
    Podcast Summary

    • Lori Vallow's Instant Attraction to Chad Daybell and Suspicious DeathsLori Vallow's charismatic nature and troubled past led to an adulterous affair with Chad Daybell, resulting in the deaths of her children and both of her spouses, unveiled through new evidence including interviews, text messages, and recordings.

      Lori Vallow, a charismatic woman with a history of troubled marriages, met and became infatuated with Chad Daybell at a spiritual conference. Their instant attraction led to an adulterous affair, which ultimately resulted in a series of suspicious deaths involving Lori's children and both of her spouses. Newly released evidence, including interviews, text messages, and recordings, provide a more complete picture of the events that transpired, revealing a complex web of sex, money, and revenge. Lori's name became known worldwide due to the tragic deaths of her children, Tylie and JJ. Despite her outward appearance of being a victim, Lori's past marriages ended bitterly, and she had undergone psychiatric assessments multiple times but always passed. Her previous marriages and her instant attraction to Chad set off a chain of events that led to the tragic sequence of events.

    • A twisted love affair between two seemingly normal individuals leads to a series of gruesome murdersLori and Chad, who appeared law-abiding and God-fearing, were actually leading a dark crime spree, eliminating those who stood in their way for their belief in the second coming of Jesus

      The seemingly unlikely pairing of Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell, who appeared to be law-abiding and God-fearing individuals, were actually leading a dark and twisted crime spree disguised as a heavenly mission. Lori, a beautiful and charming woman, was increasingly infatuated with small groups of Mormon extremists who believed in the imminent end of the world. Chad, a former NFL quarterback and long-time sexton in a cemetery, was known for his niceness but had a hidden obsession with end times fiction and the belief that he could communicate with the dead. Their fascination with each other led to a love affair and a plan to bring together the 144,000 true believers for the second coming of Jesus, which involved eliminating those who stood in their way, including Lori's husband, Charles. Chad believed that Charles was a zombie named Ned Schneider, and this belief may have been the catalyst for the murder plot. Their actions were not taken seriously by the police until it was too late, and the investigation revealed a series of gruesome murders.

    • Lori's Relationship with Chad: A Romance with Strange BeliefsLori's relationship with Chad involved strange beliefs and potential manipulation, leading to her brother's tragic death and her being able to evade suspicion.

      The relationship between Lori and Chad was not only a romantic one but also involved strange beliefs and potential manipulation. Lori's behavior became increasingly erratic after meeting Chad, and she began making alarming statements to her family and friends. The couple felt they had "sealed" their marriage in a Latter-day Saint temple, despite it not being officially recognized. Lori's brothers, Charles and Adam, grew concerned and discussed an intervention. However, things came to a tragic end when Charles discovered the affair and confronted Lori, leading to a series of events that resulted in his death. The day before the shooting, Lori texted her brother Alex, asking him to stay close, suggesting that something was about to happen. Ultimately, Lori was able to convince the police that she was a victim, despite her husband's death occurring on her property and her suspicious behavior.

    • Mother's Contradictory Statements Raise Doubts About Self-Defense ClaimsInconsistencies in statements from a mother and her brother during a police interview cast doubt on their self-defense claims in a case involving her ex-husband.

      During an interview with police, Lori, the mother, was able to convince detectives that she was a victim despite discrepancies in their stories about an incident involving her ex-husband, Charles. However, as the investigation continued, inconsistencies emerged, such as the location of the second bullet found at the scene. Additionally, Lori had texted her brother, Alex, asking him to stay close to Charles before the incident, but he later told police he spent the night there out of his own volition. These discrepancies raised questions about the validity of their self-defense claims.

    • Suspicious Behavior Surrounding Charles' DeathInvestigation uncovered inconsistencies in statements from Charles' wife and her brother, phone records indicating premature funeral arrangements, and a change in life insurance beneficiary, raising suspicions of foul play in Charles' death.

      The investigation into Charles' death revealed several inconsistencies in the statements made by his wife, Laurie, and her brother, Alex. For instance, Laurie claimed she left the house with her children before Charles was shot, but she did not call 911 until over 45 minutes later. Alex, who had spent the night with Laurie, also lied about not knowing about Charles' impending visit. Furthermore, phone records showed that Laurie's spiritual guru and boyfriend, Chad Daybell, had contacted a funeral home hours after Charles' death to arrange for a cremation and the sending of the cremated remains to Louisiana. These discoveries raised suspicions that Charles' death might not have been an accident, as initially claimed. Additionally, Laurie had changed the beneficiary of Charles' $1,000,000 life insurance policy from herself to someone named Ned before his death. These findings led detectives to believe that Charles' death was not an accident and that Laurie and her associates might have been involved in his murder for financial gain.

    • Chad Daybell's Obsession with Lori VallowChad Daybell, while grieving, wrote a romance novel about his obsession with Lori Vallow, fantasizing about a connection beyond the physical world, potentially influencing events leading to Charles Vallow's death.

      Chad Daybell, while grieving the death of his previous wife, developed an intense obsession with Lori Vallow, leading him to engage in a secret romantic relationship. This infatuation was so strong that he wrote a romance novel about their supposed meeting and connection, fantasizing about being with her beyond the physical world. Despite being married and having young children, Chad's actions indicate a deep-rooted desire for Lori, which may have played a role in the events leading to Charles Vallow's death. The intensity of Chad's feelings and his belief in a divine connection to Lori further highlight the complexity of the situation.

    • Chad's Test of Lori's LoyaltyChad, a religious man, tested Lori's commitment by asking her to sacrifice her children, which she did not do, leading to their complex relationship and eventual move to Idaho where they faced obstacles including Chad's wife and Lori's children, and their disappearance.

      The relationship between Chad and Lori was complex and involved a religious component, with Chad testing Lori's loyalty by asking her to sacrifice her children. New information suggests that Chad had previously expressed concerns about Tylee's behavior and may have suggested that she was "dark." This did not deter Lori from pursuing a relationship with Chad. After moving to Idaho together, they encountered obstacles, including Chad's wife Tammy and Lori's children, Tylee and JJ. Chad, who was well-versed in biblical stories of sacrifice, may have been testing Lori's commitment to their relationship by asking her to sacrifice her children. The digital trail left behind includes texts and photos, some of which contained coded language for drugs like Valium or Xanax. In the weeks following their move to Idaho, both Tylee and JJ disappeared. The last known photo of JJ was taken on September 22nd, and he was reportedly acting up the night before he went missing. Lori sent a message to the babysitter, claiming that JJ's grandparents had taken him for a few weeks to give Lori a break. However, JJ was never seen again. The investigation into their disappearance continues to uncover new information.

    • Indications of planned crimes before the deaths in RexburgBefore moving to Rexburg, Lori showed signs of planning crimes. In Rexburg, Lori and Chad moved items from a storage unit, and Brandon was shot at, suggesting premeditation.

      The timeline of events leading up to the deaths of Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow, along with the attempted shooting of Brandon Boudreaux, suggests possible premeditation. Before Lori Vallow moved to Rexburg, Idaho, there were indications of planned crimes. In Rexburg, Lori and Chad Daybell were seen moving items from a storage unit, including a folded back seat and attire. Around the same time, Brandon Boudreaux, Melanie's husband and Lori's nephew, reported being shot at in Arizona. The shooter was believed to be in a gray Jeep with Texas plates, which was later confirmed to be a Jeep owned by Tylee. Alex Cox, Lori's brother, was also suspected of being the shooter. Brandon and Melanie were in the middle of a custody battle, and Alex had a history of violence. The attempted shooting on Brandon prompted him to go into hiding with his children. Despite Melanie's denial, text messages revealed that she and Alex had a strained relationship, with Alex labeling Brandon as a "Gaddianton" and "dark," which often meant marked for death in their community. The events unfolded quickly, with Alex traveling between Arizona and Idaho, making it plausible that he could have committed both the shooting in Arizona and the crimes in Idaho.

    • Chad Daybell's Suspicious Behavior Towards Wife TammyIn fall 2019, Chad Daybell expressed a desire for his wife Tammy to die and believed a demonic entity had taken her place. Ten days later, he reported her death without an autopsy. Police suspect a connection to his previous wife's death and his brother's attempted attack on Tammy.

      During the fall of 2019, Chad Daybell expressed a desire for his wife Tammy to die, and even went so far as to believe a demonic entity had taken her place. Around the same time, Tammy reported being shot at with what she believed was a paintball gun. Police now believe this was not a prank, but rather an attempt on her life by Chad's brother, Alex, who had texted Chad's wife, Lori, from a burner phone that night. Just ten days later, Chad reported that Tammy had died in her sleep. Her body was later buried without an autopsy. Chad's beliefs about Tammy's death were reminiscent of his previous wife's, Tammy's sister, who had also been replaced in Chad's affections and later died under mysterious circumstances. The text messages and phone records suggest a possible connection between the two deaths.

    • Landlord Discovers Suspicious Marriage and ObituaryA landlord's discovery of a recent obituary and a suspicious marriage raises red flags, leading to a dark investigation uncovering multiple past red flags and potential involvement of a brother in mysterious disappearances and deaths.

      The sudden marriage of Chad Daybell and Laurie Aswad, following the mysterious death of Chad's previous wife Tammy, raised suspicions when they rented an apartment from Jeanie Martin. Jeanie, using her landlord skills, discovered Tammy's recent obituary and confronted Chad about it. Chad's response was disturbing, claiming Tammy had already been dead for a couple of hours when he found her. Meanwhile, Lori's niece, Melanie, was causing concern as she repeatedly tried to gain access to her children, who were in protective custody. The investigation into Chad and Laurie's pasts uncovered multiple red flags, including the disappearance of Chad's first wife, and the involvement of Lori's brother, Alex, in their lives. The story took a darker turn as evidence emerged suggesting that Alex might have been involved in more than just the disappearance of his sister and niece and nephew.

    • Lori's fixation on danger and Melanie's domestic violence charges lead to unexpected alliances and revelationsLori's belief in an imminent threat to her children and Melanie's domestic violence charges resulted in unexpected alliances and revelations, including Alex's cooperation with police and Chad's blasphemous patriarchal blessing.

      The complex web of relationships and allegiances in this story led to unexpected twists and turns. Lori, in her grief over her husband's death, became fixated on the idea that someone was after her children. When officers found Melanie on the property, they initially planned to give her a ticket for trespassing. However, they later upgraded the charges to domestic violence due to her relationship with Laurie and Chad. Meanwhile, Melanie's uncle, Alex, who had a history of violence, cooperated with police and later bailed her out of jail. The story also reveals that Chad, in an attempt to assert authority and control within their new religious community, gave Alex a patriarchal blessing, which could be seen as blasphemous in the LDS church. The actions and motivations of these characters continue to unfold, raising questions about their true intentions and loyalties.

    • Members of the Church of the First Born believed in unique abilities and significant rolesThe Church of the First Born promised members power and protection, but hid potential danger and darker secrets

      Within the Church of the First Born, members believed they possessed unique abilities and were destined for significant roles. Alex Cox, a charter member, was seen as a powerful protector, earning a patriarchal blessing and a promised spouse. However, just days after his blessing ceremony, Laurie, a member and mother of two missing children, disappeared with her new husband Chad Daybell. Amidst the chaos, some members, including Zulema Pastinis, rushed to marry their assigned partners, like Alex, for support and guidance. But soon after, Alex made a shocking proposal to his new wife, Zulema, in Las Vegas, leading to more questions about the group's intentions. The Church of the First Born, filled with promises of power and protection, seemed to hide darker secrets and potential danger.

    • Strange encounters and suspected misdeedsChad's behavior towards Zulema raised suspicions, Ian's past and Melanie's involvement in a murder plot added complexity, and Alex questioned Chad and Lori's actions, leaving many unanswered questions and potential motives.

      The events surrounding the relationships and suspected misdeeds of Chad Daybell and his associates, including Zulema and Alex, are filled with strange and suspicious circumstances. Zulema received an unusual massage from Chad, who seemed distracted and later asked her if she had taken drugs. She later woke up to find him talking to himself and acting strangely. A detective noted that she was lucky to be alive. Meanwhile, Melanie's new husband, Ian, had a concerning past, and his ex-wife warned Brandon about Melanie's involvement in a plot to murder him. Ian wore a wire for the FBI, who were investigating the disappearance of Lori's children. Melanie and Ian are still married. Alex, who married Zulema, expressed doubts about Chad and Lori and believed he might be their fall guy for an unknown crime. There are many unanswered questions and potential motives in these interconnected stories.

    • Suspicions of Foul Play Surrounding Multiple DeathsMultiple unexplained deaths, including those of Charles and Tammy Vallow's children and Alex Cox, raised suspicions and led to the arrest of Chad and Lori, who are currently facing trial for potential involvement.

      The events surrounding the deaths of Charles and Tammy Vallow, the disappearances of their children, and the death of Alex Cox raised significant suspicions of foul play. Alex had told Zulema about a bag of money and his fear of something happening to him just weeks before his death. Chad and Lori, who were later suspected of involvement in the deaths and disappearances, were linked to multiple untimely deaths within a short period. Despite the autopsy concluding that Alex's death was due to natural causes, the sequence of events and the number of deaths made many question the convenience of it all. Chad and Lori were eventually arrested, and the bodies of the children were found on Chad's property. Chad has pleaded not guilty and is facing trial with potential death penalty sentencing. The defense is expected to point fingers at Alex and Lori, with new evidence suggesting Alex played a significant role in the happenings.

    • Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell's Criminal Charges and Mental Health IssuesThe tragic case of Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell highlights the importance of addressing mental health concerns promptly to prevent potential harm and legal complications.

      Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell, currently facing criminal charges for conspiracy to commit murder, are being held in confinement, with Vallow in a mental health facility due to a judge's ruling of incompetency. The public's skepticism about Vallow's mental state is understandable, given her history of manipulation and deceit. The tragic affair, driven by lust, money, and possibly their beliefs, has left many wondering about the potential impact of earlier intervention in addressing Vallow's psychiatric issues. The outcome for both remains uncertain, with some believing they may continue to cling to their beliefs, while others anticipate a reality check when the legal process unfolds. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing mental health concerns promptly.

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    [Bonus] The Tale of the Doomsday Couple: Deaths In the Wake of Lori Vallow & Chad Daybell

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    The Case Of Doomsday Prepper People Lori Vallow And Chad Daybell And How Everybody Around Them Ends Up Dead


    Since the recording of this episode, both Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell have been charged with the murders of Lori's two children, JJ Vallow and Tylee Ryan, as well as the murder of Chad Daybell's first wife, Tammy.  They are facing the possibility of the death penalty if convicted.
    We are going over the timeline in the search for missing children Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow, the role their mother had in their disappearance, her sudden obsession with the end of the world and preparing for doomsday.


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    #235 The Tale of In Defense of Dad: The Delusions of the Daybells

    #235 The Tale of In Defense of Dad: The Delusions of the Daybells

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    In the Fall of 2019, a frantic, nationwide search was was launched for 2 missing children - 16 year old Tylee Ryan and her brother, 7 year old JJ Vallow.  The last time there was a verified sighting of them was in back in early to mid-September.  And when authorities in Madison County, Idaho issued a court order for their mother, Lori Vallow to produce them within 5 days, she failed to do so, choosing instead to flee the mainland with her then new husband of only 3 weeks, doomsday prepper and religious extremist, Chad Daybell.  With a trail of dead bodies along with her missing children, their carefully crafted plan to exterminate the people in their lives to make room for their relationship and their mission soon fell apart.  Then, some two years after their father was arrested, who is currently being charged with 3 counts of capital murder, Daybell's 5 children have broken their silence to defend their father and his innocence.  And I have some thoughts about that to share about that. 



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