
    The Daily Show Presents: Desi Lydic: Abroad in Iceland

    enMay 14, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Building strong community connections and promoting gender equalityConnecting with neighbors fosters social bonds and prepares for emergencies. Iceland transformed itself into a gender equal society through a mass women's strike, inspiring us to learn and act for a more connected and equal world.

      Building strong community connections and promoting gender equality are crucial for creating a more resilient and equitable society. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of connecting with neighbors to foster social bonds and prepare for emergencies. Meanwhile, the MTV challenge podcast highlights the urgent need for the US to address its low ranking in gender equality, as shown in the Global Gender Gap Report. Iceland, the world's leader in gender equality, serves as an inspiring example. Despite once being a male-dominated society, Iceland transformed itself through a mass women's strike in 1975, leading to a country-wide shutdown and paving the way for gender equality. By learning from countries like Iceland and taking action in our own communities, we can make a difference and create a more connected and equal world.

    • Iceland's Progressive Policies and the Impact on Gender EqualityIceland's legislation mandates pay transparency and equal parental leave, reducing wage gap and normalizing women in leadership roles. This led to Iceland becoming the most progressive country in gender pay equity.

      Iceland's progressive policies, particularly in gender equality, have led to significant advancements in closing the wage gap and normalizing women in leadership roles. This was catalyzed by the historic election of a female president who was also a single mother. Iceland's legislation mandates pay transparency and equal parental leave for all genders, making it riskier for employers to discriminate against women during childbearing years. As a result, Iceland is currently the most progressive country in the world when it comes to gender pay equity. This example demonstrates that similar policies, even in a smaller, seemingly less complex society, can have a profound impact on larger, more diverse nations. The consequences of not addressing the wage gap and gender inequality could be significant and detrimental.

    • Iceland's gender equality goes beyond workforceIceland values both parents' involvement in raising children, with fathers taking equal responsibility and societal support for balancing work and family.

      Iceland's gender equality goes beyond closing the gap between men and women in the workforce. It extends to the home, where fathers take equal responsibility in caring for their newborns. This is a stark contrast to the US, where paternity leave is not the norm and men often only take a few weeks off. The Icelandic culture values both parents' involvement in raising their children, and men don't fear losing their careers for taking time off. This discussion also highlighted the challenges faced by mothers in balancing their careers and family life, and the importance of being present for their children. The use of lullabies as a bonding tool between parents and their babies was also mentioned as a unique aspect of Icelandic culture. Overall, this conversation emphasized the importance of a supportive societal structure that enables both parents to balance their work and family responsibilities.

    • Judging a firm based on initial impressions can be misleadingUnderstanding the unique circumstances and values of a workplace is crucial for accurate assessment

      Appearances can be deceiving, especially in a professional setting. The undercover investigation into Rooter's abandonment of his job as an attorney led to the discovery that the firm was actually thriving with a family-friendly environment. Despite the chaos and shambles observed, the firm believed in the importance of allowing employees, particularly fathers, to be present for their young children. This policy was contributing to the precious growth of the small business. However, the investigation also revealed the need to be cautious and not judge a situation based on initial impressions. The investigator, who was not an Icelandic lawyer, learned that societal values and policies can significantly impact the workplace culture. Overall, the investigation highlighted the importance of understanding the unique circumstances and values of a workplace to effectively assess its situation.

    • Cultural practices and norms can't directly translate, Iceland's feminism in music sceneTaking up space and challenging norms can lead to positive change, but what works in one context may not in another, and the process is complex and challenging.

      Cultural practices and norms may not directly translate from one place to another, even when they seem successful. Iceland's emphasis on gender equality, for example, has led to unique expressions of feminism in their music scene. However, the experience of the all-female rap collective, Daughters of Reykjavik, shows that taking up space and challenging societal norms can lead to positive change. Yet, it's essential to remember that what works in one context may not necessarily work in another, and the process of adapting and evolving can be complex and challenging. For instance, the band's decision to get a symbolic tattoo together sparked a conversation and shifted the perspective of male rappers in Iceland. However, even for those who wish to join in solidarity, the decision to get a tattoo can be a daunting one, as shown by the speaker's past experience with bangs. Ultimately, the journey towards change involves taking risks, challenging norms, and embracing the complexities of cultural differences.

    • Progress towards gender equality in IcelandIceland leads in gender equality but needs more women in leadership and continued efforts for true equality. Global efforts are necessary to empower women in all communities.

      While Iceland is known for its advancements in gender equality, there is still work to be done. Despite its reputation as a beacon for women's rights, there is a need for more women in leadership roles and a continued effort to ensure true equality. This issue is not unique to Iceland, as other places around the world also face similar challenges. It's important to remember that being number one in gender equality does not mean perfection, and complacency can hinder progress. As Desi Lydic emphasized in her discussion, we must continue to push for change and empower women in all communities. Additionally, initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor can help build stronger, more connected communities that support each other through various challenges. And for those who enjoy MTV's Challenge series, the return of the official podcast is a great way to stay engaged with the latest developments in the reality TV world.

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    This episode is brought to you by Anorakki. Get 10 % off and FREE shipping by quoting NORDIC when ordering. Anorakki jackets are Unisex and Anorakki offers full returns. Visit www.anorakki.com.au

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    Check out Anorakki website https://www.anorakki.com.au.

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of the upcoming interviews, coming up soon.

    And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review? 

    Kiitos, tack and thanks! 


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