
    The China Spy Story Erupts. Where Is He? (Ep 1548)

    enJune 23, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Chinese Spy Chief Defects to US?Reports of a Chinese spy chief defecting to the US are unverified, but online privacy is crucial and ExpressVPN can help secure internet activity.

      There are conflicting reports about a Chinese spy chief defecting to the United States and sharing valuable information. The story, which was first reported by Red State, has gained significant attention but its authenticity is uncertain. Dan Bonjino, the host of a podcast, plans to discuss the issue further with the author of the Red State article on his radio show. Meanwhile, Bonjino emphasizes the importance of online privacy and encourages listeners to use ExpressVPN to secure their internet activity. Despite recent setbacks for Democrats, such as the failure of their voter interference bill and backlash against Critical Race Theory, Bonjino remains optimistic and encourages listeners to stay informed and engaged.

    • Chinese Intelligence Officer's Defection: True or False?Reports of a Chinese intelligence officer's defection to the US are conflicting, with implications for valuable intelligence and potential Chinese spies if true, but credibility uncertain due to China's protective nature of intelligence assets.

      There are conflicting reports regarding the defection of a high-ranking Chinese intelligence officer, Dong Xing Wei, to the United States. Some sources claim that he has defected and is now in American custody, while others deny these reports. The implications of this are significant, as Dong is said to be a vice minister of China's principal espionage and internal security agency. If true, his defection would provide the US with valuable intelligence and the opportunity to neutralize Chinese spies within their own intelligence infrastructure. However, the credibility of these reports is uncertain, and further investigation is needed to determine their accuracy. The Chinese government is known for its sophisticated spying capabilities and is notoriously protective of its intelligence assets. The conflicting reports highlight the challenges of gathering reliable intelligence on adversarial nations.

    • Potential reasons for Biden admin's denial of having a Chinese spyThe Biden admin might be denying having a Chinese spy to avoid worsening US-China relations and prevent GOP deflection of blame for the pandemic.

      The Biden administration's denial of having a Chinese spy, Dong Xing Wei, could be due to two potential reasons. The first reason is to avoid further deteriorating the already strained US-China relationship. The second reason is to prevent the Republican campaign from deflecting blame for the coronavirus pandemic from Donald Trump to China and Fauci. If this is true, having a Chinese spy with critical information about the origins of the coronavirus could be a significant advantage for the US, but the administration might be considering turning him back over to China as a leverage point to avoid political embarrassment. This situation raises serious concerns about national security and international stability, and the potential implications are significant.

    • Mystery Surrounding the Disappearance of Chinese Defector Dong JingweiThe disappearance of Chinese defector Dong Jingwei and lack of clear evidence of his whereabouts or identity raises concerns about potential damage to China's reputation and the significant intelligence he may possess.

      The disappearance of alleged Chinese defector Dong Jingwei and the rumors surrounding his involvement in providing intelligence to the United States has created a significant mystery. Despite reports of his recent appearance at a counterintelligence seminar in China, no clear evidence or picture has been produced to confirm his whereabouts or identity. The lack of transparency around this issue raises concerns about the potential damage to China's reputation if Dong's allegations are true and the significant intelligence he may possess. The ongoing uncertainty surrounding Dong's status adds to the intrigue and speculation surrounding this story.

    • Disagreement over Dong Jingwei's whereabouts and ongoing cultural warTruth and accountability are crucial, especially in public matters. Left pushes divisive ideologies, while right promotes economic freedom. Good sleep is essential for health and productivity, get high-quality sheets with a special offer at MyPillow.com using code DAN.

      There is a disagreement between an anonymous source and the Chinese government regarding the whereabouts of a specific individual, Dong Jingwei. The source claims that they do not have Dong Jingwei, while the Chinese government asserts that they do, but cannot produce a picture as evidence. This situation highlights the importance of truth and accountability, especially in matters of public interest. Meanwhile, there is a ongoing cultural war between the left and the right, with the left attempting to indoctrinate American youth with divisive ideologies like critical race theory. The left's messaging relies heavily on creating division and distraction from their own message of higher taxes, government control, and red tape. The right, on the other hand, promotes economic liberty, education, health care, and freedom, making for a compelling and contrasting message. Another key takeaway is the importance of good sleep for overall health and productivity. MyPillow's Mike Lindell offers high-quality bedsheets, called Giza Dream sheets, made from ultra-soft, breathable, and durable cotton, ensuring a great night's sleep. These sheets come with a 60-day money-back guarantee and a 10-year warranty, and listeners can get a special offer of two for one price with free shipping by using promo code DAN at MyPillow.com.

    • Parents push back against left's education agendaParents are organizing to challenge the left's divisive education policies, disrupting school board meetings, reading controversial texts, and even influencing elections.

      The current political climate involves intense debates over critical race theory in schools and the role of parents in education. The left is attempting to push their agenda, which some perceive as divisive and anti-civil liberties, under the guise of combating the "white male patriarchy." However, parents have started to organize and push back, using their skills to raise awareness and influence policy. This counter-movement, as described by some commentators, could potentially lead to significant changes in the cultural and political landscape. Parents have shown up at school board meetings, read from controversial texts, and even disrupted elections. The outcome of these actions remains to be seen, but it is clear that the issue is not going away anytime soon.

    • Community Speaks Out Against Controversial PoliciesOpen dialogue and the right to assembly are crucial in a democratic society for addressing concerns and preventing scandals.

      During a public comment period in Loudoun County, people spoke out against the implementation of controversial policies, including critical race theory and bathroom activism, leading the school board to attempt to shut down the comments. However, the community, who are taxpayers, were not having it and continued to express their concerns. This situation highlights the importance of open dialogue and the right to assembly in a democratic society. Additionally, the speaker expresses pride in the American people for standing up for unity, love, and the healing of national scars. It's crucial for individuals to stay informed and engaged in their communities to prevent and address potential scandals.

    • Doctor-created sweat prevention wipe keeps users dry for a weekSweat Block, a unique wipe created by a doctor, keeps users dry for an entire week with just one application, backed by a dry shirt guarantee and available at CVS with a discount.

      Sweat Block, a sweat prevention product, effectively keeps users dry for an entire week with just one application. Created by a doctor to solve his own sweat problem, Sweat Block is different from other antiperspirants and comes in a unique wipe that is applied at night before bed. The company offers a dry shirt guarantee, and the product is also available at CVS with a promo code for a discount. Meanwhile, in political news, there are allegations that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's private money was used to fund election processes in specific Democratic strongholds, potentially displacing taxpayer-funded officials and violating state laws. This issue is gaining attention from election officials and conservative media outlets, with concerns that such private funding could influence election outcomes.

    • Allegations of biased funding in 2020 electionsRepublicans demand answers over CTCL's use of private funds, primarily in Democrat-leaning precincts, while Democrats consider scrapping the filibuster to pass HR1 bill, which opposes voter ID and other election reforms.

      There are serious allegations against a left-leaning group, Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL), for allegedly allowing private funds, including from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, to be used with minimal restrictions in the 2020 elections, primarily in Democrat-leaning precincts. Republicans are demanding answers and calling for investigations and hearings. Additionally, the Democrats' HR1 bill, which aims to prevent the use of voter ID and other election reforms, has been met with opposition and failed in the Senate. The issue of voter ID is winning for Republicans, and the Democrats are considering scrapping the filibuster to pass the bill. The situation highlights the ongoing political debates surrounding election integrity and the role of private funding in elections.

    • American democracy and voting access: Controversy over filibuster, DOJ role, and democratic normsActivists push for voting access legislation, officials advocate for legal action and judicial nominations, controversy over filibuster role, concern over democratic norms erosion, criticism towards Democratic Party's perceived hypocrisy, Manchin's proposed HR1 compromise raises concerns about technocrats controlling redistricting process

      The debate around American democracy and voting access is intensifying, with activists pushing for legislation and officials advocating for legal action and judicial nominations. The discussion also touched upon the ongoing controversy surrounding the filibuster and the role of the DOJ in stopping state efforts to restrict voting rights. Furthermore, there is growing concern over the potential erosion of democratic norms following the events of January 6th. Additionally, there is criticism towards the Democratic Party for their perceived hypocrisy in advocating for voting rights while also pushing for policies like Critical Race Theory and HR1, which some view as undemocratic. Joe Manchin's proposed compromise on HR1, which includes banning partisan gerrymandering and using computer models for redistricting, has raised concerns about the potential for a covertly political process controlled by unaccountable technocrats.

    • Democrats' Urban Vote Strategy and Controversial Education PoliciesDemocrats debate redistributing urban votes for Congress gains, while critics argue it's a scam. Controversial education policies, like critical race theory, receive billions in COVID relief funds, sparking debates on quality vs. leftist propaganda.

      The Democrats' tendency to win elections in urban areas with large margins can lead to wasted votes, and some Democrats are proposing the use of sophisticated algorithms to redistribute those votes more evenly in order to gain additional seats in Congress. Critics argue this is a scam and a waste of resources, as Democrats do not want to spread their votes beyond urban areas. Meanwhile, concerns have been raised about what is being taught in some public schools, with an emphasis on critical race theory, gender neutrality, and social justice over basic skills like reading and writing. The Biden administration and teachers unions have received billions in COVID relief funds to implement these policies in classrooms. Freedom Project Academy, an alternative online learning platform, offers a classical curriculum and Judeo-Christian values, providing a quality education without leftist propaganda. The coronavirus lockdowns have been a topic of debate, with evidence emerging that they may have negative health consequences. The left, including politicians like Sheldon Whitehouse, are often accused of hypocrisy for advocating policies they do not follow themselves. Whitehouse, a prominent advocate for critical race theory and judicial activism, has come under fire for his membership in an all-white beach club.

    • Liberal Criticism of Trump and Mar-a-Lago's Lack of Diversity Ignored Historical LawsuitLiberal criticism of Trump and Mar-a-Lago's lack of diversity overlooked Trump's past discrimination lawsuit against Palm Beach. Hypocrisy and inconsistency shown by some public figures promoting diversity while not practicing it in their own circles.

      During a discussion on The Hill online show, a liberal panelist criticized Donald Trump and Mar-a-Lago for lacking diversity. However, the speaker's criticism was misinformed as Trump had sued Palm Beach in 1997 for discrimination against Mar-a-Lago based on its membership of Jewish and African-American people. Meanwhile, Sheldon Whitehouse, a liberal senator, was also criticized for being a member of an all-white club in Rhode Island, despite his public statements against systemic racism. This incident highlights the importance of factual knowledge and avoiding hasty judgments based on stereotypes. Additionally, it underscores the inconsistency and hypocrisy of some public figures who claim to be advocates for diversity and inclusion but fail to practice it in their own circles.

    • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' Effective COVID-19 ResponseDespite criticism, DeSantis' handling of COVID-19 reduced unemployment and kept per capita death rate low, with local govts and private businesses contributing to Florida's success.

      During a discussion about politics, it was noted that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has been effective in reducing unemployment and keeping the per capita death rate low, despite criticism from some politicians and media outlets. CNN was called out for acknowledging DeSantis' accomplishments but also for previously airing misleading information about him. The speaker criticized a specific politician, Nikki Fried, for lying about DeSantis and for failing to acknowledge the role of local governments and private businesses in Florida's success. The speaker expressed disappointment in the quality of opposition to DeSantis, suggesting that the Democratic Party could do better.

    • Dan Bongino Interviews Jennifer Van Laar on Potential Chinese Spy StoryListen to Dan Bongino's radio show for in-depth discussion on a potential Chinese spy story or access it on his Rumble account

      Dan Bongino's radio show featured an interview with Jennifer Van Laar about a potential Chinese spy story. This is a significant topic, and Van Laar was the one who originally broke the news. Bongino encouraged listeners to tune in to the show and also mentioned that the interview would be available on his Rumble account for those who prefer video content. So, the key takeaway is that an important story about a potential Chinese spy is being discussed in depth on Dan Bongino's radio show and can be accessed on his Rumble account. Don't miss out on this intriguing interview!

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    Join the Progressive Legal Movement Today: ACSLaw.org

    Today's Host: Christopher Wright Durocher, ACS VP of Policy and Program

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    Visit the Podcast Website: Broken Law Podcast

    Email the Show: Podcast@ACSLaw.org

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    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of American Constitution Society 2023.

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    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of American Constitution Society 2024.

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