace the essence of Chuseok!

    Cultural Delights: Our Latest Favourites in Books, Movies, and Podcasts - Part 2

    Cultural Delights: Our Latest Favourites in Books, Movies, and Podcasts - Part 2
    In this second part of our episode, we continue our exploration of captivating books, movies, and podcasts that have touched our souls. We delve into 'Crying in H Mart,' a memoir that strikes a chord with its moving narrative. Additionally, we'll introduce you to 'The Missionary,' a thought-provoking podcast that discusses the case of Renee Bach.

    Join us once again as we navigate the realms of culture that ignite discussions, challenge perspectives, and leave marks on our hearts. Whether it's through the pages of a book, the scenes of a movie, or the voices in a podcast, we're excited to share these cultural treasures with you.

    Come along as we further explore the profound impact of artistic expression and storytelling in shaping our view of the world.

    Cultural Delights: Our Latest Favourites in Books, Movies, and Podcasts - Part 1

    Cultural Delights: Our Latest Favourites in Books, Movies, and Podcasts - Part 1
    In this first part of our exciting two-part episode, join us as we explore a captivating selection of books, movies, and podcasts that have ignited our minds and captured our hearts.

    Get ready to immerse yourself in the realm of culture that sparks conversations, challenges perspectives, and leaves a lasting impact. Whether it's through the pages of a book, the frames of a movie, or the captivating voices in a podcast, we share our discoveries that have resonated deeply with us.

    Tune in as we discuss these cultural gems that we can't wait to introduce to you. Join the conversation as we dive into the power of artistic expression and storytelling in shaping our understanding of the world around us.

    InventHERs and Their Remarkable Creations

    InventHERs and Their Remarkable Creations
    In this episode, we delve into the incredible realm of female inventors and their groundbreaking creations. Journey through the remarkable stories of these women who defied convention, shattered glass ceilings, and left an indelible mark on history with their ingenious inventions.

    Join us as we shine a light on their achievements, highlighting the transformative power of their ideas on technology, medicine, and everyday life.

    Tune in to this episode of 'InventHERs' as we pay homage to the trailblazing female inventors who shaped the world we know today, and gain a deeper appreciation for their enduring contributions

    Feminism in the 21st Century: Evolving for Equality - Part 2

    Feminism in the 21st Century: Evolving for Equality - Part 2
    Welcome to Part 2 of our two-part episode on feminism! In this episode, we continue our exploration of the feminist movement in the USA, South Korea, Sweden, and Turkey in the 21st century. Discover how feminism has adapted and evolved in these diverse contexts and the impact it continues to make on society.

    Join us as we delve into the challenges faced by modern feminism and our personal experiences with feminism, offering an intimate perspective on its universal significance.

    Stay tuned to "Culturwe" as we share our stories and experiences, unravelling the ongoing narrative of feminism and its pursuit of a more inclusive and equal world for all.

    Feminism in the 21st Century: Evolving for Equality - Part 1

    Feminism in the 21st Century: Evolving for Equality - Part 1
    Welcome to Part 1 of our two-part episode on feminism. In this episode, we take a deep dive into the historical context of feminism. Join us as we explore the origins of the feminist movement, its early struggles, and the pivotal moments that have shaped its trajectory.

    Throughout the episode, we'll journey through key events in the USA, South Korea, Sweden, and Turkey, understanding how each country's unique social, political, and cultural landscape influenced the feminist movement's growth.

    Join us for an insightful and educational discussion that sets the stage for Part 2, where we'll explore how feminism continues to adapt and evolve in the 21st century to promote a more inclusive and equal world for all. Stay tuned to "Culturwe" as we uncover the fascinating history of feminism and its enduring impact on society.

    Cultural Appropriation: Exploring Boundaries and Impact

    Cultural Appropriation: Exploring Boundaries and Impact
    In our latest episode of CulturWe, we discuss the intricate dynamics of cultural appropriation and appreciation. Join us as we delve into the impact of cultural appropriation on marginalized communities and delve into the topic of cultural appreciation.

    As the episode unfolds, we shift our focus to the highly anticipated Netflix series "Queen Cleopatra." We delve deep into the complexities of portraying historical figures and cultures, examining the show's representation of the ancient Egyptian Queen and its significance in today's media landscape.

    Read more:
    The law and ethics of ‘cultural appropriation’
    Between Cultural Appreciation and Cultural Appropriation: Self-Authorizing the Consumption of Cultural Difference

    Our Multi-Layered Identities

    Our Multi-Layered Identities
    In our new episode of CulturWe, we delve into the multifaceted nature of identity. Join us as we explore the diverse dimensions that shape who we are as individuals. We unravel the intricate layers that contribute to our sense of self.

    But what about the broader societal context? We also take the time to explain key terms like multiculturalism, cross-culturalism, and interculturalism. Discover how these concepts play a vital role in understanding and navigating the complexities of our diverse world.

    Join us as we unravel the multifaceted nature of identity and explore the concepts that shape our diverse world. Get ready for an enlightening journey of self-discovery, societal dynamics, and the rich tapestry of human experiences in.