
    The Discord Leaks, San Francisco Safety, and Kate Crawford on AI

    enApril 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Unlocking amazing outcomes through effective teamwork and collaborationCompanies with the fastest speed to market prioritize teamwork and productivity, and tools like Confluence, Jira, and Loom from Atlassian, and Pendo's focus on improving digital experiences can help maximize these efforts.

      Effective teamwork and collaboration are key to unlocking amazing outcomes in organizations. Companies with the fastest speed to market tend to be those that look across the organization rather than up and down the hierarchy. Atlassian, a supporter of this podcast, offers software like Confluence, Jira, and Loom to help maximize teamwork and productivity. Meanwhile, Pendo, another sponsor, focuses on improving digital experiences for users to get more value from software. Kara Swisher, the podcast host, shared an amusing story about unexpectedly appearing on the BBC during a long flight, and emphasized the importance of solid interviewing skills and not being afraid to challenge interviewees. In essence, looking across and working together can lead to better outcomes and more value for all parties involved.

    • The Power of Community and Faith During GriefCommunity and faith provide comfort during grief, personal experiences shape decisions, and support systems are crucial.

      The power of community and faith came to the forefront during a time of grief. The speaker took a road trip with a friend to attend a memorial service for her friend's mother. The service was filled with prayer and religious symbolism, which was uncomfortable for the speaker as she identified as Catholic but not a practicing one. However, she appreciated the comfort it brought to the friend and her children. The speaker also reflected on her own roots and memories of spending summers in West Virginia as a child. Additionally, her son turned 18 and made a decision to attend a university, which the speaker believes was influenced by their conversations about college and career options. The speaker also mentioned her return to Twitter after a brief absence. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of support systems during difficult times and the impact of personal experiences on decision-making.

    • Elon Musk's Twitter Claims: Take with a Grain of SaltMusk's statements about Twitter's revival and AI concerns should be scrutinized for inconsistencies and potential self-interest.

      Elon Musk's claims about the current state of Twitter, including the return of advertisers and government access to DMs, should be taken with a grain of salt. During a recent interview on Twitter Spaces, Musk made several bold statements, some of which lack concrete evidence. Musk's call for a pause in AI development while simultaneously accelerating his own efforts raises questions about his genuine concerns for the technology. The interview's critique highlighted the inconsistency in Musk's message and the potential self-serving nature of his statements. The discussion also touched on notable arrests in the tech community and an interview with researcher Kate Crawford about the human component of AI. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of critical analysis when evaluating high-profile figures' statements.

    • Baseless allegations against the governmentBe skeptical of unfounded claims, demand evidence, and recognize that government is made up of regular people. Public servants should prioritize the country's needs over their own desires.

      Unfounded claims without proof should be met with skepticism. During a discussion, it was mentioned that certain individuals make baseless allegations against the government, specifically the idea of a sinister "deep state." However, the speaker emphasized that the government is made up of regular people, and the notion of a deep state being a significant issue is often perpetuated by those who want less regulation or are seeking power themselves. Additionally, there have been calls for Senator Dianne Feinstein to resign due to her absences and inability to fulfill her duties effectively. The speaker believes that public servants should put the country's needs above their own desires to stay in office. Overall, it's crucial to demand evidence and factual information before accepting any claims.

    • Should President Biden Run for Re-election?The debate discussed the age and demands of the presidency, individualism, leadership, dignity, and the consequences of withholding evidence in the Fox News Dominion trial.

      The discussion revolved around the question of whether President Joe Biden should run for re-election in 2024, with some arguing that he should step down due to his age and the demands of the presidency. The debate also touched on the trend of individualism in society and the importance of leadership and dignity in making decisions for the greater good. Additionally, the Fox News Dominion trial was discussed, with the possibility of a settlement and the consequences of withholding evidence and mischaracterizing roles in a company. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and challenges of leadership and the importance of accountability.

    • Fox News Faces Defamation Trial, JPMorgan Chase Reports Strong EarningsFox News faces a potential hefty fine in a defamation trial, while JPMorgan Chase reports impressive earnings and industry growth. Criticisms towards the tech industry's handling of crime in San Francisco may shift following a recent arrest.

      The ongoing defamation trial between Dominion Voting Systems and Fox News, involving anchors like Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, and Lou Dobbs, could result in significant financial consequences for the media company. Despite the potential for a hefty fine, News Corp is reportedly hesitant to settle and may face increased scrutiny and negative publicity if the case goes to trial. Meanwhile, JPMorgan Chase reported impressive first-quarter earnings, surpassing expectations with a 25% revenue increase and a 52% profit jump. The banking industry as a whole could benefit from these strong financial performances. Additionally, there have been calls for Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase's CEO, to consider a role in government due to his leadership skills and empathy. The tech industry has been under scrutiny following the murder of Bob Lee, the founder of Cash App, in San Francisco. Some prominent figures, including Elon Musk and Jason Calacanis, have criticized the city's leadership for its approach to crime. However, a suspect has been arrested in connection to the murder, potentially shifting the focus away from these criticisms.

    • A personal murder in San Francisco and its broader implicationsThe murder of Bob Lee was a personal matter, but its implications add to San Francisco's ongoing challenges, including rising homicides, homelessness, and legal issues.

      The murder of Bob Lee in San Francisco was a personal matter between him and his accused killer, Nima Momeni. Despite the rise in homicides in the city, the murder rate for a city of 1 million people is not unusually high or low. However, the incident, along with other issues such as homelessness and legal challenges, adds to the city's problems. The tech consultant involved in the discussion, who personally knows Lee, expressed shock and sadness over the incident, emphasizing that the politicization of such events is discouraging. The discussion also touched upon the increase in property crimes in certain areas of the city and the closure of storefronts due to the pandemic. Despite these challenges, some neighborhoods have improved since the pandemic. Overall, the conversation highlighted the personal and complex nature of the incident and the broader issues facing San Francisco.

    • Tech community's irresponsible behavior and resistance to regulationThe tech community's belief in their own invincibility has led to fraud, dishonesty, and even death, causing damage and unsafe conditions in cities, particularly San Francisco. It's crucial to address the culture of tech entrepreneurs and work towards a more responsible and regulated tech industry.

      The tech community's belief in their own invincibility and resistance to regulation has led to numerous instances of fraud, dishonesty, and even death. This, in turn, has contributed to significant damage and unsafe conditions in cities, particularly San Francisco. The tech community's behavior is not only irresponsible but also disturbing, as they often use tragic events for their own selfish purposes, rather than offering solutions. The government, not the tech community, is the real threat by releasing dangerous criminals and failing to address the root causes of crime. Despite the overall decrease in crime in America, the focus remains on accusations and political maneuvers, rather than finding practical solutions. It's essential to address the culture of tech entrepreneurs who believe the rules don't apply to them and work towards creating a more responsible and regulated tech industry.

    • Balancing the Future and Present in Teamwork and TravelEffective teamwork and collaboration are vital, with tools like Jira, Confluence, and Loom from Atlassian aiding productivity. Viator offers memorable travel experiences. However, securing sensitive information and regulating access are crucial to prevent harm. Striking a balance between future dreams and present actions is essential.

      Effective teamwork and collaboration are crucial for success in both personal and professional contexts. Atlassian helps teams work together efficiently using tools like Jira, Confluence, and Loom. Meanwhile, Viator assists travelers in making the most of their vacations by offering a wide range of tours, activities, and experiences. However, recent events, such as the Discord leak of classified documents, highlight the importance of securing sensitive information and regulating access to prevent potential harm. The incident also raises questions about the lack of regulation in industries with significant influence and impact on society. Ultimately, it's essential to strike a balance between dreaming about the future and focusing on the present while ensuring that proper measures are in place to protect people, information, and organizations.

    • Online world's lack of guardrails makes it easier for young people to make dangerous decisionsYoung people face risks, including sharing sensitive info or engaging in extremist groups, due to the online world's lack of guardrails. Tech companies need to be more transparent and accountable in combating disinformation and fake accounts.

      The online world lacks the guardrails that exist in the offline world, making it easier for young people to make terrible decisions and get involved in dangerous activities, such as spreading sensitive information or engaging in extremist groups. This is particularly concerning given the ease with which young people can access large language models and other online tools. The lack of male role models, socialization opportunities, and potential romantic interests in the online world can exacerbate these issues. The case of the teenager who was arrested for sharing sensitive information illustrates the potential consequences of these risks. The online world also presents challenges when it comes to combating disinformation and fake accounts, as evidenced by the claim that social media platforms catch less than 1% of fake Russian accounts. The confusion surrounding the veracity of this claim highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability from tech companies in this area.

    • The Role of AI in Spreading Extremist Ideologies OnlineAI-powered platforms contribute to the rapid spread of extremist ideologies among young people online, highlighting the need for social and emotional guardrails and offline relationships to mitigate risks.

      The online environment can facilitate the rapid spread of extremist ideologies and harmful behaviors among young people, particularly those lacking opportunities for offline relationships and positive influences. Artificial Intelligence (AI), a material system with significant human labor, natural resources, and data usage, plays a role in this phenomenon through platforms like Discord and social media. The lack of social and emotional guardrails online can lead to poor judgments escalating into damaging actions. The interviewee suggests that relationships and companionship, especially through offline interactions, can help mitigate these risks. It's essential to recognize the sociotechnical nature of AI and address the root causes of the issues, including the role of online communities and the impact of societal factors on young people's sense of belonging and opportunities.

    • AI as statistical analysis tools vs human understandingWhile AI like ChatGPT functions as large statistical analysis tools, it doesn't truly understand language or possess human-like intelligence. Regulate its impact on misinformation and security instead of focusing on apocalyptic scenarios.

      While AI systems like ChatGPT represent a significant advancement due to increased computational scale and available data, they are not truly understanding language or possessing human-like intelligence. Instead, they function as large statistical analysis tools that predict next words or actions based on patterns they have learned. This is a departure from earlier AI attempts to model human understanding. It's important to understand these differences and regulate AI's impact on areas like misinformation and security, rather than focusing on apocalyptic scenarios. The recent AI pause movement, with its warnings of civilization's end, may be a distraction from the real issues. Additionally, some signatories' actions, like Elon Musk's simultaneous signing and development of his own AI model, raise questions about their motivations.

    • Balancing economic growth with data protection and ethical considerations in AIThe US needs a more urgent and coordinated approach to AI regulation, including the creation of an AI policy council, comprehensive federal data protection laws, and addressing the concentration of power in the industry.

      As the use of generative AI continues to grow, it's crucial for the US to establish regulatory oversight to balance economic growth with data protection and ethical considerations. The European Union is leading the way with their AI Act, but the US needs a more urgent and coordinated approach. This could involve the creation of an AI policy council to harmonize policy across various agencies and domains. Additionally, the lack of comprehensive federal data protection laws in the US is a concern, and the proposed American Data Privacy and Protection Act is a step in the right direction. Another important issue is the concentration of power in the AI industry, with a few large private companies controlling and benefiting from the technology. Open source models are emerging, but questions remain about their energy and labor costs. Ultimately, ensuring that the benefits of generative AI are accessible to all of society while mitigating potential risks will require a collaborative and swift policy response.

    • Exploring the ethical implications of large language modelsLarge language models have the potential to revolutionize tasks and industries, but ethical considerations and potential risks must be addressed, including equitable access, energy consumption, misinformation, and social context.

      The advancements in large language models (LLMs) have the potential to significantly disrupt various industries and daily life, but it's crucial to consider the ethical implications and potential risks. The dominance of big tech companies in this field raises concerns about equitable access to these technologies. However, if these models can be trained with less data and energy, it opens up opportunities for smaller companies and innovative uses. I'm personally excited about the potential for LLMs to revolutionize tasks like summarization, coding, and even make English the new programming language. However, it's essential to acknowledge the social questions and complexities that come with these advancements, which include the potential for misinformation and the need for guardrails. Predicting the future of AI is challenging, but it's clear that the focus should be on addressing the ethical considerations and ensuring that the benefits of these technologies are accessible to all. For those interested in exploring AI, experimenting with different types of models, reading widely, and considering the social and cultural context are recommended steps.

    • Understanding AI's societal impactLeading researcher Kate Crawford emphasizes the importance of considering AI's impact on society, encouraging young people to experiment with AI and develop proficiency, questioning the potential consequences of over-reliance on technology, and addressing pressing societal issues to ensure a healthier future.

      As we continue to advance in technology, particularly in the field of AI, it's essential to not only focus on the technical aspects but also consider the broader implications for society. Kate Crawford, a leading researcher in this field, emphasizes the importance of understanding how AI models interact with data and the world, and how these systems might impact the public sphere, media, and democracy. She encourages young people to experiment with AI and develop proficiency in this area, as those who understand it will be the ones shaping the future. An intriguing aspect of AI development is the potential to code without extensive knowledge of programming, as AI can perform tasks previously requiring manual coding. However, this also raises questions about the importance of learning fundamental skills and the potential consequences of over-reliance on technology. Furthermore, Crawford highlights the need to address pressing societal issues that can negatively impact our collective health and wellbeing, much like high blood pressure can lead to various health complications. We must remain vigilant and proactive in addressing these issues to ensure a healthier future for ourselves and society.

    • The impact of women's rights restrictions on society and economyDespite setbacks, the fight for women's rights and human rights continues, with progress being made through relentless efforts and the strong faith in the democratic system.

      The restriction of women's rights, specifically the right to choose, is a major issue that goes beyond basic human rights and impacts our economy and society as a whole. This issue, which is not in line with modern progressive values, is becoming a litmus test for voters and has the potential to divide the nation further. The recent passing of restrictive abortion laws in states like Florida, despite the majority of Americans supporting a woman's right to choose, is an example of minority rule and goes against the principles of a functioning democracy. However, there is hope as seen in the election of Janet Protesiewicz in Wisconsin, which could be a turning point in this issue. It's important to note that while there are setbacks, the long-term faith in the system remains strong. The relentless efforts of those fighting for women's rights and human rights will continue to push for progress.

    • Wisconsin and Florida's Political Shifts: Ideological and Social ConcernsIn Wisconsin and Florida, concerns over religious extremism, rights, and social issues have led to significant political shifts, with voters flipping supreme courts and controversial laws sparking controversy. Acknowledgement and action from political leaders is crucial to address these concerns and maintain the democratic process.

      The political landscape in Wisconsin and Florida has seen significant shifts due to concerns over ideological and social issues. In Wisconsin, voters have flipped the supreme court out of fear of religious fanatics and rights being taken away, while in Florida, a restrictive, misogynistic law has sparked controversy. The election of a democrat to the Supreme Court in Wisconsin is seen as a potential solution, while Donald Trump is the only one acknowledging these issues. However, the situation is concerning as more allies, like Musk, join the cause, creating a relentless push. In Florida, the controversial law has led to backlash and calls for change. Overall, these events highlight the importance of addressing social and ideological concerns in politics and the potential impact of such issues on the democratic process.

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    | Chuck Wisner |

    ► Website | https://www.chuckwisner.com

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    ► The Art of Conscious Conversations Book | https://amzn.to/3Mq1r9S


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    188. Establishing Your Goals and Taking Action in 2023!

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    In this episode, I will discuss the importance of your goals and how it helps you towards success. I will also share my personal system of setting goals that surely help you achieve yours. 


    Tune in to learn more!


    Episode Highlights:

    • What do goals provide us
    • How do goals help us to success
    • Thinking “Why is your goal  important?”
    • How to set up your goals
    • The “Commitment Format”
    • Rewarding yourself after achieving a goal


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    Connectivity and Productivity: A Discussion With Author and Speaker, Phil Simon

    Connectivity and Productivity: A Discussion With Author and Speaker, Phil Simon

    Changes in technical breakthroughs and evolving skill needs are shaping the nature of the workplace of the future. While the pandemic did not fundamentally alter the way people cooperated, it did speed up the pace of change. This resulted in a faster adoption of the concept of remote work.


    With the world adjusting to a new life after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, how do we best utilize the tools that we have so that we can continue our levels of productivity even in remote working situations?


    In this episode, Alexander McCaig discusses this issue with Phil Simon, a keynote speaker, adviser, and Zoom and Slack educator. He is also the author of eleven non-fiction works, the most recent of which is Reimagining Collaboration: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and the Post-Covid World of Work.


    Adjustments in the Workplace


    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of Americans working remotely more than doubled from around 30 percent to 60 percent in March 2020, and organizations began embracing new collaboration platforms such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom as part of the adjustment process as a result of this increase. 


    At the start of 2020, few people would be familiar with the names of even one of these tools, much alone all of them. Several of us are now working remotely as a consequence of COVID-19, and Zoom has been so widely used that it has become a verb: to "Zoom" means to communicate using video conferencing technology.


    When businesses were forced to close and employees were required to wear masks, just a few businesses were allowed to continue operations as usual. The vast majority of people were entirely unprepared for the enormous changes that were about to take place in their lives. When it came to internal communication, they continued to rely on email as well as on typical corporate processes and attitudes.


    A New Age of Productivity


    To cope with COVID-19’s repercussions on corporate organizations, employers, human resource managers, and consultants were obliged to think creatively about how they might implement a remote work strategy. Businesses had an urgent need to alter these barriers in dealing with the international economic instability caused by the virus.


    If a shift to a new system is the path moving forward, what possible methods can businesses use to better utilize the tools that we currently have in this day and age?


    Phil Simon suggests that companies should start embracing the Hub-Spoke model of collaboration. This model is a technique of distribution wherein a centralized "hub" operates. From the hub, products are sent outward to smaller groups known as spokes for further storage and delivery.


    With this model, it aims to help firms significantly increase staff productivity, simplify current business procedures, and provide the basis for subsequent machine-learning and artificial intelligence advances.


    The hub may be thought of as a meta-organization that functions in parallel to established innovation laboratories. Employees at the innovation-hub can connect informally over the web and work freely on innovation to bolster the firm's performance.


    Out with the Old, In the New?


    Efficiency should not be dependent on one factor alone. While the hub-spokes model creates a more systematic approach in revamping business models to fit the current situation, it is best to have it hand-in-hand with tried and tested organizational techniques.


    By adopting particular initiatives and establishing a culture that supports their virtual workforce, executives may boost their teams' performance output and engagement. They must build and sustain a culture of trust, as well as modernize leadership communication methods and procedures in order to properly educate virtual personnel. 


    Additionally, team members must be encouraged to share leadership. Finally, executives must establish and conduct frequent alignment checks to ensure that virtual workers adhere to the organization's cultural values, including their commitment to its goals.


    All of these procedures begin with the realization that team formation will be significantly different with remote members, demanding the creation of new leadership strategies, communication routines, and tools.


    Final Thoughts


    In a world where social distancing and remote work has become the new normal, it is now more important than ever to make good use of the current technologies we have to be just as productive as before the pandemic hit the globe.In Simon’s concluding statements, he deems it important that for a collaborative system to work, employees must be willing to commit to the shift fully. Problems will surely arise when employees refuse to use certain technologies because they either find it too complicated or too time-consuming to actually learn new things instead of going the more traditional route of working.


    The willingness to change is always the first step towards growth. Just as the world has changed, we must also be willing to adapt to this change. Resistance will always be a hindrance to progress, just as the refusal to learn denies a person the chance to be more efficient and productive.


    It is part of TARTLE’s vision to create a world where knowledge is shared and problems are solved through a collective and collaborative effort. We believe that teamwork is power, and collaboration is the key to progress. The power is back in your hands.


    What’s your data worth? www.tartle.co


    TCAST is brought to you by TARTLE. A global personal data marketplace that allows users to sell their personal information anonymously when they want to, while allowing buyers to access clean ready to analyze data sets on digital identities from all across the globe.


    The show is hosted by Co-Founder and Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Head of Conscious Marketing Jason Rigby.


    What's your data worth?


    Find out at: https://tartle.co/


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    #224: Be On Track | 2023 First Quarter Realizations

    #224: Be On Track | 2023 First Quarter Realizations

    As we end the first quarter of 2023, we’ll provide valuable insights to unlock the secrets to monitoring and achieving your organization's goals. Keep tuning in to maintain a positive outlook in your business, set the right objectives, and maximize team productivity!



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