
    The High Price of Mortality and the Comfort of God's Eternal Kingdom

    en-caSeptember 09, 2023

    About this Episode

     The people who are hell bent on their quest to so called save the planet when God has said he will create a new Heaven and a new Earth and this planet will be no more. 

    mosaic: Exploring Jewish Issues
    mosaic is Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County's news magazine show, exploring Jewish...

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    Recent Episodes from Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far

    Spring's Metaphors and Mars' Dreams in Our Philosophical Odyssey

    Spring's Metaphors and Mars' Dreams in Our Philosophical Odyssey

    Have you ever found yourself wrapped in a blanket, watching the March winds whirl outside your window, and contemplated the grand mysteries of the universe? Join us on our latest podcast episode where we take a philosophical journey through the musings of life, the search for meaning, and the grand designs of faith. From the eager anticipation of spring's rebirth in Vernon, British Columbia, to the audacious plans of colonizing Mars with Elon Musk at the helm, we traverse topics that will stir your soul and challenge your beliefs. Witness how we dissect the essence of our fleeting existence and deliberate whether our environmental endeavors align with a higher divine plan, or if we're merely imposing our will upon it.

    Feel the tension between societal norms and personal beliefs as we navigate through waters often muddied by religious doctrine. We'll unpack the true nature of goodness—and whether it's always in lockstep with what's popular—as well as the implications of a society drifting away from the fear of God. Observe the transformative power of natural cycles as metaphors for life and divine harmony, and prepare to question everything you thought you knew about spirituality and environmental consciousness. Let's seek clarity together in the messages of prophetic writings, especially the enigmatic Book of Revelation, and ponder their significance in our world today. As the seasons change, so too may our understanding of the world and the spiritual path laid before us.

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    Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far
    en-caMarch 05, 2024

    Exploring Eternity and Earthly Transitions: Reflections on the Universe, Family Dynamics, and Christian Hope

    Exploring Eternity and Earthly Transitions: Reflections on the Universe, Family Dynamics, and Christian Hope

    Ever pondered the vastness of the universe and the fleeting nature of our mortal coil? Come take a journey with me, Arlo Johnson, and my guest as we unwrap the mysteries of existence and the biblical vision of a new heaven and a new earth. Our conversation spans the impermanence of the present world, the grand scale of divine architecture as envisioned in Revelation, and the inclusive nature of salvation. We ask not just about the size of God's city, but the weight of our choices in a world where life is but a precursor to eternity.

    Transitioning from celestial to societal, we examine the seismic shifts in family life, the waning of time-honored traditions, and the societal implications of changes in gender roles and fashion. With a keen eye on the transformation of community structures, especially within the agricultural heartlands, we explore the potential for societal upheaval and the resilience required in times of adversity. This episode culminates with a contemplation of Christian eschatology, discussing the tribulation, the second coming, and the puzzle of faith in the modern world. Join us for this episode and emerge with a renewed perspective on the world around you and the world to come.

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    Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far
    en-caFebruary 25, 2024

    Rebirth at Eighty-Four: Contemplations on Wealth, Faith, and Second Chances

    Rebirth at Eighty-Four: Contemplations on Wealth, Faith, and Second Chances

    Gazing out at the snow-dusted trees of Vernon, I'm struck by the profound contrasts of our world—contrasts that echo through my reflections on spirituality and material wealth. In the heart of this episode, I invite you on a journey from the wintry calm of British Columbia to the sun-soaked luxury of Los Angeles golf courses, revealing how these landscapes shape my perspective on life's deeper truths. As I contemplate the economic allure and potential excesses of the golfing elite, a thread of introspection weaves through our discussion, questioning the very nature of ownership and the fleeting grip we have on our earthly treasures. Through a candid window into my own experiences, I explore the Christian ethos that suggests we are mere stewards of the divine, a view that underpins my personal narrative of transformation.

    The waters of baptism symbolize a new beginning, a sentiment that resonates deeply as I share the poignant moment of my immersion at the age of 84. The act, profound in its simplicity, marked a turning point—a rebirth and a washing away of past missteps. Here, the essence of faith and the journey toward eternal life take center stage. I challenge the metaphorical weight of infant christening and advocate for a conscious, adult decision to embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ. It's a conversation that beckons you to reflect on your own convictions, to consider the steps one must take toward redemption, and to recognize the personal journey that is faith. Join me as we navigate the sacred waters of belief, the enduring promise of baptism, and the ceaseless quest for everlasting life.

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    Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far
    en-caFebruary 18, 2024

    Contemplating the Sacred and the Secular in Life's Grand Tapestry

    Contemplating the Sacred and the Secular in Life's Grand Tapestry

    As winter's chill thaws into the promise of spring, our latest episode finds me musing on the curious dance between eternal divine commandments and the mutable laws of humankind. With Vernon, British Columbia's gentle winter as my backdrop, I explore the natural cycles that govern our lives and question the peculiar construction of our modern calendar. Why does it not sync with the celestial clockwork God has set in motion? The discussion unfolds to contrast the immutable nature of divine law with the ever-shifting landscape of human legislation, where laws are as transient as the political winds that shape them. I probe the sacred tenets of the Ten Commandments, critiquing the liberties taken by religious institutions in their interpretation, and reflect on the grand design God has for our existence, stretching beyond the simple act of procreation to the spiritual sons and daughters in His kingdom.

    In a world where every moment is chronicled by a divine ledger, I share a profound personal experience that underscores the interconnectedness of our lives with the celestial narrative. My story—a revelation about the conception of my first son—serves as a testament to the belief that our lives unfold according to a preordained path within God's vast plan. As we tread through these spiritually charged discussions, we also delve into the significance of faith and hope, holding fast to the truths personified by Jesus Christ. I leave you with a message of spiritual tenacity, encouraging listeners to anchor themselves in the principles that elevate us above the terrestrial fray, and I extend a heartfelt blessing, hoping that our words may inspire reflection and bring a touch of grace to your journey.

    mosaic: Exploring Jewish Issues
    mosaic is Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County's news magazine show, exploring Jewish...

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    Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far
    en-caFebruary 14, 2024

    Unraveling the Implications of Shifting Values in a Fractured Age

    Unraveling the Implications of Shifting Values in a Fractured Age

    As society's compass spins wildly, we confront the crumbling pillars of family values and religious respect, promising to unearth the consequences these seismic shifts may have on our future. Venture with us and discover the intricate tapestry of modern life, where the looming reign of King Charles III mingles with ancient biblical prophecies, and the political battleground of the United States is marred by polarization, with Donald Trump at its epicenter. Explore the potential extremes that such divisions might foster, and the heralding of an era teetering on the precipice of profound change.

    We navigate the murky waters of an age potentially drawing to its close, marked by a biblical seven-year countdown, and the ensuing cultural and generational struggles to secure life's milestones against a backdrop of economic uncertainty. Listen as we dissect the growing divide between the fortunes of business owners and their employees, foreshadowing a societal correction on the horizon. In times where truth seems a rare commodity, we cling to the teachings of Jesus Christ and God, emphasizing their wisdom as our steadfast guide through these turbulent waters. Join us as we heed Jesus's stark warning against deception—an anchor in this storm, reminding us that without his teachings, this life might be as good as it gets.

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    Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far
    en-caFebruary 06, 2024

    Elon Musk on the Spiritual Odyssey in the Age of Intelligent Machines

    Elon Musk on the Spiritual Odyssey in the Age of Intelligent Machines

    Venture with us into the realm where our very essence intertwines with the divine blueprint, where we scrutinize the moral compass bestowed upon us by a higher power. Elon Musk joins the conversation, sounding the alarm on the unchecked progression of artificial intelligence, urging us to measure the strides of technology against the tapestry of celestial intention. We dissect the magnetic force that draws men and women together, an impulse carved by the divine for continuity of life, and confront the enigmatic vastness of a plan that is beyond human comprehension. With a blend of spiritual insight and technological foresight, this episode is a crucible of existential debate, ethical quandaries, and the timeless quest for understanding our place in God's grand scheme.

    As we cast our gaze toward the horizon of eternity, we delve into the Christian vision of a new Jerusalem, unraveling the rich symbolism woven into its twelve gates and the souls who will walk through them. Our narrative traverses the teachings of Jesus, who spoke of the greatest and least in the kingdom of God—words that beckon us to reflect on the gravity of our earthly deeds. Death's inevitability underscores the urgency to align our spiritual trajectory, as we grapple with the concept of salvation and the divine selection of the elect. Join us on this quest for truth, where we balance on the precipice of the known and the unknowable, seeking solace in the promise of a future crafted by the divine architect.

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    Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far
    en-caFebruary 03, 2024

    Pondering Political Disconnect and the Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecies

    Pondering Political Disconnect and the Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecies

    As someone who's walked the corridors of political discourse in both Canada and America, I've seen firsthand how the decisions made in lofty government chambers can sometimes echo with a hollow ring, far removed from the vibrant voices of the people they represent. My latest musings from Vernon, BC, are no exception, as I grapple with the reality of our leaders' actions—or lack thereof—and the implications for our democracy's health. It's a conundrum that seems to align eerily with the foreboding visions of biblical prophecies, suggesting our current state of affairs might be more than mere coincidence, but rather, a chapter of a grander narrative written long ago.

    In the midst of these reflective thoughts, I find solace and strength in the unwavering resilience of faith. The episode brings you into a contemplation of the signs that may indicate we are living in extraordinary times, times that were perhaps predestined. Through personal introspection, I highlight the pivotal role of Jesus Christ's sacrifices and underscore the necessity of placing trust in a divine plan—a plan that, despite the swirling chaos and mounting challenges of today's world, offers hope and comfort. This conversation is an invitation to join me in looking beyond the immediate turmoil and considering how each day is a step toward a deeper understanding of destiny and purpose.

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    Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far
    en-caFebruary 03, 2024

    Discovering the Priceless Nature of Eyesight and Unwavering Faith

    Discovering the Priceless Nature of Eyesight and Unwavering Faith

    Embark with me, Arlo Johnson, on a heartfelt journey through Vernon's soft winter as we uncover the remarkable intricacies of human sight. Imagine for a moment the sheer impossibility of another being placing value on your eyes, offering millions for the gift of vision you possess. Through the tale of a steadfast 92-year-old cowboy wrestling with macular degeneration, we'll explore the profound connection between our eyes and brain, and marvel at the complexity that even the most advanced technology can't replicate. I'll also share my own brush with the fragility of sight, how cataract surgery ushered in a personal renaissance of perfect vision, and the gratitude for medical marvels that renew our sense of wonder.

    With the clarity of newfound sight, let's examine the boundless horizons faith in God's promises can reveal. The multitude of churches and diversity in beliefs may seem a muddle, yet one constant remains: our immeasurable worth in the eyes of the divine. This episode promises to fill you with optimism, as we remember that each of us is considered priceless, far beyond the limits of human valuation. I extend an open hand, inviting you to join me in this auditory embrace, where we find solace in the truth of God and Jesus Christ, and celebrate the hope that comes from believing in something greater than ourselves.

    mosaic: Exploring Jewish Issues
    mosaic is Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County's news magazine show, exploring Jewish...

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    Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far
    en-caJanuary 25, 2024

    Traversing Life's Migrations and the Wisdom of Nature: Reflections on Spiritual Quests and Family Dynamics

    Traversing Life's Migrations and the Wisdom of Nature: Reflections on Spiritual Quests and Family Dynamics

    As the seasons change and birds instinctively journey to warmer climes, I find myself marveling at life's greater migrations and the spiritual quests we embark upon. In a heartfelt exploration of existence, I delve into the resilience of our planet and the enduring wisdom of nature, drawing lessons that resonate with the migratory patterns in our own lives. Witness the intricate dance between the Bible's ancient texts and modern secular perspectives as they influence the fabric of family dynamics, including a poignant personal revelation about my son and the broader implication of shifting family values.

    Contemplating the enigmatic balance of free will against the divine tapestry, I invite you into a profound discussion that traverses the realms of life, death, and the mysteries that may lie beyond. As we consider the notion of an afterlife free from earthly constraints, I reflect on the apocalyptic themes that have echoed through time, pondering the impact of our ancestors' journeys, including the Israelite migration into Europe, on our current identities. Each thread of discussion weaves into a hopeful conclusion where I extend a sincere wish for blessings, aiming to touch your spirit with a sense of solace and inspiration to carry into your daily life.

    mosaic: Exploring Jewish Issues
    mosaic is Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County's news magazine show, exploring Jewish...

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    Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far
    en-caJanuary 23, 2024

    Contemplating the Cosmic Battle: A Voyage Through Life's Chilling Changes and Spiritual Destiny

    Contemplating the Cosmic Battle: A Voyage Through Life's Chilling Changes and Spiritual Destiny

    Brace yourself for a soul-stirring expedition through the icy realms of Vernon, British Columbia, as I, Arlo Johnson, share my personal reflection on life's unpredictable transformations, juxtaposed against a brutal cold snap that gripped our town. As the local boiler fought the minus 25-degree onslaught, it struck me how these sudden shifts in weather resonate with the bigger picture of our daily lives—each day is a canvas of change, from minor ripples to life-altering waves. We venture into the vast unknown, contemplating the origins of humanity, the potential for divine orchestration in our existence, and the dazzling revelations offered by the James Webb Space Telescope. Together, we'll navigate the seas of skepticism and belief, pondering the great dance between the spiritual and the human, as we sail toward the horizon of this age's end.

    Picture the scene: a malevolent being faces his inevitable downfall, a narrative woven into the fabric of apocalyptic prophecy. This chapter delves into the deep waters of spiritual warfare, where the lines between darkness and light are drawn, leaving us to make the ultimate choice. Will you stand with the shadows, or will you walk in the light? This profound discussion anchors itself in the notion of free will and destiny, exploring whether our paths are preordained or if we truly hold the pen that writes our story. The final battle looms on the cosmic horizon, a true test of our convictions and the culmination of a millennia-old conflict. Join me for this thought-provoking journey as we confront the most existential of questions, revealing the essence of our own spiritual odyssey.

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    Arlo's Podcast, Life So Far
    en-caJanuary 20, 2024