
    The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 01/23/22

    enJanuary 23, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill and Big Tech's Impact on Elections and PrivacyThe Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill could increase data security risks, while big tech's censorship and election interference raise constitutional concerns. Individual freedoms and privacy are at stake.

      The Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill, if passed, could put your data at greater risk of being hacked and exposed to foreign networks, shifting billions in consumer spending to less secure payment systems for corporate profits. Meanwhile, the growing tyranny of big tech, as discussed with Senator Rand Paul, is impacting elections and infringing on constitutional rights, with private companies acting as the new public square. Senator Paul expressed his goal to disassociate from big tech, starting with YouTube, due to repeated censorship, and emphasized the importance of recognizing their impact on public discourse. The ongoing issue of cloth masks not working, as also acknowledged by some unexpected sources, highlights the importance of questioning mandates and upholding individual freedoms.

    • Concerns over misinformation and censorshipSpeaker expresses frustration with accusations of misinformation, acknowledges inaccuracies, calls for transparency, and criticizes censorship of opposing opinions

      There are concerns about misinformation and the suppression of opposing viewpoints, particularly from political and health figures. The speaker expresses frustration with accusations of misinformation from certain quarters, while acknowledging that scientifically inaccurate statements have been made, such as President Biden's claim that the pandemic is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The speaker also criticizes efforts to censor opposing opinions and calls for transparency and accountability, suggesting that investigations could reveal potential cover-ups and collusion if the opposition wins control of Congress in 2022. The issue of the origins of the virus and potential attempts to vilify certain doctors are also raised as areas of concern.

    • Discussion on government transparency and the origins of COVID-19Senator Paul highlighted the importance of transparency regarding COVID-19's origins, criticized unelected bureaucrats, and expressed concern over potential dangerous research. An amendment to prevent US funding to Wuhan is being held up.

      During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists and politicians advocating for focusing resources on protecting the most vulnerable populations faced criticism and were vilified. Senator Rand Paul discussed the issue of government transparency and the subordination of elected officials to unelected bureaucrats, specifically in regards to the release of crucial information related to the origins of the virus. Paul also expressed concern over the potential creation and funding of dangerous viruses and the need for international cooperation to prevent such research. Another key point is the passing of an amendment to prevent further US funding to Wuhan, which is currently being held up by Nancy Pelosi. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of gaining transparency and understanding about the origins of the virus and the potential dangers of gain-of-function research.

    • Concerns over creating new viruses in labs, especially high mortality onesSenator Paul advocates for investigations into lab-created viruses, but faces opposition. Some find it reckless to create high mortality viruses, and there are calls for accountability over COVID-19's origins and government's role.

      There have been concerns raised by scientists about the wisdom of creating new viruses in a lab, especially when one of the viruses being used has a high mortality rate. Senator Rand Paul has been advocating for investigations into this type of research, but has faced opposition from Democrats due to their alignment with Dr. Fauci's stance on vaccinations. The potential risks and reward for creating such a virus are questionable, and some find the idea to be reckless and irresponsible. Despite these concerns, there have been calls for further investigation and accountability regarding the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the role that the U.S. government and Dr. Fauci may play in it.

    • Balancing Freedom and Security in AustraliaAustralia prioritizes security over freedom, as shown in recent policies and public announcements, which may be perceived as insensitive to minority groups like the Aboriginal community.

      Australia, a Commonwealth country with a rich cultural heritage, is facing challenges in balancing freedom and security. This is evident in recent policies and public announcements, such as the one made by Mark McGowan with an Aboriginal translator. Although a minority, Aboriginal people in Australia understand English, and the video in question is seen as insulting and unnecessary. It's important to remember that cultural values and priorities differ, and the Australian population generally values security over freedom. This shift towards increased security measures may be surprising to some, but it's essential to respect and understand the unique perspectives of different countries and their people. To learn more about these issues and Sydney Watson's insights, be sure to catch her videos and tune in to the show.

    • Media dominance and fear-based narrativesSeeking diverse sources of information is crucial to avoid being influenced by dominant narratives and making informed decisions.

      The dominance of certain narratives in the media can lead many people to adopt those views without questioning them. This is particularly problematic in countries with less media diversification, such as Australia, where the majority of media outlets may promote fear-based messages. Joe Biden's recent call for social media companies to censor content that goes against the official narrative on COVID-19 is an example of this trend. It's ironic that those who have questioned the effectiveness of masks, lockdowns, and vaccines are now being silenced, as they were often correct in their assessments. The lack of exposure to dissenting voices can make it difficult for people to think critically and make informed decisions. It's important for individuals to seek out diverse sources of information and not rely solely on the dominant narratives promoted by the media and political figures.

    • The Political Climate and the Rise of Libertarianism Among Younger GenerationsThe increasing control over information and mandates from the government could be creating a culture shift towards libertarianism among younger generations, despite their heavy reliance on social media and the influence of leftist institutions.

      The current political climate and the increasing control over information raises concerns about the potential shift towards limiting access to conflicting viewpoints, leading to a generation of new libertarians. The speaker, who grew up questioning authority, wonders if the current mandates and misinformation from the government might be creating a culture shift towards libertarianism among younger generations. Despite her hopes for Gen Z to be the most free-thinking generation, she expresses concerns about their heavy reliance on social media and the influence of leftist institutions like academia, sports, entertainment, and media. Ultimately, she believes that politics is downstream from culture, and the loss of control over these powerful institutions has made it difficult to predict the future of political ideologies.

    • Cancel culture stifles productive dialogueCancel culture's restrictive nature and futility are highlighted by Sydney Watson, who advocates for open dialogue and individual freedom instead.

      Cancel culture, which aims to punish individuals for expressing unpopular opinions, is cannibalistic and unsustainable. Sydney Watson, a commentator on Blaze TV, argues that cancel culture is problematic because it restricts individual thought and stifles productive dialogue. She gives the example of Dave Chappelle and Steve Harvey, who have spoken out against cancel culture. Watson also shares her disagreement with cancel culture's approach to bad ideas, stating that they should be addressed with better ideas and open conversation. She believes that cancel culture ultimately shuts down meaningful discourse and is a waste of time. The Streisand effect, which refers to unintended consequences of censorship, further highlights the futility of cancel culture. Additionally, Watson promotes the use of GLP1 prescription medications for weight loss through LifeMD, emphasizing the importance of individual health and well-being. Overall, Watson's perspective underscores the importance of open dialogue and individual freedom in a society that values diverse ideas and perspectives.

    • George Soros's Influence on US PoliticsGeorge Soros, a liberal philanthropist, has shaped US politics through education, media, local elections, and international relations, with allegations of collaboration with the Obama administration leading to investigations.

      George Soros, a prominent liberal philanthropist, has significantly influenced politics in the United States through various means, as detailed in Matt Palumbo's new book "The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros." The book provides a comprehensive overview of Soros's background and his impact on education, media, local politics, and even international relations, including his involvement in Ukraine. The most intriguing part for many readers is the alleged collaboration between Soros's network and the Obama administration, which led to investigations into Soros's business partners. This book sheds light on the controversies surrounding Soros and offers a critical perspective on his influence in today's political landscape.

    • Connections between George Soros and anti-corruption organizations, political figures, and media outletsGeorge Soros' ties to various anti-corruption groups, politicians, and fact-checking organizations raise questions about potential influence and bias in politics and media

      There are numerous connections between George Soros and various anti-corruption organizations, political figures, and media outlets. Some of these connections have come under scrutiny for potentially influencing political narratives and policy decisions. For instance, members of the Biden administration, such as Antony Blinken, have ties to Soros through their involvement with his Open Society Foundation. Additionally, fact-checking organizations, which are often criticized for their perceived bias, have links to Soros and other liberal donors. These connections raise questions about the potential for influence and bias in politics and media. It's important to note that these allegations require further investigation and fact-checking to determine their validity.

    • Media bias towards fact-checking George SorosPerception of media bias towards fact-checking Republicans less frequently than Democrats exists. Some media orgs, funded by Soros, defend him despite valid criticism, raising concerns about impartiality.

      There is a perceived bias in media fact-checking, with Republicans receiving more negative fact checks than Democrats. This bias is evident in various media organizations, some of which receive funding from George Soros. The coverage of Soros by these organizations is often defensive and dismissive of criticism, even when the criticism is valid. Soros has donated billions to his foundation, and it's likely that his influence will continue to shape media coverage for a long time. The author, Matt Palumbo, has written extensively on this topic in his book "Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros." The media's relationship with Soros raises questions about the impartiality of fact-checking and investigative journalism.

    • Discussing George Soros's influence and potential successors, Nandini Jami's affiliation, and theories about January 6thSoros's networks and potential successors will continue his influence, Nandini Jami denies being a 'Soros stooge', and theories suggest FBI involvement in Capitol protest

      George Soros's influence and ideology are expected to continue beyond his lifetime through his networks and potential successors. The discussion also touched upon the controversy surrounding Nandini Jami's affiliation with Soros and her denial of being a "Soros stooge." Additionally, an interview with Julie Kelly was featured, discussing her book "January 6th" and her theories about the Capitol protest being an inside operation with potential involvement from the FBI. The interview with Matt Palumbo about his book on Soros and the interview with Julie Kelly about her book on January 6th emphasized the significant impact of influential figures and networks in shaping political narratives and events.

    • Ray Epps' role in Capitol riots raises questions about potential ties to government agenciesUnanswered questions remain about Ray Epps' involvement in the Capitol riots and his relationship with law enforcement agencies, as he's gone from a potential target to a cooperating witness without clear explanation

      The inconsistencies and lack of transparency surrounding Ray Epps' involvement in the January 6 Capitol riots raise significant questions about his potential ties to government agencies. Despite his apparent role in instigating criminal behavior that day, he has not been charged, and the FBI and January 6 committee have been evasive about his status. The sudden change in his status from a potential target to a cooperating witness, or even a possible informant or crisis actor, remains unclear. If the goal is to uncover the truth about the events of that day, it's crucial that Ray Epps be interviewed under oath in public to address these unanswered questions and clarify his role in the riots.

    • Lack of questioning and defense for individual rights during Capitol protestsHistorical precedents for free speech and prison reform overlooked, ACLU absent, lack of concern for detainees' treatment, political climate prioritizes condemnation over due process, inconsistent application of justice

      There's a notable lack of questioning and defense for individual rights, specifically those detained during the January 6th Capitol protests, despite historical precedents for free speech and prison reform advocacy. The ACLU, once a champion for free speech, is conspicuously absent, and there's a lack of concern for the treatment of these detainees, who have not been convicted of any crime. The political climate seems to prioritize condemnation over due process, with notable figures receiving different treatment based on political affiliation. This inconsistency raises concerns about the integrity of our justice system and the hypocrisy of those who claim to uphold individual rights.

    • Discrepancy in consequences for Capitol protestors vs those in cities like PortlandDespite federal property damage during Capitol protest, some non-violent offenders face longer incarceration without trial compared to those charged in cities like Portland for more serious crimes. Reporting truthfully on unpopular causes is crucial.

      While some individuals involved in the Capitol protest on January 6, 2021, have been detained, many of those charged with more serious crimes during protests in cities like Portland have not faced similar consequences. Federal property was destroyed during the Capitol protest, but no one was sent to a special gulag. In contrast, some non-violent offenders are currently incarcerated for longer periods without trial. The speaker expressed shock over the discrepancy and urged listeners to read Julie Kelly's book "January 6th: How the Democrats Use the Capitol Protest to Launch a War on Terror on the Political Right" for more information. The speaker emphasized the importance of reporting on unpopular causes and the truth, as opposed to incarcerating individuals for non-violent offenses.

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    Find more from us on Bret’s website (https://bretweinstein.net) or Heather’s website (http://heatherheying.com).


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    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.




    Mentioned in this episode:


    Matt Taibbi thread, the twitter files: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1598822959866683394


    The Peril of Politicizing Science, Krylov 2021: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c01475


    The Diversity Problem on Campus, Abbot & Marinovic 2021: https://www.newsweek.com/diversity-problem-campus-opinion-1618419


    From Russia with Love: Science and Ideology Then and Now, Krylov 2022: https://hxstem.substack.com/p/from-russia-with-love-science-and


    Hacks/Hackers awarded large NSF grant to advise people “what to say”: https://www.hackshackers.com/hacks-hackers-partners-advance-phase-ii/


    Feds fund 'expert-informed' internet toolkit to help users fight 'misinformation': https://thenationaldesk.com/news/americas-news-now/feds-fund-expert-informed-internet-toolkit-to-help-users-fight-misinformation


    Pfizer mo

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    246. The Adventures of Pinnochio and Free Speech Part 1/4

    246. The Adventures of Pinnochio and Free Speech Part 1/4

    Utilizing Dr. Peterson’s lectures from the 2015 and 2017 Maps of Meaning Lectures as a framework; we have continued the investigation while adding conversations from the Jordan B Peterson Podcast, as well as from conversations where Dr. Peterson was a guest on other podcasts.

    We recently decided to move this compilation up in our release queue because of Dr. Peterson’s recent lecture at Caius College at the University of Cambridge, “Why Free Speech is the Antidote to Our Problems”

    You can view that lecture here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twc6T19tap4 

    Like in Dr. Peterson’s recent lecture, we hope this compilation will inspire you to speak the truth and act in the protection of our most fundamental rights, including, maybe most importantly, the Freedom of Speech.

    Time Codes: 

    [00:00] Overview of the psychology behind Pinocchio - 2015 Personality Lecture 06: Depth Psychology: Carl Jung (Part 01)

    [03:44] Events at Evergreen - Bret Weinstein Episode 10

    [18:18] Teaching at Grace Church - Paul Rossi on JBP Podcast S4 E17

    [24:51] What exactly happened to Dr. Rima Azar - Dr. Rima on JBP S4 E28

    [39:25] Free Speech and No Safe Spaces documentaries attempt to get distributed - Prager & Carolla on JBP Podcast S4 E44

    [50:16] Changes in free speech policy at Cambridge - James Orr & Arif Ahmed on JBP Podcast S4 E75

    [01:02:17] - Did Dr. Ponesse ever apologize? - Dr. Julie Ponesse on JBP Podcast

    [01:03:16] When Yeon Mi started to speak out - Yeon Mi Park on JBP Podcast S4 E26