
    The Importance of Personal Training for Youth Athletes

    enFebruary 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Preparing the body for optimal golf instructionGolf fitness trainers help improve ground force, core stability, and swing speed for better instruction results.

      While a golf fitness trainer cannot teach someone how to swing a golf club, they can help prepare the body to better utilize instruction from a certified golf instructor. This can include exercises to increase ground force production, improve core stability, and enhance overall swing speed. Personal training for adolescents or young athletes may seem unnecessary, but it can provide numerous benefits, such as improving athletic performance, reducing injury risk, and instilling healthy habits early on. It's essential to consider the individual's schedule and goals before deciding to invest in personal training. Don't forget to check out the ATF podcast's Instagram for additional content and to connect with the hosts.

    • Supporting each other during illnessPrioritizing rest and recovery, sharing remedies, and caring for each other can help young athletes recover faster from illnesses.

      When an athlete, especially a young one, falls ill, prioritizing rest and recovery, as well as taking necessary supplements and vitamins, can help expedite the healing process. Sharing experiences and caring for each other, as shown by the speaker taking zinc tablets and echinacea for her cold and staying in a separate room to help her training partner rest, can also contribute to a faster recovery. It's important to note that while the speaker mentioned the potential benefits of training during illness, it's crucial to listen to your body and prioritize rest when needed. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the topic of when a young athlete needs a trainer, emphasizing the significance of providing guidance and support during formative years in sports development.

    • Parents hire personal trainers for children's athletic developmentParents invest in personal trainers to enhance children's sports skills and improve physical attributes like balance, coordination, speed, and strength, not fully addressed during team practices.

      Parents are investing in personal trainers for their children to enhance their physical performance in sports beyond what is provided during team practices. While children are focusing on developing the skills of their chosen sport during practice, working with a personal trainer allows for a dedicated focus on improving physical attributes such as balance, coordination, speed, and strength. These aspects are not always addressed during team practices, leaving a gap in a child's overall athletic development. Parents recognize the importance of addressing these areas to give their children the best chance to succeed and excel in their chosen sport.

    • Bridging the gap between physical readiness and sport-specific performanceYoung athletes need personal trainers to enhance physical abilities and prepare them for optimal sport performance. Focus on mobility and proper techniques during their flexible and injury-resistant phase, as this window closes around late teens or early twenties. Tailor training methods to specific sports for maximum potential.

      A personal trainer's role is to prepare athletes for optimal performance by enhancing their physical abilities, while coaches provide sport-specific instruction. Younger athletes, who are generally more flexible and less prone to injuries, require a focus on mobility and teaching proper techniques. Unlike adults, their bodies are still in the learning phase, allowing them to improve speed and power, which is crucial for athletic development. However, this window of opportunity usually closes around late teens or early twenties. Therefore, it's essential to make the most of this period by incorporating appropriate training methods to maximize an athlete's potential. For instance, golf fitness training involves preparing the body to better receive swing instruction, while volleyball and hockey training includes drills that directly translate to the sport. Overall, a personal trainer's role is to bridge the gap between physical readiness and sport-specific performance.

    • Benefits of physical training during growth spurtDuring growth spurt, focus on coordination, speed, and light workouts. After growth spurt, progressively overload for muscle development.

      Physical training, including strength training, is beneficial for younger adults and children, especially during their growth spurt when their bodies are ready to support it. This period is crucial for developing coordination, speed, and the foundation for future strength training. Before the growth spurt, lighter workouts, such as resistance bands, and a focus on speed and coordination are more appropriate. Heavy strength training with progressive overload should be avoided as young bodies do not produce enough hormones for significant muscle development. Understanding the age-appropriate approach to physical training can help ensure a safe and effective fitness journey for young people.

    • Preparing young athletes for optimal performanceProper preparation through simulating movements and cross-training in various activities helps young athletes prevent injuries and improve overall performance.

      Proper preparation and cross-training are essential for young athletes to prevent injuries and improve their overall performance. Before introducing heavy weights or specific exercises, trainers recommend using tools like PVC pipes or balls to simulate movements and prepare the body. Cross-training, which involves engaging in various sports or activities, is also crucial as it helps athletes develop different movement patterns and maintain a well-rounded physique. If an athlete experiences a repetitive injury, trainers focus on stretching, strengthening the affected area, and increasing range of motion. However, they do not shy away from continuing to train the athlete, as inactivity can lead to muscle atrophy. The importance of proper preparation, cross-training, and active recovery cannot be overstated for young athletes to minimize the risk of injuries and maximize their potential.

    • Training non-dominant side for athletic benefitsNon-dominant side training can improve dominant side's speed and reduce muscle imbalances, contributing to injury prevention.

      Non-dominant side training, which involves making individuals perform movements opposite to their dominant side, can benefit athletic development. This training method, based on research, helps improve the dominant side's speed and reduces muscle imbalances, contributing to injury prevention. For students considering personal trainers, understanding this concept can aid in making a compelling case to parents or guardians about the potential benefits of personal training. Additionally, individuals dealing with hip flexor tightness, like the speaker, may face challenges sitting for extended periods, emphasizing the importance of addressing muscle imbalances and maintaining overall fitness.

    • Find the perfect chair for long work hours with the versatile meditation chairThe meditation chair by Piper Song offers multiple seating options, including kneeling, crisscross applesauce, and squatting positions, making it ideal for those who need to move frequently and alleviating pain during long work hours

      Finding the right chair for long hours of work can be a game-changer for those experiencing discomfort or pain. Traditional chairs and solutions like standing desks or walking pads may not suffice for individuals who need to move frequently or require versatility in their seating positions. Enter the meditation chair by Piper Song – a two-level chair that offers various seating options, including kneeling, crisscross applesauce, and squatting positions. This chair is particularly beneficial for those who fidget and cannot maintain one position for extended periods. Although it may come with a hefty price tag, the chair's adaptability and potential to alleviate pain make it a worthwhile investment.

    • Embracing change for better well-beingInvest in ergonomic chairs for pain relief and improved mobility. Involve children in outdoor activities for family bonding and health benefits. Share experiences and learn from each other.

      Staying active and flexible, whether through using ergonomic chairs or engaging in physical activities, is essential for overall well-being. The speaker expressed her excitement about her new ergonomic chair, which has alleviated her hip pain and allowed her to move freely. Additionally, she shared a heartwarming experience of her daughter helping her with farming tasks, demonstrating the importance of involving children in outdoor activities and the benefits of working together as a family. These experiences highlight the significance of embracing change, staying active, and enjoying the little moments in life. Furthermore, the speaker encouraged listeners to engage with the podcast and share their thoughts by leaving a rating, review, or sending a message on social media. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle, the joy of spending time with family, and the value of sharing experiences and learning from one another.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.


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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.

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    This episode of Addicted to Fitness is sponsored by the Perform Supplement from The Amino Company. The Perform supplement increases peak strength and endurance levels during exercise, 3x more effective on a gram-for-gram basis than any protein source, improves cognitive function, focus, and concentration, and decreases recovery time by quickly rebuilding muscle tissue. The 100% science back, clinically proven products from The Amino Company are keto-friendly, soy-free, vegetarian, gluten-Free, and Non-GMO. Visit aminoco.com/ATF to read more about the benefits of Heal & other ATF approved products from The Amino Company AND take advantage of our 30% discount by entering ATF at checkout.

    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Tampa Strength App.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.

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    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Golf Training Systems App or contact Shannon if you're interested in leanring more about a Chopra Health Program.


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    This episode of Addicted to Fitness is sponsored by the Perform Supplement from The Amino Company. The Perform supplement increases peak strength and endurance levels during exercise, 3x more effective on a gram-for-gram basis than any protein source, improves cognitive function, focus, and concentration, and decreases recovery time by quickly rebuilding muscle tissue. The 100% science back, clinically proven products from The Amino Company are keto-friendly, soy-free, vegetarian, gluten-Free, and Non-GMO. Visit aminoco.com/ATF to read more about the benefits of Heal & other ATF approved products from The Amino Company AND take advantage of our 30% discount by entering ATF at checkout.

    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Tampa Strength App

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