
    The Depressing Reality of Procrastination (...Sorry It's Late)

    en-usJanuary 28, 2022

    About this Episode

    About 20% of the population are self-proclaimed procrastinators.
     Procrastination and depression go hand-in-hand. Find out why and learn ways to weaken the link between them.

    LOVING NOTE: The things that we love tell us who we are.

    *********** 10 STEPS TO OVERCOME PROCRASTINATION **********

    1) Create a list and prioritize it

    2) Schedule tasks allowing extra time for mishaps

    3) Push through and get started
               - Use the Nike mindset:  "Just do it"
               - Use the 5-second rule

    4) Be aware of the Zierganick effect: once started, your brain remains focused on a task until it is completed, even if you stop
    5) Do the hard stuff first: Eat the live frog

    6) Create the right environment and remove distractions

    7) Be aware of when you start to stray and get back on track

    8) Reduce anxiety:
                   - Practice controlled breathing
                   - Use the 5-sense grounding technique
                   - Change your expectation: Perfect does not exist
                    - Remember previous successes
                    - Try a smaller task
                    - Ask for help

    9)  Plan a reward for when you are done

    10)  Cross it off your list

    ********** CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID IT **********

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    Recent Episodes from My S.A.D. Self

    Jen the Health Coach: The Link Between Depression and Leaky Gut

    Jen the Health Coach: The Link Between Depression and Leaky Gut

    This week's Loving Note: "Love yourself like you're not waiting for someone else to do it."

    Leaky gut - picture microscopic food bits sneaking through the intestinal lining and putting your body on high alert.  An immune response is created which causes inflammation that leads to complete dis-ease throughout your entire body, including the endocrine system responsible for your mood.

    What causes the leaking and how do you know if you have it? Can you prevent it from happening? Can it be reversed? Will eating properly really help reduce the symptoms of depression?  Jen the health coach is back to talk about leaky gut and how you can take action to reduce its symptoms in your body.

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    My S.A.D. Self
    en-usMarch 18, 2022

    The Power of Plants: We have a biological need to connect with nature

    The Power of Plants: We have a biological need to connect with nature

    Loving Note: When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine.

    Humanity has always been connected to nature. We have used it for food and shelter, medicine and religion, to time our daily tasks as well as our seasonal ones.   This week Richelle talks about how we are genetically programmed to benefit from being in nature - both physically and mentally.  And, if going out in the cold seems awful, learn how taking care of houseplants can help you just as much as going outside.  Houseplants are easy to take care of, don't cost a lot, and take up very little space. It is something that everyone should try. She even makes a few suggestions of plants to try!

    00:00:01 - Introduction to Seasonal Affective Disorder
    00:00:55 - The Importance of Nature
    00:02:08 - Biophilia Hypothesis
    00:02:41 - Disconnection from Nature and Its Consequences
    00:03:58 - Stress and Its Impact on Health and Environment
    00:05:03 - Individual Actions and Their Collective Impact
    00:06:06 - Nature's Healing Effects on Stress
    00:07:09 - Benefits of Soil Microbes and Grounding
    00:08:04 - Indoor Plants as a Nature Substitute
    00:09:41 - Meditative Aspects of Plant Care
    00:10:22 - Choosing the Right Houseplants
    00:11:47 - Benefits of Snake Plants and Peace Lilies
    00:13:15 - Self-Care and Plant Care
    00:15:22 - Looking Forward to Spring
    00:16:06 - Plant Care Tips and Q&A Offer
    00:16:49 - Conclusion and Personal Reflections
    00:17:10 - Loving Note and Sign-off
    00:17:51 - Support and Follow-Up Information

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    My S.A.D. Self
    en-usMarch 11, 2022

    Jen the Health Coach: You Are What You Eat - Introduction to Gut Health

    Jen the Health Coach: You Are What You Eat - Introduction to Gut Health

     LOVING NOTE: Every dream fulfilled begins with a simple wish.

    Jenn: the Health Coach introduces us to the gut biome and its link to mental wellness. 

    *****SIX THINGS TO NIX*****
    Along with removing yourself from TOXIC situations and distancing yourself from TOXIC people, keep an eye out for these joy-stealing ingredients in your daily meals, beverages, and products.  

    1. High Fructose Corn Syrup - Fructose, Fructose Syrup, Corn Syrup...many more names are listed here: New Names for High Fructose Corn Syrup
    2. Artificial Color and  Flavor - Any color/number combination, Tartrazine in Canada: What are Artificial Colours?
    3. Fried Foods, Processed Foods - Omega 6 oils:  peanut, Safflower, Sunflower, Grapeseed, Corn, Cottonseed, Soybean, Sesame
    4.  Processed Meats - Deli meats, salami, fast foods, etc.: Hidden Dangers of Fast and Processed Foods
    5. Aspartame - All artificial sweeteners: Artificial Sweeteners
    6. MSG - Monosodium Glutamate and many more names listed here: The Truth in Labeling

    *****SEXY SIX FOR SUCCESS*****
    You are WORTHY!  Every small step towards better health adds up.  Incorporating these 6 in your life will make you smile: 

    1. Leafy Green Vegetables - Spinach, Kale, Collards, Beet Greens, Dandelion, Broccoli: Foods For Better Brain Power 
    2. Omega 3’s  - Spirulina, Walnuts, Seeds, Fish, Chia, Flax, Hemp, Natto, Egg: Omega3 Foods
    3. Cacao  - Unsweetened, Raw: The Benefits of Cacao
    4. Vitamin D - Sunshine (UV Rays), Cod Liver Oil, Sockeye Salmon, Rainbow Trout, White Mushrooms: Vitamin D
    5. Pre & Pro-Biotics -  Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Fermented foods, Onions, Garlic, Greens:  Infographic
    6. MOVEMENT - Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes every day

    Support the show
    My S.A.D. Self
    en-usFebruary 22, 2022

    Happy Valentine's Day to Me!

    Happy Valentine's Day to Me!

    Cards and chocolates & flowers!   Oh my!

    Find out the scientific evidence that shows why we should all get these gifts, not just on Valentine's Day, but on any day, for any reason!

    THIS WEEK'S LOVING NOTE: Life is a gift. Go ahead and unwrap it.

    Support the show
    My S.A.D. Self
    en-usFebruary 11, 2022

    Everything You Need to Know About "D" Sunshine Vitamin

    Everything You Need to Know About "D" Sunshine Vitamin

    When we are exposed to UVB rays,  the good cholesterol in our skin makes vitamin D, but a  vitamin, by definition, comes from our diets.  Wait...what? And aren't UVB rays bad for us?
    We take it to help with calcium absorption, but our bodies use it up in our cardiovascular and endocrine systems before the bones ever benefit from it.  Confused yet? Join Richelle to get a bit of clarity as to why Vitamin D is often used as a treatment to reduce the symptoms of SAD.

    This week's loving note:  Make your heart the most beautiful thing about you.


    Daily Requirement  = 800IU - 1000 IU

    COD LIVER OIL:  1 tbsp/10 ml cod liver oils = 210% DV

    FISH: 1 serving = 3.5 oz/100g

    •  salmon (wild) =  124% DV
    •  salmon (farmed) =  32% DV
    • atlantic herring (fresh) =  27% DV
    • allantic  herring (pickled) = 14% DV (CAUTION: high in sodium)
    •  mackerel or halibut = 48% DV
    • tuna (canned in water) = 34% DV (-CAUTION methyl mercury - < 2 servings per week
    •  3.8 oz can of sardines = 17% DV

    EGGS:  1 whole egg (D is only found in yolk)

    •  commerically produced = 5% DV
    •  free range chicken = 15-20% DV
    • chicken raised on D-enriched feed = 700% DV

    MUSHROOMS: 1 serving = 3.5 oz/100g

    •  wild mushrooms = 300% DV
    •  Super-D/fortified mushroom = 25% DV
    •  NOTE: commercially produced do not have any vitamin D

    FORTIFIED BEVERAGES: 1 serving =1 cup/237 m
    (see product labels for exact amounts)

    •  cow's milk = 20% DV
    •  soy milk = 15% DV
    •  orange juice = 12% DV

    FORTIFIED GRAINS: 1 serving = 1/2 cup/78g
     (see product labels for exact amounts) 

    • breakfast cereal =15-17%
    • instant oatmeal = 17% DV
    Support the show
    My S.A.D. Self
    en-usFebruary 04, 2022

    The Depressing Reality of Procrastination (...Sorry It's Late)

    The Depressing Reality of Procrastination  (...Sorry It's Late)

    About 20% of the population are self-proclaimed procrastinators.
     Procrastination and depression go hand-in-hand. Find out why and learn ways to weaken the link between them.

    LOVING NOTE: The things that we love tell us who we are.

    *********** 10 STEPS TO OVERCOME PROCRASTINATION **********

    1) Create a list and prioritize it

    2) Schedule tasks allowing extra time for mishaps

    3) Push through and get started
               - Use the Nike mindset:  "Just do it"
               - Use the 5-second rule

    4) Be aware of the Zierganick effect: once started, your brain remains focused on a task until it is completed, even if you stop
    5) Do the hard stuff first: Eat the live frog

    6) Create the right environment and remove distractions

    7) Be aware of when you start to stray and get back on track

    8) Reduce anxiety:
                   - Practice controlled breathing
                   - Use the 5-sense grounding technique
                   - Change your expectation: Perfect does not exist
                    - Remember previous successes
                    - Try a smaller task
                    - Ask for help

    9)  Plan a reward for when you are done

    10)  Cross it off your list

    ********** CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID IT **********

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    Let's Talk Mental Health

    Let's Talk Mental Health

    In this very special episode, Richelle talks about the Bell Let's Talk initiative to help Canadians talk about mental health issues

    She provides practical information for starting conversations about mental health, promoting recovery from mental illness, and encouraging healthy relationships with others. Due to personal experience, she understands the stigma attached to mental illness and explains how we can use respect and dignity to break down the barriers that prevent open conversations about mental health.

    LOVING NOTE: You are never too old to dream new dreams

    If you are in crisis,
    - text WELLNESS to 741741
    - go to your local hospital
    - call 911 immediately
    - locate a Crisis Centre in your region
    Thinking of suicide?
    - call toll free1-833-456-4566 toll free (In QC: 1-866-277-3553)
    - visit  www.crisisservicescanada.ca.
    For children and youth
    Kids Help Phone  Call toll free:1-888-668-6868 or Text: 686868
    Black Youth Helpline Call toll free 1-833-294-8650 (9 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
    Jack.org  Empowering young leaders to revolutionize mental health initiatives
    Culturally specific resources
    Hope For Wellness Immediate mental health counseling for indigenous peoples
    - call 1-855-242-3310, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
    - for online live counseling, click here
    Multicultural Mental Health Resource Centre  Provides culturally specific and multilingual mental health care

    For adults and families
    Strongest Families Institute  Providing timely access to quality services
    Canadian Mental Health Association Find national and provincial programs
    Mood Disorders Society of Canada Provides a strong, cohesive voice at the national level
    The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Provides clinical care services
    Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health Provides services for people ages 65-100+
    Mental Health Commission of Canada Creating a better health system for Canadians

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    Battle the Blah's Using Self-Care Strategies

    Battle the Blah's Using Self-Care Strategies

    There's no getting around it, Winter is here and we are all starting to feel the blah's.
    The trick to getting through them is to take time to care for yourself and your well being. Allowing yourself to feel good, whether physically, mentally, or spiritually can promote a sense of self worth and extending that feeling to others can give your life meaning while benefiting those you reach out to. 

    Richelle discusses ways to add self care to your life and how to promote well being in yourself and others. Everyone can benefit from this episode, whether you suffer from S.A.D. or not. Self-Care is essential for everyone

    Support the show
    My S.A.D. Self
    en-usJanuary 14, 2022

    Richelle's Story - How I found my true self while battling depression

    Richelle's Story - How I found my true self while battling depression

    In this episode, Richelle reveals all - from being tormented by bullies as a child, to her current attitude, this personal account is heartfelt and honest.

    Find out how she discovers her love for horticulture and landscape design, learn how she overcame social anxiety and celebrate with her as she reveals the person she has become today.

    "We have to stop obsessing about the expectations we have for the future, and start celebrating the achievements we have already made" ~ Richelle Gregg

    Follow on Instagram: @richellegregg

    Support the show
    My S.A.D. Self
    en-usJanuary 07, 2022