
    About this Episode

    Find out more about the Family History Federation and the new www.exploreyourgenealogy.co.uk website for information, support and guidance on researching your family history. Ian Waller is the education officer and he explains the aims of the Federation and what it offers for people looking for their ancestors.

    Recent Episodes from Journeys into Genealogy podcast

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    Manchester History with Dean Kirby

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    East Surrey Family History Society with Hilary Blanford

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    Researching South African ancestors with Natalie da Silva

    Researching South African ancestors with Natalie da Silva

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    Storytelling with Bridget Badoe McQuick

    Storytelling with Bridget Badoe McQuick

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    Running, ancestors and "Makin a Mackem" with Julie Carter

    Running, ancestors and "Makin a Mackem" with Julie Carter

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    Dead Fred with Joe Bott

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    Genealogy Fun with Sindi Terrien

    Genealogy Fun with Sindi Terrien

    Genealogy Fun whilst developing new genealogists is a new book by Sindi Terrien. We talk about lots of games and ways to encourage interest amongst young (and older) people in your family history. There's also a chance to win a copy of her book. An accompanying blog post genealogy fun gives some examples and ways to create your own word search. If you do create something yourself please share it in the blog comments.