
    The Culture Wars: An Interview With Dinesh D’Souza (Ep 1356)

    enSeptember 26, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Dinesh D'Souza discusses his latest movie 'Infidel' and experiences with its lead actor Jim CaviezelDinesh D'Souza, a frequent debunker of leftist myths, released 'Infidel', a movie based on a woman's journey from Islam to Christianity, featuring Jim Caviezel. His calm and factual approach to debunking liberal arguments continues to challenge and inform audiences.

      Dinesh D'Souza, a frequent guest on the Dan Bongino Show, is a well-known debunker of leftist myths and socialist ideologies. He recently released two movies, "Infidel" and "Trump Card," which have received positive reviews despite attempts by some to criticize them. ExpressVPN and Magic Spoon are sponsors of the podcast. ExpressVPN helps protect online data, while Magic Spoon offers a delicious, zero-sugar cereal with high protein and low carbs. During the interview, Dinesh discusses "Infidel," a movie based on a true story about a woman's journey from Islam to Christianity, and his experiences with the film's lead actor, Jim Caviezel. Dinesh's calm and factual approach to debunking liberal arguments is a model Dan Bongino aims to follow. Both Dinesh's movies and his work on social media continue to challenge and inform audiences.

    • Challenging Hollywood's Narrative with a Politically-Charged Thriller: 'The American Eagle'Filmmakers Michael and Debbie Crichton created a thriller featuring a Christian protagonist amidst radical Islam, defying Hollywood stereotypes. Actor Jim Caviezel's authentic portrayal added to its success.

      Filmmaker and documentary specialist, Michael Crichton, and his wife Debbie, set out to challenge Hollywood's narrative by creating a mainstream, politically-charged thriller, "The American Eagle." Instead of portraying Christians or conservatives as villains, they introduced a Christian protagonist ensnared in the politics of radical Islam. The film, rated R for violence and bad language, has surprised critics and audiences alike with its gritty realism. Actor Jim Caviezel, known for his transformative performance as Jesus in "The Passion of the Christ," joined the project, urging the team to "be real." The result is a successful film that speaks to the cultural zeitgeist and resonates with viewers. Caviezel's performance as the lead role adds to the film's authenticity and credibility.

    • Reagan's message of not backing down in the face of adversityEvil is powerless when the good are unafraid. Don't surrender to adversity or appease enemies, as sacrifices of brave leaders throughout history were not in vain.

      Reagan's words about the importance of not backing down in the face of adversity, and the potential consequences of appeasement, resonated strongly. He argued that surrendering to evil only weakens us and emboldens our enemies, and that there are certain lines we must not cross. The martyrs of history, from Moses to Christ to the Patriots at Concord Ridge, did not back down in the face of adversity, and their sacrifices were not in vain. Reagan believed that evil is powerless when the good are unafraid. This message is particularly relevant for entrepreneurs and leaders, who must have the courage to take a stand and face challenges head-on. Jim Caviesel's portrayal of Reagan in the movie perfectly captures this spirit, making him the ideal choice for the role.

    • Hollywood's subtle political messages shape perceptionsThe entertainment industry subtly conveys political messages through movies and TV shows, shaping audience perceptions, and it's essential to be aware of these messages to engage in the ongoing culture war.

      The entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood, often subtly conveys political messages through movies and TV shows. These messages may not be overtly stated, but they can have a significant impact on audiences, shaping their perceptions and beliefs. For instance, a movie like "The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby" not only showcased Kaviezel's passion and determination but also served as a powerful publicity tool, leading to increased awareness and engagement. Moreover, the culture war in Hollywood has been ongoing for years, with liberal messages being subtly woven into popular media. Shows and movies that seem harmless at first glance can actually carry political agendas that can influence viewers. For example, the film "The Hills Have Eyes," which initially appeared to be just a horror movie, actually contained anti-Republican and anti-nuclear power messages. It's crucial for us to be aware of these subtle messages and recognize their potential impact. The left has been effectively using Hollywood as a tool to promote their agendas, while the right has primarily focused on elections. To win the culture war, it's essential to engage in the ongoing dialogue and challenge these subtle messages, rather than just focusing on electoral victories.

    • The importance of challenging societal norms vs preserving moral decencyShift focus from critiquing Hollywood to creating compelling content that appeals to mainstream audiences

      The ongoing cultural debate revolves around the importance of challenging societal norms versus preserving moral decency. Dan Quayle faced backlash for questioning the glorification of single motherhood in media, and now, the conversation has shifted to the normalization of pedophilia in Netflix's "Cuties." The speakers emphasized the need to counteract these trends by producing and consuming media that resonates with mainstream audiences, rather than just critiquing Hollywood. Dinesh D'Souza's film "Infidel" is an example of this approach, as it has received positive audience reception despite mixed critical reviews. The speakers urged for a shift from focusing on the "methadone clinic" of critiquing Hollywood to creating compelling content that appeals to the masses.

    • Exploring the emotional narrative of identity socialismD'Souza's new movie 'Trump Card' contrasts the left's push for identity socialism with Trump's fightback, highlighting the need for the right to adapt new strategies.

      Dinesh D'Souza's new movie, "Trump Card," is an emotional narrative about the unique type of socialism the left is pushing today, which he calls "identity socialism." The film explores how the left's agenda goes beyond economics, aiming to impose conformity and turn individuals into "worms." D'Souza contrasts this approach with Trump's fightback and discusses the differences between the Reagan era and the present. The movie is not just a critique of the left's tactics and ideas but also a call to action for the right to fight differently. While D'Souza's books provide intellectual arguments with extensive references, his films like "Trump Card" focus on the emotional narrative of socialism and its implications for identity and conformity in modern society.

    • Donald Trump's unique savvy and disruption of political normsTrump's ability to disrupt political norms and rise above attacks, rooted in his immersion in pop culture and unapologetic demeanor, has given him a power unlike any other Republican candidate.

      Donald Trump's political success can be attributed to his ability to disrupt the political norms and the media's response-reward dynamic. Trump's immersion in pop culture and his scrappy, mud-wrestling mentality have given him a unique savvy about the culture and the ability to rise above the fray. His unapologetic demeanor and refusal to be defined by labels have left his opponents struggling to keep up. Despite constant attacks from the media and his opponents, Trump has managed to maintain the loyalty of his base, giving him a power unlike any other Republican candidate. The left is still trying to figure out how to deal with him, as none of their labels or attacks have managed to stick.

    • Trump's Unconventional Approach to Politics and JusticeTrump granted a pardon based on sense of justice, not polling or political pressure, setting him apart from traditional politicians.

      Donald Trump's unconventional approach to politics, including his use of pop culture and disregard for political consultants, allowed him to make decisions based on a strong sense of justice, rather than polling or political pressure. This was evident in his decision to grant Dinesh D'Souza a pardon, which Trump felt was the right thing to do despite not knowing D'Souza personally or owing him a favor. Trump's focus on injustice and his willingness to act on it, regardless of public opinion, sets him apart from traditional politicians and highlights his unique leadership style.

    • Trump's actions and policies impacted conservative causesTrump's presidency marked the first time a sitting president spoke at the March for Life and achieved tangible results for conservative causes, overshadowing criticism of his demeanor or perceived lack of conservatism before his presidency.

      Despite personal disagreements or criticisms towards President Trump's demeanor or bravado on social media, his actions and policies have significantly impacted conservative causes, particularly in areas like deregulation, tax cuts, and the appointment of conservative justices. The Never Trumpers' criticism of Trump's conservative bona fides is now seen as laughable, as Trump has proven himself to be a doer, not just a talker, in areas that matter most to the conservative base. The focus on Trump's tweets and perceived lack of conservatism before his presidency pales in comparison to the tangible results he has achieved. The pro-life movement is a prime example, as Trump's presidency marked the first time a sitting president spoke at the March for Life. Trump's unwavering stance on conservative issues, despite the criticism and backlash, sets him apart as a champion for conservative causes, even surpassing the legacy of past Republican presidents.

    • Understanding the Misconceptions of Democratic SocialismDemocratic socialism is a misused term. It's not democratic as it involves government control of means of production, contradicting individual freedoms. Denmark, labeled as democratic socialist, is capitalist with welfare programs. Majority votes don't justify taking property by force. Clarify political ideologies for a united stand.

      The term "democratic socialism" is often misused and misunderstood. Socialism, by definition, is the government control of the means of production. It cannot be democratic because democracy is about individual freedoms and representation. The examples of countries like Denmark, which are labeled as democratic socialist, are actually capitalist in wealth creation but have welfare state programs that spread the burden across society. Majority votes do not give moral sanction to taking someone's property by force, whether it's one person or a group. Dinesh D'Souza emphasizes the importance of understanding these distinctions and encourages everyone to engage in meaningful discussions and actions, such as supporting his books and movies, to promote awareness and prevent misinformation. In essence, a house divided against itself cannot stand, and it's crucial to clarify and uphold the true meanings of political ideologies.

    • A cold civil war and societal divideThe societal divide includes power dynamics affecting the black community and political landscape, concerns over foreign intervention, and potential future shifts towards a Muslim-dominated society. Addressing these issues requires open dialogue, factual information, and a commitment to American values and transparency.

      We are currently living in a contentious societal divide, akin to a cold civil war, where certain groups hold significant power and control over various aspects of American society. This power dynamic, as discussed, includes the influence of white men on the black community and the political landscape, as well as the perceived threat of foreign intervention, particularly from Middle Eastern and radical Islamic forces. Moreover, there are concerns about political figures, such as Joe Biden, who have allegedly enabled or profited from such intervention. These issues, some argue, pose a more significant danger than previously acknowledged threats, such as Russian collusion. The future of America, according to some perspectives, may involve a shift towards a Muslim-dominated society. These issues, if not addressed, could potentially lead to a weakening of American values and identity. It is crucial for open dialogue and factual information to prevail in the face of these challenges. The importance of standing firm against such threats, maintaining American values, and ensuring transparency and accountability cannot be overstated.

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