
    The Formula To Break 100 Million Views On Shorts (ft/ Jenny Hoyos)

    enMay 03, 2024
    What are key elements for viral short form videos?
    How does Jenny maintain consistent energy in her content?
    What role do Easter eggs play in video rewatchability?
    Why is storytelling with conflict effective in videos?
    How should the visual design of the first frame look?

    Podcast Summary

    • Creating Viral Short Form Videos: The Role of Energy and AuthenticityTo create viral short form videos, focus on maintaining high energy and authenticity throughout your content.

      Creating viral short form videos involves more than just having a good idea. Jenny Hoyos, a young and successful short form video creator, shared her insights on how she structures, scripts, and films her content to maximize its viral potential. She emphasized the importance of consistently high energy and charisma, which she believes are essential for effectively transmitting energy and engaging viewers. While some creators, like Miss Excel, may use pre-recording rituals to boost their energy, Jenny now strives to maintain a consistent energy level throughout her day to ensure authenticity and consistency in her content. By focusing on energy transmission and authenticity, creators can increase their chances of producing viral short form videos.

    • Deliberately practicing charismaCharisma is a skill that can be developed through consistent practice, including watching instructional videos, repeating techniques, and even doing stand-up comedy routines privately.

      Building charisma and personality is a skill that can be deliberately practiced, just like any other. The speaker shared his personal experience of using various methods to improve his charisma, including watching instructional videos, repeating learned techniques throughout the day, and doing stand-up comedy routines in front of a camera for himself. He emphasized that charisma is a valuable skill that many people want to possess but few are willing to put in the effort to develop. By practicing consistently, even in private, one can make significant progress and potentially surpass others who have not prioritized this skill. The speaker also touched on the concept of knowledge gaps and uncertainty, explaining how these elements can be used to engage an audience and keep them interested in content.

    • Engaging YouTube content through unanswered questions and personal storiesUse unanswered questions and personal stories to make YouTube content more engaging and relatable, increasing viewer curiosity and investment.

      Creating engaging content on YouTube involves posing unresolved questions and weaving in personal stories. The use of unanswered questions keeps viewers curious and invested in the video, while personal stories make the content more relatable and earnest. For instance, the video "What Does $1 Get You at Starbucks?" poses the question of what is the most one can get for a dollar at Starbucks, and the video "Which Place Has the Best Dollar Menu?" tests which fast food restaurant offers the most value for a dollar. Additionally, telling personal stories, like making a garden to grow one's favorite food, can make seemingly ordinary content more interesting and relatable to viewers. By using these techniques, creators can make even low-stakes content more engaging and viral.

    • Creating Engaging and Exciting Videos from Ordinary IdeasUse techniques like contrast, juxtaposition, complexity, and personal stories to transform ordinary ideas into engaging videos. A strong hook is essential, using power words to capture attention and create intrigue.

      Transforming a seemingly mundane idea into an engaging and exciting video can be achieved through various techniques such as adding contrast, juxtaposition, complexity, and a personal story. The key is to add layers to give viewers more reasons to watch, while ensuring the concept remains easy to understand. The importance of a strong hook cannot be overstated, as it can make or break the success of a video. Power words should be used at the beginning of the video to capture the viewer's attention and create intrigue. A hook should be simple, universal, and easy to digest, and it may even influence the direction of the video's content. By focusing on these elements, creators can turn ordinary ideas into viral videos.

    • Hooking viewers with power words and simple designUse power words to grab attention and create curiosity. Keep the first frame design simple and attention-grabbing for high view percentage and retention.

      Using power words and creating engaging hooks are essential elements for the success of your video content, especially in the context of short-form videos. Power words instantly grab viewers' attention and create curiosity, while effective hooks progress the video's story and foreshadow the end. The view versus swipe away percentage and retention are the top metrics related to the hook and idea in short-form videos. A good hook should have a high view versus swipe away percentage, with 80% being pretty good and 85% or higher being excellent. Retention, which shows how much the viewer enjoyed the video, should ideally be at least 90%, with a goal of 95% or higher. When it comes to the visual aspect of the first frame, simplicity is key. Keep the design as uncluttered as possible, with high brightness and saturation to make it pop out. Although there's no thumbnail in short-form videos, the psychology behind making the visual stand out remains the same. For example, adding artificial fire to a logo in a video of Hell's Kitchen may not be real, but it can make the visual more engaging and create a stronger impact on the viewer. The goal is to make the first frame as attention-grabbing as possible, even if it's just an illusion.

    • Creating Impactful Videos: Enhancing Elements, Clean Environment, Foreshadowing, and StorytellingCreating impactful videos requires enhancing elements, maintaining a clean environment, using foreshadowing to build viewer anticipation, and implementing storytelling techniques for progression and character development.

      Creating engaging and successful videos involves enhancing elements to make them more impactful, maintaining a clean and focused environment, using foreshadowing to build viewer anticipation, and implementing storytelling techniques that show progression and character development. For instance, the team behind the video discussed the importance of making things stand out, even if it means creating larger effects in post-production than what was initially achieved in reality. They also emphasized the significance of a clean environment to avoid distractions for viewers. Foreshadowing was identified as a crucial aspect of keeping viewers engaged until the end. This can be done through either explicit or implied methods, such as hinting at the outcome of the video or showing the progression of the video's events. The team also highlighted the importance of storytelling, explaining that it is essentially about creating change and progression in the viewer's experience. By maintaining viewer interest and keeping them invested in the content, creators can increase their chances of success.

    • Creating rewatchable content through Easter eggs, tutorials, twists, storytelling with conflict, and using stakes.Effective techniques for creating rewatchable content include Easter eggs, tutorials, twists, storytelling with conflict, and using stakes to create urgency and viewer investment.

      Creating rewatchable content is a crucial part of a successful video strategy. This can be achieved through various methods, such as Easter eggs, tutorial videos, and twists in the video. Easter eggs are hidden elements that encourage viewers to rewatch the video to see if they missed anything. Tutorial videos are inherently rewatchable because viewers often need to refer back to specific steps. Twists in the video keep viewers engaged and make them want to rewatch the video to understand the new context. Another effective technique is storytelling with conflict. By adding conflict throughout the video, the story becomes more intriguing and keeps viewers engaged. The South Park guys demonstrate this technique by crossing out all the "ands" in a story and replacing them with "buts" and "so's," which creates a more engaging narrative. Additionally, using stakes in the story can increase the importance and impact of the content. Stakes create a sense of urgency and make the viewer care about the outcome. While it may be challenging to build up high stakes in a short video, even small stakes can make a difference in keeping viewers engaged and coming back for more.

    • Increasing stakes for effective storytellingTo keep audiences engaged, start with relatable stakes and escalate risks, using a compelling idea, grabbing hook, foreshadowing, engaging storytelling, and a satisfying payoff.

      Effective storytelling in content creation, whether it's short or long form, relies on increasing the stakes over time to keep viewers engaged. Starting with relatable and real-life stakes, the story should escalate to higher and higher risks, creating tension and keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. This is exemplified in various forms of media, from YouTube videos to TV shows like Breaking Bad. The key elements to achieving this include a compelling idea, a grabbing hook, foreshadowing, engaging storytelling, and a satisfying payoff. While some creators may prioritize high retention by not providing a clear ending, ultimately, viewer satisfaction comes from a well-executed payoff that ties up the story.

    • Creating Compelling Video Endings: The Power of the Pecan TheoryTo leave a lasting impression, creators should focus on generating unique ideas for compelling video endings. They can take inspiration from various sources and add their unique twist (steal like an artist) or use data analysis to optimize content for maximum engagement and subscriber conversions.

      Creating compelling video endings and generating unique ideas are crucial for viewer satisfaction and engagement. The ending of a video can significantly impact how viewers remember and feel about the content, making it essential to leave a lasting impression. This concept is known as the Pecan Theory, which suggests that the emotions and opinions towards a piece of content are often determined by its ending. To generate numerous ideas, creators can "steal like an artist" by taking inspiration from various sources and adding their unique twist. This approach involves finding inspiration in topics, movie techniques, or other creators' work and remixing it to create something original. A prime example of this is taking inspiration from Mister Beast's philanthropic and life-changing content and applying a unique perspective to create content on a smaller budget. Additionally, utilizing tools to analyze data and understand viewer psychology can help optimize content for maximum engagement and subscriber conversions. By manually labeling and categorizing videos and analyzing their performance, creators can identify trends and patterns to create content that resonates with their audience.

    • Identifying outlier concepts and catering to multiple age groupsTo maximize conversions on YouTube, create relatable and engaging content, especially with family or surprise elements. Find outlier concepts by checking trending pages and maintaining a swipe file for inspiration. Cater to multiple age groups by creating content that appeals to both kids and adults.

      Creating relatable and engaging content, especially when involving family or surprise elements, can significantly boost conversion rates on YouTube, even if it results in fewer views. However, it's essential to understand that maximizing subscribers requires a balance between views and conversions. Another crucial insight gained from studying the platform was the importance of identifying outlier concepts in channels with relatively low average views but high view counts. These concepts can provide valuable insights into what makes content successful and differentiate great ideas from normal ones. To find these outliers, the speaker manually checks the trending page every morning, night, and during lunchtime, allowing them to recognize trending content and identify potential outliers. Additionally, maintaining a swipe file for inspiration is a helpful practice. Regarding audience targeting, the speaker initially focused on catering to their younger self but later realized the need for multiple avatars to reach a broader audience and potentially reach 100,000,000 subscribers. The guiding principle for content creation now is to make it intriguing for kids while maintaining maturity for adults, aiming to create content that appeals to both age groups.

    • Creating Value on Social Media: Short or Long FormSuccessful creators provide value through short or long form content, emphasizing resourcefulness and self-reliance, potentially favoring the extremes as social media continues to grow and surpass Hollywood's influence.

      Successful content creators on social media platforms like YouTube are focusing on providing value through either short or long form content, as the trend leans towards the extremes. The speaker, who started creating content at a young age and has an obsessive personality, aims to inspire others to live fulfilling lives without relying heavily on money. Social media is predicted to continue growing, potentially surpassing the influence of Hollywood. The speaker's content revolves around having great experiences on a low budget, emphasizing resourcefulness and self-reliance. This trend may continue as people seek quick value or deep engagement, with the algorithm-driven nature of platforms potentially favoring the extremes.

    • Balancing Ambition and Authenticity in Content CreationContent creators must consider their goals and values when striving for success to maintain authenticity while growing their audience.

      Having a clear goal is essential for growth in content creation, but staying true to your message can present challenges. Jenny Hoyos, a content creator, expressed her desire to become the next "Mister Beast" with over 100 million subscribers while maintaining her authenticity. She acknowledged the financial investment required to reach such a level and questioned whether she could achieve it without compromising her values. This conversation highlights the importance of balancing ambition with authenticity in content creation. For those interested in working with Jenny, they can email team@jennihoyos.com for a consultation call. Overall, this discussion provides valuable insights into the mindset and challenges of content creators striving for success while staying true to their message.

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    My First Million
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    My First Million
    enAugust 23, 2024

    How To Grow An Audience If You Have 0 Followers

    How To Grow An Audience If You Have 0 Followers
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    Ep. 29: Communication That Truly Connects (with Jeff Knapp)

    Jeff Knapp returns, this time to talk about the communication skills that enable him to have powerful connections with people, whether one on one or from a stage to an audience. I've seen it myself and it's really remarkable how fast he is able to go deep with others. Listen in to hear how he does it time and time again.


    Sign up to have Scott email you a weekly shot of energy, with 1 Cool Quote, 1 Deep Thought, and 1 Useful Tool. This is original content, not a repost of the podcast. You can find the sign-up section at the bottom of my website www.ScottWozniak.com 

    Learn how Scott and his team of consultants can help you build a legendary brand at www.SwozConsulting.com 

    Connect with Scott on social media:  




    You can contact Jeff by visiting:





    Bonus: check out his other podcast (Alpha Pack): https://kite.link/alpha-pack-podcast 

    If you like this podcast you will probably like that one, too. Who knows, you might even like it better! :)   

    Musical Theater Nerd Patient Advocates Unite: Jennifer "Jay" Palumbo

    Musical Theater Nerd Patient Advocates Unite: Jennifer "Jay" Palumbo

    On today's quirky show, I welcome Jen Palumbo, an epic human Energizer Bunny who takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Jen is a freelance writer, Forbes contributor, and women's health advocate, specifically for reproductive rights. In a spirited coincidence, it turns out we both went to the same college at the same time, were both Theater people, and have dozens of friends in common. We are ships in the night for sure. As fellow parents of IVF children, we bonded over the current state of the state. And as fellow Binghamton graduates, we bonded over Wegmans, being Theater nerds, and 1990s dorm life in the southern tier. Jen is a true Long Island: loud and proud. Let the hilarity, dark humor, and GenX Therapy begin. Enjoy the show.

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    [BEST OF] Robots In My Head: Deep Brain Stimulation (EP298 Rerun)

    [BEST OF] Robots In My Head: Deep Brain Stimulation (EP298 Rerun)

    Mental health is an umbrella term that spans a spectrum of severity. But when it comes to treatment-resistant major depressive disorder, it's a whole other ball game. A former healthcare communications executive, Jon Nelson is a living, breathing example of hope and progress in the mental health ecosystem. Joining Jon is Dr. Helen Mayberg, a neurologist, and psychiatrist at the Nash Family Center for Advanced Circuit Therapeutics. Learn how the latest advances in Deep brain stimulation (DBS) practically cure suicidal patients like Jon, but not without a considerable asterisk around access, approval loopholes, coverage, emerging skepticism, and, of course, massive stigma.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    The Immunotherapy Series, Part Two: Beyond Immunotherapy

    The Immunotherapy Series, Part Two: Beyond Immunotherapy

    Beyond Immunotherapy. The present and future of immune-driven medicine; toward an understanding of the immune system as the driver of solutions for treatment, prevention, and diagnosis of disease; identifying and creating responses to specific immune activation pathways.

    Special guests:

    Meghan Gutierrez

    Chief Executive Officer

    Lymphoma Research Foundation

    Leo David Wang, M.D., Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor, Department of Immuno-Oncology

    Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics

    City Of Hope

    This series is brought to you ad-free by Adaptive Biotechnologies

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    Episode 18: The Importance of embracing every damn inch of who you are, how powerful your voice is and how not everyone is going to agree with what you have to say.

    Episode 18: The Importance of embracing every damn inch of who you are, how powerful your voice is and how not everyone is going to agree with what you have to say.

    Shannon Wooten and I discuss the importance of loving yourself in the now. We discuss how we aren't everyone's cup of tea. To not apologize for who we are and what we do, that we need to embrace every damn inch of ourselves. Shannon and I discuss infertility and her book - Infertility Sucks, You Don't - Available on Amazon. Shannon is such an incredible woman with a powerful message for women all over the world. Shannon Wooten is a Life Coach and writer. She is specifically a Mindset Coach for the Visionary entrepreneurs who are ready to trail blaze a path to wealth and intimacy. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wootenshannon  Instagram: @shannonwooten  Website: http://www.LifewithShannon.com/

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