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    The 7 Churches of Revelation! Part 1: Revelation 1:1-8; “The Eternal King is Coming Back. Are you ready?” 7 Reasons why you may have avoided Revelation in the past: #1-Because of crazy people who have used prophecy for their own personal agendas. #2-Because so many people have used prophecy as a scare tactic to get people saved. #3-Because many find Revelation simply hard to understand. #4-Because most people want practical teaching that applies to today and they are not so concerned about tomorrow. #5-Because many people have not heard much teaching on Revelation and end time prophecy. #6-Because many people fear what is going to happen in the end, so they tend to avoid reading about it. –Ignorance is bliss! #7-Because there are so many different views on how to interpret Revelation. “The Eternal King is Coming Back. Are you ready?” 1. We serve a God who reveals Himself to us to prepare us for what’s coming (v. 1-2). God can turn your prison into your purpose. He can transform your pain into your passion. Keep your head lifted towards Heaven, because God is not done with you yet! 2. You will receive a special blessing if you attentively listen and respond to God’s revelation (v. 3). This is the only book that contains a blessing in the reading, hearing, and putting into practice this book. Your Move: Over the next few weeks—Read and study the book of Revelation. And put into practice the things that God teaches you through your study of this book of prophecy. God wants you to know Him. God wants you to follow Him. As you follow His plan for you today, He begins to reveal His plan for tomorrow. 3. God the Father offers grace and peace to His Church (v. 4). • God is always relevant for all times: He is…He was…He is to come. God is not a one-hit wonder…He is the One who was the greatest in the past…He is the greatest in the present…and He will forever be the greatest in the future! 4. Jesus offers us His love, forgiveness, and an amazing position to His Church (v. 5-6). 5. Jesus is coming again quickly, so people get ready (v. 7)! 6. Everything in all of creation begins and ends God the Almighty One (v. 8). You can’t get away from God. He was there in the past, so you will discover Him throughout history. He is in the present, so you will sense His presence in the present. He is the future coming King, and He will reign forevermore. Review: 1. We serve a God who reveals Himself to us to prepare us for what’s coming (v. 1-2). 2. You will receive a special blessing if you attentively listen and respond to God’s revelation (v. 3). 3. God the Father offers grace and peace to His Church (v. 4). 4. Jesus offers us His love, forgiveness, and an amazing position to His Church (v. 5-6). 5. Jesus is coming again quickly, so people get ready (v. 7)! 6. Everything in all of creation begins and ends God the Almighty One (v. 8). Today’s Takeaway: Stay ready for the future by living for Jesus in the present. Action Steps: ⎫ Read Revelation out loud this week. ⎫ Live like Jesus could come back at any time. ⎫ Reach out to one person who would not be ready in the Rapture took place today.

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