
    The fringe medical group pushing anti-LGBTQ laws

    enJune 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A smaller organization, the American College of Pediatricians, advocates for positions contrasting with the AAP's scientific consensus on social issuesThe American College of Pediatricians, a smaller group founded in 2002, advocates for traditional values and opposes hormone therapy, sports participation, and abortion access for certain groups, influencing debates and legislation at the state level.

      There exists a group called the American College of Pediatricians, which advocates for positions on various social issues, such as transgender-related legislation and abortion, that contrast with the widely accepted scientific consensus represented by the American Academy of Pediatrics. This smaller organization, founded in 2002 by conservative doctors who split from the larger group over the latter's support for same-sex parenting, holds beliefs rooted in traditional values and a belief that life begins at conception. The American College of Pediatricians has been lobbying for laws that restrict hormone therapy for transgender youth, limit their participation in sports, and restrict access to abortion. Despite being a smaller organization, it has significant influence on shaping debates and legislation on these issues at the state level.

    • Controversy Surrounding Smaller Pediatric GroupThe American College of Pediatricians, a smaller group with questionable credibility, lobbied for policy changes despite lacking transparency and scientific backing, raising concerns about their motives.

      The American College of Pediatricians, a smaller splinter group with about 700 members, often presents itself as a credible source in conservative news outlets despite not having the same level of scientific backing as the larger American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which has 67,000 members and rigorously vets its research. The AAP's reputation was recently tarnished when confidential files from the American College of Pediatricians were exposed, revealing their lobbying efforts, financial information, and strategies to influence policy changes. This includes their involvement in pressuring a Catholic hospital system to change its policy regarding hormone therapy for transgender kids. The American College of Pediatricians' smaller size and lack of transparency raises questions about their credibility and motives. An interesting anecdote that relates to this topic is the recent announcement by the governors of Texas and Florida that they had bused migrants to cities like Los Angeles and left them at Union Stations. While this may have initially seemed like a logistical nightmare, it serves as a reminder that there are larger issues at play and that it's important to consider the bigger picture and extend help and support to those in need. The controversy surrounding the American College of Pediatricians highlights the importance of transparency, credibility, and scientific backing in matters affecting children's health and well-being.

    • Florida to Martha's Vineyard: Human Trafficking ConcernsConfusion over migrant transportation raises human trafficking concerns, potential legal action from California, and possible Supreme Court involvement.

      The issue of migrants being transported from Florida to Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, has raised serious questions about human trafficking. The speaker expresses confusion over how this situation doesn't meet the definition of human trafficking, despite some individuals potentially signing documents indicating their willingness to travel. California's Attorney General, Rob Bonta, has initiated legal action against Florida and Texas, potentially leading to a state-on-state lawsuit. This scenario could result in the case going directly to the Supreme Court. The speaker also shares a personal experience with unexpected home repairs due to a microwave short circuit and a resulting water leak.

    • Unexpected costs in home renovation and historic sailing raceAssume a $10,000 budget for home renovations, appreciate the value of traditional skills in modern challenges

      Home renovation projects can be unexpectedly costly and complex. The speaker's friend advises assuming a $10,000 budget for any home improvement. The speaker's own home, which is over a century old, consistently reveals hidden expenses whenever a wall is opened. Meanwhile, the speaker was excited about a retro sailing race, the Golden Globe Race, where competitors sail around the world without modern technology. A woman, Kirsten Neuschaffer, recently won this race, marking a historic first. The speaker also shared her fascination with the anime show "Doctor Stone," where characters must sail across the sea using only knowledge from the past. This show's premise parallels the challenges of the Golden Globe Race, highlighting the importance of traditional skills and knowledge.

    • Two inspiring stories of resilience and determinationDespite adversity, never give up hope and be amazed by the potential within us to overcome challenges

      No matter how lost or seemingly hopeless a situation may seem, there's always a chance for a happy ending. The story of Ozzie the cat, who got lost during the fires in Sonoma County and was reunited with his family six years later, is a perfect example of this. Meanwhile, in a completely different realm, the world of speedcubing, 21-year-old Max Park broke the world record for the fastest time to solve a Rubik's cube, inspiring a room full of excited kids and teenagers. These two stories remind us that even in the face of adversity, there's always a reason to smile and be amazed. From the heartwarming tale of Ozzie the cat to the awe-inspiring performance of Max Park, both stories offer a reminder of the power of resilience and determination. Ozzie's journey through the fires and harsh weather conditions, only to be found and reunited with his family, is a testament to the fact that even the most seemingly helpless creatures can survive and thrive. On the other hand, Max Park's incredible speedcubing skills demonstrate the incredible potential that lies within each of us, no matter how young or old we may be. In essence, these stories remind us to never give up hope, no matter the circumstances, and to always be amazed by the incredible feats that can be achieved with dedication and hard work. Whether it's a lost cat finding its way back home or a speedcuber breaking a world record, there's always a reason to be inspired and to keep pushing forward.

    • Learning from Mistakes in PodcastingPodcasting involves making mistakes, but it's essential to learn from them and continue producing valuable content.

      We all make mistakes, and it's important to learn from them. This was evident during a recent episode of the podcast "Make Me Smart," where the hosts made an error but quickly recovered and moved on. The podcast, produced by Marketplace, covers various news topics and features guests from various fields. One recent episode focused on literacy issues in Wisconsin and the need for a renewed focus on teaching reading effectively. The hosts shared their personal connection to the topic and expressed their belief that the podcast had changed their perspectives. Despite the occasional error, the podcast continues to provide valuable insights and information, and new episodes are available through the Marketplace newsletter and YouTube live stream. The team behind "Make Me Smart" includes Courtney Bergseeker as producer, Drew Josta as engineer, Ellen Rolfe as newsletter writer, Marissa Cabrera as senior producer, Bridget Bodner as director of podcast, and Francesca Levy as executive director. Through their shared commitment to producing quality content, they demonstrate that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process.

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    Here’s everything we talked about today:

    We love to hear from you. Send your questions and comments to makemesmart@marketplace.org or leave us a voicemail at 508-U-B-SMART.

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    Here’s everything we talked about today:

    We love to hear from you. Send your questions and comments to makemesmart@marketplace.org or leave us a voicemail at 508-U-B-SMART.

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    Here’s everything we talked about today:

    We love to hear from you. Send your questions and comments to makemesmart@marketplace.org or leave us a voicemail at 508-U-B-SMART.

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    Here’s everything we talked about today:

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    Make Me Smart
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    We love to hear from you. Send your questions and comments to makemesmart@marketplace.org or leave us a voicemail at 508-U-B-SMART.

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    Here’s everything we talked about today:

    We love to hear from you. Send your questions and comments to makemesmart@marketplace.org or leave us a voicemail at 508-U-B-SMART.

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    Ci siamo: la guida ai modelli mentali per il successo sta per finire.
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    È lo stesso principio di chi sceglie un percorso per cambiare forma fisica. La maggior parte delle persone pensa che il segreto siano solo la palestra, l’alimentazione e gli integratori usati ogni giorno.
    Ed è vero che questi elementi sono importanti... ma NON possono funzionare se alla base non si trova una mentalità orientata al successo.
    Un nuovo modo di pensare è fondamentale per raggiungere grandi risultati e mantenerli costanti nel tempo.
    La crescita di un’azienda segue lo stesso ragionamento. Prendersi cura dell’aspetto pratico della gestione della tua impresa è essenziale per avere successo.
    Ma senza un modello mentale solido, orientato verso il futuro e pronto ad allontanare i pensieri negativi i risultati che tanto sogni non arriveranno mai veramente!
    Quindi hai davanti a te due scelte.
    La prima è aspettare il colpo della bacchetta della Fata Madrina che salverà la tua azienda e smetterà di farti sentire il peso del fatturato in calo sul collo...
    ... oppure iniziare ad agire per modificare il tuo approccio mentale alla tua attività, e scoprire gli ultimi 3 modelli mentali che ti aiuteranno a raggiungere il successo!

    📕 E se vuoi applicare tecniche potentissime fin da subito, apprendendole in modo rapido, senza tecnicismi o paroloni da espertone americano, ho quello che fa al caso tuo:

    📘 È uscito il mio libro VESTITI BENE E PRENDI IL WEB A MAZZATE – Manuale pratico di sopravvivenza alla Pagina Social della tua Attività.

    📗 373 pagine fitte di dritte, tecniche e consigli per trasformare la tua pagina Social nel migliore dei tuoi venditori!

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    Guest Speak On 50 Podcasts In 100 Days!  Join The Influence Army Waitlist HERE!

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