
    The Disaster Ahead If We Lose This Election (Ep 1303)

    enJuly 22, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • The Impact of Big Liberal Donors on Local ElectionsGeorge Soros and other big liberal donors influence local elections, and it's important to follow the money and discuss their impact on American politics

      The Dan Bongino Show discusses the influence of big liberal donors, specifically George Soros, on local elections in the United States. The show also promotes various products, including ExpressVPN, Brickhouse Nutrition's Foundation supplement, and Field of Greens. The McCloskey case, a local story of a St. Louis couple defending their property from violent protesters, gained national attention and sparked a conversation about the role of violent protests in American politics. The show encourages listeners to follow the money and not be dissuaded from discussing important issues affecting Americans.

    • St. Louis Couple Charged by Corrupt Prosecutor with Soros TiesA corrupt prosecutor, funded by George Soros, charged a St. Louis couple for defending their home against a violent mob, despite not firing a shot. This highlights the influence of wealthy donors in local politics and the danger of divisive policies.

      The St. Louis couple who defended their property from a violent mob was charged by a corrupt prosecutor, Kim Gardner, who received significant funding from liberal mega-donor George Soros. The mob had torn down the couple's front gate, threatened to burn their house down, and threatened their lives. Despite the couple not firing a shot, they were charged for defending their home. This incident is part of a larger pattern of liberal efforts to intimidate and silence those who oppose their agenda. The connection to Soros highlights the influence of wealthy donors in local politics and their role in promoting divisive and dangerous policies. The McCloskey case serves as a warning of the lengths to which some politicians will go to undermine individual rights and freedoms.

    • Thirty Front War: Liberal Groups' Multi-Faceted Assault on American SocietyLiberal groups, funded by individuals like George Soros, wage a comprehensive assault on various aspects of American society, aiming to erode individual rights and implement progressive policies through elections, courts, culture, academia, technology, and more.

      Liberal groups, with significant funding from individuals like George Soros, are engaged in a multi-faceted assault on various aspects of American society, collectively known as the "Thirty Front War." This war encompasses local and national elections, court systems, culture, entertainment, academia, technology, and more. The goal is to erode individual rights and freedoms, such as the Second Amendment, and implement progressive policies. By focusing on multiple fronts simultaneously, these groups aim to overwhelm opposition and make significant changes, even if they cannot achieve their goals through traditional means. It is crucial for voters to understand the importance of down-ballot races, as these elections can have a significant impact on local policies and the overall direction of the country.

    • The complex political landscape of gun rightsBoth major parties have failed to uphold the Second Amendment, down-ballot races matter, and the media can shape public perception, emphasizing the importance of being informed and engaged in politics to protect individual rights and freedoms.

      The political landscape, specifically in the context of gun rights, is complex and contentious. The speaker argues that both major parties have failed to uphold the Second Amendment and that down-ballot races are crucial in preventing individuals like Kim Gardner from undermining this right. The Missouri Attorney General, Eric Schmidt, is highlighted as an example of someone standing up for constitutional protections. However, the speaker also acknowledges the role of the media in shaping public perception and portraying criminals as the good guys while those who defend themselves are labeled as the bad guys. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being informed and engaged in the political process to protect individual rights and freedoms.

    • Concerns over authoritarian tactics in the electionPresident Trump sending in federal agents to protect citizens could be a trial run for more significant attempts to intimidate and potentially use force to steal the election. Media and elected officials contribute to a culture that undermines law and order, making it crucial to stay informed and not be swayed by hysteria or misinformation.

      There are significant concerns about potential authoritarian tactics being used to influence the election, with President Trump sending in federal agents to protect citizens from violence in cities like Portland being portrayed as the bad guys. This is a serious issue, with real-life consequences such as businesses and buildings being attacked and burned down, and the media playing a role in shaping the narrative to make it seem as though the federal agents are the ones causing the problem. It's important to look beyond symbolic politics and understand the potential implications of these actions, which could be a trial run for more significant attempts to intimidate and potentially use force to steal the election. Additionally, there are elected officials, such as the attorney general of Minnesota, who are downplaying serious crimes and contributing to a culture that undermines law and order. It's crucial to stay informed and not be swayed by hysteria or misinformation. For a comfortable night's sleep, consider investing in a high-quality sheet set from Boland Branch, with a risk-free trial period and a current promotion for $50 off using the code Bongino.

    • The role of law enforcement vs social workers in responding to sexual assaultThe debate around sexual assault response emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach, acknowledging the unique needs of victims and ensuring accountability for perpetrators, while also considering the roles of law enforcement and social workers in providing support and justice.

      The debate around responding to sexual assault cases raises important questions about the role of law enforcement versus social workers. Some argue that victims should have access to both, while others believe that one response is more effective than the other. For instance, some believe that law enforcement is necessary to apprehend the perpetrator, while others argue that social workers are better equipped to provide emotional support to victims. The discussion also touched on the perceived silence of women's groups and the potential implications of this issue for political discourse and public opinion. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complexity of addressing sexual assault and the need for a comprehensive response that acknowledges the unique needs of victims while also ensuring accountability for perpetrators.

    • President's Power to Protect Federal PropertyThe president has the authority to send federal law enforcement to protect federal property under 40 US code 1315, a fact often overlooked by the media.

      During a discussion about President Trump's authority to send federal law enforcement officers to American cities, it was emphasized that the president has the power to protect federal property under 40 US code 1315. It was also noted that reporters, such as John Carl, who are not aware of this constitutional power, can be taken aback during interviews. The golden rule in politics, according to the speaker, is never to ask a question when one is unsure of the answer. The speaker criticized the media for not being well-informed and for not understanding the president's authority in certain situations. The conversation also included some light-hearted moments, such as suggesting that Kayleigh McEnany could have used a lint roller during an interview for effect.

    • Essential Wireless Earbuds: Raycon RecommendedRaycon wireless earbuds offer affordability, long battery life, comfort, seamless Bluetooth pairing, noise-isolation, and a discreet design, making them a reliable and cost-effective alternative to more expensive options.

      Having a reliable pair of wireless earbuds is essential for productivity and enjoyment, whether you're working from home or focusing on your fitness. The speaker highly recommends Raycon wireless earbuds due to their affordability, long battery life, comfortable fit, and seamless Bluetooth pairing. Raycon's earbuds also offer a noise-isolating design and a discreet, stem-free look. The speaker emphasizes that Raycon's earbuds have received widespread praise and are a worthy alternative to more expensive options. Additionally, the speaker discusses the importance of critically evaluating information from the media and encourages listeners to look beyond biased narratives and agendas. In the context of the discussion, the speaker provides an example of CNN's coverage of hydroxychloroquine and emphasizes the importance of considering multiple perspectives and sources of information.

    • Hydroxychloroquine debate continues with safety concerns and legal implicationsThe debate over hydroxychloroquine's safety and effectiveness continues, with some claiming it kills and others boosting survival. Politically, the Democrats' plan to change laws, including potentially eliminating the filibuster, could impact the passage of controversial policies.

      There is a contentious debate surrounding the use and safety of hydroxychloroquine, with some claiming it kills people and others stating it boosts survival. Brianna Keeler, a CNN anchor, asserted that hydroxychloroquine kills people, but this statement has been challenged. The producer of hydroxychloroquine suggested suing Keeler for giving potentially harmful advice. Meanwhile, the political front, specifically the legal front, is another significant concern. The Democrats' plan to change laws, including potentially eliminating the filibuster, could have major implications if they win the presidential election and the Senate. The filibuster currently allows the minority party to block legislation, and its elimination could lead to the passage of controversial policies. It's crucial for individuals to stay informed and engaged in the political process to ensure their rights and interests are protected.

    • Democrats' Controversial PoliciesIf Democrats win, they may push through an assault weapons ban, amnesty for millions, taxpayer-funded abortions, tax hikes, card check, D.C. statehood, Supreme Court packing, and a public healthcare option with below market fees

      If the Democrats win the upcoming election, they are expected to push through a number of controversial policies without any filibuster or opposition. These policies include an assault weapons ban with loosely defined terms, amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, taxpayer-funded abortions, tax hikes, card check eliminating secret ballots for union membership, D.C. statehood adding two more Democrat senators, Supreme Court packing to change the court's ideological balance, and a public option for healthcare with the ability to charge below market fees using taxpayer dollars. These changes could significantly alter the political and social landscape of the United States.

    • Potential Impacts of Upcoming Election on IndustriesThe election could lead to changes in healthcare, energy, and financial industries, potentially affecting taxes, costs, and regulations. Exercise your right to vote and consider the financial implications of government spending.

      The upcoming election could result in significant changes to various industries, including healthcare and energy, if the Democratic party gains more power. The public option for healthcare could potentially eliminate private insurance companies, leading to higher taxes and potentially higher healthcare costs. The attack on oil companies could result in a significant increase in gas prices. The Green New Deal, while controversial, could bring about restrictions on industries like agriculture and air travel. It's important for voters to understand the potential implications of their vote and to exercise their right to vote, no matter the circumstances. Additionally, there is a proposed coronavirus relief bill that could add to the country's debt, and it's important to consider the financial implications of government spending. Lastly, consider switching to a cell phone provider that aligns with your values, like Patriot Mobile, to make a difference.

    • Good and Bad Elements of Pandemic Relief BillThe bill includes payroll tax cuts and legal protections, but the speaker worries about the continuation of relief checks, state aid, and enhanced unemployment benefits, believing they perpetuate dependency and long-term harm.

      The proposed pandemic relief bill contains both good and bad elements. The good parts include payroll tax cuts and legal protections for businesses taking appropriate precautions against lawsuits. However, the speaker expresses concerns about the continuation of relief checks, state aid, and enhanced unemployment benefits. The argument is that people should keep their own money, businesses should be responsible for their actions, and individuals should be incentivized to work. The speaker believes that the current relief measures, while not all bad, are causing long-term harm and perpetuating a cycle of dependency.

    • Google and social media bias towards conservative websitesConcerns over Google's alleged blacklisting of conservative news sites and regulatory issues affecting the Trump campaign's texting program with mobile carriers, highlighting the need for fair treatment and transparency.

      There are concerns about censorship and bias towards conservative websites on the internet, specifically with Google and social media platforms like Twitter. This was highlighted in a National Pulse article discussing Google's alleged blacklisting of certain conservative news sites, including Bongino Report. Additionally, there have been reports of regulatory issues affecting the Trump campaign's texting program with mobile carriers like Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. The speaker expressed frustration over these issues and called for fair treatment and transparency. Furthermore, there was a discussion about millionaires and billionaires calling for higher taxes to cover COVID-19 costs, which the speaker criticized as hypocritical.

    • MLB's Woke Activism May Be Alienating FansMLB's promotion of woke activism, such as players kneeling during the National Anthem, may be contributing to its declining popularity and shrinking fan base.

      Major League Baseball (MLB) may be intentionally alienating its fan base and contributing to its declining popularity through the promotion of woke activism, such as players kneeling during the National Anthem. According to an article by Tom Joyce in the Washington Examiner, MLB's fan base is already shrinking, with attendance dropping from 80 million in 2007 to 68.5 million in 2019. The average fan age has also increased from 52 in 2006 to 57 in 2017, and only 7% of fans were under the age of 18. The NFL experienced similar backlash after players began kneeling during the National Anthem, resulting in a decline in TV ratings and fan attendance. The piece suggests that these protests are a significant reason for fans tuning out. While fans have the right to protest, the article argues that disrespecting the National Anthem and the flag may not be a wise business decision for MLB.

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