
    The Explosive New Detail In Clinton Collusion Indictment (Ep 1609)

    enSeptember 21, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Media Narratives and HealthcareMedia narratives can be politically driven and may not align with medical professionals' opinions. Protecting consumer data and individual rights is crucial, especially regarding healthcare and payment networks.

      The media's narrative, particularly in relation to healthcare and the use of certain medications like Ivermectin for COVID-19, can be politically driven and may not align with the opinions of medical professionals. Additionally, there are concerns about data security and potential risks associated with proposed legislation like the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill. The show also highlighted the importance of protecting consumer data and the potential dangers of shifting billions in consumer spending to less secure payment networks. Furthermore, the use of hidden cameras by organizations like Project Veritas to expose whistleblowers and uncover important information is a topic of discussion. Overall, the show emphasized the importance of being informed and advocating for individual rights and data security.

    • Media's Power to Manipulate PerceptionThe media has immense power to shape societal norms and control various sectors. Liberals are often manipulated through misinformation, leading to incorrect narratives and decisions, emphasizing the need for critical thinking and fact-checking.

      The media holds significant power in shaping societal norms and controlling various sectors, including medicine, education, entertainment, and even the legal field. The left leverages this power to advance their propaganda, often manipulating public perception through misinformation. For instance, doctors are being prevented from prescribing certain drugs due to media pressure. The media's influence is so strong that it can dictate who gets tenure, funding, and legal representation. Liberals, who are often uncritical of the mainstream media, are the primary targets of this manipulation. The media's control extends to shaping public opinion on issues like immigration, where an image of a border patrol agent using a whip is manipulated to create a false narrative. This highlights the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking to counteract the media's influence.

    • Liberals accused of ignorance and misinformationThe speaker criticizes liberals for relying on the media without fact-checking, leading to the spread of false information, with examples given of border events and COVID-19 statistics.

      The speaker expresses frustration with what they perceive as the ignorance of liberals and the media's role in perpetuating it. They accuse liberals of believing false information due to a lack of fact-checking and critical thinking. Specifically, they cite examples of misreported events at the border and exaggerated COVID-19 statistics. The speaker argues that liberals don't fact-check and instead rely on the media, which they believe intentionally spreads misinformation. They criticize fact-checkers for being "clowns" and accuse certain media figures and outlets of propagating lies. The overall tone is dismissive and derisive towards liberals and the media.

    • Misinformation and fear in the context of the COVID-19 pandemicMisinformation and lack of fact-checking can lead to fear and inaccurate assumptions about the severity and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Liberals tend to overestimate the chances of hospitalization, which can impact daily decisions. Media and big tech companies play a role in shaping public opinion and potentially blocking access to opposing viewpoints.

      The perception of the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic and the comparison to historical pandemics, such as the Spanish flu, can be influenced significantly by misinformation and lack of fact-checking. This misinformation can lead to fear and hysteria, causing people to make inaccurate assumptions about the risk and impact of the pandemic. For instance, in the discussion, it was pointed out that liberals were more likely to overestimate the chances of hospitalization due to COVID-19, and this misperception could impact their daily lives and decisions, such as attending events or traveling. Additionally, the media and big tech companies' role in shaping public opinion and potentially blocking access to information that challenges the mainstream narrative was also highlighted. It's essential to be aware of these biases and make an effort to fact-check information to make informed decisions.

    • Misinformation and Manipulation by Occupy Democrats and TriLifeMDOccupy Democrats spread false information, while TriLifeMD offers weight loss medication with restrictions but uses manipulative tactics

      Certain groups and entities, specifically mentioned as Occupy Democrats and TriLifeMD, are using misinformation and manipulation to promote their agendas, with potential harmful consequences for individuals. TriLifeMD offers access to GLP1 prescription medications for weight loss, but it requires an online consultation and may have restrictions. Meanwhile, Occupy Democrats spread misinformation, such as the false claim that a meteorologist was fired for not getting vaccinated and that it should be celebrated. These actions demonstrate a disregard for truth and a desire to punish those who hold different beliefs. This hostile attitude towards certain populations is intentional and requires a stronger response, including increased activism and awareness.

    • Demoralizing Opponents: A Left Strategy?The speaker criticizes figures like Jen Psaki for demoralizing opponents and making false statements, and urges staying engaged in activism despite this.

      The speaker believes the left, particularly figures like Jen Psaki, are intentionally demoralizing those who disagree with them, and that the way to counteract this is to not be demoralized and stay engaged in activism. They also criticized Psaki for making false statements and being dismissive of questions from the press. The speaker also expressed skepticism towards the Biden administration's policies and intentions regarding immigration and vaccines. They believe the left underestimates the intelligence and resolve of those they disagree with and that this mindset is leading to a divisive and potentially dangerous situation in the country.

    • Mocking and undermining individuals publiclySome individuals and groups harbor animosity towards certain people and publicly mock and undermine them, as seen with AOC and the Met Gala. The recent indictment of Michael Sussman, a Clinton-associated attorney, holds significant implications. Consider reading related articles for a deeper understanding.

      According to the speaker, there are individuals and groups who hold significant animosity towards certain people, and they are willing to mock and undermine those individuals publicly. This was illustrated through the discussion about AOC and the Met Gala footage. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of the recent indictment of Michael Sussman, a Clinton-associated attorney, and encouraged listeners to read certain articles for a deeper understanding of the implications of this event. The speaker also promoted a weight loss solution offered by LifeMD, emphasizing the ease of use and potential insurance coverage. Overall, the speaker's message conveyed a sense of urgency and importance regarding these various topics.

    • Durham's Investigation and the Crime Fraud ExceptionSpecial Counsel John Durham may be using the crime fraud exception to probe Clinton campaign's suspected criminal activity, as indicated by produced privileged records and a false client representation.

      Special Counsel John Durham may be using the crime fraud exception to the attorney-client privilege to obtain privileged records related to the Clinton campaign's alleged involvement in a conspiracy. Durham's 27-page indictment includes Perkins Cooie billing records, which, although privileged, were likely produced due to the suspected criminal activity under investigation. The crime fraud exception applies when communications or records involve a future or ongoing crime or fraud, focusing on the client's intent rather than the attorney's. If Durham obtained these records based on this exception, it suggests that the Clinton campaign and associated individuals were under investigation for criminal conduct. The indictment also mentions a meeting between Michael Sussman, a Clinton-affiliated attorney, and government agency employees in February 2017, during which Sussman falsely claimed he wasn't representing a client. This discrepancy further highlights potential wrongdoing within the Clinton orbit.

    • Investigating False Narratives About Trump During His PresidencyDuring Trump's presidency, CIA and possibly other agencies investigated false narratives involving Alpha Bank and Trump Tower. Emails from Fusion GPS show they worked on Alpha Bank hoax and Carter Page dossier hoax simultaneously. Indictment of Igor Danchenko suggests more information on these hoaxes will be revealed.

      During the presidency of Donald Trump, there were allegations of government agencies working together to investigate false narratives about him, specifically regarding Alpha Bank, a Russian bank, and Trump Tower. The CIA is a possible contender for the identity of "agency number two," and it's significant that these investigations were ongoing while Trump was still in office. John Durham, a U.S. Attorney, has obtained internal communications from Fusion GPS, a company that was hired to fabricate Trump collusion stories. These emails show that Fusion GPS was working on the Alpha Bank hoax and the Carter Page dossier hoax around the same time. Durham's indictment of Igor Danchenko, who provided information for the dossier, suggests that more information about these hoaxes will come to light. The discovery of these internal communications adds evidence to the ongoing investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

    • MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow Criticized for Russian Collusion HoaxRachel Maddow faced criticism for promoting false information about Trump's ties to Russia, creating a culture of misinformation. Ongoing investigation by John Durham may uncover potential criminal activity. Irony of Maddow's recent tweet about Google and suppression of info.

      Rachel Maddow, a prominent MSNBC host, has been criticized for her role in promoting the Russian collusion hoax, which has since been debunked. The speaker argues that Maddow, like many in the media, propagated false information about Trump's alleged ties to Russia, creating a culture of misinformation. The speaker also mentions the ongoing investigation by John Durham, which may uncover potential criminal activity related to the Clinton campaign and their interactions with Russian entities. Additionally, the speaker criticizes Maddow's recent tweet about Google's alleged involvement in suppressing information in Russia, pointing out the irony of her stance given her past promotion of misinformation. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of factual accuracy in media reporting and the potential consequences of spreading false information.

    • Democrats try to manipulate debt ceiling voteDemocrats attempt to link debt ceiling vote to their spending bill, potentially manipulating public opinion, despite having enough votes to pass it alone.

      The Democrats are attempting to manipulate the debt ceiling vote and attach it to their $3.5 trillion spending bill, using the threat of a government shutdown to blame Republicans. Despite having the votes to raise the debt ceiling without any Republican support, they are using this tactic to involve Republicans and potentially shift public opinion. Additionally, President Biden's recent gaffes at the United Nations further highlight his cognitive and personal compromises. The Democrats' actions at the debt ceiling and the media's potential reporting on the situation could create a misleading narrative, making it crucial for the public to stay informed and not fall for political manipulation.

    • Bongino raises concerns over Biden's cognitive abilities and alleged corruption ties to ChinaDan Bongino expressed skepticism towards President Biden's cognitive abilities and alleged ties to China, urging listeners to stay informed and questioning the Justice Department's motives in the recently released indictment from John Durham's investigation.

      Dan Bongino expressed concern over President Joe Biden's cognitive abilities and alleged corruption, particularly regarding his ties to China. He also discussed his belief that the recently released indictment from John Durham's investigation into Spygate was a tactic to scare cooperation from the Clinton campaign. Bongino expressed skepticism towards the Justice Department and urged listeners to stay informed and submit questions for his radio show. He also mentioned his Rumble account and encouraged viewers to subscribe. Overall, Bongino's tone was serious and conveyed a sense of urgency regarding the issues he discussed.

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    | Lee McIntyre |

    ► Website | https://leemcintyrebooks.com

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