
    The Facebook “Whistleblower” Exposed! (Ep 1621)

    enOctober 07, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Political climate compared to a bad magic actLeft under fire for CRT in schools and DOJ targeting parents, sparking national backlash and disconnect between left's actions and public opinion, stay informed and engaged to ensure voices are heard and values represented. Henry Repeating Arms offers high-quality firearms with wide options and excellent customer service, great choice for gun enthusiasts.

      The current political climate has been compared to a bad magic act by those feeling misled by liberal policies and actions. The left is under fire for attempts to implement Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools and the Department of Justice's (DOJ) targeting of parents speaking out at school board meetings. These actions have sparked a national backlash, leaving the left feeling exposed and panicked. This situation has highlighted the disconnect between what the left believes they can get away with and the reality of public opinion. It's important to stay informed and engaged in the conversation to ensure that our voices are heard and our values are represented. On a lighter note, Henry Repeating Arms offers high-quality firearms with a wide variety of options and excellent customer service. Their commitment to American craftsmanship and affordability makes them a great choice for gun enthusiasts. Check out their website for more information and to order a free catalog.

    • Labeling Parents as Domestic Terrorists and Rebranding CRTThose promoting Critical Race Theory in schools face backlash, respond by discrediting factual info and labeling parents as terrorists through media and fact-checkers, and plan to rebrand CRT to confuse opponents.

      Those pushing for Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools are now facing significant backlash from parents and communities. In response, they are employing a two-step plan: first, they are attempting to discredit factual information and label parents as domestic terrorists through the media and fact-checkers; second, they plan to rebrand CRT under a different name to confuse opponents. The National School Boards Association sent a letter to the Department of Justice requesting the investigation of parents who protest at school board meetings, which was later mischaracterized by fact-checkers as labeling parents as terrorists. However, the actual letter stated that these actions could be considered equivalent to domestic terrorism. The lack of credibility of fact-checkers in society is highlighted by their attempts to discredit accurate information. The left's second step is to change the name of CRT to confuse opponents and continue implementing it in schools.

    • Rebranded Critical Race Theory continues to promote hate and divisionThe left rebrands divisive Critical Race Theory, but its core teachings remain the same, sowing hate and division among people. Parents are urged to stay engaged and speak out against these harmful programs.

      The left continues to use euphemisms to promote divisive and racist ideologies under the guise of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is being rebranded, but its core teachings remain the same. The left's ultimate goal is to sow hate and division among people, and they are panicked by the growing opposition to their agenda. Parents are urged to continue showing up in larger numbers at school board meetings to speak out against these harmful programs. The Department of Justice's involvement in investigating parents is a conflict of interest and an overreach of authority. The federal government does not have the power to intervene in local police matters. It's crucial to stay informed and engaged in the fight against divisive ideologies that seek to harm our children and our nation.

    • Federal government has no national police power over school board meetingsThe Attorney General acknowledges limitations in enforcing school board laws and is focusing on partnerships with local law enforcement instead.

      There is no national police power for the federal government to enforce laws related to school board meetings and parents expressing opinions, even if they are critical. Merrick Garland, the Attorney General, acknowledges this limitation and is working on partnerships with local law enforcement instead. It's crucial for local law enforcement to not become tools of the federal government in enforcing speech suppression, as they have the authority to enforce the law on their own. The recent interest of the Attorney General in local school boards teaching critical race theory may be linked to his personal beliefs and ties to education consultants. Citizens should demand transparency from their local law enforcement regarding any meetings with the FBI on this matter.

    • Merrick Garland's Family Ties to Controversial School InitiativesMerrick Garland's daughter is married to an executive at a company, Panorama Education, that received a large contract from Fairfax County Public Schools for 'equity' and 'diversity' initiatives. Critics argue these initiatives are a euphemism for Critical Race Theory and question Garland's impartiality regarding these issues.

      There are potential conflicts of interest involving Merrick Garland's family and the implementation of controversial "equity" and "diversity" initiatives in schools, funded by coronavirus relief. The Fairfax County Public Schools, which has seen significant backlash against Critical Race Theory (CRT), awarded a large contract to a company called Panorama Education, where Garland's daughter is married to an executive. The funding is intended to support "equity," "professional development," and "social emotional staff," which critics argue is a euphemism for CRT. The controversy raises questions about Garland's impartiality regarding these issues, particularly as the DOJ under his leadership has taken a hardline stance against parental challenges to such initiatives. Additionally, there's a growing conversation about a "national divorce" or cultural divide in America, where liberals are pushing for one-size-fits-all policies that don't fit everyone's beliefs and values. This tension could lead to an unwanted outcome for all parties involved.

    • Political system under threat from one-size-fits-all rule, potential national crisisDespite claims, Biden doesn't need GOP votes for debt limit or bill, revealing true reason for seeking support

      The American political system, which was designed to accommodate diverse views and limit the power of the federal government, is under threat from forces pushing for one-size-fits-all rule. This could lead to a potential national crisis, as warned by Dan Bongino in his newsletter article. Meanwhile, regarding the ongoing debate over the debt ceiling and the proposed $3.5 trillion spending bill, it has been revealed that Joe Biden does not need Republican votes to raise the debt limit and pass the bill, yet he continues to push for their support. This contradiction suggests that the real reason for his request for Republican votes is to borrow more money, despite his claims that the bill costs nothing. This inconsistency highlights the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in understanding political developments.

    • McConnell's Filibuster Threat as Debt Ceiling LeverageMcConnell is using the filibuster as a bargaining chip for debt ceiling vote, but it's an empty threat as Democrats may not need GOP approval or may change the filibuster rule

      The ongoing debate around the debt ceiling and the filibuster in the US Senate is a complex political issue with significant implications. According to the speaker, McConnell is using the threat of nuking the filibuster as leverage to get Republican votes for raising the debt ceiling, despite the Democrats not needing their approval. The speaker argues that this is an empty threat, as there's no mandate for the Democrats to take such drastic measures and Biden's approval ratings are low. The speaker encourages those in Kentucky to contact McConnell's office to express their concerns about his potential folding on the issue. The outcome of this situation could have significant consequences for the political landscape, potentially leading to major changes if a candidate with guts is elected in the future.

    • Hunter Biden's Art Sales and Ethical ConcernsThe controversy surrounding Hunter Biden's art sales raises ethical concerns, with some questioning the potential for corruption and the White House's handling of the situation. Meanwhile, discussions about GLP1 prescription medications for weight loss through LifeMD continue to generate positive testimonials.

      The discussion revolved around the controversy surrounding Hunter Biden's art sales and the potential for corruption. The White House claimed that Hunter Biden wouldn't know the identities of the buyers, but ethicists raised concerns about the president's son selling artwork and potentially meeting with prospective buyers at events. The White House has been criticized for its handling of the situation, with some arguing that it goes against the president's campaign promise of transparency. Additionally, the discussion touched on the use of GLP1 prescription medications for weight loss through LifeMD, with testimonials from satisfied customers. Overall, the conversation highlighted the ongoing debates around ethics, transparency, and healthcare.

    • Speaker discusses geopolitical tensions and ethical concernsSpeaker raises alarm over China-Taiwan tension potentially leading to WWIII, shares whistleblower revelations about Pfizer vaccine ethics, emphasizes transparency and truth in public discourse, and encourages prioritizing health and consulting doctors.

      The speaker is an energetic and candid personality who provides insights on various topics, including political issues and personal stories. He expressed concern over the growing tension between China and Taiwan, which could potentially lead to World War III. He also shared a revelation about a Pfizer whistleblower and the ethical concerns surrounding the development of the Pfizer vaccine. The speaker emphasized the importance of transparency and truth in public discourse, even when it goes against one's political ideology or personal beliefs. He wished Rachel Maddow a speedy recovery from her skin cancer diagnosis and urged everyone to prioritize their health and consult their doctors.

    • Discussion on Pfizer religious exemption, Google Podcasts app, and Facebook whistleblowerA Pfizer employee's potential religious objection to research involving aborted fetus cell lines could be a valid exemption. Google Podcasts app is discontinuing, and listeners are encouraged to switch to alternatives. The Facebook whistleblower's identity and motivations are debated, with concerns of censorship and political bias.

      The discussion revolves around various topics, including a religious exemption for an employee of Pfizer, the impending disappearance of the Google Podcasts app, and allegations of censorship and political motivations regarding the Facebook whistleblower. The Pfizer employee, who works at the McPherson, Kansas plant, was advised that their potential religious objection to a research process involving cell lines with origins in aborted fetuses could be a viable exemption. The Google Podcasts app is set to be discontinued, and listeners were encouraged to switch to alternative platforms. The Facebook whistleblower's identity and potential motivations were debated, with concerns that the individual could be used as a means to further censor conservatives on the platform. The civic integrity team, where the whistleblower worked, was previously implicated in suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 election. The January 6th committee's planned meeting with the whistleblower raised suspicions that the committee might use the testimony to further target conservatives on Facebook. Adam Schiff, a well-known Democratic politician, weighed in on the situation, adding fuel to the controversy.

    • Media, Congress, and Interest Groups Form an 'Iron Triangle' to Advance Hoaxes Against ConservativesMedia, Congress, and interest groups collaborate to discredit conservatives and push for censorship, often disguised as whistleblower stories or misinformation campaigns

      The left uses a coordinated effort, known as the "iron triangle," consisting of the media, congressional committees, and interest groups, to advance hoaxes and policies against conservative interests. The recent controversy involving a supposed Facebook whistleblower is an example of this tactic, where the media, a congressional committee, and interest groups worked together to discredit conservatives and push for censorship. When the media reports on a whistleblower, it's often a sign that the person is not a genuine whistleblower but rather someone with an agenda. Interest groups like News Guard, which rate the reliability of media sites, are part of this effort and work to get conservative websites shut down and labeled as misinformation. It's important to be aware of this coordinated effort and not fall for these scams.

    • Political hypocrisy and manipulation allegationsStay informed and critical of election interference, recognize potential biases and motivations of entities and individuals involved.

      There are allegations of hypocrisy and manipulation in the political sphere, with accusations that certain entities and individuals, including social media platforms and political parties, engage in interfering with elections while simultaneously attempting to shift blame to their opponents. Additionally, there are concerns about government regulation and its potential impact on smaller competitors. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being aware of these tactics and not being distracted by false narratives. Furthermore, the speaker raises concerns about the structural issues in the electoral system and the potential challenges for holding a democratic presidential election in the future. Overall, it's important to stay informed and critical of information presented, and to consider the potential motivations and biases of those involved.

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