
    The Best Calls of the Year So Far (Part 5)

    en-usNovember 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Developing a game plan to manage debt and risk in real estateCreate a plan to pay off debt within a certain timeframe for a debt-free portfolio and peace of mind, while also measuring risk and understanding the true cost of borrowing.

      It's important to have a clear plan to manage debt and risk in your investment portfolio, especially in real estate. The caller, who has built up a significant equity position with four rental properties, is feeling the weight of the risk they've taken on and seeking advice. Dave Ramsey suggests developing a game plan to pay off the debt within a certain period of time, rather than continuing to take on more debt to purchase more properties. This approach allows for a debt-free portfolio and peace of mind. The call also touches on the importance of measuring risk and understanding the true cost of borrowing.

    • Avoiding get-rich-quick schemes in real estateIgnore get-rich-quick schemes on social media, build knowledge and experience, and prioritize mental health before investing in real estate.

      Relying on get-rich-quick schemes in real estate, especially with no experience or substantial funds, can lead to significant financial losses and hardships. The speaker, Dave Ramsey, shares his personal experience of amassing wealth in real estate at a young age, only to lose it all due to risk and poor financial management. He warns against blindly following trends on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, and instead encourages individuals to build a solid foundation of knowledge and experience before investing in real estate. He also emphasizes the importance of mental health and encourages seeking professional help when needed. The speaker's message is clear: be cautious, be informed, and be responsible when it comes to financial decisions.

    • Day trading carries a high risk of financial loss78% of day traders lost money, focusing on debt repayment, saving, and building good financial habits is a more reliable strategy

      Day trading, especially for inexperienced individuals, carries a significant risk of financial loss. According to the discussion, approximately 78% of day traders lost money net net, and up to 100% for 20-year-olds. The speaker, who had lost $15,000 in a week, was advised against continuing due to the high odds of losing money. Day trading requires extensive knowledge, experience, and resources that most individuals do not possess. The allure of quick riches can be tempting, but the long-term, stable approach to financial management is a more reliable and sustainable strategy. The speaker suggested focusing on debt repayment, saving, and building good financial habits as alternatives to risky day trading. The commodities market, including gold trading, was also warned against due to its high risk and potential for total loss. In essence, the conversation emphasized the importance of avoiding short-term, high-risk investments and instead, focusing on long-term, proven strategies for financial growth.

    • Sudden wealth brings unexpected challengesWinning a lottery requires careful planning and consideration to avoid financial mismanagement and unwanted attention.

      Wealth, whether it comes from gambling winnings or inheritance, can bring unexpected challenges. The speaker shares his experience of winning a large lottery prize and choosing to keep it a secret to avoid unwanted attention and potential financial mismanagement. He emphasizes the importance of careful planning and consideration when dealing with sudden wealth. Additionally, the discussion touches on the entertainment value of gambling and the potential risks of debt and losing money. The U.S. Concealed Carry Association's free Concealed Carry and Family Defense Guide was also mentioned as a valuable resource for responsible gun ownership.

    • Teaching children about wealth and generosityWealth management involves more than just accumulating wealth; it's about sharing it wisely and teaching children the principles of productivity, generosity, and faith.

      Wealth management involves more than just accumulating wealth; it also involves wisely sharing it with others and preparing the next generation to handle it responsibly. The speaker shares his experience of keeping his wealth a secret from his kids until they were adults, and then involving them in the estate planning process. He emphasizes the importance of teaching them the principles of productivity, generosity, and faith. He also suggests using everyday opportunities, like leaving a large tip for a struggling waiter, to teach children about generosity and the impact of wealth. Ultimately, the speaker's goal is to use his wealth to serve others and make a positive impact on the world, rather than letting it consume or define him.

    • Finding joy and balance in money managementUnderstand past, enjoy present, plan future. Increase joy, reduce debt, live intentionally.

      Money management is about more than just numbers on a page. It's about understanding the lessons from our past, finding joy in the present, and being wise about our future. The speaker shared a story of a father who, after paying for his child's education and upcoming home, realized the importance of not letting money define his identity. He emphasized the need to increase enjoyment and generosity with the money we have, rather than constantly striving for more. The speaker also acknowledged that making a good income doesn't necessarily equate to being financially responsible. The conversation with a caller further highlighted the importance of being debt-free and having a budget, even when making a substantial income. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of finding balance and living intentionally with the money we have.

    • Open and vulnerable conversation about fears and desiresHigh-earning couples facing financial stress should communicate effectively, focusing on building a unified vision and developing a plan to work towards it together, rather than controlling each other or viewing the situation as a math problem.

      High-earning couples who are experiencing financial stress and conflict in their marriage need to have an open and vulnerable conversation about their fears and desires, rather than approaching the situation as a math problem or trying to control each other. This conversation should focus on building a unified vision for their future and developing a plan to work towards it together. By acknowledging their fears and taking ownership of the situation, each partner can create a safe space for the other to express their feelings and work towards a solution that benefits both. This approach can lead to a more effective budgeting process and a stronger, more united relationship.

    • Setting clear boundaries in financial helpBe clear and firm when helping financially, whether it's with a loved one or a significant financial decision, to ensure sustainable support and peace of mind.

      Setting clear boundaries and being firm with them is essential when helping someone financially, even if it's a loved one. In the first part of the discussion, Dave Ramsey advised a daughter who was financially supporting her elderly father, but was frustrated with his frequent ATM withdrawals that left her with insufficient funds to pay his bills. Ramsey suggested that she should only continue helping if her father gave her his ATM card, emphasizing that she couldn't keep enabling his behavior. In the second part, a retired couple was considering paying off their mortgage with their retirement savings. Ramsey advised them to do so, as it would free up a significant amount of money for investment and provide peace of mind. Both situations illustrate the importance of being clear and firm in financial dealings, whether it's with a loved one or a significant financial decision.

    • Relying on debt to build wealth isn't a successful strategyAvoid debt, create a budget, save for goals, and secure life insurance for financial peace and security.

      Relying on debt to build wealth is not a strategy that has been proven successful based on data from millionaires. Instead, paying off debts and saving for specific goals before investing is recommended. This approach not only helps individuals avoid unnecessary debt but also brings peace of mind and financial security. It's essential to create a detailed budget for significant expenses like weddings and stick to it to prevent unexpected costs from leading to debt. Additionally, having term life insurance is crucial for families to ensure financial protection in case of the unexpected.

    • Discussing Funding Options for Vet SchoolExplore various funding options for education, including trust agreements and family financial assistance, but seek advice before making significant decisions.

      Zander Insurance offers simplified and touchless term life insurance applications with competitive rates, some of which don't require exams. For Luna, who is pursuing a veterinary degree but lacks the funds, the discussion revealed that she cannot borrow from a trust unless it is written into the trust agreement. Instead, she could discuss the possibility of her grandparents withdrawing a portion of the trust to fund her education. However, it was suggested that she might not be emotionally prepared for the challenges of vet school and the financial burden that comes with it. It's important to consider all options and seek advice from trusted sources before making significant financial decisions.

    • Approach goals with balance and experienceGain experience as a vet tech before becoming a vet, earn a living, and potentially have education costs covered. Build a strong foundation and gradually work towards your dreams.

      It's important to approach your goals with a balanced perspective, especially when dealing with significant challenges. The speakers in this conversation emphasized the importance of healing and gaining experience before pursuing a dream, using the example of becoming a vet. They suggested starting as a vet tech, working closely with animals and earning a living, while also gaining valuable experience and potentially having the opportunity to have the education costs covered. They also emphasized the importance of being debt-free and avoiding unnecessary debt. Ultimately, the goal is to build a strong foundation and gradually work towards your dreams, rather than rushing into them before you're ready.

    • Focus on buying a house and avoiding debt for wealth buildingFocus on buying a house with a trusted agent and avoiding debt for consistent, predictable wealth growth

      Avoiding the cycle of borrowing money to raise your credit score and instead focusing on buying a house with the help of a Ramsey-trusted real estate agent is a more stable and effective path to building wealth. This approach may seem simple or boring compared to get-rich-quick schemes, but it's the consistent and predictable way to financial success. The fastest way to get rich is by being a "tortoise" and focusing on steady, long-term progress, rather than trying to keep up with the "hare" and taking on unnecessary risks. Don't let the appearance of complexity or sophistication in get-rich-quick schemes fool you. Instead, focus on paying close attention to your accounts, saving and investing consistently, and avoiding debt.

    • Staying focused on financial goalsEvaluate priorities and stay disciplined to achieve financial success. Consider selling non-essential items to fund new goals or investments.

      Having clear goals and prioritizing them is essential for financial success. The speaker emphasized the importance of staying focused and not getting distracted by external factors or impulses. He also highlighted the need for accountability and discipline, especially for individuals who may be prone to making hasty decisions based on fear or greed. In the context of the conversation, a listener named Jonathan shared his experience of having changed priorities and considering selling a project car as a result. The speaker encouraged him to evaluate his goals and prioritize them accordingly, emphasizing that the car may no longer be a priority due to new educational and investment goals. The speaker also encouraged listeners to consider leading a Financial Peace University class at their church to help others in need.

    • Truck debt adding to individual's anxietyIndividual's financial struggles and personal issues are interconnected, and debt, even seemingly insignificant, can create chaos and prevent focus on important matters

      The individual's financial situation and personal struggles are interconnected, and the truck debt, despite being seemingly insignificant in the grand scheme of things, is adding to their anxiety and preventing them from focusing on more important matters, such as their custody battle and mental health. The debt, coupled with the lack of closure in other areas of their life, is creating a sense of chaos and making it difficult for them to move forward. The experts suggested selling the truck, getting married, and addressing the debt to bring more predictability and order to their life, which could help alleviate their anxiety.

    • The importance of trust in financial planningThorough background checks and due diligence are crucial before engaging in financial planning services to ensure trust and respect in professional relationships.

      Trust is essential when it comes to financial planning and working with professionals. The story of Kim in Asheville, North Carolina, serves as a reminder of this. After hiring a tax preparer and financial planner, they discovered he had a questionable past, including bankruptcies and lawsuits. Despite their concerns, the planner was defensive and unapologetic. The situation led Kim and her partner to terminate the relationship and seek a refund, which was not granted. This experience emphasizes the importance of thorough background checks and due diligence before engaging in financial planning services. Additionally, it highlights the significance of trust and respect in professional relationships.

    • Impact of Attitude and Transparency on Trust and RelationshipsBeing transparent and having a positive attitude are essential for building trust and successful relationships in a professional setting. Past mistakes or financial situations can be addressed openly to rebuild credibility, and evaluating the worth of relationships can lead to personal and professional growth.

      Attitude and transparency are crucial in building trust and working relationships, especially in a professional setting. The discussion highlighted instances where individuals' defensive and blaming attitudes negatively impacted their professional reputation and made it difficult for others to trust them. Additionally, the importance of being upfront and transparent about past mistakes or financial situations was emphasized as a way to rebuild credibility and trust. Furthermore, the importance of evaluating the worth of a customer or business relationship was also discussed, and letting go of unproductive or toxic relationships was seen as a necessary step for personal and professional growth.

    • Starting Retirement with No Savings: A Smart ApproachConsider a personalized retirement plan with a SmartVester Pro to aggressively invest and secure your financial future. Debt-free and emergency fund are crucial first steps, followed by investing in a Roth IRA for retirement.

      Even as fiduciaries who earn commissions, real estate agents and financial advisors have a responsibility to put their clients' interests first. For those seeking retirement planning advice, considering a personalized plan with a SmartVester Pro can help ensure aggressive investing and financial security. Jody, a 50-year-old widow, shared her concerns about starting retirement with no savings. By following the baby steps, she is now debt-free and has a fully-funded emergency fund. The next step is investing for retirement as aggressively as possible. A Roth IRA would be a good starting point, and consulting a SmartVester Pro can help determine the optimal savings plan. Even with a modest income and no debt, investing $1,000 a month for 15 years could result in a retirement fund of around $500,000, which while not sufficient for a luxurious retirement, would provide a solid foundation for avoiding poverty in retirement.

    • Starting early and investing consistently can improve retirement incomeInvesting $1,000 a month for 15 years can result in $25,000-$26,000 annual retirement income. Starting early and consistently is crucial for financial growth in retirement.

      Starting early and investing consistently can significantly improve one's financial situation in retirement. The speaker used an example of investing $1,000 a month for 15 years, which could result in a retirement income of $25,000-$26,000 a year, even with conservative returns. This is a substantial improvement compared to having nothing in retirement. The speaker emphasized the importance of getting started immediately and encouraged taking control of one's finances through education and investment in better mutual fund options. Delaying action only makes it harder and more expensive in the long run. The speaker also mentioned the motivation and hope that comes from seeing the numbers and the potential results of one's financial actions.

    • Starting early is key to successful investingEarly investment leads to better financial outcomes, emphasize transparency with family, and respect their autonomy in financial decisions.

      Investing in your future is important, no matter your current situation or age. You can choose from various investment options like mutual funds, real estate, or a 401k. Early bird tickets for a virtual investing event are available for $199 at RamseySolutions.com. Dr. John Deloney, a Ramsey personality, emphasizes the importance of starting early and being transparent with your family about financial rules, even if they may not agree. If your child refuses to follow your rules, such as living at home and attending an approved, local college, they forfeit your financial support. It's a difficult situation, but ultimately, you cannot force them to make financial decisions that align with your goals. Remember, investing in your future is a personal responsibility, and the earlier you start, the better off you'll be.

    • Communicating with grown childrenParents of grown children should use persuasion and open communication instead of authority to provide guidance and support. Acknowledge past mistakes and learn from them, and respect grown children's autonomy while offering guidance.

      Parents of grown children face unique challenges in providing guidance and support. The use of authority and "dad voice" no longer works, and instead, persuasion and open communication become essential. This was discussed in the context of a parent's decision to help their adult daughter, who was making questionable financial choices. The parent acknowledged the desire to help but recognized the importance of staying true to their values and commitments to their other children. The conversation also touched upon the importance of acknowledging past mistakes and learning from them, as well as the role of open dialogue in influencing grown children's decisions. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of respecting grown children's autonomy while still offering guidance and support.

    • Having open conversations with grown children about financial decisionsWhen faced with unexpected financial challenges, reassess and adjust plans, don't give up or lose confidence, find ways to increase income, improve skills, and seek support.

      It's essential for parents to have open and honest conversations with their grown children about financial decisions, especially when it comes to significant investments like starting a business. The discussion should not be one-sided or based on assumptions, but rather a collaborative effort to understand the reasons behind the choices made. In this case, a couple had borrowed a large sum of money to buy a franchise that ultimately failed, leaving them with a substantial debt. They sold all assets related to the business and were struggling to pay off the SBA loan. The husband had since found a new job, but their income was still not enough to cover the debt. The key takeaway is that it's crucial to reassess and adjust financial plans when faced with unexpected challenges, and not to give up or lose confidence in one's worth. The conversation should focus on finding ways to increase income, improve skills, and seek support from the community or industry networks.

    • Feeling shame and doubt during financial hardships is normalPerspective is crucial when facing debt, seek long-term solutions, and commit to daily financial habits for peace

      Going through financial hardships can lead to feelings of shame and self-doubt. It's normal to grieve the loss of financial dreams and to seek safety and security. However, it's important to keep perspective and not let fear hold us back from taking steps to improve our financial situation. When facing significant debt, it's essential to consider the long-term consequences and make a plan to pay it off. Business debt, while sometimes necessary, can be a long-term burden. It's crucial to understand the risks and responsibilities that come with taking on debt. Ultimately, the path to financial peace involves daily commitment to living within our means and seeking guidance from trusted resources.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "I did a bad deal with my parents and now I'm not getting paid," "Is it possible to build wealth while renting?" Why you don't need to build your credit score if you don't plan on borrowing money, "I'm tired of paying so much in taxes..." "My husband gambled away our HELOC," "My wife is a compulsive shopper" "What can I do to stop overdrafting my account?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp NetSuite Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  📚 Teach Kids About Money!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 18, 2024

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    • The importance of advanced planning

    And more!

    No matter where you are in your financial journey, there is a best practice to be had. We hope this episode will give you a little taste of what’s really happening out there. If you’ve been wondering about some of the moves you’re making or just want to get ahead, this is the perfect episode for you. Don’t forget to download a copy of our guide and press play for all the juicy details.

    02: Why Should I Invest in Real Estate?

    02: Why Should I Invest in Real Estate?

    With pensions becoming a thing of the past, what is one relatively steady income stream that will increase over time without having money in the stock markets? This is sort of a trick question because the answer is in the title, real estate. Yes, we understand this can be a bit of a hard and fast no for some people, but today, there are many ways to make it pretty low risk and quite rewarding.

    Did you know that over the last 200 years, 90% of the world’s millionaires were created using real estate investing1? So, all we have to do is get into the real estate game to get rich? Well, not exactly. But it is wise to diversify your income sources, and if it’s not already, real estate should be among them.

    In today’s episode, we’re going to walk you through how and why you should be building a real estate empire into your portfolio.

    05: Retirement Plan Options for Small Businesses

    05: Retirement Plan Options for Small Businesses

    Being a small business owner, working for a small business owner, or even being self-employed certainly has its perks, but there is also more of a thought process behind benefits like medical coverage, for instance, or more specifically, in our case, retirement plans.


    In fact, when it comes to small businesses, putting money away for retirement is even more crucial because you don’t have access to your typical 401k plans. You’re pretty much on your own.

    The good news? There are quite a few options to explore. Some are wonderful and others, eh, not the greatest, but that’s what we’re here for.

    In today’s episode, we will discuss all the options out there, ranging from the simplest to the most complex plans.

    09: Alphabet Soup: A Medicare Tell-All to Get You Ready for Enrollment

    09: Alphabet Soup: A Medicare Tell-All to Get You Ready for Enrollment

    For the most part, everyone’s heard about Medicare, right? The problem is that many people don’t understand exactly what it is or how it works, which is crazy because everyone who turns 65 signs up for it. You would think that because it’s a government program, for virtually everyone, they would make it clear and easy to understand, but hey, we’re talking about the government here, so it comes as no surprise that it’s about as clear as mud.

    This year, in 2021, the Medicare enrollment period is from October 15th through December 7th, so we’re in the thick of things at this point in time. If you’re facing this decision, we want you to be prepared. In this episode, we are going to go through the nuts and bolts of Medicare, including:

    • The history of Medicare
    • How you qualify for Medicare
    • An in-depth breakdown of Parts A, B, C, and D
    • What Medigap coverage is
    • Why you DON’T want to miss your enrollment period

    And more!

    Choosing Medicare coverage is a big decision. One that can have many pitfalls where you may miss out on getting the correct type of coverage for your needs. Our goal is to help you get on the right path from the very beginning. So, we encourage you to grab a copy of the “Know Your Possibilities Guide,” listen in, and share this episode with anyone approaching 65.

    01: How to Retire on a Lump Sum

    01: How to Retire on a Lump Sum

    Let’s be real, the last thing any of us want to do after retirement, is end up working as a greeter at Walmart when we’re 85, right? If you want to get out and have something to do, that’s great, but usually, that’s not where we may see ourselves down the road.

    You’ve worked your whole life saving in your 401k, getting your match, maxing out your contributions, and now, when it’s time to ride off into the sunset, all they hand you is your saddle and a check. A check is excellent. No one will look that gift horse in the mouth, and heck, this is YOUR money, but now what? You’re just supposed to put that in the bank and hope that you can make that last for the rest of your life? It’s a scary thing to think about and can be daunting. The good news? It can be done. Now, there are many things to consider, and it’s a humbling process, but it also reminds you how to think and plan realistically for the rest of your life.

    In today’s episode, we’re going to teach you how to do it. We will go step by step, so you know where to start and how to set yourself up for true retirement success.