
    The Intersection S6 Ep9 Abortion. ProLife. ProChoice. Trump

    enJune 27, 2022

    About this Episode

    A trio of major stories this week, as the Supreme Court destroys Roe v. Wade and ignites a seismic furore across the country.

    The January 6th Committee uncovers some surprising revelations and the decision to boycott the committee comes back to bite. The Supreme Court also hands gun owners a big victory, while Congress appears close to passing a new gun bill.

    As the war in Ukraine continues, China and India are increasingly seen by the West as Putin’s enablers.

    Recent Episodes from Mark Riley: The Intersection of Politics and Culture

    Mark Riley The Intersection S9 Ep9.Israel.Gaza.Palestine. Claudine Gay. Jeffrey Epstein. Trump on ballots

    Mark Riley The Intersection S9 Ep9.Israel.Gaza.Palestine. Claudine Gay. Jeffrey Epstein. Trump on ballots

    The Israel-Gaza war continues unabated, but now Israeli rules of engagement are starting to be questioned by the nation’s allies. There are also fears about a larger conflict in the Middle East after Islamic State takes credit for a deadly bombing in Iran.

    The President of Harvard resigns in the wake of twin scandals. Is she a victim of culture wars, or is she simply a sloppy scholar?

    Donald Trump wants the Supreme Court to decide whether he should be on the ballot in Colorado. Big implications there.

    And what does the document dump on the friends of Jeffrey Epstein mean to those exposed. 

    The Intersection S9 Ep8 Gaza. Trump. Biden should not run

    The Intersection S9 Ep8 Gaza. Trump. Biden should not run

    The US vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling for a cease fire in the war between Hamas and Israel. This despite 13 nations voting for it.

    The Biden Administration is getting hard blowback, and not just from the expected places. 

    A federal judge approves a settlement barring the separation of migrant families. An appeals court has upheld but narrowed the gag order on a certain... former president.

    And finally, one of the toughest pieces I’ve ever had to do in a podcast. Biden should not run.

    Mark Riley The Intersection S9 Ep 7 Gaza - why not a tribunal Santos. Supreme Court Ethics Code

    Mark Riley The Intersection S9 Ep 7 Gaza - why not a tribunal Santos. Supreme Court Ethics Code

    Last time out I told you the war between Israel and Hamas was fast becoming a propaganda war fought on social media. The actual battlefield remains real, but so too does the fights on social media. Just ask Elon Musk.
    Are we finally rid of George Santos? The chair of the House Ethics Committee has ruled he has none, he’s announced he’s not running for re-election, but now there’s yet another effort to expel him from the House. Does it make a difference? There’s yet another climate study that says earth is in trouble. Is it time to tell the truth and say politicians aren’t capable of doing anything about it?  The Supreme Court has a new ethics code. Does it really mean anything?

    Mark Riley The Intersection S9 Ep6 Israel.Hamas.Palestine.Trump.Santos

    Mark Riley The Intersection S9 Ep6 Israel.Hamas.Palestine.Trump.Santos

    The war between Israel and Hamas has become a protracted struggle not just on the battlefields but between competing propaganda machines. Who’s winning? Meanwhile, the House passes a bill providing aid to Israel but not to Ukraine. Wait, what??? The damages trial against the Trump organization rolls on with his kids and the old man himself scheduled to testify. Why are infant deaths rising for the first time in two decades? Try as they might, the House can’t seem to get rid of serial grifter George Santos. Why? We’ll get into it

    Mark Riley The Intersection S9 Ep5 Hamas. Israel. Trump. Santos. Jim Jordan

    Mark Riley The Intersection S9 Ep5 Hamas. Israel. Trump. Santos. Jim Jordan

    Hamas and Israel, and the question that no one seems to want to ask. And of course, who stuck his foot in his mouth yet again? You know who, that’s who. The House Speakers’ sweepstakes, and the self-destruction of the Republican Party. A truly frightening study on climate change. George Santos, what again? And the labor market chills a bit.

    Mark Riley The Intersection S9 Ep4 Trump for Speaker of The House

    Mark Riley The Intersection S9 Ep4 Trump for Speaker of The House

    Israel and Hamas, at war again after the surprise attack against Israel. Chaos in the House, as Republicans try to figure out who their next speaker will be. Some in Congress think it ought to be Donald Trump? Seriously? Honestly? How did aid to Ukraine end up a litmus test for right wing lawmakers? A judge rules Alabama’s gerrymandered congressional lines have to be changed. 

    Mark Riley The Intersection Trump. Bob Menendez Gold Bullion. Tupacs killer S9 Ep3 - 02102023 17.14

    Mark Riley The Intersection Trump. Bob Menendez Gold Bullion. Tupacs killer S9 Ep3 - 02102023 17.14

    More bad road for Donald Trump, as judge rules inflated his worth and one of his defendants cops a plea.
    Just to show alleged corruption knows no one political party, New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez is indicted on corruption charges, and some of his allies say it’s time to go!
    Senator Diane Feinstein passes away at age 90, and a replacement has been named. Is the war in Ukraine degenerated into a protracted stalemate?
    And, 27 years after his murder, a man has been charged in the murder of Tupac Shakur.

    Mark Riley The Intersection S9 Ep2 Hunter Biden. UAW. Child Poverty in America

    Mark Riley The Intersection S9 Ep2 Hunter Biden. UAW. Child Poverty in America

    Joe Biden’s son Hunter indicted on gun charges. This has given rise to all manner of speculation, including charges of a hoax by the Deep State to whether Biden will now quit his bid for re-election. At the same time, the coward known as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy tries to keep the ultra-right wolves away from his door by announcing an impeachment probe. The United Auto Workers strikes against all Big Three automakers at once. Why has the number of American children living in poverty doubled from 2021 to ’22.

    Mark Riley The Intersection S8 Ep20 Trumps trial date. Biden late to Maui. B.R.I.C.S.

    Mark Riley The Intersection S8 Ep20 Trumps trial date. Biden late to Maui. B.R.I.C.S.

    We’ll be taking a look at, guess who, and his mug shot. Don’t be fooled, there’s another story that’s not being covered. There’s the story of Andrew Clyde, congressman and gun shop owner. Any wonder he’s against common sense gun legislation? Not too long ago, here were whispers about Michelle Obama running for president. Recent stumbles by Joe Biden have revived the talk. Should she think about it? Speaking of which, the president finally made it to Maui. His visit didn’t go as well as planned. He went against the backdrop of more than 300 people still listed as missing two weeks after the wildfires. We told you some episodes ago that the Brics countries were gearing up to compete with the West, especially the US. Guess what just happened.

    Mark Riley The Intersection Hawaii Wild Fires. Voting Age raised to 25. Abortion and Kansas

    Mark Riley The Intersection Hawaii Wild Fires. Voting Age raised to 25. Abortion and Kansas

     The fires in Hawaii are America’s latest climate tragedy. Did Maui’s utility do enough to contain them? A while back, I screened the gripping documentary All the Beauty and the Bloodshed. It’s all about artist Nan Goldin’s fight against the Sackler family, makers of, among other drugs, Oxycontin. The family eventually settled lawsuits for $6 billion dollars, but now the Supreme Court has stepped in and said not so fast. A GOP presidential hopeful wants to raise the voting age to 25.
    Are you young and can’t afford your rent? You’re not alone.  
    And a friend sent me an email about Kansas and abortion I just have to share with you. Tune in!