
    The Deplorables, Snowden and Oil Pipelines - Ep. 21

    enSeptember 14, 2016

    About this Episode

    In Episode 21 of Capitol Fight Club, John Gray, Brian Darling, Sam Sacks and Sam Knight battled over whether Hillary fumbled away the election with her “basket of deplorables” comment, Snowden’s viability for an Obama pardon and whether blocking oil pipelines will save the planet from fossil fuels.


    Capitol Fight Club is a weekly face-off between two political insiders on the right versus two on the left. Darling and Gray (editor of The Ideas Factory) worked for Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and both write for Conservative Review. Our progressive friends, “The Sams,” Sam Sacks and Sam Knight, are the co-founders of the progressive blog The District Sentinel. Nate Madden of @CR is the ref and the moderator of the podcast.

    Recent Episodes from Capitol Fight Club

    Why is GOP leadership hiding its Obamacare replacement from you? — Capitol Fight Club EP32

    Why is GOP leadership hiding its Obamacare replacement from you? — Capitol Fight Club EP32

    The guys are back and moderator-free with John Gray’s departure into the Trump administration. Taking his place is former referee Nate Madden in a no-holds-barred return to Conservative Review’s weekly policy cage match.

    Round 1:

    Nate, Brian, and the Sams dive into the recent dustup surrounding Attorney General Jeff Sessions and whether or not he was right to recuse himself.

    Round 2:

    The gang hashes out Trump’s speech before a joint session of Congress. The guys outline the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    Round 3:

    GOP leadership has been keeping its Obamacare replacement plan a secret from voters and members of Congress. Shouldn’t the people know what’s in it before we pass it? And what should the replacement plan look like?

    About the Show:

    Capitol Fight Club is a weekly face-off between two political insiders on the Right versus (usually) two on the Left. Darling and worked for Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. He and Madden both write for Conservative Review. “The Sams” are co-founders of the District Sentinel, a news co-op here in D.C.

    Were the Berkley riots justified protests … or domestic terrorism?

    Were the Berkley riots justified protests … or domestic terrorism?

    The guys are back and moderator free with John Gray’s departure into the Trump Administration. Taking is place is former referee Nate Madden in a no-holds bar return to Conservative Review’s once-again-weekly policy cage match.


    Round 1:

    Nate, Brian, and the Sams dive into Trump’s Supreme Court pick, Neil Gorsuch and whether or not Senate Democrats will actually be able to block him.

    Round 2:

    The gang discusses the recent riots at U.C. Berkeley over political provocateur and Breitbart Editor Milo Yiannopoulos. Was this a justified response to perceived tyranny, or wanton domestic terrorism against free speech? You decide.

    Round 3:

    An ocean of ink has been spilled over Trump’s contested “Muslim ban” – the travel suspension affecting seven high-risk countries – in the closing bout, the guys discuss the measure (and the following media firestorm) and what it means for liberty and security here in the United States and elsewhere.

    What will Trump’s cabinet picks do for American jobs? – Capitol Fight Club EP30

    What will Trump’s cabinet picks do for American jobs? – Capitol Fight Club EP30

    The Sams are back at for the first time since the election for the fightingest Capitol Fight Club ever. As John and Brian take their election victory lap, the Sams pony up and to fulfill the terms of a lost bet.

    Round 1:

    John, Brian, and the Sams dive into Trump’s most recent cabinet picks, which soon turns into an all-out brawl over fiscal policy, the federal reserve, and President-elect Donald Trump’s proposed tax cuts.

    Round 2:

    The gang discusses the recount efforts led by Green Party Candidate Jill Stein in the wake of the election, while the Sams take some pot shots at Hillary Clinton’s terrible campaign strategy, while both sides trade blows about the Electoral College.

    Round 3:

    The death of Fidel Castro resonated around the world. The four debate his legacy, with a heated exchange about whether the Cuban Communist was a brutal dictator or a Marxist hero.

    About The Show

    Capitol Fight Club is a weekly face-off between two political insiders on the Right versus (usually) two on the Left. Darling and Gray (editor of The Ideas Factory) worked for Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and both write for Conservative Review. 

    Nate Madden of CR is the moderator and producer of the podcast.

    What would a Jeff Sessions-run DOJ look like?

    What would a Jeff Sessions-run DOJ look like?

    In our first time back in the ring since last week’s election results, the beltway is abuzz with cabinet talk. The Sams are out this week, so Brian and John are joined by the Daily Caller’s Chris Bedford and former Reagan administration official Bruce Fein to talk about the forthcoming Trump cabinet, what they actually remember from election night, and how Facebook employees are once again trying to censor your newsfeed.

    Round 1:

    John, Brian, Bruce, and Chris delve into the future of Trump’s administration. What do recent high profile picks like Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala. (A, 87%) as Attorney General, Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., (C, 77%) as CIA director mean for the next four years? Is Trump starting to channel Lincoln, like John Gray writes elsewhere at CR?

    Round 2:

    The gang discusses the latest Silicon Valley attempt to crack down on conservative media by limiting so-called ‘fake news” sites, and what it means for free speech in the media market going forward.

    About The Show

    Capitol Fight Club is a weekly face-off between two political insiders on the Right versus (usually) two on the Left. Darling and Gray (editor of The Ideas Factory) worked for Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and both write for Conservative Review. 

    Nate Madden of CR is the moderator and producer of the podcast.

    Was Comey right to inform Congress about the Weiner emails? -ep 28

    Was Comey right to inform Congress about the Weiner emails? -ep 28

    With just days before voters cast their ballots and on the heels of potentially devastating news for the Clinton campaign, this week’s three-round Capitol Fight Club is all about elections.

    Round 1:

    John, Brian, and The Sams delve into whether or not FBI director James Comey was right to update Congress about the status of Hillary Clinton’s email investigation, setting off the 2016 election’s most recent firestorm. What kind of precedent will this set for the bureau and for future elections?


    Round 2:

    Tuesday’s election, like all elections, is about far more than who will occupy the Oval Office for the next four years. One of this cycle’s biggest nail biters has become whether or not Republicans will keep control of the Senate. Listen to what the guys say about the potential of the Senate changing hands and what that will mean for the future of the Supreme Court.

    Round 3:

    So you’re saying there’s a chance? In light of the FBI’s recent announcement about Hillary’s investigation, the polls seem to be tightening between her and Donald Trump. In the last Capitol Fight Club round before Election Day, the guys weigh in with their predictions about America’s next commander in chief.

    About The Show

    Capitol Fight Club is a weekly face-off between two political insiders on the Right versus two on the Left. Darling and Gray (editor of The Ideas Factory) worked for Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and both write for Conservative Review.

    Our progressive friends, “The Sams,” Sam Sacks and Sam Knight, are the co-founders of the progressive blog The District Sentinel.

    Nate Madden of CR is the moderator and producer of the podcast.

    Trump’s 4 last chances and the future of crony windmills – Ep 26

    Trump’s 4 last chances and the future of crony windmills – Ep 26

    Warning: Explicit language

    In Episode 26 of Capitol Fight Club, John Gray, Brian Darling, Sam Sacks, and Sam Knight battle over who won Wednesday night’s debate in Las Vegas, where the two candidates stand heading into the last leg of the election, and what we learned about the Democratic nominee and her inner circle courtesy of some leaked emails.

    Round 1

    Brian Darling has a new piece up on the cite outlining 4 reasons Trump could still win the election. The guys discuss whether he has a point … or completely lost his mind.

    Round 2

    Wind energy is booming in a handful of red states thanks to some help from the federal government. The guys hash it out over whether or not your tax dollars ought to be going to fund these sorts of green projects, or whether market forces should drive the future of energy.

    About The Show

    Capitol Fight Club is a weekly face-off between two political insiders on the Right versus two on the Left. Darling and Gray (editor of The Ideas Factory) worked for Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and both write for Conservative Review.

    Our progressive friends, “The Sams,” Sam Sacks and Sam Knight, are the co-founders of the progressive blog The District Sentinel.

    Nate Madden of CR is the moderator and producer of the podcast.

    Who won the last debate and what did WikiLeaks teach us about Hillary? – Ep 26

    Who won the last debate and what did WikiLeaks teach us about Hillary? – Ep 26

    Warning: Explicit language

    In Episode 26 of Capitol Fight Club, John Gray, Brian Darling, Sam Sacks, and Sam Knight battle over who won Wednesday night’s debate in Las Vegas, where the two candidates stand heading into the last leg of the election, and what we learned about the Democrat nominee and her inner circle courtesy of some leaked emails.

    Round 1

    Who won the second presidential debate Wednesday night in Las Vegas? Will Trump’s performance be enough to turn his numbers around before the election?

    Round 2

    What do the recent WikiLeaks email dumps show us about the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, and her fitness to be president?

    Capitol Fight Club is a weekly face-off between two political insiders on the Right versus two on the Left. Darling and Gray (editor of The Ideas Factory) worked for Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and both write for Conservative Review. Our progressive friends, “The Sams,” Sam Sacks and Sam Knight, are the co-founders of the progressive blog The District Sentinel. Nate Madden of CR is the moderator and producer of the podcast.

    Where does Trump go from here? Ep 25

    Where does Trump go from here? Ep 25

    Warning: Explicit language

    In Episode 25 of Capitol Fight Club, John Gray, Brian Darling, Sam Sacks and Sam Knight battled over where Donald Trump should go from here, how he did in the debates and what the recent release of lewd footage about Donald Trump says about his chances in over the next month.

    Round 1 centered around who won the second presidential debate Sunday night in St. Louis.

    Round 2 focused on the tape itself, what it says about Trump’s character and what it means for congressional republicans running for re-election.

    Capitol Fight Club is a weekly face-off between two political insiders on the Right versus two on the Left.  Darling and Gray (editor of The Ideas Factory) worked for Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and both write for Conservative Review. Our progressive friends, “The Sams,”  Sam Sacks and Sam Knight, are the co-founders of the progressive blog The District Sentinel. Nate Madden of CR is the producer and the moderator of the podcast.

    Fight club: Did Mike Pence really win the V.P. debate?

    Fight club: Did Mike Pence really win the V.P. debate?

    Warning: Explicit language

    In Episode 24 of Capitol Fight Club, John Gray, Brian Darling, Sam Sacks and Sam Knight battled over who won Tuesday night's vice presidential debate and what recent revelations about Donald Trump’s taxes tell potential voters about his candidacy, if anything.

    Round 1 centered around whether Senator Tim Kaine or Governor Mike Pence won Tuesday night’s VP presidential debate, with a surprising 3-1 vote split on the winner, and what Kaine and Pence’s stances on foreign policy and abortion could mean for their respective running mates in November.

    Round 2 centered around the recent New York Times story about Donald Trump’s 1995 tax returns and what that means for Trump’s business narrative, as well as a similar-yet-underreported story about Hillary Clinton from two years ago.

    Capitol Fight Club is a weekly face-off between two political insiders on the Right versus two on the Left.  Darling and Gray (editor of The Ideas Factory) worked for Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and both write for Conservative Review. Our progressive friends, “The Sams,”  Sam Sacks and Sam Knight, are the co-founders of the progressive blog The District Sentinel. Nate Madden of CR is the producer and the moderator of the podcast.

    Hostra Debate Recap - Ep 23

    Hostra Debate Recap - Ep 23

    In Episode 23 of Capitol Fight Club, John Gray, Brian Darling, Sam Sacks and Sam Knight battled over who won Monday night's presidential debate. The three rounds covered the economy, national security, and what this means for the campaign trail leading into the next debate on October 9.

    Capitol Fight Club is a weekly face-off between two political insiders on the Right versus two on the Left.  Darling and Gray (editor of The Ideas Factory) worked for Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and both write for Conservative Review. Our progressive friends, “The Sams,”  Sam Sacks and Sam Knight, are the co-founders of the progressive blog The District Sentinel. Nate Madden of CR is the ref and the moderator of the podcast.

    Capitol Fight Club
    enSeptember 27, 2016