
    The final head-to-head

    enJune 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Gambling scandalThe 2024 election campaign was shaken by a gambling scandal involving Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak, overshadowing other issues and dominating the news cycle for over a week.

      The 2024 election campaign trail has been full of surprises, even for a podcast that prides itself on foresight. Just five days before the election, two main candidates, Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak, found themselves embroiled in a scandal involving gambling, causing a significant shift in the campaign. This scandal, dubbed "gamble gate" or "betting gate," has dominated the news cycle for over a week. The final head-to-head debate between the two leaders is scheduled for this evening in Nottingham, and it could potentially be the last major moment of the campaign, with millions of people expected to tune in. The scandal has overshadowed other issues and has become the focus of intense media scrutiny. It serves as a reminder that in politics, the unexpected can and will happen, making every day a new adventure.

    • Net Zero DebateBBC One head-to-head debate between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer is a pivotal moment in the UK election campaign, with Reform UK adding net zero to the topics. This debate could be Rishi Sunak's last chance to make an impact and reach a massive audience.

      The BBC One head-to-head debate between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer tonight is a pivotal moment in the UK election campaign. Reform UK, led by Nigel Farage's former sidekick, has entered the net zero debate, adding another significant topic to the campaign. This debate is expected to reach a massive audience, potentially changing the game for both parties. For the Conservatives, this format has been successful in the past, and they have advocated for more head-to-head encounters. However, Keir Starmer has declined these opportunities. Tonight's debate could be Rishi Sunak's last chance to make a significant impact on the campaign, which has faced numerous challenges for the Conservative party in recent weeks. Despite the Euros being on another channel, many people are expected to tune in, making it a crucial moment in the election race.

    • UK PM campaign perceptionDespite negative public perception, Rishi Sunak's campaign for UK PM has a chance to turnaround due to unpredictability of political campaigns and potential missteps by Labour leader Keir Starmer.

      The public perception of Rishi Sunak's campaign for the UK prime ministership has been largely negative, with only 7% of people believing it has gone well, according to recent polling numbers. The campaign has faced numerous challenges and setbacks, including criticism over his handling of the economy and the Partygate scandal. However, it's important to note that political campaigns can be unpredictable, and there's still a chance for a turnaround, especially if Labour leader Keir Starmer makes any significant missteps. The 7% of people who hold a positive view of Sunak's campaign may be influenced by factors like his rain-soaked announcement in Downing Street or his decision to involve close associates in the election. Ultimately, the outcome of the election will depend on various factors, including the candidates' performances, public opinion, and unforeseen events.

    • UK election debatesThe UK election debates could significantly impact Labour Party and Keir Starmer's electoral prospects, as past debates have influenced voter opinions and polling data shows a decline in Labour support and rise of other parties

      The upcoming UK election debates could potentially be a turning point for the Labour Party and its leader, Keir Starmer. While Starmer has generally performed well in debates, there is a risk that he could stumble and provide ammunition for the opposition, as past clumsy answers have cost Labour votes and seats. However, recent polling data from UGov shows no narrowing in the polls, with the Conservatives maintaining a slight lead and Labour falling below 40% support. The final MRP poll from Ugarve will provide a clearer picture of how these numbers translate into seats, but the trend of declining Labour support and the rise of the Greens and Lib Dems is a significant story of this campaign. Ultimately, the debates could be a make-or-break moment for Starmer and the Labour Party, and the stakes are high for all involved.

    • UK Political LandscapeDespite hovering around 36% support, Labour lacks public excitement and optimism, and Sir Keir Starmer's potential prime ministership is viewed negatively. The Conservatives face scandals involving senior positions, making a decisive victory uncertain for both parties.

      The current political climate in the UK, specifically regarding the Labour Party and the Conservative Party, is not showing signs of a landslide victory for either. The Labour Party's support hovers around 36% in general elections, which is not indicative of a party on the brink of a landslide win. Furthermore, there is a lack of excitement or optimism for Labour among the public. Additionally, 50% of people believe that Sir Keir Starmer would be a bad prime minister. The financial backdrop and various challenges also make the prospect of a Labour win from July 5th onwards a tough one. Regarding the Conservative Party, the recent revelations of scandals involving senior positions, such as the Craig Williams story, have become more frequent, with at least five senior Conservatives being implicated or investigated. These developments make it a challenging time for the Conservative Party as well. In essence, the political landscape in the UK is not showing clear signs of a decisive victory for either major party, and both parties face significant challenges.

    • Political scandalsPolitical scandals, such as partygate, harm public perception, overshadow important issues, and last beyond elections, underscoring public belief in politicians' self-interest

      The ongoing partygate scandal continues to dominate the news agenda and significantly harms the public's perception of politicians and political parties, particularly the Conservative Party. The scandal, which involves allegations of lockdown rule-breaking, has overshadowed other important issues, such as tax policies, and has brought back memories of past scandals, like the expenses scandal. The scandal's impact is likely to last beyond the upcoming election, as both parties have candidates implicated in it. Yesterday, Rishi Sunak suspended his aide Craig Williams, who was seen in footage partying with Ricky Zunak, and the Labour Party also suspended their candidate Laura Saunders. However, only hours later, Labour announced they too were suspending a candidate, creating an awkward situation for them. This scandal underscores the public's belief that politicians are more interested in their own self-interest than serving the public, and it will be used as a political weapon by both parties in the coming weeks and months.

    • Political CorruptionA Labour Party candidate was suspended for betting on losing election, causing political damage and fueling corruption perceptions; it's unclear if manipulation occurred, but allegations could harm public trust

      A British Labour Party candidate, Kevin Craig, was suspended from the party after being investigated by the Gambling Commission for placing a bet on himself losing the election. He claimed he intended to donate the winnings to charity. The situation has caused significant political damage to the Labour Party, with concerns that it adds fuel to the perception of political corruption. However, it remains unclear if Craig intended to manipulate the election outcome, making it difficult to draw direct parallels to the ongoing scandal involving the Conservative Party. The Labour Party officials are reportedly very upset about the situation and the potential negative impact on their campaign. While the circumstances are different, the allegations of political corruption could further erode public trust in British politics.

    • UK Election ScandalA UK election campaign dominated by a betting scandal involving cabinet ministers and MPs, overshadowing the Tories' attempts to change the narrative and giving rise to the Reform Party led by Nigel Farage

      The UK election campaign has been dominated by a scandal involving several individuals, including a cabinet minister and a Conservative Member of Parliament, who have been accused of betting on election dates. This comes as the Reform Party, led by Nigel Farage, has emerged as a significant player in the election. Alistair Jack, the Scottish Secretary, admitted to placing bets on election dates but claims he didn't break the law because he didn't know when the election would be called. However, other individuals, including police protection officers, are also under investigation. The scandal has overshadowed the Tories' attempts to change the narrative of the campaign. Meanwhile, the Reform Party, which was not expected to be a major factor in the election, has gained attention due to Nigel Farage's efforts. In Scotland, Farage and Reform UK chairman Richard Tauschek have been discussing the oil and gas industry, but the net zero emissions policy has been a more notable topic. The scandal and the Reform Party's rise have significantly impacted the final stages of the election campaign.

    • Net Zero Politics in UKThe net zero climate target is a contentious issue in UK politics, with the Reform Party opposing the commitment to remove all carbon emissions on a net basis by 2050, potentially leading to a major divide between parties and putting current Labour government in a difficult position.

      The net zero climate target, a major policy pledge for decades, is becoming a significant point of contention in British politics. The Reform Party, which has gained mainstream popularity, is against this commitment to remove all carbon emissions on a net basis by 2050. This shift in political consensus, which was previously accepted with little debate, is expected to become a major dividing line between the parties if the Tories lurch to the right after a leadership contest. This could put Labour, currently in power, in a difficult position as they will have to defend the expensive transition to net zero. The climate debate, which has been relatively unpolarized in the UK, may become more contentious, similar to what has been observed in other countries.

    • Net Zero Policy Challenges for New LeadersThe net zero policy could pose significant challenges for new leaders in both major political parties due to the complexities and competing interests involved, potentially leading to indecisiveness and policy reversals.

      The net zero policy could be a challenge for both the Conservative Party and Labour under potential new leadership. The discussion highlighted the difficulties Labour faced in making decisions regarding a significant green investment commitment, which ultimately resulted in a reversal after lengthy negotiations. Keir Starmer's management style, which avoids conflict, might not be effective in handling the competing interests that come with being Prime Minister. This incident raises concerns about how efficiently and decisively future leaders can navigate important policy decisions.

    Recent Episodes from Politics At Jack And Sam's

    The last weekend

    The last weekend
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead. 

    This is day 37 of the campaign. Jack and Sam talk about the leaders’ final weekend, they discuss how Reform are continuing to be in the headlines, and following the Trump vs Biden debate, they look at the rest of the world, including the upcoming French election.

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk

    One week to go

    One week to go
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead. 

    This is day 36 of the campaign. Jack and Sam discuss, closing arguments - the morning after the final debate, junior doctor strikes, their impact and the Trump v Biden factor.

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk

    The final head-to-head

    The final head-to-head
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead. 
    This is day 35 of the campaign, Jack and Sam discuss the final head-to-head - how have the two leaders fared through the campaign? Gamblegate the story that won't die and Reform going big on Net Zero - parliament’s next big battle.

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk

    A Japanese Pause

    A Japanese Pause
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead.  

    This is day 34 of the campaign. Jack and Sam discuss how the Labour and Convservative campaigns are taking a brief pause while the emperor of Japan is in town, in Scotland the Daily Record comes out for Labour for the first time in 14 years, and Ed Davey launches a new manifesto for social care.  

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk Â

    10 Days To Go

    10 Days To Go
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead.  

    This is day 33 of the campaign. With 10 days remaining until election day Jack and Sam discuss Sunak and Starmer’s battle in The Sun, the fallout from Farage’s comments on the war in Ukraine, and the verdict from the Institute for Fiscal Studies on the party manifestos. 
    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk  

    Don't bet on Rishi

    Don't bet on Rishi
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead. This is day 30 of the campaign.

    Jack and Sam discuss the betting scandal clouding the Conservative campaign, last night’s Question Time, and Rachel Reeves opening up. 

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk

    In this episode, Jack and Sam discuss Craig Williams, the Conservative candidate for Montgomeryshire and Glyndŵr. The full list of candidates are:
    Jeremy Brignell-Thorp (Green Party)
    Oliver Lewis (Reform UK)
    Glyn Preston (Liberal Democrats)
    Elwyn Vaughan (Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales)
    Craig Williams (Conservative and Unionist Party)
    Steve Witherden (Labour Party)  

    They also mention Laura Saunders, the Conservative candidate for Bristol Noth West. The full list of candidates are:
    Caroline Gooch (Liberal Democrats)
    Darren Jones (Labour Party)
    Scarlett O'Connor (Reform UK)
    Mary Page (Green Party)
    Laura Saunders (Conservative and Unionist Party)
    Ben Smith (Social Democratic Party)

    Tories party amid poll wipeout

    Tories party amid poll wipeout
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead.  

    This is day 29 of the campaign. Jack and Sam discuss all four main leaders facing an audience on primetime TV, who is missing from the Tories' party donors event, Bank of England interest rates and who the newspapers are going to endorse for No 10. 

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk Â

    Will inflation save Rishi Sunak?

    Will inflation save Rishi Sunak?
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead.  

    This is day 28 of the campaign. Jack and Sam discuss inflation, the SNP manifesto launch, and how Labour’s transition planning is going.  

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk Â

    Rishi's 'blank cheque' warning

    Rishi's 'blank cheque' warning
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead.  

    This is day 27 of the campaign. Jack and Sam discuss the Tories doubling down on blank cheque warnings, if Labour’s economic message is struggling to break through, and Nigel Farage heads to Clacton.   

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk Â

    Nigel Farage launches his ”manifesto”

    Nigel Farage launches his ”manifesto”
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead.  
    This is day 26 of the campaign. Jack and Sam discuss Reform’s manifesto launch, the Conservatives’ changing tack for the final two weeks of campaigning, and Labour’s plan for the first 100 days.  

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk Â