
    About this Episode

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is an absolute dumpster fire. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen gave the agency a 6-month deadline to disclose how they would spend the additional $80 billion in funding provided by Congress. Still, the IRS missed the deadline and doesn't appear worried. Taxpayers deserve increased transparency and accountability from the IRS to ensure that our tax dollars are used effectively and efficiently.

    Check out Grover's latest episode of the Leave Us Alone Podcast to learn more about the incompetence and negligence surrounding the IRS.

    Recent Episodes from Leave Us Alone with Grover Norquist

    Julie Su: Biden's Radical Nominee for Labor Secretary

    Julie Su: Biden's Radical Nominee for Labor Secretary

    President Biden’s nominee for Secretary of Labor, Julie Su, testified before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee yesterday. Su has a track record of implementing radical labor policies targeting independent contractors and the franchising sector alike. As the head of California’s labor department, she oversaw the squandering of over $30 billion in taxpayer dollars to unemployment fraud.

     ATR Federal Affairs Coordinator Rowan Saydlowski joins Grover Norquist on Leave Us Alone to discuss the dangers of Biden’s radical nominee.

    The School Choice Revolution

    The School Choice Revolution

    Today there are 21 states with school choice programs including 6 with universal school choice for K-12 education.

    As state legislators across the country restore parental rights in education, Corey DeAngelis joins Grover to discuss the coming School Choice Revolution. 

    Corey DeAngelis is a senior fellow at the American Federation for Children. He is also the executive director at Educational Freedom Institute, an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, a senior fellow at Reason Foundation, and a board member at Liberty Justice Center. 


    What's Next in Sports Betting?

    What's Next in Sports Betting?

    The most successful states that have legalized sports betting have a competitive, low-tax environment with focused regulation that puts integrity first – rather than using regulations to handicap certain companies or provide giveaways to sports leagues.

    In this episode, Grover talks with Brandt Iden, Vice President of Government Affairs for Fanatics Betting & Gaming. Previously, Iden served as a former Michigan State legislator where he was the primary author of Michigan’s sports betting bill. He possesses unique insights into this growing industry from both a market and elected official perspectives.

    Taxpayers Are Still on the Hook for Silicon Valley Bank- Here's Why

    Taxpayers Are Still on the Hook for Silicon Valley Bank- Here's Why

    Due to the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, American taxpayers are obviously concerned about the health of the U.S. banking system. Federal regulators insured deposits beyond the $250,000 FDIC limit to protect against "systemic risk." 

    The Biden administration disingenuously claims taxpayers will not be on the hook for bailing out SVB.

    Taxpayers will ultimately pay more for banking services because the regulators decided to insure all depositors, circumventing the $250,000 threshold.

    Tune in to Grover's latest episode of the Leave Us Alone podcast to learn more.

    Latest Nightmare from IRS: Government-run tax prep designed by Soros group

    Latest Nightmare from IRS: Government-run tax prep designed by Soros group

    Buried in the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act passed by Democrats is a provision that hands the IRS $15 million in taxpayer funding to lay the groundwork for creating a government-run tax preparation system.

    This would incentivize the IRS to overcharge taxpayers or withhold information from filers to maximize revenue. Private tax preparation companies, in contrast, have a financial incentive to minimize the taxes their clients owe.

    Congress should resist any effort that would empower the IRS to simultaneously act as tax preparer, collector, and auditor.

    Check out ATR President Grover Norquist's latest episode of Leave Us Alone. 

    The IRS is An Absolute Dumpster Fire

    The IRS is An Absolute Dumpster Fire

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is an absolute dumpster fire. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen gave the agency a 6-month deadline to disclose how they would spend the additional $80 billion in funding provided by Congress. Still, the IRS missed the deadline and doesn't appear worried. Taxpayers deserve increased transparency and accountability from the IRS to ensure that our tax dollars are used effectively and efficiently.

    Check out Grover's latest episode of the Leave Us Alone Podcast to learn more about the incompetence and negligence surrounding the IRS.

    Biden's Spending Blowout

    Biden's Spending Blowout
    Inflation is running rampant in Joe Biden’s America and Senate Democrats recently announced a $3.5 trillion spending packing, which they hope will be paid for by aggressive IRS enforcement.
    Join us for the latest episode of Grover Norquist's Leave Us Alone podcast where Grover will discuss what Biden's policies mean for American taxpayers.
    Leave Us Alone with Grover Norquist is a weekly video and audio podcast found on all major podcast streaming services:

    What Lessons Should Conservatives Learn From COVID and Government-Mandated Shutdowns

    What Lessons Should Conservatives Learn From COVID and Government-Mandated Shutdowns

    In this episode of Leave us Alone, Grover will be interviewing Phil Kerpen, president of American Commitment and the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, about COVID-19 and what lessons we should learn about pandemics and government policy.

    Phil Kerpen is president of American Commitment and a nationally syndicated columnist. American Commitment is dedicated to restoring and protecting America’s core commitment to free markets, economic growth, Constitutionally-limited government, property rights, and individual freedom.

    Leave Us Alone with Grover Norquist is a weekly video and audio podcast found on all major podcast streaming services:

    Democrats Don’t Want You to be Your Own Boss

    Democrats Don’t Want You to be Your Own Boss

    The misleadingly-named “Protecting the Right to Organize” (PRO) Act would dramatically increase Big Labor’s power at the expense of the American worker. The bill is a grab-bag of liberal priorities that would kill small businesses and threaten millions of American jobs.

    Yet the PRO Act is only one component of President Joe Biden’s war on worker freedom. ATR President Grover Norquist and Open Competition Center's Tom Hebert discuss the PRO Act and the Biden administration’s plan to carry out Big Labor’s agenda.


    Leave Us Alone with Grover Norquist is a weekly video and audio podcast found on all major podcast streaming services: