
    The Congressman's Corner With Sally Tibbetts FL-13 District Director For Cong. Vern Buchanan For Nov. 19th...

    en-usNovember 20, 2010

    About this Episode

    Welcome to another informative edition of "The Congressman's Corner" with guest Sally Tibbets FL-13 District Director for Congressman Vern Buchanan with news for and about Florida's 13th Congressional District... On today's show Sally talks about: 1- New Congress considering a proposal to LOWER Congressional Pay. Good idea, bad idea??? 2- Earmarks, "Pork Barrel" projects might be going away with the new Congress??? 3- Economy and Jobs, what's next??? 4- TSA Scanners and the Full Body Padded Searches. Do we need to PROFILE like they do in Israel and Great Britain... 5- Term Limits being discussed in several States across America for elected officials. Could they come to Congress??? 6- War in Afghanistan roars on and we're hearing we'll be there beyond 2014 with Ground Troops. Meanwhile Iraq goes well and nothing being said about it... Become a regular listener or your can become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups... God Bless America! 'The Captain' http://thecaptainsamerica.com http://thecaptainsamerica.podomatic.com http://thecaptains2minuterant.podomatic.com

    Recent Episodes from The Captain's 2 Minute Rant -News, Views & Interviews...

    A Special LIVE Interview With Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant Jonathan Banks In Afghanistan...

    A Special LIVE Interview With Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant Jonathan Banks In Afghanistan...
    Hello everybody and welcome to a very special interview with one of our heroes serving in Afghanistan with the Marines... Master Gunnery Sergeant Jonathan Banks is a 27 year Veteran of the FL National Guard, U.S. Army and became a Marine where he will be finishing his Military career... He is serving with the 11th Marines at Camp Moreland in Afghanistan where is working with Coalition Forces, Afghan Commandos and his fellow Marines and helping to build a rock solid Afghanistan Military... This 10 minute interview will have you standing up and shouting "Semper Fi!" at the end because of what you will hear that will INSPIRE you and make you proud of our Military men and women serving America in the Global War on Terror... Master Gunny Banks, we SALUTE you and thank you for your outstanding service to America! God Bless America... 'The Captain' http://thecaptainsamerica.com http://thecaptainsamerica.podomatic.com http://thecaptains2minuterant.podomatic.com

    The Captain's 2 Minute Rant - Drill Here, Drill Now...

    The Captain's 2 Minute Rant - Drill Here, Drill Now...
    Hello everybody and welcome to today's 2 minute rant. I talk about America not having an Energy Policy and the fact that we are paying anywhere from $5-$7 Trillion for Crude Oil on the World Market instead of using our own from the United States of America... Think for a second what $5-$7 Trillion would do for the American Economy, not to mention all those jobs drilling for our own Oil would create! WHY is it that the Progressive Left Democratic Liberals NOT want us to go after our own Energy? This includes building a new Refinery or 2, none have been built since 1976, also using more Nuclear Power, expanding our Electric Car effort by making these vehicles AFFORDABLE, and don't forget we have Solar and Wind Power that can be expanded as well... It's way past time for Patriotic Americans to realize the "Greenies" are NOT the answer to what ails America and our Economy. They, in FACT, are a major part of the problem we face in America today. Just look at "Global Warming"... I rest my case... God Bless America! 'The Captain' http://thecaptainsamerica.com http://thecaptainsamerica.podomatic.com http://thecaptains2minuterant.podomatic.com

    The Captain's 2 Minute Rant - Oil, OPEC & Common Sense...

    The Captain's 2 Minute Rant - Oil, OPEC & Common Sense...
    Hello everybody and Happy LAST Year and we start off THIS Year with high hopes for our Country and our Economy... We have a problem once again with OPEC and those Oil Speculators which has forced Crude Oil prices to rise above $90 per barrel and they appear to be headed straight to the "Target Price" of $100 per barrel set by Iran, Libya and Venezuela... Folks it's time for some COMMON SENSE to emerge here in America and way apst time to tell OPEC to go "Eat Sand!"... That's MY story and I'm stickin' to it... 'The Captain' http://thecaptainsamerica.com http://thecaptainsamerica.podomatic.com http://thecaptains2minuterant.podomatic.com

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    The Captains 2 Minute Rant - Obama Will Run & Lose In 2012...
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    The Congressman's Corner with FL-13 Cong. Vern Buchanan...

    The Congressman's Corner with FL-13 Cong. Vern Buchanan...
    Today we have the honor and priviledge of speaking with FL-13 Congressman Vern Buchanan now going back to Congress for his third term... Congressman Buchanan talks about the 111th Congress and the Progressive Left Liberal Democratic agenda that has been rammed through which is not in the best interest of America... Some of what the 111th Congress did will be looked at again by the incoming 112th Republican Controlled Congress. You can bet Obama Care is at the top of the list as will be using the cutting knife to sift through governemt waste in Agencies that will be revamped and retooled to do what they're supposed to be doing... All our best goes out to YOU, our audience, during this Christmas Season and we approach a New Year full of "hope & change" for ALL... God Bless America! 'The Captain' http://thecaptainsamerica.com http://thecaptainsamerica.podomatic.com http://thecaptains2minuterant.podomatic.com

    The Congressman's Corner For Dec. 17th with Sally Tibbetts FL-13 District Director for Cong. Vern Buchanan...

    The Congressman's Corner For Dec. 17th with Sally Tibbetts FL-13 District Director for Cong. Vern Buchanan...
    Join us today as we talk about the passage of the Tax Rate Extension Bill, the pulling of the Omnibus Spending Bill, the recent Healthcare Law ruling by a Federal Judge and another pending case involving FL, the Don't Ask Don't Tell Legislation and the Government ignoring the poll results from Army and Marine Frontline Combat Units, Trusting Congress and Christmas Wishes to our Military men and women with a special Christmas Card to be sent to our Military men and women in Tampa area VA Facilities... Get IN the know about the FL-13 Congressional News each week by listening to "The Congressman's Corner" which is a weekly segment heard on "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show"... Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Matt Bruce http://thecaptainsamerica.com http://thecaptains2minuterant.podomatic.com

    Hear 'The Captain' being interviewed on AM Tampa Bay with Jack Harris and Tedd Webb...

    Hear 'The Captain' being interviewed on AM Tampa Bay with Jack Harris and Tedd Webb...
    Hello everybody and hope you've all had enough turkey! In my case, I chose to have some GREAT homemade meat loaf and grilled chicken with all the trimmings and 'of course' I shared with my little buddy 'Snuggles'... Today you can listen to a recent interview on AM Tampa Bay, the #1 morning rated radio show in the Tampa Bay area, with 'The Captain' talking about our Military, Korea and "Troop Talk Radio - Voice of the Troops" radio show... It was indeed a priviledge and an honor to be on with Jack Harris and Ted Webb and letting the listeners know the positive message about our Military as they continue to observe and report a very tense situation in Korea... God bless ALL that serve or have served America in our Armed Forces helping to keep us FREE & SAFE... 'The Captain' http://thecaptainsamerica.com http://captainsamerica.blogspot.com http://thecaptainsamerica.podomatic.com http://thecaptains2minuterant.podomatic.com Check out our "Captain's AMERICA" store where you can get our logo radio show STUFF! Just go to: http://www.caferpress.com/CaptainsAMERICA ...

    The Congressman's Corner With Sally Tibbetts FL-13 District Director For Cong. Vern Buchanan For Nov. 19th...

    The Congressman's Corner With Sally Tibbetts FL-13 District Director For Cong. Vern Buchanan For Nov. 19th...
    Welcome to another informative edition of "The Congressman's Corner" with guest Sally Tibbets FL-13 District Director for Congressman Vern Buchanan with news for and about Florida's 13th Congressional District... On today's show Sally talks about: 1- New Congress considering a proposal to LOWER Congressional Pay. Good idea, bad idea??? 2- Earmarks, "Pork Barrel" projects might be going away with the new Congress??? 3- Economy and Jobs, what's next??? 4- TSA Scanners and the Full Body Padded Searches. Do we need to PROFILE like they do in Israel and Great Britain... 5- Term Limits being discussed in several States across America for elected officials. Could they come to Congress??? 6- War in Afghanistan roars on and we're hearing we'll be there beyond 2014 with Ground Troops. Meanwhile Iraq goes well and nothing being said about it... Become a regular listener or your can become a FAN, FOLLOWER or SUBSCRIBER to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" on Facebook, Podomatic or Google Groups... God Bless America! 'The Captain' http://thecaptainsamerica.com http://thecaptainsamerica.podomatic.com http://thecaptains2minuterant.podomatic.com

    The Captain's AMERICA With Wayne Allyn Root, '08 Libertarian VP Candidate, How Harry Reid WON In Nevada...

    The Captain's AMERICA With Wayne Allyn Root, '08 Libertarian VP Candidate, How Harry Reid WON In Nevada...
    Folks, you'll want to hear this great interview with our good friend Wayne Allyn Root, former 2008 Liberyarian Vice President Nominee, who tells us EXACTLY how Harry Reid got himself reelected in Nevada! NOBODY is talking about this and YOU need to know what was done that 'should be' looked at by our DOJ but will it be looked at with Erick Holder there??? Get IN the know and become a regular listener to "The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show" heard all across America and around the World... 'The Captain' http://thecaptainsamerica.com http://captainsamerica.blogspot.com http://thecaptainsamerica.podomatic.com http://thecaptains2minuterant.podomatic.com

    Democrat Rod Smith FL Lt Gov Candidate On The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...

    Democrat Rod Smith FL Lt Gov Candidate On The Captain's AMERICA Radio Show...
    Here's your opportunity to hear from the former FL. State Sen. Rod Smith (D) running with Alex Smith as her Lt. Governor... This conversation is interesting and gets even more so when Rod Smith starts talking about how the proposed 19% Property Tax Cut proposed by GOP Candidate Rick Scott will 'hurt' Florida. That's when 'The Captain' stops him and points out what a 10% Property Tax Cut did for a small Town in Upstate NY about 25 years ago when it was facing financial disaster... Tell your friends and tune in... 'The Captain' http://thecaptainsamerica.com http://captainsamerica.blogspot.com http://thecaptainsamerica.podomatic.com http://thecaptains2minuterant.podomatic.com