
    The Conformity Hazard – Episode 003 - Part 3 - 12 Steps To Leaving Your Comfort Zone Behind Forever – Steps 10 – 12

    en-usJune 27, 2023

    About this Episode

    Show Notes:

    In this episode of the podcast, T. Michael Fairchild, MCC discusses the final steps (10-12) to leaving one's comfort zone and pursuing an extraordinary life.

    Step 10 – Surviving In The Ordinary Vs. Living The Extraordinary

    This segment focuses on the difference between living an ordinary life and an extraordinary life. The host explains that gratitude plays a crucial role in living an extraordinary life, and it's not dependent on material possessions, wealth, or social status. Examples are given of people with little material wealth who live joyfully and those with great riches who are unhappy. The key to living an extraordinary life lies in mastering challenges, overcoming obstacles, and finding a sense of accomplishment and self-love. True happiness comes from being grateful for what one has and what they have yet to receive.

    Step 11 – There Is Only One Direction Left For You…and that is Forward 

    This segment emphasizes the importance of moving forward and not looking back. The host encourages listeners to make committed efforts to leave their comfort zones and warns of challenges and setbacks along the way. Despite the obstacles, it's crucial to keep pushing forward. The host introduces the concept of working smart instead of relying solely on brute force and highlights the abundance of information available to learn and grow. Moving forward is emphasized as the only way to achieve personal goals and live a fulfilling life.

    Step 12 – Life Will Never Be The Same Again

    This segment concludes by challenging listeners to consider whether they would truly want to return to their old lives after experiencing growth and progress. The host highlights the historical examples of individuals who accomplished great things with the tools available to them at the time. The episode ends on a powerful note, encouraging listeners to embrace the tools and opportunities available today and reject the notion of "can't" in favor of "won't." The key is to keep moving forward and create the life one desires while benefiting others in the process.

    By embracing growth and continuous improvement, you create a foundation for living an extraordinary life. You become the architect of your destiny, constantly evolving and striving for greatness. Remember, the journey doesn't end here; it's a lifelong pursuit of growth and self-improvement.

    Congratulations on completing the 12 steps to leave your comfort zone behind forever. May your journey be filled with fulfillment, joy, and the courage to embrace the extraordinary.

    Recent Episodes from The Conformity Hazard

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 014 - Practicing Emotional Intelligence

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 014 - Practicing Emotional Intelligence

    In this episode of "The Conformity Hazard," host T. Michael Fairchild delves into the topic of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and its profound impact on our personal growth, mindset, and fulfillment. He emphasizes EI as a key factor in cultivating a positive mindset and living a life beyond just dreams.

    The episode breaks down EI as several aspects are explored and highlights how they contribute to better understanding and management of emotions, leading to greater happiness and personal achievement. T, Michael also shares experiences, illustrating the transformative power of EI in handling life's challenges more objectively and with less stress.

    Further, the discussion extends to the influence of EI on decision-making and happiness. He argues that a developed EI leads to more consistent happiness and a positive mindset, as it allows for more objective perspectives and less reactionary responses to life's stimuli.

    The podcast also provides practical methods for building EI, including mindfulness meditation, reflective journaling, seeking feedback, practicing self-regulation, and developing empathy skills. These techniques are presented as tools to enhance self-awareness and control over emotions.

    He also addresses overcoming obstacles in developing EI, such as low self-awareness and various emotional biases. He stresses the importance of continual learning, seeking guidance, and practicing self-care to enhance EI and overall well-being.

    The episode concludes by encouraging listeners to view EI development as a lifelong journey, essential for personal growth and maintaining a positive mindset. He recommends further resources for those eager to explore EI more deeply, reiterating the transformative potential of this skill in achieving personal fulfillment and happiness.

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 13: Part 2 - Navigating Negative Thoughts Through The Lens Of Cognitive Restructuring

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 13: Part 2 - Navigating Negative Thoughts Through The Lens Of Cognitive Restructuring

    Introduction: T. Michael Fairchild introduces the continuation of the topic from the previous episode, focusing on cognitive restructuring's role in managing negative thoughts.

    The Power of Your Language: The episode highlights the importance of language in cognitive restructuring, emphasizing that words have a significant impact on thoughts and actions. Positive and intentional language can inspire and motivate change.

    The Mind-Body Connection: T. Michael discusses the connection between mental and physical well-being, stressing the importance of maintaining a healthy body for a healthy mind. 

    Common Misconceptions about Cognitive Restructuring: Common misunderstandings about cognitive restructuring are addressed, emphasizing that it's about challenging and reframing thoughts rather than ignoring negativity.

    Resource Recommendations: T. Michael recommends books and apps to support cognitive restructuring efforts, providing a list of valuable resources for personal growth and development.

    When to Consider Cognitive Restructuring: The episode advises when to consider cognitive restructuring, especially if negative thought patterns affect daily life, relationships, or mental health.

    Practical Steps: Practical steps for implementing cognitive restructuring are discussed, including being present, questioning thoughts, reframing, seeking evidence, and reflection.

    The Role of Technology: T. Michael explores the role of technology and apps in assisting with cognitive restructuring, highlighting their potential as supplements to personal growth efforts.

    Emotional Intelligence: Cognitive restructuring's role in enhancing emotional intelligence and improving social interactions is explained.

    Common Pitfalls to Avoid: The episode identifies common pitfalls in cognitive restructuring, such as overgeneralization, ignoring positives, self-labeling, and catastrophizing.

    The Importance of Journaling: T. Michael underscores the importance of keeping a journal to document one's journey, learn from past experiences, and maintain ethical character.

    Conclusion: T. Michael invites listeners to take charge of their thoughts and become the masters of their minds, concluding the two-episode exploration of cognitive restructuring.

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 012 - Navigating Negative Thoughts Through The Lens Of Cognitive Restructuring

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 012 - Navigating Negative Thoughts Through The Lens Of Cognitive Restructuring

    Show Notes:

    Introduction: T. Michael Fairchild introduces the episode and discusses the significance of managing one's thoughts for personal growth and success.

    Cognitive Restructuring Defined: Cognitive restructuring is explained as the process of changing negative thought patterns to attain a more balanced and realistic perspective, a fundamental component of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

    Common Cognitive Distortions: The episode explores common cognitive distortions that hinder personal development, including:

    ·        All-or-Nothing Thinking: The mindset of having everything or nothing, discouraging gradual progress.

    ·        Overgeneralization: Lacking a clear, specific vision of goals, making it challenging to plan the journey.

    ·        Mental Filtering: Focusing only on the negative aspects of situations, undermining motivation.

    ·        Catastrophizing: Imagining worst-case scenarios, which can paralyze progress.

    ·        Personalization and Blame: Taking undue responsibility for events beyond one's control.

    Anatomy of a Thought: T. Michael explains how thoughts lead to emotions, behaviors, and outcomes, emphasizing the importance of starting with sound thoughts.

    Practical Applications: T. Michael provides actionable steps for cognitive restructuring:

    ·        Keeping a Thought Journal: Recording triggering thoughts for analysis.

    ·        Practicing Mindfulness: Staying present and understanding reactions.

    ·        Engaging in 'Socratic Questioning': Deep questioning to validate thoughts.

    ·        Visualizing Positive Scenarios: Using intentional visualization to inspire action.

    ·        Seeking Professional Help: The benefits of professional coaching or counseling for overcoming barriers.

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 011 - The Scarcity Versus the Abundance Mindset

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 011 - The Scarcity Versus the Abundance Mindset

    Show Notes:


    In this episode of The Conformity Hazard, T. Michael Fairchild tackles the critical topic of scarcity versus abundance mindsets. He argues that the lens through which you view the world has profound effects on your success and happiness. These mindsets aren't just theoretical frameworks; they shape our daily actions and interactions, dictating how we perceive opportunities and setbacks.


    The episode kicks off by defining what scarcity and abundance mindsets are. In a scarcity mindset, life is seen as a zero-sum game, where gains for one mean losses for another. This viewpoint fosters fear, comparison, grudges, and resource hoarding. In contrast, an abundance mindset views the world as teeming with opportunities, encouraging positive thinking, gratitude, and a belief in limitless potential.


    T. Michael offers concrete ways to identify if you're stuck in a scarcity mindset, pointing out red flags like fear of failure and constant comparison to others. To pivot to an abundance mindset, he recommends practicing gratitude, using positive affirmations, and adopting habits of self-belief and long-term planning. He emphasizes that the shift from scarcity to abundance is not an overnight process but a journey well worth undertaking.


    The episode also discusses the real-world implications of these mindsets, from the quality of relationships to workplace dynamics. A scarcity mindset can damage relationships and create a toxic work environment, while an abundance mindset fosters collaboration, satisfaction, and collective growth. Fairchild even delves into the role of social media, which can either trap us in scarcity or encourage abundance, depending on how we engage with it.


    Overall, he underscores that your mindset shapes not just your internal world but your external reality. With practical steps and relatable insights, this episode serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding and cultivating an abundance mindset for a more fulfilling life.

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 010 - The Mindful Mindset: How Mindfulness Practices Can Positively Influence Your General Mindset

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 010 - The Mindful Mindset: How Mindfulness Practices Can Positively Influence Your General Mindset

    Show Notes:

    1. Show Notes: The Conformity Hazard – Mindfulness and Mindset
    2. Host: T. Michael Fairchild
    3. Topic: Exploring the incredible intersection of mindfulness and mindset.

    Intro: In today's episode, we look at how the practice of mindfulness can positively influence your mindset. The inspiration comes from everyday life situations, like getting stuck in Louisiana traffic or half-listening during a conversation. Mindfulness is the antidote to these relatable frustrations.

    Clarifying Terms: Mindfulness involves focusing your attention on the present moment without judgment. Mindset, however, relates to your beliefs about your abilities, values, and qualities. Both are interrelated in fascinating ways.

    The Connection: By being mindful, you can gain valuable insights into your thought patterns, thereby opening a pathway to reshaping negative mindsets.


    1. Reduced stress.
    2. Enhanced emotional control.
    3. Improved focus and concentration.
    4. Greater resilience.
    5. Increased self-awareness.

    Practical Tips for Mindfulness: Various mindfulness practices can be integrated into your daily life, like mindful breathing, body scan meditation, mindful eating, and mindful walking.

    Common Pitfalls and Solutions: Mindfulness isn't without its challenges, such as judging yourself, overthinking, or being too hard on yourself. The key is to observe without judgment and maintain consistent practice.

    Sustaining Mindfulness: The best way to sustain a mindful mindset is through daily practice, setting reminders, and becoming part of a mindfulness community.

    Science-Backed Evidence: The science of mindfulness is quite robust, confirming its effectiveness in areas like reducing anxiety and depression, according to research by Stefan G. Hofmann, PhD, and Angelina F. Gómez, BA.

    Mindfulness and Specific Mindsets: Whether you have a fixed or growth mindset, mindfulness offers tailored benefits like self-awareness and reduced self-criticism.


    • Measurement of results varies from person to person.
    • Mindfulness is not escapism; it's about being present.
    • Mindfulness always has benefits, even in scenarios that seem unworthy of your attention.

    Tips for Skeptics: If you're skeptical, start small, be patient, and try different practices until you find what works for you.

    Resources: Headspace and Calm apps, books like "The Power of Now" and courses are excellent resources for learning mindfulness.

    Mindfulness in the Workplace: Mindfulness can also transform your professional life by reducing stress, improving focus, and potentially leading to career advancement.

    Mindfulness in Daily Life: Applying mindfulness in conflict resolution, decision-making, and health management can be highly effective.

    Obstacles: Time, distractions, and skepticism are common barriers, but can be overcome with persistence and awareness.

    Mindfulness and Universal Laws: For those interested in universal laws like the law of attraction, mindfulness complements these beautifully, but that's a topic for another day.

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 009 - Unleashing the Power of Your Mindset - Part 3 - Achieving and Sustaining Success In Creating The Life That You Desire To Be Living

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 009 - Unleashing the Power of Your Mindset - Part 3 - Achieving and Sustaining Success In Creating The Life That You Desire To Be Living

    Welcome back to the 3rd, and final episode in our podcast series on Unleashing The Power Of Your Mindset. This is T. Michael Fairchild and in this episode of The Conformity Hazard, we will go on to explore more tools to use in achieving and sustaining success in creating the life that you desire to be living. So, let’s get to it.

    Reframing Setbacks and Failures A growth mindset reframes setbacks and failures as stepping-stones to progress and learning. Ask yourself these questions:

    • What Is It Exactly That Surprised You?
    • What Patterns Can You Spot?
    • What Can You Learn from This?
    • How Can I Handle This in a Positive Way?

    By adopting a growth mindset, setbacks and failures become valuable learning experiences that will guide you toward continuous improvement and sustainable success.

    How to Sustain Your Growth Mindset in Challenging Times Developing a growth mindset is an ongoing journey, and there will be days when maintaining that positive outlook feels much more challenging than others. However, here are some effective strategies to help you sustain your growth mindset even in the face of adversity:

    • Embrace Resilience Through Tiny Steps
    • Celebrate Progress
    • Seek Support and Accountability
    • Learn, Adapt, and Pivot from Challenges
    • Create Visual Reminders…Everywhere
    • Practice Self-Compassion
    • Stay Open to Feedback
    • Changing Perspectives: Transforming Setbacks into Opportunities

    Remember that embracing a growth mindset is a transformative journey that takes time, patience, and dedication. Commit yourself fully to the process, stay resilient in the face of challenges, and celebrate your progress along the way.

    Set Realistic Expectations Practice Mindfulness and Positive Affirmations Seek Inspiration and Role Models Foster a Learning Environment Reflect on Your Progress Regularly Embrace Change, Flexibility, and Adaptability Practice Visualization Techniques Foster a Supportive Network (Your Circle Of Influence) Embrace a Growth Mindset When Experiencing Failure Avoid Comparison Traps Practice Gratitude Daily Set Clear Goals and Action Plans Acknowledge Your Progress, Not Just the Outcome

    As we come to the close of the last of this 3 part series of podcasts focused on Unleashing The Power Of Your Mindset, I’d like to again remind you that incorporating these strategies into your daily life will help you not only embrace a growth mindset but also sustain it through the challenges and setbacks you will face when you set out on the journey to change the paradigm of your life and level of success.

    By cultivating a growth-oriented mindset of continuous learning and improvement, you'll unlock your full potential, achieve your aspirations & goals, and lead a much happier and more fulfilling life. Remember that growth is a lifelong journey that needs to continue until you draw your last breath in this reality in which we currently live.

    Remember that each day presents a variety of unique opportunities to become the very best version of yourself.

    About The Conformity Hazard:

    The Conformity Hazard is a podcast that explores the impact of mindset and conformity on personal growth, happiness, and success. Join T. Michael Fairchild as together we uncover the secrets to breaking free from limiting beliefs and embracing a growth-oriented perspective for a fulfilling and empowered life. Visit https://www.ithrivehere.com/category/podcasts/the-conformity-hazard-podcast for more episodes and updates.

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 008 – Unleashing the Power of Your Mindset: Part 2 - Unlocking Your Potential for Success

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 008 – Unleashing the Power of Your Mindset: Part 2 - Unlocking Your Potential for Success

    Show Notes:

    Welcome back to the 2nd episode of our podcast series, "Unleashing The Power Of Your Mindset," hosted by T. Michael Fairchild. In this episode of The Conformity Hazard, we delve into the theme of "Unlocking Your Potential For Success." Join us as we explore practical tools to conquer obstacles, transform failures into opportunities, and embrace a growth mindset to reach your full potential.

    Our Main Discussion Points:

    Approach Anything New As An Experiment: Embrace a growth mindset by being open to new experiences and trying new things. Rather than aiming for perfection, treat each new endeavor as an experiment to learn and grow. This perspective helps you find unique solutions to challenges, paving the way for future success.

    Challenge Yourself to Act: Overcome the fear of rejection and embrace growth by taking on new tasks or pursuits. Commit to trying something new for 100 days, even if it may result in rejection. This challenge pushes you to develop resilience and a growth-oriented mindset.

    Shift Your Words from "Never" to "Not Yet": Adopt the "not yet" mindset when faced with challenges beyond your current abilities. Reframe negative thoughts as opportunities for growth and potential, emphasizing continuous improvement.

    Embrace Being Uncomfortable, At Least For A While: Recognize that venturing into new territory can be uncomfortable, but a growth mindset allows you to acknowledge and overcome discomfort with the belief in your capability to face challenges.

    The Influence of Your Mindset on Your Career: Your mindset significantly impacts your career journey, shaping your professional reputation, work experience, career growth, problem-solving abilities, and business mindset.

    Tips to Maintain the Momentum of Your New Mindset: To avoid slipping back into old patterns, follow effective tips, such as breaking goals into manageable chunks, celebrating progress, tracking growth, reminding yourself of your motivations, and being kind to yourself when facing setbacks.

    As we conclude this 2nd episode, we encourage you to continue fostering a growth-oriented mindset, despite the challenges it may bring. The journey to personal growth and success may be challenging, but it is ultimately rewarding and worth pursuing.

    In our next, and final episode of this 3-part series, we will continue exploring more tools to achieve and sustain success in creating the life you desire. Remember, you have everything within you to create the life you want to live. Embrace the power of mindset and become the best version of yourself.

    About The Conformity Hazard:

    The Conformity Hazard is a podcast that explores the impact of mindset and conformity on personal growth, happiness, and success. Join T. Michael Fairchild as together we uncover the secrets to breaking free from limiting beliefs and embracing a growth-oriented perspective for a fulfilling and empowered life. Visit https://www.ithrivehere.com/category/podcasts/the-conformity-hazard-podcast for more episodes and updates.

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 007 - Unleashing the Power of Your Mindset - How to Achieve Success Against All Odds - Part 1

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 007 - Unleashing the Power of Your Mindset - How to Achieve Success Against All Odds - Part 1

    In this episode of The Conformity Hazard, we delve deep into the topic of mindset and its profound influence on achieving happiness, fulfillment, and success in life. Over the course of this and the next two episodes, we explore stories of individuals facing common challenges related to negative mindsets and how a growth-oriented perspective can transform lives.

    In today's world, many people carry a negative mindset, constantly seeking fulfillment in life but never quite finding it. They may believe that they are destined to never achieve what they truly desire. However, what they fail to realize is that their very outlook on life and mindset is what holds them back from exceeding their own expectations.

    We share stories of individuals who experienced setbacks due to fear, imposter syndrome, and limiting beliefs. Jessica, an aspiring entrepreneur, struggled with repeated failures until she confronted her self-sabotage patterns and built self-confidence. Michael, an employee aiming for promotion, learned to advocate for his achievements and eventually became the head of the IT department. Alexis, a successful lawyer with a dream of becoming a writer, faced panic attacks when faced with the prospect of partnership, but she overcame her fear and pursued her passion.

    The common thread among these stories is the power of a growth mindset. Embracing the belief in continuous development and resilience, these individuals transformed setbacks into stepping-stones and navigated life's challenges with determination. The growth mindset became the catalyst for their personal evolution and empowerment.

    By empowering themselves with a growth mindset, they shattered the barriers of limiting beliefs and transcended the ordinary to embrace the extraordinary. The transformational journey not only impacted their lives but also inspired others around them, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

    In the pursuit of excellence, a growth-oriented perspective allows one to continuously evolve and improve. No longer confined by the boundaries of self-imposed limitations, individuals can explore new horizons and achieve remarkable things.

    As the awareness of the power of a positive, growth-oriented mindset dawns upon you, you too can embark on a transformative journey. Armed with resilience and perseverance, you can navigate the complexities of life, transforming setbacks into stepping-stones and creating a harmonious symphony of determination and dedication.

    The world awaits your triumphant symphony of personal evolution and empowerment. Awaken the power of mindset within you and redefine the paradigm of your success. With a growth mindset, there are no limits to what you can accomplish.

    Join us for the next two episodes as we continue to explore the profound impact of mindset on human potential and personal growth.

    About The Conformity Hazard:

    The Conformity Hazard is a podcast that explores the impact of mindset and conformity on personal growth, happiness, and success. Join T. Michael Fairchild as together we uncover the secrets to breaking free from limiting beliefs and embracing a growth-oriented perspective for a fulfilling and empowered life. Visit https://www.ithrivehere.com/category/podcasts/the-conformity-hazard-podcast for more episodes and updates.

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 006 - Overcoming Self-Doubt And Imposter Syndrome

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 006 - Overcoming Self-Doubt And Imposter Syndrome

    In this episode of "The Conformity Hazard" podcast, host T. Michael Fairchild explores the pervasive issues of self-doubt and imposter syndrome that hinder personal growth and success. He emphasizes that these feelings are common and offers powerful strategies to overcome them. By reframing negative thoughts, celebrating achievements, embracing vulnerability, surrounding oneself with supportive people, and seeking professional help if needed, individuals can break free from the grip of self-doubt. The episode encourages listeners to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success and emphasizes the importance of mindset and self-compassion. By nurturing a positive and resilient mindset, honoring one's own journey, and avoiding comparison, individuals can unleash their true potential and make a meaningful impact. T. Michael concludes by reminding listeners of their capabilities and the world's need for their authentic voices.

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 005 - The Power Of Goal Setting: Unleashing Your True Potential

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 005 - The Power Of Goal Setting: Unleashing Your True Potential


    Episode 5 of "The Conformity Hazard" dives into the transformative impact of setting, pursuing, and achieving goals. The episode emphasizes the importance of setting goals as they provide direction, purpose, and a roadmap for personal and professional growth. Affirmations are highlighted as a powerful approach to goal setting, helping to cultivate a positive mindset and build self-confidence.

    The concept of setting stretch goals is explored, emphasizing how they push individuals out of their comfort zones, inspire innovation, and encourage significant growth. The importance of self-compassion is discussed, as setbacks and obstacles are natural in any journey. By practicing self-compassion, individuals can create a supportive environment that bolsters resilience and a growth mindset.

    Fostering a growth mindset is crucial for long-term success, involving the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and effort. Planning and organization are highlighted as essential for turning goals into reality, involving breaking down goals into actionable steps, prioritizing tasks, and establishing a timeline. Regular evaluation and adjustment of strategies are emphasized to stay on track.

    The power of visualization is discussed, with the recommendation to vividly imagine accomplishing goals to strengthen belief and align the subconscious mind. Accountability and networking are encouraged, as they provide support, encouragement, and collaboration opportunities. Self-care and seeking inspiration from others are highlighted, along with the importance of celebrating achievements.

    The episode ends with a discussion of upcoming topics, including specific goal-setting frameworks and overcoming self-doubt, managing setbacks, creating an optimal environment, and fostering resilience. Listeners are encouraged to visit ithrivehere.com for additional resources. The episode concludes by emphasizing that goal setting is a transformative journey that empowers individuals to become their best selves.