
    The FBI Geofencing Scandal Explodes ft. Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin (Ep 1906)

    enDecember 02, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Interview with a former FBI agent, commentary on Kanye West, and discussions on the Great Reset and ExpressVPNListen to Dan Bongino's show for insights from a former FBI agent, analysis of Kanye West's actions, discussions on the Great Reset and ExpressVPN, and promotions for Gen.Youselves Christmas and their skincare products, Genucel.

      The Dan Bongino show offers a variety of topics, from interviews with notable figures to discussions on current events and product endorsements. During the latest episode, listeners can expect to hear an interview with a former FBI agent, commentary on Kanye West's recent actions, and discussions on topics like the Great Reset and ExpressVPN. Additionally, there is a promotion for Gen.Youselves Christmas and their skincare products, Genucel, which are claimed to make the perfect gift and provide immediate results. The show also touches on BlackRock and the falling apart of ESG. The overall tone is informative and engaging, making it worth tuning in for those interested in current events and thought-provoking discussions.

    • Kanye West's Controversial Comments on Nazis and HitlerWhile Kanye West has the right to express his opinions, it's crucial to speak out against harmful and offensive views that go against human life and decency. Learn about the Holocaust and its horrors to understand the importance of respect and hope.

      Kanye West's recent comments expressing positive views towards Nazis and Hitler are unacceptable and go against the respect for human life and decency. The speaker, Dan, strongly condemns these statements and encourages education about the horrors of the Holocaust as a reminder of the atrocities committed by the Nazis. As a free speech absolutist, Dan acknowledges Kanye's right to express his opinions but emphasizes the importance of critiquing and speaking out against such harmful and offensive views. The speaker also recommends reading Victor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning" for a firsthand account of the Holocaust and the importance of hope and meaning even in the face of unimaginable suffering.

    • Defending Free Speech and Condemning Harmful ContentIt's essential to defend free speech while also condemning harmful and disturbing content. Engage in political activism and use our votes and voices to effect change.

      While it's important to defend free speech, it's equally important to condemn harmful and disturbing content. The speaker, a free speech advocate, expressed his admiration for Hitler, which is a deeply concerning statement. However, he emphasized the importance of defending free speech while also condemning such content. He also highlighted the significance of political activism and the power of collective action, using the example of Florida's transformation from a blue state to a red state and the recent $2 billion divestment from BlackRock as evidence. It's crucial to remain engaged in the political process and use our votes and voices to effect change. Despite the challenges and setbacks, there is always an upside, and we can make a difference.

    • Government's focus on decarbonization and subsidies for green investmentsThe government's push for decarbonization and green investments could result in significant returns, but concerns exist about corporate influence and potential for a more controlling environment.

      The government's focus on decarbonization and subsidies for green investments could yield double-digit returns. However, there are concerns about the growing influence of corporations like BlackRock, which manage vast amounts of money and use that power to influence boards and companies towards environmental policies. Some argue that this trend could lead to a more totalitarian corporate environment, where the government has more control over markets. Meanwhile, the ESG funds, which have been popular among investors, have had a poor year. The speaker also highlighted Folds of Honor as a favorite charity, emphasizing the importance of supporting families of fallen or disabled military personnel and first responders.

    • The Significance of Opportunity CostsOpportunity costs impact individual decisions, resource allocation, and law enforcement priorities, resulting in potential losses of earnings, resources, and security.

      Opportunity costs, which is the cost of a foregone opportunity, play a significant role in various aspects of life. In the economic context, it was discussed how an individual's decision to engage in a lower-value activity instead of a higher-value one results in a loss of potential earnings. The same concept applies to the misallocation of resources and law enforcement priorities. For instance, the FBI's focus on investigating January 6 events and border control comes at the cost of neglecting other threats and crimes. Similarly, the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill, which could shift consumer spending to less secure networks, poses a risk to data security. In all these cases, the opportunity cost of time, resources, and attention can have serious consequences.

    • Engaging with politicians and voting strategiesStay informed, ask tough questions during debates, utilize early voting and ballot harvesting, and get out the vote through door-knocking and volunteer work to make a difference in elections.

      The political system can be full of deceit and manipulation, with politicians often changing their positions once they're in power. To combat this, it's essential to engage with them publicly and ask tough questions during debates and forums. Additionally, utilizing strategies like early voting and ballot harvesting can give an advantage to political parties, and getting out the vote through door-knocking and volunteer work is crucial. Unfortunately, the reality is that Democrats often outwork Republicans in these areas, which can lead to election victories. Another topic discussed was the possibility of liberal efforts to keep Donald Trump from running for president again through indictments at both the federal and state levels. Despite these challenges, there is a desire to continue engaging in the political process and finding ways to make a difference.

    • Secret Service Rentals and Training ToolsThe Secret Service rents cars for personal use and offers discounts on cost-effective training tools like the Eye Target Cube.

      The Secret Service does rent cars, but they are not used for secure motorcades. Instead, agents use these rentals for personal travel. The infamous story of several rental cars catching fire may be due to poor quality vehicles or coincidental timing. Dan, a former Secret Service agent, clarified that agents often share resources and even food, such as Omaha steaks. In politics, power dynamics, like Mitch McConnell's continued leadership in the Senate, can be complex and influenced by various factors. Dan also introduced the Eye Target Cube, a cost-effective training tool for improving pistol and handgun skills, available at itargitpro.com with a discount using the code DAN. Lastly, Dan recommended Henry Repeating Arms for those looking for high-quality firearms.

    • Cell Phones Reveal Personal Information to Tech Companies and Law EnforcementCell phones, even in airplane mode, constantly ping networks and emit GPS signals, revealing one's whereabouts. Geofence warrants allow law enforcement access to data from all phones in a specific area, and companies sell this aggregated data to advertisers.

      Technology, particularly cell phones, can unknowingly provide vast amounts of personal information to big tech companies and law enforcement agencies. Former FBI agent and whistleblower Kyle Surfer explained that cell phones, even when in airplane mode or with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on, constantly ping networks and emit GPS signals, revealing one's whereabouts. Geofence warrants, which were a new concept to many during the January 6 Capitol protests, allow law enforcement to access data from all phones in a specific area during a certain timeframe. Surprisingly, these warrants can be issued without the need for individualized suspicion. Surfer also highlighted that these companies sell this aggregated data to advertisers, making individuals' personal information a valuable commodity. It's essential to be aware of these practices and consider the implications on privacy.

    • Tracking movements with geofencing technologyFBI uses geofencing to track individuals' locations based on phone data, creating a virtual fence around a specific area and gathering info on devices entering/exiting, raising constitutional concerns and questions about privacy and individual freedoms.

      Law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI, use geofencing technology to track individuals' movements and locations based on their phone data. This technology involves creating a virtual fence around a specific area and tracking devices that enter or leave that area. The information gathered can be used to reconstruct an individual's steps and movements, even going back in time. While this practice is legal in the US, there is contention and comparisons being drawn to similar practices by authoritarian regimes like the Chinese Communist Party. The best-case scenario for a geofence warrant is in the context of a specific crime, such as a bank robbery, where the time and location of the crime are known. However, concerns arise when geofences are applied retroactively or in areas where people were already present before the fence was established. The use of this technology raises constitutional concerns and questions about privacy and individual freedoms.

    • Questioning Authority and Protecting Individual RightsFormer FBI agent stresses the importance of upholding individual rights and the Constitution, even if it means going against an organization. Discusses the dangers of blind obedience and the need for transparency and accountability in law enforcement practices.

      Loyalty to the Constitution and individual rights should not be overlooked in the pursuit of duty or obedience to an organization. The speaker, a former FBI agent, shares his experience of being pushed out after questioning the morality of certain FBI actions, which he believed infringed on individual rights. He emphasizes that these rights are God-given and protected by the Constitution. The speaker also discusses the troubling trend of blind obedience within organizations and the importance of standing up for what is right, even if it means going against the group. He encourages individuals to remember their civic duties and the importance of questioning authority when necessary. The conversation also touches on the use of geofencing and cell phone drag nets, highlighting the potential for privacy infringement and the importance of transparency and accountability in their use.

    • FBI's uneven application of resources in identifying Capitol rioters vs. RNC and DNC bombersThe FBI's prioritization of resources in identifying Capitol rioters compared to the RNC and DNC bombers raises questions about their priorities and potential cover-up.

      Despite the effective use of cell phone data and surveillance technology during the January 6 Capitol riots to identify thousands of individuals, the FBI has not applied the same resources to find the perpetrator(s) of the bombings outside the RNC and DNC. The speaker, a former FBI agent, shares his personal experience of being assigned to track a suspect based on compelling information but then being reassigned to process leads instead. The inconsistency feels calculated and raises questions about the FBI's priorities. The speaker emphasizes the urgency of finding the bomber(s) due to the indiscriminate and terrorist nature of the bombings. It's worth considering the possibility that the FBI already knows the identity of the bomber(s) but chooses not to share this information with the public.

    • Google Podcasts app disappearance sparks speculation about FBI informant in January 6 bombing caseSpeculation swirls about a possible FBI informant in the January 6 bombing case due to the disappearance of the Google Podcasts app and the FBI's refusal to share information. The FBI's reputation for competence raises questions about their handling of the case.

      The disappearance of the Google Podcasts app and the ongoing investigation into the January 6 bomber have led to speculation about the involvement of a confidential human source or informant in the case. The FBI's refusal to share information on the case has fueled this speculation, with some suggesting that the source could be connected to the Department of Homeland Security. The speaker emphasizes that this is all speculation and he has no special information on the case, but finds it troubling that credible leads and evidence have not led to the identification of the bomber. The FBI's reputation for competence in finding individuals is also brought up to challenge the idea that they could be this incompetent.

    • Idaho University Stabbings: Unanswered Questions and Complexities in Solving Modern HomicidesDespite advanced technology, the Idaho university stabbings case remains unsolved due to the absence of DNA, murder weapons, and blood trails. The case is intriguing due to the unlikely survival of the roommates and the possibility of a government connection. Homicide clearance rates are declining, highlighting the challenges in modern investigations.

      The Idaho university stabbings case raises many questions due to the lack of evidence left behind by the perpetrator. Three individuals, who have never met before, shared the same suspicion that the suspect might have worked for a government agency. An FBI insider claimed that typical communication following a bomb incident did not occur after the January 6th case. The case has puzzled investigators due to the absence of DNA, murder weapons, and blood trails, despite the availability of advanced technology. The homicide clearance rates have been declining in the country, leaving many cases unsolved. The case is particularly intriguing due to the seemingly unlikely survival of the roommates during the attack. The possibility of using a geo-fence warrant to investigate the scene was suggested, but its application would depend on credible reasons. Overall, the Idaho university stabbings case is a reminder of the complexities and challenges in solving homicides in the modern world.

    • Moscow Murders Investigation and Twitter's Role in Election InterferenceThe Moscow murders investigation is complex with few leads, while Twitter's potential role in election interference raises concerns for transparency and accountability.

      The investigation into the unsolved murders in Moscow, Idaho, is complex and requires a high level of expertise and experience. The lack of clear evidence and motive, along with the small number of homicides in the town over the past seven years, makes it difficult for investigators to build a solid profile. The case is all the more tragic as it involved the loss of four young lives, potentially with untold potential. Elsewhere, the takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk and the potential release of information about the platform's role in interfering with the 2020 election is a significant development. The FBI's handling of the Hunter Biden story before the election has damaged its reputation, and coming clean about this could be key to regaining public trust. The importance of transparency and accountability cannot be overstated.

    • Ignorance in Law Enforcement and National SecurityIndividuals in law enforcement and national security roles may lack awareness of current events and high-profile cases, hindering effective communication and problem-solving within organizations.

      Despite working in law enforcement or national security roles, some individuals may be surprisingly uninformed about current events and high-profile cases, even those with significant national impact. This was evident in the speaker's experiences with friends and colleagues who had never heard of Dan Bongino or the Hunter Biden laptop controversy, despite their roles in the FBI and other relevant organizations. The speaker found this ignorance to be bizarre and concerning, as they believed it was crucial for individuals in these positions to stay informed about the news and developments in their field. This issue of willful or unintentional ignorance can hinder effective communication, collaboration, and problem-solving within organizations, particularly when dealing with complex and sensitive issues.

    • Unexpected Consequences of Expressing Beliefs on Social MediaSharing beliefs on social media can lead to account suspensions, investigations, and criticism, emphasizing the importance of being mindful and respectful in online discourse.

      Individuals can face unexpected consequences, such as account suspensions or investigations, when expressing their beliefs and opinions on social media platforms. The speaker in this discussion shared his experience of having his old Facebook account suspended without explanation, and later being investigated for being unprofessional and uncooperative. He had only posted a video about his principles and beliefs on the platform. The conversation also touched upon the speaker's experience of being criticized and lectured by an investigator when he inquired about an unanswered email. These experiences highlight the potential risks and challenges that come with using social media to share one's views and engage in public discourse.

    • Importance of Self-Awareness in CommunicationSelf-awareness is essential for effective communication. Be mindful of how words and actions impact others, stay authentic, and stay informed to engage in meaningful conversations.

      Self-awareness is crucial for effective communication. During the interview, Dan Pongino expressed his frustration with a lack of self-awareness from a guest, who seemed unaware of the inappropriateness of a quote they planned to display. This moment highlights the importance of being mindful of how our words and actions impact others. Moreover, the interview also emphasized the importance of staying authentic and being true to oneself. Dan expressed gratitude for his guest's appearance on his show and appreciated their unique perspective. It's essential to remember that everyone brings something valuable to the table, regardless of whether or not we agree with their views. Lastly, the interview served as a reminder to stay engaged with current events and tune in to interesting shows. Dan mentioned upcoming guests and events on his Fox show, encouraging listeners to stay informed and continue the conversation. In essence, the interview underscored the significance of self-awareness, authenticity, and staying informed in our daily lives.

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    00:00 Start
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    About the host:

    Olga is a Life Strategist and CEO of O.S. Communications, LLC. Founder of The Charge Station™Networking Events. Olga shares her insights and unique views about life topics, current events, and cultural trends.

    Olga is passionate about happiness and empowering the next generation of leaders by sharing thought-provoking perspectives on life and disrupting the traditional approach to happiness. https://www.olgasperez.com

    Business inquiries: info@olgasperez.com

    Want Olga on your podcast? - https://bit.ly/3gK0c5J

    –Follow Me–
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    Samson "Nancy" (REACTION) & More! | The Olga S. Pérez Show Live | Episode 59

    Samson "Nancy" (REACTION) & More! | The Olga S. Pérez Show Live  | Episode 59

    Samson's Music Video called "Nancy"is about Nancy Pelosi and it's Hilarious! I am reacting to it live. I also talk about the latest with Elon, Kanye aka Ye, Ben Shapiro & More. | The Olga S. Pérez Show  | Episode 59. Thank you for listening! ❥  Follow me here! :) Livestream video link https://youtu.be/PqpkfWHEY6w
    00:00 Start Commentary
    26:29 Samson “Nancy” Live REACTION

    JOIN ME on Locals for the Extended Livestream "Uncensored & Unfiltered" LIVE here https://bit.ly/3EPsRBJ

    About the host:

    Olga is a Life Strategist and CEO of O.S. Communications, LLC. Founder of The Charge Station™Networking Events. Olga shares her insights and unique views about life topics, current events, and cultural trends.

    Olga is passionate about happiness and empowering the next generation of leaders by sharing thought-provoking perspectives on life and disrupting the traditional approach to happiness. https://www.olgasperez.com

    Business inquiries: info@olgasperez.com

    Want Olga on your podcast? - https://bit.ly/3gK0c5J

    –Follow Me–
    All Platforms: https://linktr.ee/olga_s_perez

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