
    The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly in Georgia (Ep 1428)

    enJanuary 05, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting Online Privacy and Georgia Elections on The Dan Bongino ShowThe Dan Bongino Show discussed the importance of using a VPN like ExpressVPN to secure online privacy and debated the ongoing Georgia Senate elections, with a focus on the controversy surrounding a leaked conversation between President Trump and Georgia officials.

      The Dan Bongino Show covers a range of topics, including the importance of using a VPN to protect online privacy, the ongoing Georgia Senate elections, and the controversy surrounding a recorded conversation between President Trump and Georgia officials. The show's perspective is that while Republicans are not perfect, they are a better choice than the Democrats in the current political climate. The use of ExpressVPN is emphasized as a means of safeguarding personal data from big tech companies. The recent Georgia election malfeasance and the subsequent leaked conversation between Trump and Georgia officials were discussed in depth, with the belief that the Secretary of State of Georgia came off worse in the call than the President.

    • Clarify confidentiality and recording agreements with public officialsAvoid potential miscommunications or leaks by clearly communicating confidentiality and recording agreements with public officials before conversations.

      During a conversation with a public official, confidentiality and agreements about recording or dissemination of the conversation should be clarified upfront to avoid potential miscommunications or leaks to the media. The recent incident involving Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger's conversation with a local news outlet highlights the importance of such clarifications. The conversation, which was supposed to be confidential, was leaked to the Washington Post, leading to damaging publicity for all parties involved. The incident underscores the need for clear communication and agreements when engaging in sensitive discussions with public officials.

    • Discussion about election integrity in Georgia leads to controversy over transparency and consentPoliticians must be transparent and obtain consent before recording conversations or withholding information to avoid controversy and potential legal consequences.

      During a discussion about election integrity in Georgia, Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia Secretary of State, was criticized for potentially withholding information and recording a conversation with a political figure without consent. It was suggested that Raffensperger should have been more transparent and should have had a lawyer draw up an NDA before the conversation. When Raffensperger appeared on Fox News and was asked about the released tape, he seemed to acknowledge its release but did not answer directly whether he was in favor of it. The incident highlights the importance of transparency and consent in political conversations and the potential consequences of withholding information or recording without permission.

    • A producer leaks a recording during a dispute over election results, but faces criticism for bypassing proper procedures.Proper procedures and factual reporting are crucial in holding public figures accountable. Shortcuts can lead to negative consequences.

      During a heated dispute over election results, a producer named Joe believed that leaking a recording was his only avenue to combat perceived misinformation from a public figure. However, his decision to leak the tape was met with criticism, as he had numerous media opportunities available to him. Meanwhile, a separate issue emerged regarding potential voter registration fraud in Georgia, which was brought to light through undercover video footage by Project Veritas. This incident highlights the importance of following proper procedures and the potential consequences of taking shortcuts, even with the best intentions. It also underscores the significance of factual reporting and the role of media in holding public figures accountable.

    • Media's response varies based on sourceMedia outlets prioritize partisanship over accuracy, leading to inconsistent responses to information from different sources. Critical thinking and fact-checking are essential.

      The media's response to information, especially when it comes from sources they don't agree with or like, can be vastly different. In the discussed situation, a video revealing potential voter registration law violations was ignored when it came from Project Veritas, but received attention when Brad Raffensperger, Georgia's Secretary of State, was involved. Similarly, questioning the origin of COVID-19 from a Wuhan lab was labeled as misinformation and censored when it came from conservative figures like Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson, but would have been celebrated if it came from liberal sources. This inconsistency highlights the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking, as well as the need for media outlets to prioritize accuracy over partisanship.

    • Media's initial dismissal of lab origin theory for coronavirusMedia initially dismissed lab origin theory for coronavirus as a conspiracy, but subsequent reports suggest it's a possibility, raising questions about media's role in investigating potential origins.

      Media outlets have been criticized for their handling of the origin of the coronavirus, specifically regarding the Wuhan laboratories. Tucker Carlson was among the first to question the widely accepted belief that the virus came from an animal market, suggesting instead that it may have originated from one of the Wuhan laboratories that conducted research on bat coronaviruses. This theory was met with skepticism and criticism from the media, with some outlets labeling it a conspiracy theory. However, subsequent reports have supported the idea that the virus may have escaped from a lab, raising questions about the media's initial dismissal of the theory. President Trump also weighed in on the issue, further fueling media scrutiny. The media's response to these theories has been criticized for prioritizing defending China over investigating the potential origin of the virus.

    • Media's bias towards protecting China and discrediting TrumpThe media ignored evidence suggesting the coronavirus originated from a lab in China and instead focused on discrediting Trump's claim, prioritizing China's image over factual reporting

      During a press conference in May 2020, President Trump suggested that the coronavirus may have originated from a lab in China, sparking controversy. Instead of investigating this claim, the media focused on discrediting Trump and defending China. For instance, 60 Minutes ran a story denying the possibility of the virus originating from a lab, despite evidence to the contrary. A scientist had discussed how it was unlikely for the virus to have leaked from the wet market and more plausible that it originated from a lab. However, the media chose to ignore this evidence and continue to promote the narrative that the virus did not come from a lab. This episode highlights the media's bias towards protecting China and discrediting Trump, rather than reporting the facts objectively.

    • Funding Connections Between NIH and Wuhan Institute of VirologyThe NIH, under Dr. Fauci, funded research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, including work on genetically modifying coronaviruses for vaccine development and potential use as bioweapons.

      There were significant funding connections between the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert, reportedly shifted his focus to combating biological warfare and his anti-terrorism budget at NIH reached nearly $2 billion by 2003. A portion of this funding went to genetically modifying certain pathogens, including coronaviruses, for both vaccine development and investigating their potential use as bioweapons. The Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is China's only level four biomedical research facility, received funding from the NIH and the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency through a nonprofit called EcoHealth. Peter Daszak, the head of EcoHealth, allegedly played an instrumental role in directing these funds to the Wuhan Institute. While the debate continues on the merits of intentionally mutating viruses for research, these connections raise questions about the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • Origins of coronavirus and scientific research controversyThe debate over the origins of the coronavirus and potential conflicts of interest in related research highlights the importance of transparency and separating facts from speculation.

      The origins of the coronavirus and the funding of related research have become politically charged issues, with allegations of potential cover-ups and conflicts of interest. Peter Daszak, an organization he leads, and certain scientists have been involved in research on bat-to-human coronaviruses, including the deadly SARS virus, and have received funding from the NIH and other sources. Some critics argue that this research may have involved intentionally mutating viruses, making it difficult to determine their natural or lab-grown origin. The debate surrounding these allegations highlights the importance of transparency in scientific research and the potential consequences of politicizing scientific issues. It's crucial to separate facts from speculation and maintain a critical and open-minded perspective.

    • Georgia Election Official Addresses Voting ConcernsDuring a press conference, Gabriel Sterling acknowledged some voting irregularities but failed to provide satisfactory explanations for others, fueling skepticism.

      During a recent press conference, Gabriel Sterling, an election official from Georgia, responded to allegations of suspicious voting activities during the presidential election in the state. While he addressed some concerns, such as the presence of suitcases containing ballots and counting after observers left, he did not provide satisfactory explanations for others, including the sudden halt and resumption of counting at State Farm Arena. Sterling's repetition of seemingly insignificant details and dismissive attitude towards serious concerns raised questions about the sincerity of his rebuttal. In a separate topic, the host recommended Raycon wireless earbuds, emphasizing their affordability, comfort, and excellent sound quality. Listeners can enjoy a 15% discount by visiting buyraycon.com/bongino.

    • Fulton County Election Discrepancies and Trump RallyFulton County's election process during the 2020 presidential election faced criticism for conflicting announcements, unresolved ballot issues, and lack of transparency, with President Trump holding a rally to express his doubts about the results and refusal to concede.

      During the 2020 presidential election in Fulton County, Georgia, there were conflicting reports about when counting would be concluded. Fulton County initially announced they would wrap up counting at 10 PM, but later continued counting despite this announcement. There were also reports of issues with ballots and signature verification that were not fully addressed. Gabriel Sterling, a Georgia election official, provided an explanation for these events, but it was criticized for leaving out critical details and offering conflicting information. The situation raised questions about the transparency and integrity of the election process in Fulton County. President Trump held a rally in Georgia to encourage voters to participate in the ongoing Senate runoff elections. The rally included a clip of Trump questioning the validity of the election results and expressing his refusal to concede.

    • President Trump's team questions election legitimacy due to constitutional concernsPresident Trump's team raised concerns about election law changes, lack of state legislature approval, and tens of thousands of missing votes, emphasizing the importance of following constitutional procedures in elections

      Next week looks challenging due to ongoing election disputes. President Trump and his team are raising concerns about election law changes and the lack of state legislature approval for certain decisions. They believe these actions violate the US Constitution and question the legitimacy of the election results. The discussion also touched on the lack of approval from local politicians and judges for some election-related matters. The team emphasized that these decisions should be made by state legislatures, not just local officials. They argued that tens of thousands of votes are missing and the US should uphold its own election standards. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of following proper constitutional procedures in conducting elections.

    • Florida Governor's Confident Handling of MediaGovernor DeSantis stands firm against media's disrespect, refusing to be bullied or intimidated, leading Florida with strong principles.

      Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been handling the media with confidence and principles, despite constant challenges from the Soviet Union media, as referred to in the discussion. DeSantis has been dealing with media clown shows by refusing to give them the respect they don't show him in return. The media's repeated attempts to ask leading questions were shut down by DeSantis during a recent interview with CNN. The interview revolved around the vaccine rollout issues in Florida, with CNN trying to blame the governor for the problems. However, DeSantis remained calm and asked for the complete question before answering, showing the media that he would not be bullied or intimidated. The media's disrespect towards him is reciprocated, and DeSantis continues to lead Florida with strong principles, making it a free state where businesses can thrive.

    • Governor DeSantis calls for media accountabilityGovernor DeSantis urged caution towards media, accused them of spreading misinformation, and encouraged accountability. He advised answering questions directly and subscribing to his Rumble channel for conservative news.

      Media outlets and journalists should be met with skepticism and respect given in equal measure, according to Governor Ron DeSantis. During a recent interview, DeSantis criticized the media for their coverage of the Soviet Union, China, and various political hoaxes, such as Russian collusion and the Hunter Biden laptop story. He accused them of spreading misinformation and called for accountability. DeSantis also advised against answering speeches and instead encouraged answering questions directly. He shared his experiences with media personalities and emphasized the importance of truth and transparency. Additionally, DeSantis encouraged viewers to subscribe to his Rumble channel and make BonginoReport.com their primary source for news and information. He promised new content and a commitment to delivering conservative news and perspectives. Overall, DeSantis emphasized the importance of critical thinking and holding the media accountable for their actions.

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