
    The Bongino Brief - Jan 02, 2021

    enJanuary 02, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Pelosi Faces Challenges to Retain Speakership Amidst Expiring Proxy Voting RulesPelosi's hold on the Speakership is threatened due to the expiration of proxy voting rules, potentially giving Republicans an opportunity to seize control.

      Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is facing challenges to retain her position due to the Democrats losing seats in the recent elections and the expiration of proxy voting rules that allowed members to vote remotely during the pandemic. This means that in the upcoming January 3rd floor vote for the speaker, lawmakers must be present in the Capitol to participate, potentially giving Republicans an opportunity to secure the speakership. The rules for the 116th Congress, which allowed for remote voting, expire with the new Congress, leaving Pelosi in a difficult position as she needs a majority of votes to secure another term as speaker. This scenario, while unlikely, is a significant development that could impact the power dynamics in Congress.

    • Pelosi's Speakership in Jeopardy Due to New Rules and Health ConcernsOlder Democrats unable to vote by proxy pose a threat to Pelosi's speakership due to new rules and health concerns, putting her leadership in doubt with a thin Democratic majority.

      Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi faces a significant challenge in retaining her position due to a shrunken Democratic majority and the expiration of rules allowing proxy voting. Pelosi can only afford to lose a few votes, but older members who are at higher risk for COVID-19 don't want to return to Capitol Hill. These members cannot vote by proxy after January 3rd, and the new rules for the 117th Congress require them to be present to vote. This creates a situation where Pelosi may struggle to secure enough votes on the House floor, as several Democrats have already announced they will not support her and some may be unable to attend due to health concerns or COVID-19 exposure. The situation is further complicated by the requirement that candidates for speaker must receive a majority of in-person votes to be elected. With a thin Democratic majority and several potential absences, Pelosi's speakership is in real jeopardy.

    • Potential loss of Democratic majority due to COVID-19 illnessesThe upcoming transition to the 117th Congress could be impacted by COVID-19 illnesses among members, potentially resulting in a chaotic and unprecedented situation where a Republican Speaker could lead a Democrat-controlled House.

      The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and potential illnesses among members of Congress could significantly impact the upcoming transition to the 117th Congress. Representative Hank Johnson (D-GA) expressed concerns about the potential loss of the Democratic majority if sick members cannot attend the session to elect a new Speaker of the House. Pelosi's margin is currently just four votes, and if a Republican were to receive the most votes, it would result in a Republican Speaker in a Democrat-controlled House, a situation that Johnson described as chaotic and unprecedented. While this outcome is considered a long shot, it underscores the importance of attending the session for all members to ensure a smooth transition.

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